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Supporting data.

Argument 1.
BBC (2014): "Without using controls such as built-
in security, safety and privacy features and
The uncontrolled and unsupervised use of
search engine filters, children will almost
technology currently allows young people certainly run into something that really isn't
and children in the United States to have appropriate for their age, or any age."
access to an internet network whose content BBC Technology. (2014). Parents unaware of
does not have any classification or content dangers faced by children on smartphones.

THESIS. Supporting data.

Jary (2018): “Research has found that an a round
(You must use should or teenager's risk for depression jumps 27% when he or she
shouldn´t) frequently uses social media. And kids who use their
Argument 2. phones for at least three hours a day are more likely to
American parents should be suicidal.”
limit the access to The growing dependence of young people
technology of their child in and children for technology has not only put National Crime Victimization Survey (2015): In the most
their mental integrity but also physical recent iteration of this survey (conducted in 2015), 11.5%
order to protect their
of students reported that they had been “bullied online or
childhood and safety. safety in danger as a consequence of that by text” though the way cyberbullying was measured in
for being part of the technology is this year changed and therefore it cannot easily be
compared to the other three years.
decreasing each time more the privacy and
intimity of the person. Jary, S. (2018). Online dangers: Online safety tips for parents,
kids and teens. Retrieved:

NCVS. (2015). Crime and safety surveys. Retrieved:

Supporting data.
Pogue (2008): “Sure, there are dangers. But they’re
Technology must be understood as the hugely overhyped by the media. The tales of pedophiles
future that must be handled by the new luring children out of their homes are like plane crashes:
they happen extremely rarely, but when they do, they
generations, currently it is thought that the make headlines everywhere. The Internet is just another
risks of technoclogy are being overvalued facet of socialization for the new generation; as always,
and that access to the internet has become an common sense and a level head are the best
essential right and duty for education.
Pogue, D. (2008). How Dangerous Is the Internet for
Children? The New York Times.

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