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The Reality of Globalization

The issue on whether globalization is ultimately beneficial or harmful to the average citizen of
the world is clearly still a much publicly debated issue.

The rise in extreme global income inequality has been attributed to globalization. Trump’s
presidential victory and the Brexit win in the UK have also been traced to popular disenchantment
with globalization; and a perception that it has benefited only the very wealthy few. The DHL Global
Connectedness Index – which tracks international trade, capital, information and people flow – shows
that globalization slowed down in 2015 but did not go into reverse.
Duterte on inclusive growth, globalization
President Duterte to be a shrewd political leader, anti-crime fighter particularly against drug
operations, and advocate of strong and effective government.

He said the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the Association of Southeast Asian
Nations (ASEAN) as international fora have a key role in ensuring that those who are left behind in
the globalized world will get the help they need. “To unleash the potential of globalization, we must
create an inclusive environment where everyone has opportunity for growth,” Duterte said in his
keynote address at Session 7 of the APEC CEO Summit titled “Regional Economic Integration-
Lessons Learnt from ASEAN”. “This can be achieved through promotion of competition,
complementation, and cooperation among businesses.”

The President also underscored the importance of improved physical and digital connectivity and
people-to-people exchanges in achieving inclusivity. He said and stated that big business must reach
out to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to address the “pessimism and suspicion of
those who do not feel the benefits of free trade and globalization.” I, therefore, propose that businesses
adopt an inclusive business model that provides opportunities to those at the bottom of the pyramid.
As CEOs of big businesses, you are in a unique position to effect change, to the extent that you can
involve as many MSMEs in your own supply chains,” Duterte told business leaders. “You can involve
as many MSMEs in your own country and retail operations. This way, you don’t only integrate them
in the way you do business, you also unleash the entrepreneurial spirit of our peoples.”

While Duterte noted the benefits of free trade in his speech, he also spoke of its ill effects.
Globalization to a certain extent has really damaged poor economies. Globalization, by itself, is the
deprivation of some and those that we call ‘left behind,’” he said in response to a question about the
growing anti-globalization sentiment around the world. The President said there has to be some
“remedial measures” to address the downsides of globalization, such as “democratic movement” and
development of human capital. He said unless these measures are adopted, “the rich would become
richer, and the poor would become poorer.”

Duterte said APEC, on the other hand, must continue to advocate for a stronger and deeper regional
economic integration by facilitating the liberalization of trade and investment. And he added “The
essence of true cooperation is that all partners and everyone contributes. Charity is not what less
developed economies and small businesses need. What they need are greater market access and
opportunity to participate in growth and development,”


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