Final Exam 2010

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A. Choose the best answer.

( 40 marks )

1. Watermelon is a ___________________.
A vegetable.
B fruit
C flower

2. A shark lives in the _________________.

A nest
B house
C sea

3. He ____________ books from the library.

A borrows
B buys
C keeps

4. The ___________ book has many pages.

A heavy
B thin
C thick

5. A monkey can __________ from tree to

A swim
B swing
C fly

6. We wait for the train at _____ Central
Railway Station.
A a
B an
C the

7. They play football in the ________________.

A school
B stadium
C hall

8. Baby ducks are called __________________.

A ducklings
B cubs
C kittens

9. An eagle has a sharp ___________________.

A nose
B mouth
C beak

10. __________ is this animal ?

A Who
B What
C When

11. I had a toothache. I must see a __________.

A dentist

B police
C manager

12. The cat sleeps ______ the basket.

A on
B in
C under

13. The rabbit has big _________________.

A ears
B head
C nose

14. Mr Lim is a ______________.

A doctor
B teacher
C police

15. He has ____________ for breakfast.

A a cup of tea
B a bowl of porridge
C a glass of milk

16. He cuts his ____________________.

A fingernails.

B hands.

C toenails.

17. Mother is ________ the dishes in the

A cooking
B washing

C playing

18. Mr Lim is a __________________.

A postman.
B doctor.

C fireman.

19. The _____________ jumps over the fence.

A horse
B dog

C cat

20. The clown is at the _________________.

A market
B zoo

C circus

B. Choose the correct sentence. ( 20 marks )

21. A Today is cloudy.

B Today is very hot.

C Today is heavy rain.

22. A The tiger lives in the house.

B The tiger lives in the cage.

C The tiger lives in the jungle.

23. A They celebrate Teacher’s Day.

B They celebrate Christmas.

C They celebrate mom’s birthday.

24. A The children swing in the house.

B The children swing under the tree.

C The children swing at the


25. A He cuts the tree with a saw.

B He cuts the tree with an axe.

C He cuts the tree with a knife

26. A Puan Zila has a new computer.

B Puan Zila has a new sewing

C Puan Zila has a new washing

27. A The family goes for a picnic.

B The family goes for a breakfast.

C The family goes to a party.

28. A We take a boat to reach the island.

B We take a bus to reach the island.

C We take a bicycle to reach the


29. A Father keeps his money in the office.

B Father keeps his money in the book.

C Father keeps his money in the bank.

30. A We saw many ships at the airport.

B We saw many ships at the harbour.

C We saw many ships at the bus stop

C. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions. ( 10 marks )

There was a tame sea gull. It lived near the sea. It was
Gully by the children. Gully could fly. It had big wings. It had
feet. It also had a small, white bill. The bill is the beak. Gully would
by the rock. It would wait and wait. Then, it dives into the sea. It
would catch a fish. Next, it would rest on a rock. It would eat the
31. Where did Gully live ?

A Near the sea B In the cage C On the


32. What was Gully ?

A A fish B A duck C A sea

33. What is the colour of Gully’s bill ?

A White B Black C Yellow

34. What would Gully catch ?

AA frog B A bird C A fish
Chocolate Cake Butter Cookies
35. What happed to Gully ?
A It died in autumn last year.
B It died in winter last year.
C It died in summer last year.

D. Study the pictures below carefully. Then complete the table using
the information given. ( 10 marks )

• Three different • Chocolate chips

flavours • RM8.50
• RM6.00 • Packed in a tin
• Packed in a box 7 • Expired – June 2011
• Expired – January 2011 • Made in Australia
• Made in Malaysia
Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

Chocolate Cake Butter Cookies

Type Three flavours 36.

Packaging 37. Tin

Expiry date January 2011 38.

Made in 39. Australia

Price RM6.00 40.

E. Read the passage. Then, answer the questions that follow. ( 20

marks )

Hasnita was in the garden. She heard a sound. She saw a


cat in the drain. She took the cat home. She washed the cat with
shampoo. Then, she gave the cat some milk and little fish meat to


Hasnita decided to keep the cat. She named it as ‘Combi”.

Hasnita and her sisters always play with ‘Combi’. They loved it so

41. Where was Hasnita ?

She was in ________________________________________________________.

42. What did she see ?

She saw __________________________________________________________.

43. Where did she see it ?

She saw it ________________________________________________________.

44. What did Hasnita do to the cat ?

She _______________________________________________________________.

45. What did Hasnita name the cat ?

She _______________________________________________________________.


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