Finals Social Science 2nd Semi

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education – Region VII

Division of Cebu Province
Osmeña St., Poblacion, Daanbantayan, Cebu
School Year 2019 - 2020
SEMI –FINAL IN Discipline and Ideas in Applied Social Science

Name:___________________________Section:____________Date:___________Score: __


1. This involves respecting the clients as they are under any circumtances and understands
the meaning and causes of the clients behavior. This also means recognizing the
individual or people strengths and potentials , weakness and limitations
a. Clients participation in problem solving b. Acceptance c. Self- determination d.
2. The idea behind this principle is that the clients who are needs have the right to
determine their needs and how they should be met
a. Self- determination b. Individualization c. Confidentiality d. Acceptance
3. This means that the client should be accorded with appropriate protection within the
limits of the law , from any harm that might result from the information she/he divulges
to the worker
a. Confidentiality b. Acceptance c. Self- determination d. Individualization
4. Each person requires for the harmonious development of his power socially provided
and socially safeguarded opportunities for satisfying his/her basic needs in the physical
,psychological , economic, cultural ,aesthetic and spiritual realms
a. Right to satisfy basic needs b. Self –realization and contribution to society c.
Acceptance d. Confidentiality
5. Each person has the right to self –fulfillment which is derived from his/her inherent
capacity and thrust towards the goals
a. Responsibility to common goods b. Right to self –fulfillment c. Responsibility to
society d. Right to satisfy basic needs
6. Each person has the responsibility as a member of the society to seek way of fulfillment
that contribute to common good
a. Responsibility to common good b. Responsibility to society c. Rights to self-
fulfillment d. Acceptance
7. Refers to restorative ,curative and remedial action social workers are responsible for
assisting individuals and group to determine and settle or reduce the problem that came
out or the imbalance between the individuals and environment.
a. Rehabilitative function b. Preventive function c. Developmental function d. Self-
8. Deals with a mixture of people with different concerns and issues .
a. Clientele b. Counselor c. Audience d. Counseling
9. Population is composed of people who abused drugs , people who use tabacco , women
older adults, people with aids , victim of abuse gay men and lesbian woman
a. Counselor b. Clientele c. Audience d. Special Counseling
10. Counselor have the capacity to accept others , belief in potential for change awareness
of ethical and moral choices and sensitive to values held by client and self.
a. Personal Soundness b. Personal beliefs and attitudes c. Conceptual Ability d. Mastery
of techniques
11. This stage can be undertaken at any point in the counseling stage
a. Termination and follow –up b. Research and evaluation c. Intervention and problem –
solving d. Formulation and counseling goals
b. Deals with mixtures of people with different concerns and issues
a. People with AIDS b. Counselors c. Special Counseling d. Counseling
c. Population is composed of people who abuse drugs, people who use tabacco women,
and people with disabilities
a. Counselors b. Special Counseling c. Clientelle d. People with AIDS
d. Refers to a process of reaching out to students with concerns on drugs , family and
peers or gang involvement
a. Career Counseling b. School Couseling c. Group Counseling d. Mental Health
e. Envolving and challenging counseling field , this type of counseling aids individuals on
decision and planning concerning their career
a. School Counseling b. Mental Health Counseling c. Career Counseling d. Group
TEST II: TRUE or FALSE Write T if the statement below is true and F when it is false.
______1. Social workers associations, both local and international have formulated their
own ethnical standard which usually define the rights , responsibilities ,and
______2. The social worker role as an advocate involves networking , enabling
,bargaining, negotiating , and manipulating the environment on behalf of the client,
______3. Respect is one of the ethical standard relative to the ethical responsibility to
colleagues in communication with clients or with other professionals
______4. Cultural competence and social diversity means understanding culture and its
function in human behavior and society
______5. Parole is the administration of penalty in such a way that the offender is
corrected , that is her/his present behavior is kept within acceptable limits at the same
time his general life adjustment is modified
______6. The elite is composed of individuals or group who are in a position provide the
resource needed by the worker in her/his work with the clients
______7. Foster care is a process undertaken to provide substitutes parental care
through the appointment of a legal guardian for the child
______8. The NASW ethical standards and divided into six areas that include
responsibilities to clients ,, responsibilities to colleagues responsibilities in practice
setting , responsibilities as a professional
______9. The following are the social workers roles in direct service. Social broker,
therapist, documenter , and mobilizer of community elites
______10. Primary settings in social works practice include the school hospital
correctional facilities , human resources developments , corporations, government
planning departments and political offices
______11. Integrity of profession as a standard on ethical responsibility to the social
work profession requires social worker to work towards the maintenance and
promotion of high standard of practice and should uphold and advance the values ,
ethics, knowledge ,and mission of the profession
______12. Interventive of roles to the combination of task that is expected to be
performed by the social worker to accomplish the goals agreed upon with the client
______13. Foster care , adoption , and probation are forms of services categorized
under child welfare.
______14. The preventive function of social work ascertain and strengthen the full
potentials and capacities to help individual make full use of her/his potentials and
capacities and to enchance the effectiveness of available social or community
______15. The social worker role as a mediator involves acting as an intermediary or
conciliator between person or in groups and the social workers engages her/his efforts
to resolve between the clients and other parties.

TEST III: MATCHING TYPE : Give the right answer in each of the items asked in set A by
selecting from the choices indicated in set B
A. B.
1. Counselors who are competent display ability a. Sigmund Freud
to listen , communicate, emphasize , be present aware b. AIDs
of non-verbal c. Research and Evaluation
2. Psychoanalytic Theory d. Interpersonal Skills
3. Individual Psychology e. IASSW
4. Analytic Psychology f. Development Goals
5. Focus of counselor is on helping couples and families g. Marriage and family
discover option and opportunities for effectiveness h . DSWD
family living i. IFSW
6. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome j. Alfred Adler
7. National Association of Social Workers k. Social Worker
8. United Nations of Economic Social and Culture l. NASW
Organization m. Poster Care
9. International Federation of Social Workers n. AASW
10. Australian Association of Social Workers o. Society
11. International Association of Social Workers p. Carl Jung
12. Department of Social Welfare and Development
. q. Child and adolescent
. Counseling
13. Deals with mixture of people with different concerns r. Cognitive Goals
and issues s.UNESCO
14. This stage can be undertaken at any points in t. Counselors
counseling stage
15. Developing of expertise in the counseling profession
16. Involves acquiring the basic foundation of learning and
cognitive skills
17. Assist in the meeting or advancing the clients human growth
And development including social personal emotional cognitive
And physical wellness,
18. A full-time substitute care of children outside their own
home by people, other than their biological parents
19. Profession concerned with helping individuals , families
group and communities to enchance their individual and
collective well-being
20. The aggregate of people living together in a more or less
ordered community

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