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Program Objective:

To give excellent basic education and integrate values that will encourage community
members to be service oriented by observing the MMIS Curricular Standards

Activity Objectives:

 To promote understanding among the campus journalists the significance of the

application of the communication arts, basic technical skills , and the responsibilities
and privileges in journalism .
 To develop intelligent and responsible student leadership and good citizenship in a
free and democratic society.

General Overview of Implementation:

The School Paper Coordinators in both campuses were given the chance to attend
the seminar –workshop on campus journalism with the theme , “ Fostering the 21st Century Skills
and Character Based Education Through Campus Journalism. The activity started last August
31-and ended on September 2, 2018 at Crown Regency, Guadalupe , Cebu, City. It started at
around 9:00 a.m. with all the participants from the different public and private school in Cebu
City Division. The DEPED Cebu City Division was spearheaded by the English Division Focal
Person and Education Program Supervisor , Dr. Norman Gabales who then gave his welcome
address to inspire all the participants. The speaker for the first session was Mr. Jomar Furigay,
from Las Pinas City Science High School. He had a thorough presentation on News Writing,
Headline Writing, Science Writing, and Feature Writing. He stressed on the guidelines, format ,
key elements ,and kinds of news, feature ,and Science and Technology writing. He gave us some
samples for us to critique the accuracy of the report. We were grouped by table to do the
activities as an application of what we have learned. Each group collaborated and had the final
write-up based on the given situations and details.
The next day, September 1, 2018 , was another challenging day. We started at around
8:00 a.m. with Ruby Flores from City Central School as the facilitator. We did the usual routine
of giving honor to our Almighty with a solemn song of worship and followed with a nationalistic
song. Most of the participants were again excited to listen to the speaker from Luzon Region. He
is Mr. Jared P. Manalastas, the English Coordinator of Montessori de Sagrada Familia in
Region 3 .He is an expert in Copy Reading and Headline Writing. He shared all the symbols that
are used in Copy Reading which flame our energy to really follow through .The participants
were given samples and followed it up activities to assess our capabilities. Everyone had fun to
apply the symbols needed. After the first session , it was then followed by a talk about
photojournalism. He is Manuel C. Zacarias, an expert for this category . He taught us all the
styles in taking good pictures that makes a story. This speaker also shared his expertise about
Editorial Writing, Collaborative Desktop Publishing ,and Sports Writing . We’re given the
chance to watch a video clip about Federalism for Editorial Writing and ASEAN Competition for
badminton between China and Malaysia for Sports Writing .The participants had the breather for
the writing activity. The last session for the day was Editorial Cartooning . It was a productive
afternoon with Zachary Zach Borromeo. He shared his skills in cartooning with actual
illustration of a specific topic following his steps to make a cartoon very emphatic. He
supposedly be asking the participants to really draw, however, one of the participants expressed
and suggest that it’s better to give the critique than to draw, because most of the participants
admitted that the category needs someone who has the gift and talent to draw. He gave
consideration to the said comment and had us the chance to view a sample and gave us the
chance to critique. It was indeed a very productive day for all of us. We ended at around 4:30 in
the afternoon.
Day 3 was a holy day of obligation, yet we still continue the last remaining topics
intended for the seminar. However, the organizer made us closer to our Creator by starting the
session with a solemn song entitled ,“Still” coupled with a heartfelt prayer. It was followed by a
nationalistic song,” Bayan Ko”. The participants were asked to dance as an energizer, “ Gagawin
ang Lahat “. The host inspired us with her own composition, a short poem that captures the
attention of everyone.
Column Writing was the first session discussed by Jared Manalastas. He gave some
possible topics to be used as an activity for our young campus journalists to unleash their highest
potentials. He expound on the difference between an editorial writing and column writing. He
gave some samples for us to familiarize the elements of the said write up.
Mr. Manuel Zacarias was our speaker for lay-outing. His expertise really give us the
clearer picture of how it is done. However ,we should be equipped with the necessary skills to
achieve the expected school paper based on the given tips / guidelines.
Finally , the last topic includes script writing , radio and T.V. broadcasting. It was shared
by Mr. Peter from Luzon who is currently working at the DEPED Central Office in Manila. He
discussed thoroughly the characteristics and the manner on how it is done. There was a sample
on radio broadcasting for us to critique the strengths and weaknesses based on the given
guidelines and characteristics. He emphasized the principle WYSWYS ( What you see is what
you say )
The most awaited part was the awarding of the certificates to all participants. Everyone
went home with a beaming smile for it symbolizes the contentment and achievement on the part
of the participants at the same time very hopeful to transfer the learning to the young campus
journalists in each school.
The session ended at around 3:30 p.m.
Day 1 –August 31, 2018

Dr. Norman Gabales Mr. Joemar L. Furigay

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