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This add-on installs the old shell and skins from MioPocket 3.

0 into MioPocket 4
To install, simply copy the MioAutoRun folder to the drive where you installed M
ioPocket, overwriting files. The contents will be added to your current MioAutoR
un folder.
To use, click on the Skin Changer icon on Settings page inside MioPocket, then o
n the Old Skins icon in the bottom right to switch to one of the old skins. Once
the old skin has loaded, you may click on that skin's Skin Changer icon to swit
ch between the old skins.
Folder Structure
\IconEditMode - Files for Icon Edit Mode, the icon management
system for SystemInformation skins
\Pages - Pages that describe SystemInformation skins an
d the icons on them
\MyApps - Program for storing links to personal apps (ob
solete since MioPocket 3.0; kept for compatibility)
\Scripts - Simple scripts for launching icons and skin ch
anges (related to Icon Edit Mode)

Editing Icons
To edit an icon, click on the "Edit Icons" button (in the lower-right corner of
Windows7/Vista/Stopword skins). An "Icon Edit Mode" banner will display at the t
op of the screen that signifies that you are in Icon Edit Mode. While in this mo
de, tapping on icons will bring up the Icon Manager menu. From that menu, you ca
n easily erase the icon or change it. When you are done, exit Icon Edit Mode by
clicking on either the "Edit Icons" button or the "Icon Edit Mode" banner.
1) Pay attention to the original paths (for the apps and their icons) before you
change them, in case you need to use them again.
2) When creating new icons for apps that come with MioPocket, always check for a
script for the app in MioAutoRun\Scripts before linking to the app directly. If
a script exists, chances are that the app works better through it.
3) An icon that has no path (such as unused slots) will automatically launch the
Icon Manager menu, so you need not enter Icon Edit Mode to modify them, initial
4) If you have more apps to add than you have icon slots for on the provided pag
es, you can consider downsizing the icons and cloning (adding) new ones (both do
ne through the Icon Manager menu) or simply using the "My Apps" feature in MioPo
cket (represented by a folder icon on most skins) to store links to the extra ap
If you prefer want to edit pages manually, browse to MioAutoRun\Skin\SystemInfor
mation\Pages and identify the skin page that you want to modify. For example, if
you want to add an app to the Multimedia page of the VistaUltimate 480x272 skin
, VistaUltimate_Multimedia.ini is the file that you want. If you are not sure of
which set of pages corresponds to the skin that you want to edit, you can find
out in MioAutoRun\Skin\SystemInformation\SysInfoSetting.ini on your device. Once
you have identified the file that you want to modify, open it in a text editor.
Each app has one ICONXPBUTTON section (consisting of 6-12 lines) that describes
the icon and, optionally, one TEXT section just underneath it that describes the
text that appears beneath the icon. Either modify an existing app's ICONXPBUTTO
N and TEXT sections to simply change an icon or copy and paste them to add a who
le new icon. To change the app that the icon will launch, edit the NewIni/Comman
d entry to equal the path to your program (ex. NewIni = \Storage Card\test.exe).
To change the icon displayed for the app, edit the IconNormal and IconPushed en
tries. If you have copied and pasted a section in order to add an icon, you will
need to change the x/y coordinates ("x = " and "y = " entries). To find and set
x/y coordinates that line up with the rest of the icons on the page, look at th
e existing applications to see what their column and row values are.
Tips and notes for modifying pages manually (via a text editor):
a. Follow the format of the pages, their objects and their values that I provide
d and you'll limit errors.
b. Make sure that the icons and text that you're aligning don't wrap off of the
edge of the page/frame. You may get errors or missing objects.
c. You'll get errors if you insert any blank lines in the middle of object defin
itions (an "object" being an icon or text label).
d. Pages must be saved in Unicode encoding (rather than ANSI, for example). Wind
ows Notepad's "Save As" dialog is one place to check and choose.
e. If those familiar with the SystemInformation shell program are wondering why
I use NewIni instead of Command to run most programs and scripts, it's because C
ommand requires absolute paths, while NewIni (as I discovered) does not (yet run
s programs and scripts just fine).
f. If you need an icon and those in MioAutoRun\Skin\SystemInformation\Icons don'
t suffice, IcoFX ( is a great, free icon editor for Windows tha
t can extract an icon from the app (if it has one), among many other features. I
f you don't care much about the icon, Generic.ico is an appropriate generic icon
for an application (it looks like an application window).

Adapting Skins
You can make your own SystemInformation-based skins compatible with MioPocket's
icon management with a little work, by formatting the page files in a specific w
ay. First, add "#[IconXX]" (no quotes) on a new line above the "ICONXPBUTTON" li
ne of all icons that you wish to be editable, where XX is 01 for the first icon
and incrementing for each successive icon (ex. "#[Icon02]" for the 2nd icon). Le
ading 0s for the first 9 icons are important! Next, add "#[IconXXText]" on a new
line above the TEXT line of any editable icons that have text labels, so that t
hey correspond to the icons (ex. "#[Icon01Text]" for the text label beneath the
icon described by "#[Icon01]"). Next, add "#EditIni = ..\Scripts\Icons\<page>_Ic
onXX.mscr" on a new line at the bottom of each icon section, where <page> is the
page (ex. "Favorites" or "Games2") that you're editing and XX is the number of
the icon whose section you're editing (again, leading 0s for the first 9 icons a
re important). Here is an example of how all of it should look:
x = 20
y = 60
NewIni = ..\..\..\Scripts\MioPocketSettings.mscr
SizeNormal = 48
SizePushed = 48
IconNormal = ..\Icons\MioPocketSettings.ico
ScaleAlpha = 80
IconPushed = ..\Icons\MioPocketSettings.ico
#EditIni = ..\Scripts\Icons\Favorites_Icon01.mscr
x = 20
y = 110
Text = MP Settings
Color = FFFFFF
Size = 12
Weight = 500
Note #1: If the included scripts (in MioAutoRun\Skin\SystemInformation\Scripts\I
cons) don't match all of the names that you've given your pages or if you have m
ore icons per page than there are scripts, simply copy and rename the scripts. T
hey all have exactly the same code and are different only in filename. The Icon
Manager simply uses the filename to know which page and icon is being edited.
Note #2: It's important to add a "#[<section name>] line above any section that
comes after one of your IconXX or IconXXText sections, even if you don't intend
to edit it, since SystemInformation.exe will, otherwise, treat it as part of the
above section and give you unpredictable results when editing that icon. For ex
ample, if your page file flow goes like... #[Icon04] -> BATTERY -> #[Icon05] ...
add a "#[Battery]" (or any name) line above BATTERY to distinguish it from the i
cons and not allow its values to be confused for the 4th icon's.
Note #3: It's very important that a blank line separate each section, because th
e program will throw up errors, otherwise.
Note #4: You can use full/absolute paths if you prefer, but relative paths (usin
g ".." to indicate a file's parent folder) are easier and work regardless of the
drive name.
Once you have modified all of your pages in the above manner and have checked th
at all of the scripts that you declared on the NewIni lines exist in MioAutoRun\
Skin\SystemInformation\Scripts\Icons, your skin ought to be ready to be used wit
h the icon management system.
For those curious, here is how icon management works once the files have been se
t up:
When you press the "Edit Icons" button, IconManager.mscr reads the current page
file into memory, swaps the paths assigned to "EditIni" and "NewIni", writes the
modified file contents to a temporary edit file (ex. MioAutoRun\Skin\SystemInfo
rmation\IconEditMode\Favorites.ini) and launches a second instance of SystemInfo
rmation (using the temporary file) over top of the existing SystemInformation. T
his is called Icon Edit Mode. Because the "NewIni" (i.e. run) commands now point
to the icon scripts, pressing the icons runs the scripts, which launch IconMana
ger.mscr and pass it the page and number of the icon to edit. IconManager.mscr t
hen reads the temporary edit file into memory, strips the "#" signs from in fron
t of each occurrence of "[" (to create a valid, sectioned .ini file that MortScr
ipt can easily work on) and "#EditIni", writes the modified file contents to a s
econd temporary file (MioAutoRun\Skin\SystemInformation\IconEditMode\Temp.ini) a
nd launches the Icon Manager menu.
In the Icon Manager menu, every change made to an icon is written to the second
temporary file (Temp.ini). Once the menu is exited, any changes are saved to the
first temporary file (ex. Favorites.ini) and the SystemInformation using that f
ile to display Icon Edit Mode is reloaded to display any changes. Pressing the "
Edit Icons" again will compare that file to the original page file and, if there
are any changes, ask you if you want to save them. If you choose Yes, the chang
es will be saved to the original page file. Icon Edit Mode (including the second
SystemInformation) will then exit and, if you chose to save changes, reload the
original SystemInformation to present the saved changes to you.
SystemInformation - The shell (GUI) software used by MioPocket 1.0-3.0. It's als
o used by the MiniBar. See
on1.6.pdf to download the short manual (in German, but understandable enough, si
nce the commands are in English).

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