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20/25MVA Transformer Differential Protection Basic Settings

S.No Name Values(Range) Unit Step

1 Opeeration OFF/ON
T Alaram Delay 0.00-60.00 Sec 0.001
I Diff Alaram 0.05-0.60 Ibase 0.01
Idmin 0.05-0.60 Ibase 0.01

End Section1 0.20-1.50 Ibase 0.01

End Section2 1.00-10.00 Ibase 0.01
Slpoe Section-1 10.00-50.00 % 0.1
Slpoe Section-3 30.0-100.0 % 0.1

Id unRestrain 1.00-50.00 Ibase 0.01


I2/I1 Ratio 5.0-100.0 % 1


I5/I1 Ratio 5.0-100.0 % 1

Cross Blocking En OFF/ON
Neg SeqDiff Enable OFF/ON
I Min Neg Seq 0.02-0.20 I base 0.01

Neq Seq ROA 30.0-120.0 Deg 0.1

Open CT Enable OFF/ON
tOCT Alarm Delay 0.100-10.00 sec 0.001
tOCT Reset Delay 0.100-10.00 sec 0.001
tOCT Unrestrain Delay 0.100-10.00 sec 0.001
General Setting of The differenitial protectio
S.NO Parameter Selected Value For winding-1
1 Rated MVA 25MVA
2 Rated voltage 220KV
3 Rated current(IBASE) 65.6A
4 winding configration star
5 CT Connected Type Star -S2 connect star
6 Clock Number 0
7 Zs Current Subtr Windi ON
8 T config For Winding NO
9 Location OLTC1 winding-1
10 LowTapPos OLTC1 1
11 Rated Tap pos OLTC1 9A,9B,9C
12 High Tap Pos 17
13 Tap High Volt 242KV
14 stepsize OLTC1 1.53%

S.NO parameter selected value Comment
1 CT prim 100A set CT Primary winding rated current

2 CT sec 1A set CT secondary winding rated current

3 CTS star point To object set as CTs are actually started in the installation
4 VT prim 220KV set VT Primary winding rated current
5 VT sec 110V set VT secondary winding rated current

220KV side CT & VT settings for the transformer

S.NO Setting parameter selected value Comment

1 CT prim 1600A set CT Primary winding rated current

2 CT sec 5A set CT secondary winding rated current

3 CTS star point from object set as CTs are actually started in the installation
4 VT prim 11KV set VT Primary winding rated current
5 VT sec 110V set VT secondary winding rated current

Base values settings for HV Side

S.NO Setting parameter selected value Comment

1 SBase 25MVA set maximum transformer throughout power in MVA

2 UBase 220KV Set rated volatage for tap corresponding to zero degree shift

3 IBase 65.6A set rated current for tap corresponding to zero degree shift

Set the global base value under which the above base data are
4 GlobalBaseSelw1 1 entered

Base values settings for LV Side

S.NO Setting parameter selected value Comment

1 SBase 25MVA set maximum transformer throughout power in MVA

2 UBase 11KV Set rated volatage for tap corresponding to zero degree shift

3 IBase 1312A set rated current for tap corresponding to zero degree shift

Set the global base value under which the above base data are
4 GlobalBaseSelw2 1 entered

PSTPDIF non-setting group controlled settings for step-down transformer Setting parameter selected value Comment

trasformer HV winding is star connected and directly grounded.

1 ZSCurrSubtrW1 on Enable subtraction of zero -sequnce currents from w1 side

trasformer LV winding is star connected and directly grounded.

2 ZSCurrSubtrW2 off Enable subtraction of zero -sequnce currents from w2 side

Select voltage phasor from W1 side to be used for ratio

3 SelphaseVoltw1 posSeq calculation

posSeq Select voltage phasor from W2 side to be used for ratio

4 SelphaseVoltw2 calculation
this transformer has fixed phase angle shift defined by vector
30deg group Ynd. Beacause the LV Side is lagging HV side for 30deg
5 Defaultphshift set-30 deg
the value for transformation ratio is 11KV/220KV=0.05.
1.1 Transformation ratio for tap one is 11KV/(0.85*220KV)set
maximum factor as 0.055/0.05=1.1. enter the closest possible
6 difratiomax value
the default value for transformation ratio is 11KV/220KV=0.05.
Transformation ratio for tap one is 11KV/(1.1*220KV)set
1.11 minimum factor as 0.05/0.055=1.15. enter the closest possible
7 difratiomin value
S.NO selected value Comment

setting shall be kept to default value off, if voltages and currents

1 Reverse Angle Off in the power system has directly phase rotation (ie.L1-L2-L3)

This transformer has fixed phase angle shift. Default value shall
2 DiffAngleMax 0.1deg be used all the time.

This transformer has fixed phase angle shift. Default value shall
3 DiffAnglemin 0.1deg be used all the time.
settings Description
ON Operation is ON
ON Opertion Mode for Switch on Falut
Time Delat For Diff Current Alarm
10 Level
Diff Current Alaram Multple of Base
0.15 current Usually of Winding 1
section-1 Sensitivity Multple of
0.2 Base current Usually of Winding 1

End section-1 Sensitivity Multple of

1.05 Base current Usually of Winding 1

End section-2 Multple of Base

3 current Usually of Winding 1
Slope inSection-2 of Operates
30% -Restsarin Characteristic in %
Slope inSection-3 of Operates
60% -Restsarin Characteristic in %

Un restrain protection limit multiple

5 of winding -1 Rated Current

Max Ratio of 2nd Haramonic to

15 Fundmental haramonic diff current
Max Ratio of 5th Haramonic to
25% Fundmental haramonic diff current
Operation Off/On for Cross- block
ON Logic Betwwen Phase
Operation OFF/ON For Nef.Seq
ON Differential protection Enable
Neg SeqCurrent Must be Higher
0.04 Than This Level to be Uased
Opeartion Angle for
60 internal/external neg Seq fault
Open CT Detection Feature .Open CT
ON Enable
Open CT time In Sec to Alaram After
3 An Open CT Is Detected
Reset Delay In Sec After Delay diff
0.25 Function Is Activated
Un restrain Diff protection Blocked
10 After This Delay in S
nitial protection

Selected value for winding-2

Star-S1 Connected Star
out power in MVA

to zero degree shift

o zero degree shift

he above base data are

out power in MVA

to zero degree shift

g to zero degree shift

he above base data are


and directly grounded.

urrents from w1 side

and directly grounded.

urrents from w2 side

to be used for ratio

to be used for ratio

shift defined by vector
ging HV side for 30deg

er the closest possible
o is 11KV/220KV=0.05.
ter the closest possible

if voltages and currents

rotation (ie.L1-L2-L3)

hift. Default value shall


hift. Default value shall

REFPDIF(87N) Group setting 1 (basic)
S.No Name Values(Range) Unit Step settings Description
1 gobal Ibase selection 1-Dec ****** 1 1 slection of one of the Global base
1 opeartion Disabled/enabled ******* ******* Enabled operation enabled/disa
2 Idmin 4.0-100.0 % iB 0.1 0.1 maximum sensitivity in % o
3 CT Factor PRI 1 1.0-10.0 ******* 0.1 1.56 CT factor for CT1 (CT1Rated/HV R
4 Ct Factor PRI 2 1.0-10.0 ******* 0.1 1.56 CT factor for CT2 (CT2Rated/HV R
5 CT Factor sec1 1.0-10.0 ******* 0.1 1.2 CT factor for CT1( CT1 Rated/ LV R
6 CT Factor sec2 1.0-10.0 ******* 0.1 1.2 CT factor for CT2( CT2 Rated/ LV R

REFPDIF(87N) Group setting 1(Advanced)

S.No Name Values(Range) Unit Step settings Description
relay operation angle for zero seque
1 ROA 60-90 DEG 1 60 feature

Sensitivit Max base Sensitivity Min base End First Second

y IDMin Idmin sensititvity Zone-1 slope Slope
10% Ibase 4% Ibase 100% Ibase 125%Ibase 70% 100%
Description Ramarks
n of one of the Global base valu groups Required
operation enabled/disabled Required
maximum sensitivity in % of base Required
or for CT1 (CT1Rated/HV Rated current) Required
or for CT2 (CT2Rated/HV Rated current) Not Required
or for CT1( CT1 Rated/ LV Rated current) Not Required
or for CT2( CT2 Rated/ LV Rated current) Not Required

Description Remarks
eration angle for zero sequence differential
feature required

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