Physics Sample Paper6

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(Three hours)

Answer all questions in Part I and six questions from Part II, choosing two questions
from each of the Sections A, B and C.

PART I (20 Marks)

Answer all questions.
Question 1
A. Choose the correct alternative (a), (b), (c) or (d) for each of the questions given below: [5]

(i) Two point charges 17.7 μC and -17.7μC, separated by a very small distance, are kept
inside a large hollow metallic sphere. Electric flux emanating through the sphere is:

(a) 2 ×106 Vm
(b) -2 ×106 Vm
(c) Zero
(d) 4 ×106 Vm

(ii) If two thin lenses having focal lengths f1 and f2 and dispersive powers (of their materials)
ω1 and ω2 respectively, are kept in contact, condition for their achromatism is:

(a) 1 f1  2 f 2  0

(b) 1 ( f1 ) 2  2 ( f 2 ) 2  0

1 2
(c)  0
f1 f2

1 2
(d) 2
 0
( f1 ) ( f 2 )2

(iii) Young‟s double slit experiment is performed with same setup but with red and blue
coloured lights. The fringe width is

(a) larger for blue coloured light

(b) larger for red coloured light

(c) same for both red and blue coloured light

(d) larger for red coloured light only for lower order of fringes

(iv) In a purely capacitive circuit

(a) the current and voltage are in same phase

(b) the current leads the voltage by a phase π/2

(c) the current lags the voltage by a phase π/2

(d) the current lags the voltage by a phase π

(v) A proton and an α particle are moving with same kinetic energy. The ratio of the
wavelengths of the de Broglie waves associated with the proton and the α particle is

(a) 1 : 4

(b) 4 : 1

(c) 1 : 2

(d) 2 : 1

B. Answer all questions given below briefly and to the point: [15]

(i) The equivalent capacitance of two capacitors of equal capacitance and connected in series
is 2 μF. Find the capacitance of each capacitor.

(ii) Write down the vector form of Ohm‟s law.

(iii) A conductor is carrying 2 A current. Find the number of free electrons flowing per
second through a cross section of this conductor.

(iv) An electric dipole of moment 10-28 C m is placed in a uniform electric field 103 V/m.
Find the maximum possible torque experienced by the dipole.

(v) The magnetic field produced at the center of a circular current carrying coil is B0. What
will be the magnetic field at the center if the number of turns be doubled and the current
flowing through it be halved?

(vi) A convex lens of focal length 20 cm is immersed in water of refractive index 4/3. Find
the focal length of the lens in water. (The refractive index of the material of the lens is 3/2.)
(vii) Arrange the following electromagnetic spectra according to the increasing order of

(a) ultraviolet ray (b) X – ray (c) radio wave (d) infrared wave

(viii) Write down an important difference between interference and diffraction.

(ix) Give one example each for the source of (a) spherical wavefront (b) cylindrical

(x) Which factors does the magnification power of an eyepiece depend on?

(xi) Write down Einstein‟s photoelectric equation mentioning the symbols used.

(xii) Draw a labelled circuit diagram of a bridge wave rectifier for full wave rectification.

(xiii) Explain the statement: “Half life of Polonium is 3.8 days.”

(xiv) Find the energy equivalence of 1 amu mass.

(xv) In Semi-Conductor Physics, what is LED?

PART II (50 Marks)

Answer six questions in this part, choosing two questions

from each of the Sections A, B and C.


Answer any two questions.

Question 2

(a) State Gauss‟ theorem in electrostatics and apply it to show the electric field at a distance r
from a point charge q is given by E  . [3]
4 0 r 2

(b) A parallel plate capacitor has a capacitance C. A third plate of same area is introduced
exactly at the midway between the parallel plates. Find the capacitance of the new
arrangement. [3]

(c) Define Seebeck effect. Show in a graph the variation of the thermoelectric power of a
thermocouple with the temperature of the hot junction where the cold junction is at constant
temperature. Show the neutral temperature and inversion temperature in this plot. [3]
Question 3

(a) Apply Kirchoff‟s Laws to determine the currents I1 and I2 in the circuit shown in Figure 1
below: [3]

Figure 1

(b) Compare the diamagnetic, paramagnetic and ferromagnetic substances for the following
physical quantities (i) permeability (ii) susceptibility. [2]

(c) State Biot – Savart‟s law. Apply this law to calculate the force between two parallel
current carrying conductors. [4]

Question 4

(a) Calculate the phase difference between the current and the supply voltage for the circuit
given in Figure 2 . [3]

Figure 2

(b) Define self-inductance. What is it SI unit? [2]

(c) Show that the average power consumed in a circuit driven an AC source is P av =
VrmsIrmscosφ where Vrms and Irms respectively are the rms values of voltage and current, φ is
the phase difference between the current and voltage in the circuit. Mention two circuits
where no power is lost. [4]

Answers any two questions

Question 5

(a) A ray of light, LM, incident normally on one face AB of a prism ABC having refracting
angle A = 50° grazes the adjacent face AC (See Figure 3 below). What is the refractive index
of its material? [2]

Figure 3

(b) State Brewster‟s law. Show that for an incidence at the Brewster‟s angle, the reflected and
transmitted rays make an angle 90° with each other. [3]

(c) Explain the magnifying power of a microscope. Draw a labelled diagram representing the
working principle of a simple microscope. [3]

Question 6

(a) A convex spherical surface having radius of curvature of 20cm separates air from glass.
When a point object „O‟ is kept in air, on its axis, at a distance of 50 cm from its pole, (see
Figure 4), a real image „I‟ is formed in glass at 300 cm from the pole P. Calculate the
refractive index of glass. [3]

Figure 4
(b) An optical system consists of a thin convex lens „L‟ of focal length f = 15 cm and a
convex mirror M having radius of curvature R=36 cm, arranged co-axially at a distance of 24
cm. (See Figure 5 below). Where should an object O be kept so that its inverted image I
formed by the lens mirror combination coincides with the object itself? [3]

Figure 5

(c) Write down the conditions for sustained interference pattern. [2]

Question 7

(a) Fraunhofer single slit experiment is performed with a visible light of wavelength 600 nm.
Find the angular width of the central order pattern if the dimension of the slit be 100 μm. [3]

(b) Draw a labelled diagram of Fresnel‟s biprism experiment. Mention one application of this
experiment. [3]

(c) The power of a lens is – 2.5 D. What is the focal length and the nature of the lens? [2]


Answers any two questions

Question 8

(a) Draw a labelled circuit diagram for studying the input and the output characteristics of an
NPN transistor. Present the output characteristics of an NPN transistor showing different
regions. [3]

(b) What is the symbol of a NOR gate? Write its truth table. [2]

(c) Calculate the energy released in the following nuclear reaction: [3]
H1 + 2H1 = 4He2

Mass of 2H1 = 2.01419 u, Mass of 4He2 = 4.00277 u.

Question 9

(a) Figure 6 below shows a simple diagram of a modern X ray tube. (i.e. Coolidge tube). [3]

Figure 6

(i) Find the minimum wavelength of the X rays emitted by the X ray tube.

(ii) What will be the effect of replacing the 6 V battery by a 9 V battery on the emitted X

(b) What is meant by mass defect of a nucleus? How is it related to its binding energy? [2]

(c) Starting with the Law of Radioactive Disintegration, show that: [3]

N  N 0 e  t , where the terms have their usual meaning.

Question 10

(a) (i) Mention an experiment for the measurement of charge – to – mass ratio of electron. [3]

(ii) Using Bohr‟s energy quantization formula for hydrogen atom find wavelengths of first
two lines of the Balmer series.

(b) (i) Explain the statement: “Work function of a certain metal is 2.0 eV.” [3]

(ii) Calculate the maximum wavelength of electro-magnetic radiation which will cause photo
emission from this metal.

(c) What is de Broglie hypothesis? Write down an experiment that proved de Broglie
hypothesis. [2]
Useful Constants and Relations:

1. Planck‟s constant (h) = 6.6 × 10-34 Js

2. Speed of Light in vacuum (c) = 3.0 × 108 ms-1

3. Charge of an electron (-e) = 1.6 × 10-19 C

4. Mass of an electron (me) = 9.0 × 10-31 kg

εo = 8.85 × 10-12 Fm-1

l eV = 1.6 × 10-19 J

lu = 931 MeV

π = 3.14

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