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1. What is Philippine Constitutional Law? 9. What does judicial power include?

It is the supreme and fundamental law of the Republic of the 10. May congress abolish courts established by statute?
Philippines. It established the basic framework and underlying
principles of the government. It lays down and guides the 11. What do you mean by fiscal autonomy and how does it
duties and powers of the government, and the duties and apply to judiciary?
rights of its citizens and residents.
Art VIII, Section 3 “The judiciary shall enjoy fiscal autonomy.
2. What makes the Constitution a fundamental law? Appropriations for the Judiciary may not be reduced by the
legislature below the amount appropriated for the previous
No central, state or local government can intervene with the year and, after approval, shall be automatically and regularly
rights, duties, privileges, laws and regulations as mentioned in released.” Fiscal autonomy is granted to the SC in order to
the Constitution. It is the source of all law for the country strengthen its independence.
because all laws passed will have to articulate and comply with
the requirements and principles set out in the Constitution. 12. What are the compositions of the Supreme Court?

3. What is the Philippine Bill of 1902 and what is its 13. What are the cases decided by the Supreme Court?
14. Give at least two (2) powers of the Supreme Court.
The Philippine Bill of 1902 was the first organic law enacted by
15. What are the qualifications to become a member of the
the United States. It organized the Philippine Assembly and
Supreme Court?
specified that legislative power would be vested in a bicameral
legislature composed of the Philippine Commission (upper 16. What are the compositions of the Judicial and bar
house) and the Philippine Assembly (lower house). Its key Council?
provision is the bill of rights for the Filipinos.
17. Who appoints members of the Supreme Court and how is
4. What was the right upheld by ESTRADA v. ESCRITOR? this done?

The state respects the respondent to exercise her right to 18. Enumerate the hierarchy of Courts.
freedom of religion.
19. What is the quasi-judicial agency and is it under the
5. Differentiate de facto from de jure government? power of judiciary?

DE JURE GOVERNMENT (government of law) is an organized 20. What do you mean by the SC is a “Trier of law not facts”?
government of state which has been created in respect of
constitutional law and with the general support of the people. 21. What are the requisites of judicial review as enunciated in
DE FACTO GOVENRNMENT (government of fact) is a the PACU case?
government which actually exercises power or control by force
22. May the SC decide on matters that are moot and
or in any other unconstitutional method but it is without legal
23. What do you mean by “locus standi” and is this
6. Is the Presidency of Corazon Aquino a de facto or de jure?
The Supreme Court declared that the Aquino government was
24. Differentiate justiciable from political question?
a DE JURE GOVERNMENT as the people have already accepted
it and the community of nations have recognized its legitimacy. Justiciable question are those which the sovereign has set to
be decided in the Courts. To be justiciable, the court must not
7. In the case of Javellana, can a Constitutional Commission
be offering an advisory opinion, the plaintiff must have
call for a plebiscite?
standing, and the issue must be ripe but neither moot nor
8. What is the power of judicial review and who posses it? violative of the political question doctrine. Political questions
are questions, under the Constitution, are to be decided by the
It is the SUPREME COURT’s power to declare a law, treated, people in their sovereign capacity or full discretionary
international law, E.O., P.D., proclamation, ordinance and authority has been delegated to the legislative/executive
regulations, UNCONSTITUTIONAL. branch in government.
25. What is a taxpayer’s suit?

It is the remedy available to a taxpayer when taxes are used for

illegal activities or when the public funds are used by the
government for projects which are not intended for public

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