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DOCKET NO.: HHD-CV-19-6116846-S : SUPERIOR COURT MARK H. DEAN, AS TRUSTEE : J.D. OF HARTFORD OF THE CT RE 2019 TRUST v. : ATHARTFORD FOTIS DULOS, ET AL : FEBRUARY 4, 2020 OBJECTION TO MOTION TO DISCHARGE RECEIVER Movant has no legal standing to make such motion, notwithstanding same plaintiff will reply. Plaintiff does not know the details concerning Mr. Giuffria’s actions in regard to Fox61 WTIC except that plaintiff's attorney has just received the attached email from Mr. Giuffria. After becoming aware of same, plaintiff's counsel directed Mr. Giuffria to have no contact with the media and to provide no interviews in regard to his appointment or showings of the property. The undersigned’s understanding is that Mr. Giuffria had numerous requests from the media for comment as has the undersigned had such daily calls. If this admonition to Mr. Giuffria is not sufficient for the court and the court wants to replace Mr. Giuffria, the undersigned would request sufficient time to find someone new to fill that role. Under no circumstances does the plaintiff agree that Mr. Steffen Reich should be the individual appointed as Receiver. However, notwithstanding the above, plaintiff's counsel believes in light of the admonition to Mr. Giuffria, that there will be no further contact between Mr. Giuffria and the press in regard to the subject property and that same addresses the concerns. PLAINTIFF, fE— y _ Richard P. Weinstein, Esquire ~" WEINSTEIN & WISSER, P.C. 29 South Main Street, Suite 207 West Hartford, CT 06107 Telephone No. (860) 561-2628 Juris No. 45674 By CERTIFICATION This is to certify that on the 4th day of February, 2020, a copy of the foregoing was served upon: Michael J. Habib, Esquire Willcutts & Habib, LLC 100 Pearl Street, 14" Floor ‘d, CT 06103 Hicecom s and Fore Group Inc.) Beth N. Mercier, Esquire Michelson Kane Royster & Barger 10 Columbus Boulevard Hartford, CT 06106 bmercier’ (Atty. for Glasco Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.) Mark H. Dean, Esquire 241 Main Street, 5th Floor Hartford, CT 06106 Richard P. Weinstein ec Leslie Vosburgh From: Rob Giuffria, GMS Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2020 9:55 AM To: Richard P. Weinstein Subject: Statement Dear Attorney Weinstein: | was contacted by multiple media outlets asking about the Dulos Estate objecting to my appointment as Temporary Receiver for the 4 Jefferson house. They specifically asked about the accusation by the Dulos estate that owed Mr Dulos money. | in no way owe Dr Dulos money. He asked that pay Ms Traconis $3K to help with marketing of the 4 Jefferson home when it was listed with Tea Leaf Realty. As I'm sure you know, payment of any real estate related commissions is only allowed if the receiver isa licensed real estate broker. | felt compelled to respond to Mr Dulos’ estates outlandish public accusations and the Estate attempting to impugn my reputation and objectivity, You have tlirected "hat | have no further interviews related to the Dulos house and I'm in full agreement. Thanisy Rob Giuffria, GMS Managing Proker Tea Lert Poalty 1001 Farmington Ave, Suit# 205, West Hartford, CT 06107 © 860.754.4555 |. 118.4180 F 860.760.6850 A, Licensed in: CT ~ FF®.0791336/RE8.0790091 | MA~ 1000191 | FL~BK.3404419

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