2019 Regional Haze Situation - ASEAN

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9/19/2019 Home – Regional Haze Situation |


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Moderate Haze Dense Haze 2500 ft Wind Low Confidence Hotspot Medium Confidence Hotspot High Confidence Hotspot

Wind Speed (km/h) Rainfall (mm)

Latest Weather and Haze Situation

Under the influence of the rainbands associated with the tropical depression to the northeast of the Philippines, scattered showers fell over parts of the northern
ASEAN region. In the southern ASEAN region, dry weather continued to prevail except for isolated showers in Peninsular Malaysia. Moderate to dense smoke haze
continued to emanate from persistent hotspots in the central and southern provinces of Riau, Jambi, and South Sumatra of Sumatra. In Jambi, persistent clusters of
hotspots have been emitting significant amount of smoke haze since yesterday. Some of the smoke haze from Sumatra has been blown by the prevailing winds to
affect Singapore and parts of Peninsular Malaysia. In Kalimantan, widespread smoke haze from persistent hotspot clusters continued to be observed in South,
Central and West Kalimantan. Some of the smoke haze has been transported to the nearby sea areas and western Sarawak. Reduced visibility due to haze was
also reported in parts of Sabah and Brunei Darussalam. Extensive smoke haze was observed over the South China Sea area due to haze blown there from Sumatra
and Kalimantan.
Updated 7:16 PM 18 Sep

Weather and Haze Outlook

For the next few days, rainy conditions are forecast over the northern ASEAN region, with prevailing winds expected to be variable in direction over the Mekong sub-
region. In the southern ASEAN region, the weather is expected to remain dry except for some showers over northern Sumatra and parts of Malaysia. The prevailing
winds are forecast to continue blowing from the southeast or southwest. With hotspot activities in Sumatra and Kalimantan expected to continue, the hazy conditions
in the region are likely to persist.
Updated 7:16 PM 18 Sep

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