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Good morning classmates, we on the affirmative side will lay unto you why we favor the
political/family dynasty system of government.
What is political dynasty, does it exist in our country, what are its effects to our country, do we as
a country benefit from it? These are the questions that we’ll try to enlighten ourselves today.
Let us define first what is a political dynasty. Wikipedia defines it as a political family (also
referred to as political dynasty) is a family in which several members are involved in politics
and businesses, particularly electoral politics. Members may be related by blood or marriage;
often several generations or multiple siblings may be involved.
Does it exist in the Philippines? There are several families involved in Philippine politics and
some of them have more than one member of their family having a position in either local or
national government. Some are elected and others are appointed. Does this constitute a political
The Philippines' top seat of power itself belongs to a political family. President Rodrigo Duterte
hails from Davao City, where his children hold elective posts: Sara Duterte is mayor, Sebastian
Duterte is vice mayor, and Paolo Duterte is the city's 1st district representative.
What are its effects to our country? Political dynasties have the advantage of continuity. The
more control the family has over the government unit, the more members of the family can occupy
positions of power. Lets site as an example the good things done by a certain politician, like
President Duterte. It has been shown that his satisfactory rating as a president is still very high
since he started office. This means that many of our people trust and believes in President
Duterte. For all the good things that he tried reforming in the Philippines, what do you as citizen
would like to happen? Do you wish for his projects and reforms to continue once he is done with
his presidency or do you wish for another change? That is why many are clamoring for Mayor
Sarah Duterte to run for the highest office in the next election, so that she may continue what her
father has been doing since they are from the same family and with that may be they have the
same principles and morals to rule righteously. If this is to happen, surely there can be a long-
term program of continuity in the Philippine reforms in leadership and projects for the Philippines
to be again be on its way to being one of the top performing countries in the world.
As running in the election is a very expensive, not too many are able to be approve as a candidate.
Most will be declared as nuisance candidate, a candidate who has no capacity to fund his or hers
candidacy. Those that will be approved as a candidate are those that has the political
background, political affiliations and monetary capabilities to run for election, and these are mostly
the families who already are in power or have served the country either in national or local
government units.
In the Philippines, also a big factor is name recall. A familiar surname who has been serving or
have been elected has a great advantage of winning the election and these mainly is one of the
reasons why political dynasty or family dynasty often has been present in the Philippines.

For the next few minutes we will learn more about the advantages of a political or family dynasty.

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