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1. Executive Summary
The objective of this report is to streamline automation of accounting in ABC Pty Ltd.
Findings have been made how automation can turn down setbacks from Manual
payment process such as technical issues and human errors. Results show these
setbacks can be eliminated by using new system software. This study concludes
that employing automation will lead to sustainable growth of organisation and fetch
real time data. It is recommended to use XERO software which is appropriate for
organisation needs.

2. Introduction

There has been a great increase in automation of accounting in all forms of

organisations. Our organisation has been dealing with numerous manual data entry
issues; errors, lack of efficiency, loss/lack of data during compliance audits and
communication breakdowns. Through this report, we will introduce and compare
three possible software solutions. Finally, we will recommend the software package
that is most suitable for ABC Pty Ltd

3. Findings
 Technical Issues
 Human errors

1 | Business Report | 20171129 v1.0 Professional Workplace Writing © Performance Education 2017
4. Conclusion

5. Recommendations

6. References

7. Appendix A (etc)

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