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Role Task PIC

Advisors Advising throughout the program 1. Principal Ustaz Aden
2. Assistant Principal Aunty Nori
3. HOD of High School Aunty Norazlin

Program Directors 1. To plan and conduct the program 1. Aunty Zee

2. To preparation of the schedule of the program 2. Aunty Amalina
3. To elect the program committee 3. Mr Hazriq
4. To decide the theme of the program
5. To ensure the program runs smoothly

Public Relation (PR) 1. VIPs Invitation 1. Aunty Misha

- Mr. Mohd Fadzil Hashim 2. Aunty Suhana to help with
- Madam Effizah registration
- Madam Ladyana Zoraya
- Ustaz Aden
- Aunty Nori
- Aunty Azlin
2. Parents’ Invitation
- Graduates’ parent invitation
- Attendance confirmation (graduates, parents,
students, teachers ,staffs)
4. Registration

Costume 1. Graduation Robes and cap 1. Mr Hazriq

Technical 1. Sound system, projector, lighting and slides control 1. Uncle Amin
2. Slides preparation 2. Uncle Amirull
- Award giving ceremony 3. Uncle Zain
- Graduates photos 4. En . Syahidan & Teams
Photography 1. Graduates photos in graduation robe and cap 1. Aunty Amalina
2. Photos and videos recording throughout the events 2. Creative Team

Awards 1. Award categories 1. Aunty Iza

2. Name list of the award winners 2. Aunty Pikah
3. Certificates and trophies

Door gift 1. Door gift for 2019 graduates 1. Aunty Hasanah

2. Aunty Afiqah

Stage Performances 1. Stage performance preparation 1. Ustazah Syafikah

2. Music Teacher

Program Book 1. Program book preparation 1. Ustazah Syafikah

2. Poster/Flyers 2. Ustazah Huda

Protocol 1. Event script preparation 1. Aunty Nawal

2. Event presenter
3. Choosing Doa recitant
4. Ensure the event starts and ends on time

Venue preparation 1. To prepare the event venue 1. Aunty Siti

- Stage 2. Aunty Diana
- Event floor (Table,Chair,etc) 3. Cikgu Azmi
- Theme decoration 4. CIkgu Izzat
2. To ensure the cleanliness after the program (with the 5. Uncle Chaibou
help of all high school teachers) 6. PE Team
7. Mandarin Team
8. Student Council

Stage coordinator To coordinate the stage flow Mr Hazriq

- With microphone

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