Is Macs3 Container Roro PDF

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Loading Computer System

seacos MACS3 Version NET 1.1

Version NET 1.1

Container Ships
and RoRo Vessels


INTERSCHALT maritime systems AG – Wilhelmstrasse 7-9 – 24937 Flensburg – phone +49 (0) 461 43041-0
fax +49 (0) 461 43041-499 (-498) – email to:
seacos MACS3 Version NET 1.1

MACS3 for Container Ships and RoRo Vessels Overview

The seacos MACS3 Loading Computer System is a digital computer-based system for
commercial ships consisting of a loading computer (hardware) and a full range of software
products, which can easily and quickly ascertain whether operational limitations are
exceeded for any loading condition.

The MACS3 Loading Computer System for Container Ships and RoRo Vessels consists of
the MACS3 Basic features extended by modules for the handling of container cargo
(BELCO) and / or General Cargo (MIXCARGO).

For features common to all kinds of vessels like Installation, user interface, window handling,
file handling, reports etc. please see the manual MACS3 Basics.

For all items related to Stability and Longitudinal Strength Calculation please see the manual
MACS3 Stability and Stress Calculation.

For all items related to container handling please see the manual BELCO.

For all items related to RoRo and Genreal Cargo please see the manual MIXCARGO.

For information about the additional options please see their respective manuals.

Throughout this manual, the term MACS3 is used as a short reference to the seacos MACS3
Loading Computer System.

INTERSCHALT maritime systems AG – Wilhelmstrasse 7-9 – 24937 Flensburg – phone +49 (0) 461 43041-0
fax +49 (0) 461 43041-499 (-498) – email to:
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