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Differential protection parameter calculation:


Primary winding Rating (KV) :220KV
CT RATIO Primary side : 100/1 A
CT RATIO Secondary side : 1600/5 A
CT Connection on HV Side : STAR
CT Connection on LV side : STAR

differential characteristics of RET-670
Figure -2 Differential protection scheme

CT Matching Factor:
Rated current CT ratio CT Secondary CT Matching
Windings current(In Factor
HV side 65.6A 100/1A 0.656A 1.52A
LV side 1312A 1600/5A 4.1A 0.24A


For differential current calculation, relays use this Matching Factor to get the current in HV
and LV Side, this means if the Differential Id min =o.25p.u

Then Actual HV side primary current will be

= (0.25/1.52) *100 = 16.64A@220KV

Then Actual LV side primary current will be

= (0.25/0.24) *1600/5 = 333.33A@11KV

Isolate the primary system error to secondary by using matching factor So differential current is
Zero At Normal operation at rated load or balanced load ,
Selection of Section -1:
 Zero slope section and more sensitive part
 Characteristics straight line
 Current flow normal load current
 Typical reason for existence of false differential current
in this section is non compensation of Tap position
Details of 25MVA ON Load - Tap Changer
TAP Changer details:
Make : CTR
TYPE : High speed Transition resistor
Rating voltage : 66KV
Rating AMP : 350AMP
Step Voltage : 1587.7 amp
Number of steps : 17nos
Normal tap : 06
Maximum tap :1
Minimum tap : 17
Normal Max tap min tap
Parameter tap
Rated voltage(kv) 220kv 242kv 198kv
Rated current (Ip) 65.6A 59.6A 72.6A
CT secondary (Isec) 0.656In 0.596In 0.726 In

Average Voltage = 2/((1/Vmax) +(1/Vmin))

Average Rated voltage = 217.86KV
Average rated current = 57.17 A
In CT Secondary = 0.571
Differential current at maximum tap
= absolute (Imax- Iavg) = 0.025In
Restrain current at maximum tap
= absolute (Imax+ Iavg)/2=0.58 In
Differential current at minimum tap = 0.155 In
Restrain current at minimum tap = 0.6485 In

Now Total differential current = (0.102+0.08539) In

= 0.20 In OR I Base
Note: Selection of Region- 1 (non - slope) must be the above
or Equal to 0.20In value and Transformer (Load+ No-load)
Losses at Normal Tap = 120KW < 10% Transformer rated, so
NO load current is not countable

Id min value=0.25 *IBase

End section -1:
CT Matching Factor:
Rated current CT ratio CT Secondary CT Matching
windings current Factor
HV side 65.6A 100/1A 0.656A 1.52A
LV side 1312A 1600/5A 4.1A 0.24A
From the above table
HV side CT secondary current with respected In=0.656In(In=1A)
LV side CT secondary current with respected In=0.82In (In=5A)
Consider HV side full current As a Base current,
Then IBase current =0.656A
Selection of end section -1: As 1.05 of IBase current
=1.05*0.656A=0.688A=0.7A (near selection)

RET- 670 relay internal fault calculate by using above equation

Selection of Slope section -1:
Consider the following data:

Figure-4 Differential protection scheme

System Max 3 phase Fault Current Withstand =40KA, 1Sec

Then Fault MVA at Rated voltage and Fault current = 19,052 MVA

Base MVA Assumption =500MVA

Source MVA Given =350MVA

Source per unit MVA = 350/500 = 0.7P.U

Source Reactance (Xs) = 1/0.7 = 1.428 p.u

Conductor details:

Conductor length: 18.62Km

Conductor impendence:3.030ohms

Figure -6 equations various fault currents

Suctions Fault currents:

Suction details 3-phase fault current 2phase fault Current L-N fault current
Suction-1 28.49KA 24.67KA 16.96KA
Suction-2 27.84KA 24.11KA 16.95KA
Suction-3 27.41KA 23.74KA 16.20KA
Suction-4 22.26KA 19.32KA 12.75KA

Transformer Fault currents:

%of winding Impendence of 3-phase Fault 2 phase Fault L-N Fault Current
Transformer(ohms) current Current
25% 0.264 25.65KA 22.46KA 15.08KA
50% 0.528 24.35KA 20.941KA 14.19KA
75% 0.792 23.18KA 19.93KA 13.40KA
100% 1.056 22.120KA 19.023KA 12.69KA
Slope selection 2:
 Caters for false differential current, when higher than normal full load
current flow through the current transformer

The second section slope of the restrain characteristics has on increased slope
in order to deal with increased Diff current due to Additional power
transformer losses During Heavy loading and external fault current
Fault current at section 4 (L-G fault)

Fault current at primary side of Transformer =12.75KA/Tr ratio =12.75KA/20 = 637.5A

current in secondary Ip=637.5A/100 =6.375In

Idiff=6.375A, I restrain =6.375A

K1= Operate/Restrain

Section slope Restrain current (In) Operate current (In) operating current in
Tr primary Current
K1=30% 6.375A 1.9125A 191A
K1=25% 6.375A 1.596A 159A
K=15% 6.375A 0.956A 95A
K=12% 6.375A 0.765A 76A
K1=10% 6.345A 0.6345 A 63A
The usual practice for transformer protection is to set the bias characteristics to a value of a least
twice or thrice the value of the expected bias current under through fault current condition ,than

Choose the values of K1=30% (thrice the values of base current or Transformer Full load current)

End section 2:
consider end section 2 boundary set thrice of Transformer Full Load current or
Thought current on Transformer
Slope Seletion 3:
For External Fault:
Fault Location At outer Zone of LV section 4:

Ifl=12.69kA (L-G Fault current)

CT Secondary current at TR secondary =12.69KA/1600 =7.9In (In=5A)

CT Secondary current at TR primary =12.69KA/2000 =6.3 In (In=1A)

Fault current CT ratio CT Secondary CT Matching

Windings current (In) Factor
HV side 634.5A 100/1A 6.34A 0.158A
LV side 12.69KA 1600/5A 39.656 0.025A

Idiff=9.671In IBias =9.671In

I operate=Idmin+(m1+m2)Bias

= 0.25+(0.3+0.7)9.671

I operate =9.921In

Ioperate > Actual to be Exist the Differential Current ,than Relay restrained
differential protection for LV outer zone Fault , so choose slope Suction-3
For reach more stable for external fault operation k2 slope choose 70%

Unrestraint protection:
ID unRes= 10 times of IBase
Time period= 100msec (minimum value)
REF Protection:

The differential protection for transformer cannot cover 100% of winding, As diff protection initial
setting is usually 20% to avoid the tap changer error and All, so if fault current is below 20% it cant
Provide the protection even for the internal fault by using the differential protection

So, the initial setting parameter (Idmin)of Ref protection select of 5-10% of full load current

Basic functional requirement:

Ref Differential protection with a percentage biased operate/Restrain characteristics

Plus, Additional Zero Sequence Current Directional Compression

Require No Current magnitude (or) phase correction even when OLTC present

Unsensitive to inrush and over excitation current

Over Fluxing Protection:

The Magnetic Flux Increases When Voltage at Primary Terminal Increases ,This results increases
the Iron Loss and Magnetization Current ,the Core And Core Bolts Gets Heated And The Insulation
Lamination is Effected

As per present day transformer design practice, the peak rated value of the flux density is kept about
1.7 to 1.8 Tesla, while the saturation flux density of CRGD steel sheet of core of transformer is of the
order of 1.9 to 2 Tesla which corresponds to about 1.1 times the rated value. If during operation, an
electrical power transformer is subjected to carry rather swallow more than above mentioned flux
density as per its design limitations, the transformer is said to have faced over fluxing problem and
consequent bad effects towards its operation and life. Depending upon the design and saturation
flux densities and the thermal time constants of the heated component parts, a transformer has
some over excitation capacity. I.S. specification for electrical power transformer does not stipulate
the short time permissible over excitation, though in a round about way it does indicate that the
maximum over fluxing in transformer shall not exceed 110%.

The magnetic flux density is, therefore, proportional to the quotient of voltage and frequency
(V/f). Over fluxing can, therefore, occur either due to increase in voltage or decrease in-frequency
of both. The probability of over fluxing is relatively high in step-up transformers in Power stations
compared to step down transformers in Sub-Stations, where voltage and frequency usually remain
constant. However, under very abnormal system condition, over-fluxing trouble can arise in step-
down substation transformers as well. the over fluxing relays are so adjusted, that for every
transient over flux condition the transformer does not trip for maintaining the power system
stability. But till it should trip as soon as the duration and severity of the condition crosses the
specified safe limit.
Over current protection:

Rating of Transformer : 20/25MVA

Rated primary current:65.6Amp

Pole dispensary protection: *-

Pole Discrepancy Protection is an inherent feature of Circuit Breaker which ensures that all the three
poles of Circuit Breaker is tripped / closed within a predefined time period. If there is a mismatch of
Breaker opening / closing time then Pole Discrepancy Protection will operate and will trip all the
three poles of the Breaker. Suppose due a particular fault, a trip command is issued to the Breaker
but due to some problem only two poles of Breaker could open simultaneously and the one pole of
Breaker opened after some time more than the set time. In this case Pole Discrepancy Protection
will operate and will trip all the three poles of the Breaker.

Basically, Pole Discrepancy feature is incorporated through a Timer and a fixed time is set in the
timer after which Pole Discrepancy is supposed to initiate. Suppose, the time is set at 2.5 sec in the
Pole Discrepancy Timer, then if there is mismatch of more than 2.5 sec in Breaker opening / closing
time then Pole Discrepancy shall operate and shall trip all the three poles of Circuit Breaker.

For better understanding of Pole Discrepancy, carefully observe the figure below.

In the figure above, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 and S6 are Breaker Auxiliary contacts. Mind that S1,
S3 and S5 are Normally Close contacts while S2, S4 and S6 are Normally open contacts.
Breaker Auxiliary contacts are those contacts which are associated with Breaker physical
opening and closing.

If the Circuit Breaker is Open, it means that S1, S3 and S5 will be close and S2, S4 and S6
will be open. But as soon as Circuit Breaker closes, the configuration of contacts S1, S2,
S3, S4, S5 and S6 will change i.e. S1, S3 and S5 will open while S2, S4 and S6 will close.

Now, we will examine the operation of Pole Discrepancy. If the Circuit Breaker trips and
all the three phases open then as shown in figure above, the status of contacts will be as
S1 – Close

S3 – Close

S5 – Close

S2 – Open

S4 – Open

S6 – Open

Thus, we see that 220 V DC supply will not be extended to the Timer and timer will
therefore, not initiate.

But in case, say one phase (say R phase) Circuit Breaker fails to close, and then in that
case the status of contacts will be as below.

S1 – Close

S3 – Open

S5 – Open

S2 – Open

S4 – Close

S6 – Close

Carefully observe in the figure above that, in this configuration of contacts, the positive
supply will be extended to the Timer through contact S1, S4 and S6 and therefore the
Timer will initiate. After the set time period if Circuit Breaker still fails to close, Timer will
actuate its contacts (Normally Open to Close) to give trip command to the three poles of
the circuit breaker. In this way Pole Discrepancy Protection trips the Circuit Breaker if
there is a mismatch in timing of Circuit Breaker operation.
The operation of Pole Discrepancy will be same as described above for tripping of Circuit
Breaker also.

Over Fluxing:

Breaker failure protection:

Pressure Relief Device, PRD:

PRD is basically a last line of defence and it shall not normally operate if all other
protection viz. electrical protections are working properly but if in case they fail then PRD
shall operate to isolate the Transformer.

When it is required to limit the pressure rise inside a tank, in order to prevent an
excessive mechanical stress of the walls, it is necessary to use a safety valve set at a
precise overpressure value. Here Pressure Relief Devive, PRD works as a safety valve.

The tank of oil immersed Transformers is usually fit with this kind of protecting device;
because in case of short-circuit due to an insulation failure, the dielectric arc between
alive parts vaporizes the surrounding insulating fluid which generates a quick rise of the
pressure inside the tank, with the risk of permanent deformations, or, failure of the tank
walls with the consequent outflow of hot oil. Due to the rapidity of this event, it is
necessary to mount on the Transformer an adequate protecting device which relieves
quite suddenly the excess of pressure generated inside the tank by the failure mentioned

To understand the working principle of Pressure Relief Device, let us first understand the
construction of simple Pressure Relief Device i.e. PRD.

A PRD has a shutter which can open and provide path for the outflow of Transformer Oil.
The shutter is spring loaded due to which it tightly covers the Transformer Oil Tank.
Apart from theses, normally two Normally Open (NO) contacts are also provided with the
PRD. Under Normal operating condition these contact remain open but when PRD
operates these electrical contact changes its status from NO to NC which can be used to
provide alarm in the Control Room. A typical PRD is shown in figure below.
Buchholz Relay:

The gas actuated protective relay is designed to detect faults as well as to minimize the
propagation of any damage, which might occur within oil-filled Transformers. The
Buchholz relay is therefore particularly effective in case of:

 Short-circuited core laminations

 Broken-down of core bolt insulation

 Overheating of some part of the windings

 Bad contacts

 Short circuits between phases, turns

 Earth faults-puncture of bushing insulators inside tank

Buchholz relay `can prevent the development of conditions leading to a fault in the
transformer, such as the falling of the oil level due to leaks, or the penetration of air as a
result of defects in the oil circulating system.

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