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Phrasal Verb

I.100 Phrasal Verb Quan Trọng

Beat one’s self up: tự trách mình (khi dùng, thay one's self bằng mysel, yourself, himself,
Break down: bị hư
Break in: đột nhập vào nhà
Break up with s.o: chia tay người yêu, cắt đứt quan hệ tình cảm với ai đó
Bring up: đề cập chuyện gì đó
Bring s.o up: nuôi nấng (con cái)
Brush up on ôn lại
Call for sth: cần cái gì đó; Call for s.o : kêu người nào đó, cho gọi ai đó, yêu cầu gặp ai đó
Carry out: thực hiện (kế hoạch)
Catch up with s.o: theo kịp ai đó
Check in: làm thủ tục vào khách sạn
Check out: làm thủ tục ra khách sạn
Check sth out: tìm hiểu, khám phá cái gì đó
Clean up: lau chùi
Come across as: có vẻ (chủ ngữ là người)
Come off: tróc ra, sút ra
Come up against đối mặt với cái gì đó
Come up with: nghĩ ra
Cook up a story: bịa đặt ra 1 câu chuyện
Cool down: làm mát đi, bớt nóng, bình tĩnh lại (chủ ngữ có thể là người hoặc vật)
Count on s.o: tin cậy vào người nào đó
Cut down on cắt giảm cái gì đó
Cut off: cắt lìa, cắt trợ giúp tài chính
Do away with bỏ cái gì đó đi không sử dụng cái gì đó
Do without chấp nhận không có cái gì đó
Dress up: ăn mặc đẹp
Drop by: ghé qua
Drop s.o off: thả ai xuống xe
End up: có kết cục = wind up
Figure out: suy ra
Find out: tìm ra
Get along/get along with s.o: hợp nhau/hợp với ai
Get in: đi vào
Get off: xuống xe
Get on with s.o: hòa hợp, thuận với ai đó
Get out: cút ra ngoài
Get rid of bỏ cái gì đó
Get up: thức dậy
Give up từ bỏ cái gì đó
Go around: đi vòng vòng
Go down: giảm, đi xuống
Go off: reo, nổ (chủ ngữ thường là chuông, bom)
Go on: tiếp tục
Go out: đi ra ngoài, đi chơi
Go up: tăng, đi lên
Grow up: lớn lên
Help s.o out: giúp đỡ ai đó
Hold on: đợi tí
Keep on doing tiếp tục làm gì đó
Keep up sth: hãy tiếp tục phát huy
Let s.o down: làm ai đó thất vọng
Look after s.o: chăm sóc ai đó
Look around: nhìn xung quanh
Look at sth: nhìn cái gì đó
Look down on s.o: khinh thường ai đó
Look for s.o/ tìm kiếm ai đó/ cái gì đó
Look forward to something/Look forward to doing something: mong mỏi tới sự kiện nào đó
Look into sth: nghiên cứu cái gì đó, xem xét cái gì đó
Look sth up: tra nghĩa của cái từ gì đó
Look up to s.o: kính trọng, ngưỡng mộ ai đó
Make up: chế ra, bịa đặt ra cái gì đó
Make up one’s mind: quyết định
Move on to chuyển tiếp sang cái gì đó
Pick s.o up: đón ai đó
Pick up: lượm cái gì đó lên
Put s.o down: hạ thấp ai đó
Put s.o off: làm ai đó mất hứng, không vui
Put off: trì hoãn việc gì đó
Put on: mặc cái gì đó vào
Put sth away: cất cái gì đó đi
Put up with s.o/ chịu đựng ai đó/ cái gì đó
Run into s.o: vô tình gặp được cái gì / ai đó
Run out of hết cái gì đó
Set s.o up: gài tội ai đó
Set up thiết lập, thành lập cái gì đó
Settle down: ổn định cuộc sống tại một chỗ nào đó
Show off: khoe khoang
Show up: xuất hiện
Slow down: chậm lại
Speed up: tăng tốc
Stand for: viết tắt cho chữ gì đó
Take away (take sth away from s.o): lấy đi cái gì đó của ai đó
Take off: cất cánh (chủ ngữ là máy bay), trở nên thịnh hành, được ưa chuộng (chủ ngữ là ý
tưởng, sản phẩm..)
Take off: cởi cái gì đó
Take up: bắt đầu làm một họat động mới (thể thao, sở thích,môn học)
Talk s.o in to dụ ai làm cái gì đó
Tell s.o off: la rầy ai đó
Turn around: quay đầu lại
Turn down: vặn nhỏ lại
Turn off: tắt
Turn on: mở
Turn sth/s.o down: từ chối cái gì/ai đó
Turn up: vặn lớn lên
Wake up: (tự) thức dậy Wake s.o up: đánh thức ai dậy
Warm up: khởi động
Wear out: mòn, làm mòn (chủ ngữ là người thì có nghĩa là làm mòn, chủ ngữ là đồ vật thì có
nghĩa là bị mòn)
Work out: tập thể dục, có kết quả tốt đẹp
Work out: suy ra được cái gì đó

Verb Meaning Example

Brian asked Judy out to

ask someone out invite on a date
dinner and a movie.

ask many people the I asked around but nobody

ask around
same question has seen my wallet.

add up to something equal Your purchases add up to


You'll have to back up

back something up reverse your car so that I can get

My wife backed me up
back someone up support over my decision to quit
my job.

The racing car blew up

blow up explode after it crashed into the

We have to blow 50
blow something up add air
balloons up for the party.

Our car broke down at the

stop functioning
break down side of the highway in the
(vehicle, machine)

The woman broke down

break down get upset when the police told her
that her son had died.

Our teacher broke the final

divide into smaller
break something down project down into three
separate parts.

force entry to a Somebody broke in last

break in
building night and stole our stereo.

The firemen had to break

break into something enter forcibly into the room to rescue the

wear something a few I need to break these shoes

break something in times so that it doesn't in before we run next
look/feel new week.

The TV station broke in to

break in interrupt report the news of the
president's death.

break up end a relationship My boyfriend and I broke

up before I moved to

The kids just broke up as

start laughing
break up soon as the clown started

The prisoners broke out of

break out escape jail when the guards
weren't looking.

develop a skin I broke out in a rash after

break out in something
condition our camping trip.

This sad music is bringing

bring someone down make unhappy
me down.

My grandparents brought
bring someone up raise a child me up after my parents

My mother walks out of the

start talking about a
bring something up room when my father
brings up sports.

He drank so much that he

bring something up vomit brought his dinner up in
the toilet.

We called around but we

phone many different
call around weren't able to find the car
part we needed.

I called the company back

call someone back return a phone call but the offices were closed
for the weekend.

Jason called the wedding

call something off cancel off because he wasn't in
love with his fiancé.

ask for an answer or The professor called on me

call on someone
opinion for question 1.

We called on you last night

call on someone visit someone
but you weren't home.
Give me your phone
call someone up phone number and I will call you
up when we are in town.

You are still mad. You need

calm down relax after being angry to calm down before you
drive the car.

I don't care for his

not care for someone/something not like (formal)

You'll have to run faster

get to the same point as
catch up than that if you want to
someone else
catch up with Marty.

arrive and register at a We will get the hotel keys

check in
hotel or airport when we check in.

You have to check out of

check out leave a hotel
the hotel before 11:00 AM.

look at carefully, The company checks out

check someone/something out
investigate all new employees.

Check out the crazy hair

check out someone/something look at (informal)
on that guy!

She cheered up when she

cheer up become happier
heard the good news.

I brought you some flowers

cheer someone up make happier
to cheer you up.

If everyone chips in we
chip in help can get the kitchen painted
by noon.

Please clean up your

clean something up tidy, clean bedroom before you go

I came across these old

come across something find unexpectedly photos when I was tidying
the closet.

come apart separate The top and bottom come

apart if you pull hard

My nephew came down

come down with something become sick with chicken pox this

The woman came forward

volunteer for a task or
come forward with her husband's finger
to give evidence

The art of origami comes

come from somewhere originate in
from Asia.

I am counting on you to
count on someone/something rely on make dinner while I am

Please cross out your old

cross something out draw a line through address and write your new

My doctor wants me to cut

cut back on something consume less back on sweets and fatty

We had to cut the old tree

make something fall to
cut something down in our yard down after the
the ground

Your father cut in while I

cut in interrupt was dancing with your

pull in too closely in The bus driver got angry

cut in
front of another vehicle when that car cut in.

start operating (of an The air conditioner cuts in

cut in engine or electrical when the temperature gets
device) to 22°C.

The doctors cut off his leg

remove with something
cut something off because it was severely

cut something off stop providing The phone company cut off
our phone because we
didn't pay the bill.

My grandparents cut my
cut someone off take out of a will father off when he

remove part of
something (usually I cut this ad out of the
cut something out
with scissors and newspaper.

He's lucky to be alive. His

beat up, ransack (Br.E.,
do someone/something over shop was done over by a
street gang.

My teacher wants me to do
do something over do again (N.Amer.) my essay over because she
doesn't like my topic.

It's time to do away with

do away with something discard
all of these old tax records.

Do your coat up before you

do something up fasten, close
go outside. It's snowing!

It's a fancy restaurant so we

dress up wear nice clothing
have to dress up.

Andrea dropped back to

move back in a
drop back third place when she fell
off her bike.

I might drop in/by/over

come without an
drop in/by/over for tea some time this

someone/something I have to drop my sister off
drop someone/something off
somewhere and leave at work before I come over.
them/it there

I dropped out of Science

drop out quit a class, school etc
because it was too difficult.

eat out eat at a restaurant I don't feel like cooking

tonight. Let's eat out.

We ended up renting a
end up movie instead of going to
the theatre.

My new dress fell apart in

fall apart break into pieces
the washing machine.

The picture that you hung

fall down fall to the ground up last night fell down this

separate from an The money must have

fall out
interior fallen out of my pocket.

(of hair, teeth) become His hair started to fall out

fall out
loose and unattached when he was only 35.

I need to figure out how to

understand, find the
figure something out fit the piano and the
bookshelf in this room.

Please fill in the form with

to write information in
fill something in your name, address, and
blanks (Br.E.)
phone number.

to write information in The form must be filled

fill something out
blanks (N.Amer.) out in capital letters.

I always fill the water jug

fill something up fill to the top
up when it is empty.

We don't know where he

find out discover lives. How can we find

We tried to keep the time of

find something out discover the party a secret, but
Samantha found it out.

I tried to get my point

communicate, make
get something across/over across/over to the judge
but she wouldn't listen.

get along/on like each other I was surprised how well

my new girlfriend and my
sister got along/on.

My grandfather can get

get around have mobility around fine in his new

We worked so hard this

get away go on a vacation year that we had to get
away for a week.

Jason always gets away

do without being
get away with something with cheating in his maths
noticed or punished

We got back from our

get back return
vacation last week.

Liz finally got her Science

receive something you
get something back notes back from my room-
had before

My sister got back at me

get back at someone retaliate, take revenge for stealing her shoes. She
stole my favourite hat.

become interested in I finally got back into my

get back into something
something again novel and finished it.

We're going to freeze out

get on something step onto a vehicle here if you don't let us get
on the bus.

recover from an illness, I just got over the flu and

get over something
loss, difficulty now my sister has it.

The company will have to

get over something overcome a problem close if it can't get over the
new regulations.

I don't know when I am

finally find time to do
going to get round to
get round to something (N.Amer.: get around
writing the thank you
to something)

get together meet (usually for social Let's get together for a
reasons) BBQ this weekend.

I got up early today to

get up get out of bed
study for my exam.

You should get up and give

get up stand
the elderly man your seat.

reveal hidden
His wife gave him away to
give someone away information about
the police.

take the bride to the My father gave me away at

give someone away
altar my wedding.

My little sister gave the

give something away ruin a secret surprise party away by

give something to The library was giving

give something away
someone for free away old books on Friday.

I have to give these skates

give something back return a borrowed item back to Franz before his
hockey game.

My boyfriend didn't want

reluctantly stop
give in to go to the ballet, but he
fighting or arguing
finally gave in.

They were giving out free

give to many people
give something out perfume samples at the
(usually at no cost)
department store.

I am giving up smoking as
give something up quit a habit
of January 1st.

My maths homework was

give up stop trying
too difficult so I gave up.

My brother tried to go
go after someone follow someone
after the thief in his car.

I went after my dream and

try to achieve
go after something now I am a published
We are going against the
go against someone compete, oppose best soccer team in the city

Please go ahead and eat

go ahead start, proceed
before the food gets cold.

I have to go back home

go back return to a place
and get my lunch.

leave home to go on a We're going out for dinner

go out
social event tonight.

Jesse has been going out

go out with someone date with Luke since they met
last winter.

Please go over your

go over something review answers before you submit
your test.

I haven't seen Tina for a

go over visit someone nearby long time. I think I'll go
over for an hour or two.

suffer lack or When I was young, we

go without something
deprivation went without winter boots.

My best friend and I grew

stop being friends over
grow apart apart after she changed

My roses grew back this

grow back regrow

When Jack grows up he

grow up become an adult
wants to be a fireman.

Elizabeth needs a new pair

grow out of something get too big for of shoes because she has
grown out of her old ones.

This bike is too big for him

grow into something grow big enough to fit now, but he should grow
into it by next year.
I handed my old comic
give something used to
hand something down books down to my little
someone else

I have to hand in my essay

hand something in submit
by Friday.

to distribute to a group We will hand out the

hand something out
of people invitations at the door.

The police asked the man

give (usually
hand something over to hand over his wallet and
his weapons.

stay positive (N.Amer., Hang in there. I'm sure

hang in
informal) you'll find a job very soon.

wait a short time Hang on while I grab my

hang on
(informal) coat and shoes!

Instead of going to the

spend time relaxing
hang out party we are just going to
hang out at my place.

He didn't say goodbye

hang up end a phone call
before he hung up.

I had to hold my dog back

prevent from
hold someone/something back because there was a cat in
the park.

Jamie held back his tears

hold something back hide an emotion
at his grandfather's funeral.

Please hold on while I

hold on wait a short time transfer you to the Sales

Hold onto your hat

hold firmly using your
hold onto someone/something because it's very windy
hands or arms

A man in a black mask

hold someone/somethingup rob held the bank up this
Keep on stirring until the
keep on doing something continue doing
liquid comes to a boil.

We kept our relationship

keep something from someone not tell from our parents for two

Try to keep the wet dog

keep someone/something out stop from entering
out of the living room.

If you keep those results

continue at the same
keep something up up you will get into a great

I need you to be on time.

fail to support or help,
let someone down Don't let me down this

Can you let the cat in

let someone in allow to enter
before you go to school?

I have to look after my

look after someone/something take care of
sick grandmother.

Ever since we stole that

think less of, consider
look down on someone chocolate bar your dad has
looked down on me.

I'm looking for a red dress

look for someone/something try to find
for the wedding.

be excited about the I'm looking forward to the

look forward to something
future Christmas break.

We are going to look into

look into something investigate the price of snowboards

be careful, vigilant, and Look out! That car's going

look out
take notice to hit you!

be especially vigilant Don't forget to look out for

look out for someone/something
for snakes on the hiking trail.

look something over check, examine Can you look over my

essay for spelling

search and find

information in a We can look her phone
look something up
reference book or number up on the Internet.

My little sister has always

look up to someone have a lot of respect for
looked up to me.

Josie made up a story

invent, lie about
make something up about about why we were

We were angry last night,

make up forgive each other but we made up at

My sisters made me up for

make someone up apply cosmetics to
my graduation party.

confuse two or more I mixed up the twins'

mix something up
things names again!

His uncle passed away last

pass away die
night after a long illness.

It was so hot in the church

pass out faint that an elderly lady passed

give the same thing to The professor passed the

pass something out
many people textbooks out before class.

I passed up the job

decline (usually
pass something up because I am afraid of
something good)

Thanks for buying my

pay someone back return owed money ticket. I'll pay you back on

That bully will pay for

be punished for doing
pay for something being mean to my little
something bad
I picked out three sweaters
pick something out choose
for you to try on.

indicate with your I'll point my boyfriend out

point someone/something out
finger when he runs by.

put what you are You can put the groceries

put something down holding on a surface or down on the kitchen
floor counter.

The students put the

insult, make someone substitute teacher down
put someone down
feel stupid because his pants were too

We are putting off our trip

put something off postpone until January because of the

The neighbours put the fire

put something out extinguish out before the firemen

I have to put the crib

put something together assemble together before the baby

I don't think I can put up

put up with someone/something tolerate with three small children in
the car.

put clothing/accessories Don't forget to put on your

put something on
on your body new earrings for the party.

I ran into an old school-

run into someone/something meet unexpectedly
friend at the mall.

I accidentally ran over

drive a vehicle over a
run over someone/something your bicycle in the
person or thing

Let's run over/through

run over/through something rehearse, review these lines one more time
before the show.

run away leave unexpectedly, The child ran away from

home and has been missing
for three days.

We ran out of shampoo so

run out have none left I had to wash my hair with

My letter got sent back to

send something back return (usually by mail) me because I used the
wrong stamp.

Our boss set a meeting up

set something up arrange, organize with the president of the

The police set up the car

set someone up trick, trap thief by using a hidden

I want to shop around a

shop around compare prices little before I decide on
these boots.

act extra special for

He always shows off on his
show off people watching
(usually boastfully)

You should sleep over

stay somewhere for the
sleep over tonight if the weather is too
night (informal)
bad to drive home.

We need to sort the bills

organize, resolve a
sort something out out before the first of the

continue doing
something, limit You will lose weight if you
stick to something
yourself to one stick to the diet.
particular thing

stop the energy flow, The light's too bright.

switch something off
turn off Could you switch it off.

We heard the news as soon

start the energy flow,
switch something on as we switched on the car
turn on
resemble a family I take after my mother. We
take after someone
member are both impatient.

He took the car brakes

purposely break into
take something apart apart and found the

I have to take our new TV

take something back return an item back because it doesn't

My plane takes off in five

take off start to fly

remove something Take off your socks and

take something off
(usually clothing) shoes and come in the lake!

remove from a place or Can you take the garbage

take something out
thing out to the street for me?

pay for someone to go My grandparents took us

take someone out
somewhere with you out for dinner and a movie.

I tore up my ex-boyfriend's
tear something up rip into pieces letters and gave them back
to him.

When I think back on my

remember (often + to,
think back youth, I wish I had studied
sometimes + on)

I'll have to think this job

think something over consider offer over before I make
my final decision.

We threw our old furniture

throw something away dispose of away when we won the

decrease the volume or Please turn the TV down

turn something down
strength (heat, light etc) while the guests are here.

I turned the job down

turn something down refuse because I don't want to
Your mother wants you to
stop the energy flow,
turn something off turn the TV off and come
switch off
for dinner.

start the energy, switch It's too dark in here. Let's

turn something on
on turn some lights on.

Can you turn the music

increase the volume or
turn something up up? This is my favourite
strength (heat, light etc)

Our cat turned up after we

turn up appear suddenly put posters up all over the

I'm going to try these jeans

try something on sample clothing on, but I don't think they
will fit.

I am going to try this new

try something out test
brand of detergent out.

The kids used all of the

use something up finish the supply toothpaste up so we need
to buy some more.

We have to wake up early

wake up stop sleeping
for work on Monday.

increase the You can warm your feet

warm someone/something up
temperature up in front of the fireplace.

I always warm up by
prepare body for
warm up doing sit-ups before I go
for a run.

Most of my make-up wore

wear off fade away
off before I got to the party.

I work out at the gym three

work out exercise
times a week.

work out be successful Our plan worked out fine.

work something out make a calculation We have to work out the

total cost before we buy the

Verb Meaning Example
If you want to stay
respect or obey. (the at this school, you
A abide by
law, a decision, a rule) must abide by the
I hope you can
account for explain, give a reason account for the
money you spent!
make sense, seem Her story just
add up
reasonable doesn't add up.
The doctor
recommend not doing advised him
advise against
something against carrying
heavy loads.
I agree with you. I
have the same opinion
agree with think she deserves
as somebody else.
the award too.
point something in the The policeman
aim at direction of aimed his gun at
a target the hijacker.
You'd better leave
take into consideration,
allow for early to allow for
include in a calculation
traffic jams.
Don't answer
answer back reply rudely
back your mother!
1) The organizers
1) plead or make an appealed to the
earnest request crowd to stay calm.
appeal to
2) be attractive or 2) A trekking
interesting holiday doesn't
appeal to me.
He applied for the
make a formal request
job he saw
apply for for something
advertised in the
(job, permit, loan etc.)
When the
company is
privatized, you
take advantage of
should avail
avail (oneself) of something (an
yourself of
the opportunity
and buy some
When he saw the
move backwards, in
B back away dog, he backed
fear or dislike
Local authorities
backed down on
withdraw, concede
back down their plans to
demolish the
1) If I tell the boss
we've got too much
1) give support or work, will you back
encouragement me up?
back up
2) make a copy of (file, 2) It is
program, etc.) recommended to
back up all files in
a secure location.
1) When he was
arrested, his family
1) pay money to secure
refused to bail him
someone's release
bail out out.
2) rescue from financial
2) The government
bailed out the
Don't forget the
base your hopes on
bank on date. I'm banking
on your help.
He beefed up his
improve, make more presentation with
beef up
substantial diagrams and
When he fell off
faint, lose
black out the horse he
blacked out.
The area was
Separate using a
block off blocked off during
the demonstration.
1) The terrorists
said the bomb
1) explode; would blow up at 9
blow up 2) be destroyed by an o'clock.
explosion 2) The car blew
up but luckily there
was nobody in it.
The problem boils
boil down to be summarized as down to a lack of
start a computer by
Just give my a few
loading an
boot up minutes to boot up
operating system or
the computer.
break away escape from captivity A few horses
broke away from
the paddock.

1) John's car
broke down so he
1) go out of order, had to take the
cease to function bus.
break down
2) lose control of one's 2) The parents
emotions broke down when
they heard the bad
Burglars broke
break into enter by force into the house
around midnight.
Rioting broke out
break out start suddenly as a result of the
escape from a place by Three prisoners
break out of
force broke out of jail.
After her marriage
come to an end broke up, Emma
break up
(marriage, relationship) went to live in
She stopped
working in order to
bring up raise (a child)
bring up her
Mary had to brush
improve, refresh one's up on her Spanish
brush up on
knowledge of something before going to
South America.
Pedro bumped
meet by accident or into his English
bump into
unexpectedly teacher at the
1) The fuse has
1) stop (something)
burnt out.
burn out 2) Tom will burn
2) become exhausted
himself out if he
from over-working
doesn't slow down.
It's rude to butt in
butt in (on sthg) interrupt impolitely on a conversation
like that!

I'll call you back

C call back return a phone call as soon as
The meeting was
call off cancel called off because
of the strike.
I now call upon
formally invite or the President to
call on/upon sby
request address the
He was angry at
become more relaxed, first but he
calm down
less angry or upset eventually calmed
He carried on
carry on continue gardening in spite
of the rain.
1) The plan was
1) do something as carried out to
specified perfection.
(a plan, an order, a 2) Tests are
carry out
threat) carried out to
2) perform or conduct determine the
(test, experiment) efficiency of a new
As regards
holidays, can you
carry over any
carry over postpone until later
days from one year

to the next?
For security
reasons you have
register at a hotel or
check in to check in two
hours before your
1) Is Mr. Blair still
at the hotel? No,
he checked out
1) pay one's bill and
this morning.
check out leave (a hotel)
2) I don't know if
2) investigate
the address is still
valid. I'll check it
When the teacher
clam up refuse to speak arrived she
clammed up.
The government
has decided to
act strictly to prevent
clamp down on clamp down on
smoking in public
When the factory
stop operating
closed down, the
close down (company, restaurant,
employees lost
their jobs.
come across 1) find by chance 1) Julie came
2) appear, seem, make across some
an impression photographs of her
grandparents in the
2) The candidate
came across as a
dynamic person
during the
The police have
asked any
come forward present oneself
witnesses to come
The project came
be faced with or
come up against up against a lot of
opposed by
1) The car conked
out on the
1) stop working motorway.
conk out 2) stop or fall asleep 2) He was so
(from exhaustion) exhausted, he
conked out in front
of the TV.
I'm counting on
rely or depend on (for
count on the taxi driver to
find the theatre.
In some exercises,
remove by drawing a you are asked to
cross out
line through cross out the
incorrect word.
The doctor told
reduce in number or
cut down on him to cut down
on cigarettes.
1) She cut out a
picture in a
1) remove using
cut out scissors
2) I'm going to cut
2) stop doing something
out eating between

The manager is
handle, take care of good at dealing
D deal with
(problem, situation) with difficult
When the
calm down, become applause died
die down
less strong down, she started
to sing.
The shops are
closed so we'll
do without manage without
have to do without
We expected a
last longer than short speech but it
drag on
expected dragged on and
An agreement was
write (contract, drawn up and
draw up
agreement, document) signed by the two
1) Do people
dress up to go to
the opera in your
1) wear elegant clothes
dress up country?
2) disguise oneself
2) Children love to
dress up at
I sometimes drop
in to see my
visit, usually on the way
drop in grandparents on
my way home from
1) I'll drop you off
at the bus stop if
1) deliver someone or
you like.
drop off something
2) Granddad often
2) fall asleep
drops off in front
of the TV.
She decided to go
leave school without to art school then
drop out
finishing dropped out after
the first term.

After Christmas
reduce, become less
the workload
E ease off severe or slow down
generally eases
(pain, traffic, work)
finish in a certain way; Their marriage
end in
result in ended in divorce.
If he continues his
finally reach a state,
end up misconduct he'll
place or action
end up in prison.
1) After a long
discussion they
1) eliminate differences managed to even
of opinion. out their
even out
2) become level or differences.
regular 2) The road was
evened out to
make it safer.
Our planned boat
trip fell through
F fall through fail; doesn't happen
because of the
I'm trying to figure
understand, find the out how to
figure out
answer assemble the
Please fill out the
complete (a form/an enclosed form and
fill out
application) return it as soon as
I'm going to call
discover or obtain the cinema to find
find out
information out what time the
film starts.
The advertising
campaign will
concentrate on
focus on focus on the
quality of the
We'll have to
understand; find a figure out a way to
figure out
solution deliver the goods

I get along (well)

be on good terms; work
G get along (with) with my mother-in-
well with
What exactly are
get at imply you trying to get
The robbers got
get away escape away in a black
manage to cope or to It's difficult to get
get by
survive by on a low salary.
How did the
get in enter
burglar get in?
How did the
get into (+noun) enter burglar get into the
1) You should get
off the bus at
1) leave (bus, train,
Trafalgar Square.
get off plane)
2) She can't get
2) remove
the stain off her
get on board (bus, train, You can pay when
plane) you get on the

Be quiet and get

continue to do; make
get on with (something) on with your
I get on very well
get on (well) with have a good
with my
(somebody) relationship with
How did he get
get out leave
How did he get
get out of (+noun) leave
out of the house?
Some husbands
manage to get out
get out of avoid doing something
of doing any
My grandmother
recover from (illness,
get over had pneumonia but
she got over it.
It's difficult to get
get rid of eliminate
rid of old habits.
Let's get together
get together meet each other
for lunch on day.
I usually get up at
get up rise, leave bed
7 o'clock.
Sarah gave up
give up stop doing something smoking 5 years
Pete went
through a lot of
go through experience
pain after the
spend one's childhood; He grew up in a
grow up develop; become an small village in the
adult mountains.

All application
forms must be
submit (report,
H hand in handed in before
the end of the
Samples will be
handed out at the
hand out distribute
end of the
Where does he
spend time in a
hang out these
particular place,
hang out days?
or with a group of
Who does he
hang out with?
"Don't hang up. I
end a phone
hang up haven't finished
He hit at the wasp
hit at aim a blow at with the
When he was
retaliate; reply to an attacked by the
hit back
attack others, the boy hit
She hit upon an
find unexpectedly or by
hit on/upon idea for her new
- 'Hold on please.
I'll put you through
-wait to Mr. Brown."
hold on
-grip tightly - She held on to
the railing as she
crossed the bridge.
Hurry up! We'll
hurry up be quick, act speedily
miss the bus.

The meeting
resolve by discussion, tomorrow will be an
I iron out
eliminate differences opportunity to iron
out difficulties.

She was too shy

J join in participate to join in the
- John was in the
Army and Tom
-engage in, become a joined up as soon
join up member of as he left school.
- meet and unite with - The two groups of
tourists joined up
at the hotel.
I jotted down the
address while
jot down take quick notes
watching the
programme on TV.

It told him to be
continue doing
K keep on quiet but he kept
on making noise.
stay at the same level Bill walks so fast
keep up with as someone or it's difficult to keep
something up with him.
The football match
kick off begin, start kicked off at 3

The child's name

L leave out omit, not mention was left out of the
You promised to
come to the party,
let down disappoint
so don't let me
A babysitter looks
look after take care of after the children
when they go out.
It's time to forget
look ahead think of the future the past and look
He tends to look
down on anyone
look down on consider as inferior
who is not
Billy didn't take
be a spectator at an
look on part in the fight.
He just looked on.
Jane went to the
look for try to find something shops to look for a
pair of shoes.
await or anticipate with I look forward to
look forward to
pleasure seeing you soon.
He was a
wonderful teacher
look up to admire
and many students
looked up to him.

The old lady

dresses so
laugh at/ make jokes
Mmake fun of strangely that the
kids make fun of
Some employees
make up excuses
make up invent (excuse, story)
when they arrive
late for work.
I don't know my
mistake one thing or neighbours' names
mix up
person for another yet. I keep mixing
them up.
move in arrive in a new home or You've bought a
office new house? When
are you moving
My neighbour is
leave your home/office leaving. He's
move out
for another one. moving out next

My grandfather
often nods off in
nod off fall asleep
N front of the
I'll call the station
note down write something and note down the
departure times.

I enjoy tennis but

leave a system or I'm so busy I had to
opt out
O decide not to participate opt out of the
The boy owned
up. He said he
admit or confess
own up kicked the ball
through the

The old lady

pass away die passed away
P peacefully.
She passed out
pass out faint when she heard
the bad news.
I'll lend you 20€
provided you pay
pay back reimburse me back before
the end of the
The meeting was
postpone, arrange a
put off put off because of
later date
the strike.
Could you put on
put on turn on, switch on
the light please?
It took a long time
put out extinguish
to put out the fire.
We can put you
accommodate, give up if you'd like to
put up
somebody a bed come for a week-
I'll pick you up at
pick up collect somebody the station when
you arrive.
indicate/direct attention She pointed out
point out
to something the mistake.

Don't worry. You

count on, depend on,
rely on can rely on me. I
R trust
can keep a secret.
The police ruled
rule out eliminate out political
He ran away from
escape from a place or
run away home at the age of
suddenly leave
meet by accident or Sophie ran into
run into unexpectedly (also: Maria at the
bump into) shopping centre.
What a nuisance!
have no more of
run out of We've run out of

Early Saturday
set off start a journey; morning we set off
S for the ski slopes .
She set up her
set up start a business own company 10
years ago.
It's always wise to
shop around
shop around compare prices
before buying
There's David
brag or want to be
show off showing off in his
new sports car!
We expected
show up appear/arrive David to come but
he didn't show up.
shut up Oh shut up, you
be silent, stop talking
(impolite) idiot!
Please come in
sit down take a seat
and sit down.
The pupils stood
rise from a sitting up when the
stand up
position headmaster
stick up for defend It's important to
stick up for one's

resemble, in
Jamie really takes
take after appearance or
T after his dad.
I'll take care of
take care of look after your plants while
you're away.
The plane took
take off leave the ground
off at 6 a.m.
Business is good
so the company is
take on hire or engage staff
taking on extra
She took out a
take out remove; extract pen to note the
The teacher told
reprimand/criticize her off for not
tell off
severely doing her
I'll have to think
think over consider over the proposal
before I decide.
I'm not sure about
wear something to see
try on the size. Can I try
if it suits or fits
it on?
I couldn't turn
turn down refuse down an offer like

The kids have

finish a product (so that
use up used up all the
U there's none left)

You can give the

express confidence in,
vouch for keys to Andy. I can
V or guarantee something
vouch for him.

Watch out! There's

Wwatch out be careful
a car coming.
wear out 1) become unusable 1) Julie wore out
2) become very tired her shoes visiting
the city.
2) At the end of
the day Julie was
worn out.
1) I work out
twice a week at the
1) do physical exercise gym club.
work out 2) find a solution or 2) It's expensive
calculate something but I haven't
worked out the
exact cost yet.
The teacher asked
wipe off clean (board, table). Lee to wipe off the

phrasal verb crossword


Verb Meaning Example
respect or obey.
If you want to stay at this school, you
A abide by (the law, a decision,
must abide by the rules.
a rule)
explain, give a I hope you can account for the money
account for
reason you spent!
make sense, seem
add up Her story just doesn't add up.
recommend not The doctor advised him against
advise against
doing something carrying heavy loads.
have the same
I agree with you. I think she deserves
agree with opinion as
the award too.
somebody else.
point something in
The policeman aimed his gun at the
aim at the direction of
a target
take into
consideration, You'd better leave early to allow for
allow for
include in a traffic jams.

answer back reply rudely Don't answer back your mother!

1) plead or make 1) The organizers appealed to the

an earnest request crowd to stay calm.
appeal to
2) be attractive or 2) A trekking holiday doesn't appeal to
interesting me.
apply for make a formal He applied for the job he saw
request for advertised in the newspaper.
(job, permit, loan

take advantage of When the company is privatized, you

avail (oneself) of something (an should avail yourself of
opportunity) the opportunity and buy some shares.

move backwards, When he saw the dog, he backed

B back away
in fear or dislike away.
withdraw, concede Local authorities backed down on their
back down
defeat plans to demolish the building.
1) give support or 1) If I tell the boss we've got too much
encouragement work, will you back me up?
back up
2) make a copy of 2) It is recommended to back up all
(file, program, etc.) files in a secure location.
1) pay money to
secure someone's 1) When he was arrested, his family
bail out release refused to bail him out.
2) rescue from 2) The government bailed out the bank.
financial difficulties
base your hopes on Don't forget the date. I'm banking on
bank on
someone/something your help.
improve, make He beefed up his presentation with
beef up
more substantial diagrams and statistics.
faint, lose When he fell off the horse he blacked
black out
consciousness out.
Separate using a The area was blocked off during the
block off
barrier. demonstration.
1) The terrorists said the bomb would
1) explode;
blow up at 9 o'clock.
blow up 2) be destroyed by
2) The car blew up but luckily there
an explosion
was nobody in it.
The problem boils down to a lack of
boil down to be summarized as
start a computer by
loading an Just give my a few minutes to boot up
boot up
operating system orthe computer.
escape from A few horses broke away from the
break away
captivity paddock.
1) go out of order, 1) John's car broke down so he had to
cease to function take the bus.
break down
2) lose control of 2) The parents broke down when they
one's emotions heard the bad news.
Burglars broke into the house around
break into enter by force
Rioting broke out as a result of the
break out start suddenly
escape from a
break out of Three prisoners broke out of jail.
place by force
come to an end
After her marriage broke up, Emma
break up (marriage,
went to live in London.
She stopped working in order to bring
bring up raise (a child)
up her children.
improve, refresh
Mary had to brush up on her Spanish
brush up on one's knowledge of
before going to South America.
meet by accident or Pedro bumped into his English
bump into
unexpectedly teacher at the supermarket.
1) stop (something)
working 1) The fuse has burnt out.
burn out 2) become 2) Tom will burn himself out if he
exhausted from doesn't slow down.
It's rude to butt in on a conversation
butt in (on sthg) interrupt impolitely
like that!

C call back return a phone call I'll call you back as soon as possible.

The meeting was called off because of

call off cancel
the strike.
formally invite or I now call upon the President to
call on/upon sby
request address the assembly.
become more
He was angry at first but he eventually
calm down relaxed, less angry
calmed down.
or upset
He carried on gardening in spite of the
carry on continue
1) do something as
1) The plan was carried out to
(a plan, an order,
carry out a threat)
2) Tests are carried out to determine
2) perform or
the efficiency of a new drug.
conduct (test,
As regards holidays, can you carry over
carry over postpone until later any days from one year
to the next?
register at a hotel For security reasons you have to check
check in
or airport in two hours before your flight.
1) Is Mr. Blair still at the hotel? No, he
1) pay one's bill and
checked out this morning.
check out leave (a hotel)
2) I don't know if the address is still
2) investigate
valid. I'll check it out.
When the teacher arrived she
clam up refuse to speak
clammed up.
act strictly to The government has decided to clamp
clamp down on
prevent something down on smoking in public places.
stop operating
When the factory closed down, the
close down (company,
employees lost their jobs.
restaurant, cinema).
1) Julie came across some
1) find by chance photographs of her grandparents in the
come across 2) appear, seem, attic.
make an impression 2) The candidate came across as a
dynamic person during the interview.
The police have asked any witnesses
come forward present oneself
to come forward.
be faced with or The project came up against a lot of
come up against
opposed by criticism.
1) The car conked out on the
1) stop working
conk out 2) stop or fall asleep
2) He was so exhausted, he conked
(from exhaustion)
out in front of the TV.
rely or depend on I'm counting on the taxi driver to find
count on
(for help) the theatre.
remove by drawing In some exercises, you are asked to
cross out
a line through cross out the incorrect word.
reduce in number The doctor told him to cut down on
cut down on
or size cigarettes.
1) remove using
1) She cut out a picture in a magazine.
cut out 2) I'm going to cut out eating between
2) stop doing

handle, take care

The manager is good at dealing with
D deal with of (problem,
difficult customers.
calm down, When the applause died down, she
die down
become less strong started to sing.
The shops are closed so we'll have to
do without manage without
do without sugar.
last longer than We expected a short speech but it
drag on
expected dragged on and on!
write (contract,
An agreement was drawn up and
draw up agreement,
signed by the two parties.
1) Do people dress up to go to the
1) wear elegant
opera in your country?
dress up clothes
2) Children love to dress up at
2) disguise oneself
I sometimes drop in to see my
visit, usually on the
drop in grandparents on my way home from
way somewhere
drop off 1) deliver someone 1) I'll drop you off at the bus stop if you
or something like.
2) fall asleep 2) Granddad often drops off in front of
the TV.

leave school She decided to go to art school then

drop out
without finishing dropped out after the first term.

reduce, become
less severe or slow After Christmas the workload generally
E ease off
down eases off.
(pain, traffic, work)
finish in a certain
end in Their marriage ended in divorce.
way; result in
finally reach a
If he continues his misconduct he'll end
end up state, place or
up in prison.
1) eliminate
1) After a long discussion they
differences of
managed to even out their differences.
even out opinion.
2) The road was evened out to make
2) become level or
it safer.

Our planned boat trip fell through

F fall through fail; doesn't happen
because of the storm.
understand, find I'm trying to figure out how to
figure out
the answer assemble the bookshelves.
complete (a Please fill out the enclosed form and
fill out
form/an application) return it as soon as possible.
discover or obtain I'm going to call the cinema to find out
find out
information what time the film starts.
concentrate on The advertising campaign will focus on
focus on
something the quality of the product.
understand; find a We'll have to figure out a way to
figure out
solution deliver the goods faster.

be on good terms; I get along (well) with my mother-in-

G get along (with)
work well with law.

get at imply What exactly are you trying to get at?

get away escape The robbers got away in a black car.

manage to cope or
get by It's difficult to get by on a low salary.
to survive

get in enter How did the burglar get in?

How did the burglar get into the

get into (+noun) enter
1) You should get off the bus at
1) leave (bus, train,
Trafalgar Square.
get off plane)
2) She can't get the stain off her
2) remove
board (bus, train,
get on You can pay when you get on the bus.
continue to do; Be quiet and get on with your
get on with (something)
make progress homework.
get on (well) with have a good
I get on very well with my colleagues.
(somebody) relationship with

get out leave How did he get out?

get out of (+noun) leave How did he get out of the house?

avoid doing Some husbands manage to get out of

get out of
something doing any housework.
recover from
My grandmother had pneumonia but
get over (illness,
she got over it.

get rid of eliminate It's difficult to get rid of old habits.

get together meet each other Let's get together for lunch on day.

get up rise, leave bed I usually get up at 7 o'clock.

stop doing
give up Sarah gave up smoking 5 years ago.
Pete went through a lot of pain after
go through experience
the accident.
spend one's
He grew up in a small village in the
grow up childhood; develop;
become an adult

submit (report, All application forms must be handed

H hand in
homework) in before the end of the month.
Samples will be handed out at the end
hand out distribute
of the demonstration.
spend time in a
particular place, Where does he hang out these days?
hang out
or with a group of Who does he hang out with?
end a phone
hang up "Don't hang up. I haven't finished yet."

hit at aim a blow at He hit at the wasp with the newspaper.

retaliate; reply to an When he was attacked by the others,

hit back
attack the boy hit back.
find unexpectedly She hit upon an idea for her new
hit on/upon
or by inspiration collection.
- 'Hold on please. I'll put you through to
-wait Mr. Brown."
hold on
-grip tightly - She held on to the railing as she
crossed the bridge.
be quick, act
hurry up Hurry up! We'll miss the bus.

resolve by
discussion, The meeting tomorrow will be an
I iron out
eliminate opportunity to iron out difficulties.

J join in participate She was too shy to join in the game.

-engage in,
- John was in the Army and Tom joined
become a member
up as soon as he left school.
join up of
- The two groups of tourists joined up
- meet and unite
at the hotel.
I jotted down the address while
jot down take quick notes
watching the programme on TV.

continue doing It told him to be quiet but he kept on

K keep on
something making noise.
stay at the same
Bill walks so fast it's difficult to keep up
keep up with level as someone or
with him.
The football match kicked off at 3
kick off begin, start

The child's name was left out of the

L leave out omit, not mention
You promised to come to the party, so
let down disappoint
don't let me down!
A babysitter looks after the children
look after take care of
when they go out.
It's time to forget the past and look
look ahead think of the future
He tends to look down on anyone who
look down on consider as inferior
is not successful.
be a spectator at Billy didn't take part in the fight. He just
look on
an event looked on.
try to find Jane went to the shops to look for a
look for
something pair of shoes.
await or anticipate
look forward to I look forward to seeing you soon.
with pleasure
He was a wonderful teacher and many
look up to admire
students looked up to him.

laugh at/ make The old lady dresses so strangely that

Mmake fun of
jokes about the kids make fun of her.
invent (excuse, Some employees make up excuses
make up
story) when they arrive late for work.
mistake one thing
I don't know my neighbours' names
mix up or person for
yet. I keep mixing them up.
arrive in a new You've bought a new house? When are
move in
home or office you moving in?.
leave your
My neighbour is leaving. He's moving
move out home/office for
out next Saturday.
another one.

My grandfather often nods off in front

nod off fall asleep
N of the television.
I'll call the station and note down the
note down write something
departure times.

leave a system or
I enjoy tennis but I'm so busy I had to
opt out decide not to
O opt out of the tournament.
admit or confess The boy owned up. He said he kicked
own up
something the ball through the window.

pass away die The old lady passed away peacefully.

She passed out when she heard the
pass out faint
bad news.
I'll lend you 20€ provided you pay me
pay back reimburse
back before the end of the week.
postpone, arrange The meeting was put off because of
put off
a later date the strike.

put on turn on, switch on Could you put on the light please?

put out extinguish It took a long time to put out the fire.
accommodate, give We can put you up if you'd like to come
put up
somebody a bed for a week-end.
I'll pick you up at the station when you
pick up collect somebody
point out attention to She pointed out the mistake.

count on, depend Don't worry. You can rely on me. I can
rely on
R on, trust keep a secret.

rule out eliminate The police ruled out political motives.

escape from a
He ran away from home at the age of
run away place or suddenly
meet by accident or
Sophie ran into Maria at the shopping
run into unexpectedly (also:
bump into)
have no more of What a nuisance! We've run out of
run out of
something. coffee.

Early Saturday morning we set off for

set off start a journey;
S the ski slopes .
She set up her own company 10 years
set up start a business
It's always wise to shop around before
shop around compare prices
buying anything.
brag or want to be There's David showing off in his new
show off
admired sports car!
We expected David to come but he
show up appear/arrive
didn't show up.
shut up be silent, stop
Oh shut up, you idiot!
(impolite) talking

sit down take a seat Please come in and sit down.

rise from a sitting The pupils stood up when the

stand up
position headmaster arrived.
It's important to stick up for one's
stick up for defend

resemble, in
take after appearance or Jamie really takes after his dad.
T character
I'll take care of your plants while you're
take care of look after
take off leave the ground The plane took off at 6 a.m.

Business is good so the company is

take on hire or engage staff
taking on extra staff.
She took out a pen to note the
take out remove; extract
reprimand/criticize The teacher told her off for not doing
tell off
severely her homework.
I'll have to think over the proposal
think over consider
before I decide.
wear something to I'm not sure about the size. Can I try it
try on
see if it suits or fits on?

turn down refuse I couldn't turn down an offer like that!

finish a product (so

The kids have used up all the
use up that there's none
U toothpaste.

express confidence
You can give the keys to Andy. I can
vouch for in, or guarantee
V vouch for him.

Wwatch out be careful Watch out! There's a car coming.

1) become 1) Julie wore out her shoes visiting the

unusable city.
wear out
2) become very 2) At the end of the day Julie was worn
tired out.
1) do physical 1) I work out twice a week at the gym
exercise club.
work out
2) find a solution or 2) It's expensive but I haven't worked
calculate something out the exact cost yet.
clean (board, The teacher asked Lee to wipe off the
wipe off
table). board.

Get about : lan truyền

Get ahead : tiến bộ

Get at sth :tìm ra, khám phá ra

Get at sb : chỉ trích, công kích

Get away from :trốn thoát

Get away with :thoát khỏi ( sự trừng phạt)

Get back :trở về

Get sth back :lấy lại

Get behind :chậm trễ

Get down :làm nãn lòng

Get down to sth :bắt tay vào việc gì

Get in/into sth :được nhận vào

Get off :rời khỏi, xuống (xe, mát bay)

Get on :lên ( tàu xe..)

Get on with :hòa thuận

Get out :lộ ra ngoài ( tin tức… )

Get out of :lẫn tránh

Get over: phục hồi, vượt qua

Get through :vượt qua

Get through to sb : làm ai hiểu được điều gì

Get together :tụ họp

Get up to :gây ra
Give up :từ bỏ

Take off :cởi ra

Wash up :rữa chén

Go on :tiếp tục

Look up :tra (từ điển)

Put on :mặc, đội vào

Turn on :mở, bật (quạt, đèn...)

Turn off :tắt (quạt, đèn...)

Turn up : đến, có mặt

Turn around : quay lại

Lie down :nằm xuống

Look after : chăm sóc

Take after :giống

Go off :nổ

Try out :thử

Hold up :hoãn lại

Hurry up :nhanh lên

Catch sight of :bắt gặp

Lose sight of :mất hút
Make fun of :chế diễu
Lose track of :mất dấu
Take account of :lưu tâm
Take note of :để ý
Take care of :chăm sóc
Take advantage of :lợi dụng
Take leave of :từ biệt
Give birth to : sanh con
Give place to :nhường chỗ
Give way to :nhượng bộ, chịu thua
Pay attention to :chú ý
Put an end to :kết thúc
Put a stop to :chấm dứt
Set fire to :đốt cháy
Make a contribution to : góp phần
Lose touch with :mất liên lạc
Keep pace with :theo kịp
Keep correspondence with :liên lạc thư từ
Make room for : dọn chỗ
Make allowance for :chiếu cố
Show affection for :có cảm tình
Feel pity for :thương xót
Feel regret for :ân hận
Feel sympathy for :thông cảm
Take/have pity on :thương xót
Make a decision on :quyết định
Make complaint about :kêu ca, phàn nàn
Make a fuss about :làm om xòm
Play an influence over :có ảnh hưởng
Get victory over :chiến thắng
Take interest in :quan tâm
Have faith in :tin tưởng
Feel shame at : xấu hổ
Have a look at : nhìn
get over = recover from = make a recovery from :binh phuc

go off: chuông reo,súng nổ ,sữa bị chua

bear out st =confirm st : xac nhan

break down:hu hong(xe),sập(nhà )

brush up on st =riview:ôn tập

call off =cancel: trì hoãn,phá hủy

come down with(a flu):bị,nhiễm(cúm)

catch sight of =come across=come upon =meet by chance:tình cờ gặp

fill in for sb: thay thế ai

look down on:khinh bỉ >< look up to:kính trọng

pay sb back for st : trả thù ai cái gì

see sb off:tiễn ai(lúc đi xa)

take off:cất cánh

cope with st=deal with st: xử lí,giải quyết vấn đề

acuont for:lí giải cho

break into:đột nhập

call in(on):ghé thăm=drop in(on)

come off= succeed

come up to=meet:đáp ứng được

get on(well) with: sống,làm việc...hợp với ai

make up:bịa đặt

make up for=compensate for:đền bù

take after=resemble:giống như

Out of date = out of fashion: hết hạn , lỗi

Out of reach : ngoài tầm với
Out of the hands : ngoài tầm tay/ vô kỉ luật
Out of question : ko khả thi
Out of order : hư, hỏng
Out of control : ngoài tầm kiểm soát
Out of work = jobless = unemployed : thất
Thành ngữ " out of sight out of mind " : xa
mặt cách lòng
burst out ( laughing/crying ) : bật (cười/khóc )
die out = extinct : tuyệt chủng
dress up : ăn mặc đẹp
eat out : ăn tiệm
eat up : ăn hết ( để mai sợ nó thiu mất )
fix up = arrange : thu xếp
give out = distribute : phân phát
go over = examine : xem xét, kiểm tra
go in for = enter = compete = take part in : tham gia
hold on = wait : đợi

keep on : vẫn giữ được,không bị mất ( việc làm ....)

leave out = oversight : bỏ quên , bỏ sót

look out : coi chừng! ( dùng để cảnh báo )

put forward = suggest : gợi ý

put aside/by = save money : để dành tiền

put in for : đòi hỏi

put up with = bear : chịu đựng

put up : cho trú, cho ở trọ

put up = erect : dựng ( lều,trại....)

put out : tắt ( lửa,đèn..)

put through to : nối điện đàm

pick up = give sb a leaf : cho ai đi nhờ xe

set off = depart = start journey : khởi hành

sweep along : lôi,quấn theo ( chiều gió , dòng nước....)

show round/around : đưa đi tham quan

show off : phô trương, khoe khoang

stand for : đại diện,viết tắt của ( danh từ riêng : WHO,WTO....)

take over : đảm nhận

take back = return : trả lại, hoàn lại

take up = start doing st : bắt đầu lam gì

turn down = refuse = reject : tư chối

iron out/solve a problem : xử lý,giải quyết

vấn đề
make out st : nhìn thấy rõ , phân biệt được
cái gì
put st down to sb : quy cái gì cho ai
see through sb : nhìn thấy rõ bản chất của
send up sb = make fun of = laugh at sb :
chế nhạo ai
take sb off : bắt chước ai
take sb on : thuê , tuyển dụng ai
take to sb : thích ai
talk sb into doing st = persuade sb to do st :
thuyết phục ai lam gì
><persuade sb out of
doing st : thuyết phục ai đừng lam gì
turn out ( to do st ) : hóa ra,hóa thành
walk out on sb : bỏ rơi ai
pass away : chết,từ trần
add up : đúng,hợp lí
give out = run out of : cạn kiệt
settle down : ổn định cuộc sống
draw up : dừng lại
to catch sb in the act : bắt quả tang
to track sb down : truy lùng ai
to browse through : đọc lướt qua
to leaf through : lật dở ( trang sách )
to set in : kéo đến ,ập đến
to resolve to do st =to determine doing st :
quyết tâm làm gì
to weed st out : loại cái gì ra
to defect from : chạy trốn khỏi, đào ngũ
to single st out :lựa cái gì riêng ra
to step in = to interfere with : can thiệp
to look back on : hồi tưởng lại
to come round : tỉnh lại
to take over : tiếp quản,đảm nhận
to be succumbed to st : chịu thua cái gì
to pick up on st : để ý thấy cái gì
to focus on = to concentrate on : tập trung
to get rid of : từ bỏ
to matchmake st with st : ghép cái gì cho
hợp với cái gì
to sulk at sb : hờn dỗi ai
to have a go at sb : la mắng ai
to cheer sb up : làm ai vui hơn
to cheer sb on : reo hò,cổ vũ ai
to be cut out for doing st : có đủ phẩm
chất,năng lực lam gì
to bear witness to st : làm nhân chứng cho
to subject st to st : bắt cái gì phải chịu cái gì
to take for granted : xem la chuyện bình
to appeal to sb : hấp dẫn,thu hút ai
to be out to get sb : quyết tâm hại ai,hạ uy
tín của ai
to confess to do st : thú nhận đã làm gì
to do sb good : có lợi cho ai
to make room for : nhường chỗ
to be in reluctant to do st : do dự,ngần ngại
lam gì
to lose faith in : mất niềm tin
to lift off : rời bệ phóng

Idioms liên quan đến “HAIR” :

not a hair out of place : cực kỳ chỉn chu
 She was immaculate as ever, not a hair out of place.

curl someone’s hair and make someone’s hair curl : khiến ai đó dựng tóc gáy
 Don’t ever sneak up on me like that again. You really curled my hair.
 The horror film made my hair curl.

hair and hide : tất cả mọi thứ, không bỏ sót thứ gì

 Joe never threw anything away. He found a use for everything, hair and hide.

let your hair down : thư giãn và tận hưởng

 It’s nice to let your hair down once in a while and go a bit wild.

pull/tear your hair out : lo sốt vó

 I’ve been tearing my hair out trying to get the job finished on time.

split hairs : tranh cãi về những vấn đề nhỏ nhặt, không đáng
 ‘She earns three time what I earn.’ ‘Actually, it’s more like two and a half.’ ‘Oh stop splitting hairs!’
 Idioms liên quan đến “HEEL” :
Achilles’ heel : gót chân Asin
o He was very brave, but fear of spiders was his Achilles’ heel.

bring/call somebody to heel : bắt ai đó nghe theo, “nắm đuôi” ai đó

o He decided that threatening to sue the publishers was the easiest way of bringing them to heel.
cool your heels : chờ đợi
o Fans of the band were forced to cool their heels outside the theater for 90 minutes.

take to your heels : vắt chân lên cổ mà chạy

o As soon as they saw the soldiers coming, they took to their heels.

kick up your heels : làm những chuyện ưa thích

o In spring people dash outdoors to kick up their heels and join in their favorite sports.

well-heeled : giàu có

C.Phrasal verb

put about: trở buồm (con thuyền), làm quay lại, xoay hướng đi

put across: thực hiện thành công, làm cho được tán thưởng (vở kịch, câu

put aside: để dành, dành dụm

put back: để lại (vào chỗ cũ); vặn (kim đồng hồ) lùi lại

put forward: trình bày, đề xuất, đưa ra, nêu ra; vặn (kim đồng hồ) tiến lên

put oneself forward: tự đề cao mình, tự làm cho mình nổi bật

put by: để sang bên, lảng tránh (vấn đề, câu hỏi,...)

put down: để xuống, đàn áp, tước quyền, giáng chức, hạ cánh (máy bay, người
trong máy bay), đào (giếng)

put in: đệ đơn, đưa ra chứng cớ; thi hành, thực hiện

put in for: đòi, yêu sách, xin

put off: cởi (quần áo, mũ nón, giày dép) ra; hoãn lại, để chậm lại

put on: mặc (quần áo), đội (mũ nón), đi (giày dép) vào; làm ra vẻ, làm ra bộ

put on flesh (weight): lên cân, béo ra

put on speed: tăng tốc độ

put sb on doing (to do) sth: giao cho ai làm việc gì

put the blame on sb: đổ tội lên đầu ai

put a tax on sth: đánh thuế vào cái gì

put out: tắt, thổi tắt, dập tắt; sản xuất ra; đuổi ra ngoài; lè (lưỡi) ra; quấy rầy,
làm phiền

put over: hoàn thành trong hoàn cảnh không thuận lợi; hoàn thành nhờ mưu

put to: buộc vào, móc vào

put together: để vào với nhau, kết hợp vào với nhau

put heads together: hội ý với nhau, bàn bạc với nhau

put up: để lên, đặt lên; cho ở trọ, trọ lại; búi (tóc) lên; giương (ô ) lên; xây
dựng, lắp đặt; đem trình diễn; cầu kinh; đề cử, tiến cử

put up to: cho hay, báo cho biết

put up with: kiên nhẫn chịu đựng; tha thứ

put upon: hành hạ, ngược đãi; lừa bịp.

come about: xảy đến, xảy ra; đổi chiều

come after: theo sau, nối nghiệp, kế thừa

come across sb: tình cờ gặp ai

come apart (asunder): tách ra, rời ra, lìa ra, bung ra

come at: đạt tới, nắm được, thấy; xông vào, tấn công
come back: quay lại, trở lại; nhớ lại

come along: đi nào, nhanh lên

come between: đứng giữa (môi giới, điều đình); can thiệp vào, xen vào

come by: đi qua; có được, kiếm được, vớ được

come down: đi xuống; được truyền lại; sa sút

come down upon (on): mắng nhiếc, xỉ vả; trừng phạt

come down with: xuất tiền, trả tiền, chi trả

come forward: đứng ra, xung phong, ra trình diện

come in: đi vào, trở vào; dâng lên; bắt đầu (mùa), thành mốt (thời trang)

come in for: có phần, được hưởng phần

come into: hình thành, ra đời

come of: là kết quả của, xuất thân từ

come off: bong ra, tróc ra, bật ra, ngã khỏi; thoát vòng khó khăn

come off it!: thôi đi, đừng có nói như vậy!

come on: đi tiếp, đi tới, tiến lên, tới gần; nổi lên (gió bão), phát ra (bệnh); tiến
bộ, tiếp tục phát triển, mau lớn; được đem ra thảo luận, được trình diễn trên sân
khấu; ra tòa

(come on!: đi nào!; cứ việc!)

come out: đi ra; lộ ra; đình công; được xuất bản

come over: vượt qua, băng qua; choán, trùm lên; theo phe

come round: đi nhanh, đi vòng; hồi phục, hồi tỉnh; nguôi đi, dịu đi; trở lại, quay
lại, tới (có định kì ); tạt lại chơi

come to: đến, đi đến; tỉnh ngộ; được hưởng; lên tới
come under: rơi vào loại, nằm trong loại; chịu ảnh hưởng

come up: đến gần; được nêu lên; lên tới, đạt tới, theo kịp, bắt kịp

come up to: làm thỏa mãn mong đợi

come up against sb/sth: đối mặt với; chống đối với

come upon: tấn công bất thình lình; chợt thấy

come through: công bố; thoát, qua khỏi

take after: giống
take along: mang theo, đem theo
take aside: kéo ra một chỗ để nói riêng
take away: mang đi, lấy đi, đem đi, cất đi
take back: lấy lại, đem về
take on: đảm nhiệm, nhận thêm người vào làm, gánh vác
take off: bỏ (mũ), cởi (quần áo); giật ra, lấy đi, cuốn đi; cất
take into: đưa vào, để vào, đem vào
take out: đưa ra, dẫn ra ngoài, lấy ra, rút ra; nhổ đi, xóa
sạch, tẩy sạch, làm mất đi
take over: tiếp quản, nối nghiệp; chuyển, chở, đưa, dẫn qua
(đường, sông,...)
take to: chạy trốn, trốn tránh; bắt đầu ham thích, bắt đầu
say mê
take up: nhặt lên, cầm lên; choán, chiếm; bắt đầu một sở
thích, bắt đầu một thói quen
take up with: kết giao với, giao thiệp với, đi lại với, chơi
bời với, thân thiết với

give away: cho, trao, phát
give back: hoàn lại, trả lại
give in: nhượng bộ, chịu thua, nộp, đầu hàng; ghi vào, điền
give off: tỏa ra, phát ra, bốc lên
give out: công bố, chia, phân phối, tỏa ra, phát ra, làm bay
ra, bốc lên; hết, cạn; chán nản
give over: trao tay; thôi, chấm dứt
give up: bỏ, từ bỏ, nhường
give way to someone: chịu thua ai
keep from, keep off: rời xa, tránh xa; nhịn

(keep off!: tránh ra!, xê ra!)

keep away: để xa ra, bắt ở xa ra; cất đi

keep back: giữ lại, làm chậm lại; chặn lại, cản lại, cầm lại

keep down: cầm lại, nén lại, dằn lại

keep from: nhịn, kiêng, nén, nín; tự kiềm chế được

keeep in: dằn lại, nén lại, kiềm chế, kìm lại

keep in with sb: vẫn thân thiện với ai

keep on: vẫn cứ tiếp tục

keep out: không đi vào, ở lại bên ngoài, tránh

keep together: kết hợp với nhau, gắn bó với nhau, không rời nhau

keep under: đè nén, thống trị, bắt quy phục; kiềm chế

keep up: giữ vững, giữ không cho đổ, giữ không cho hạ, giữ không cho
xuống; giữ cho tốt, bảo quản tốt

keep up with: theo kịp, ngang hàng với, không thua kém
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bring about: làm xảy ra, dẫn đến, gây ra

bring along: mang theo

bring back: mang trả lại; gợi lại

bring down: đem xuống, đưa xuống; hạ xuống, làm tụt xuống; hạ, bắn rơi;
hạ bệ, làm nhục ai

bring forward: đưa ra, đề ra, mang ra

bring in: đưa vào, đem vào; đem lại

bring off: cứu

bring sth off: thành công (việc gì khó khăn)

bring on: dẫn đến, gây ra; làm cho phải bàn cãi

bring out: đưa ra, mang ra; đem ra xuất bản; làm nổi bật, làm lộ rõ ra

bring over: làm cho ai thay đổi lối suy nghĩ, thuyết phục; đưa ai đến chơi

bring round: làm cho tỉnh lại, làm cho trở lại

bring sb round (to sth): làm cho thay đổi ý kiến theo

bring through: giúp vượt qua khó khăn hiểm nghèo

bring to: dẫn đến, đưa đến (một tình trạng nào)

bring sth to light: đưa ra ánh sáng, khám phá

bring together: gom lại, nhóm lại, họp lại; kết thân (2 người với nhau)

bring under: làm cho vào khuôn phép, làm cho ngoan ngoãn vâng lời, làm
cho phục tùng

bring up: đem lên, mang lên; nuôi nấng, giáo dục, dạy dỗ; ngừng lại, đỗ lại,
thả neo; lưu ý về, đề cập đến; làm cho (ai) phải đứng lên phát biểu đưa ra
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look about: đợi chờ, đắn đo, nghĩ kĩ trước khi có kế hoạch làm gì

look about one: nhìn quanh

look after: nhìn theo; trông nom, chăm sóc

look at: nhìn, ngắm, xem xét; đương đầu

look away: quay đi, nhìn chỗ khác

look as if: có vẻ như

look black: nhìn một cách hằn học; có vẻ bi quan, đen tối

look blue: có vẻ buồn; có vẻ không hứa hẹn lắm

look back: quay lại nhìn, ngoái cổ lại nhìn

look back upon: nhìn lại (cái gì đã qua)

look down: nhìn xuống; hạ giá

look down on: ra vẻ kẻ cả

look down upon: xem thường

look for: tìm kiếm; đợi chờ, mong

look forward to (+ V-ing): mong đợi một cách hân hoan

look in: nhìn vào; ghé qua thăm, tạt vào

look into: nhìn vào bên trong; xem xét kĩ, nghiên cứu; nhìn ra, hướng về

look on: đứng xem, đứng nhìn

look out!: hãy cẩn thận!, hãy coi chừng!

look sth out (for sb/sth): tìm thấy cái gì

look over: xem xét, kiểm tra; tha thứ, quên đi, bỏ qua; bao quát, ở cao nhìn

look round: nhìn quanh; suy nghĩ, cân nhắc

look through: không thèm nhìn, lờ đi; xem lướt qua

look sth through: xem kĩ, xem lần lượt, nhìn thấu

look to, look toward: lưu ý, cẩn thận về; mong đợi, đợi chờ (ở ai); tin vào, trông
cậy vào

look up: nhìn lên, ngước lên; tìm kiếm, tra từ điển
look up to: tôn kính, kính trọng

look upon sb as: coi ai như là

see about: tìm kiếm, điều tra, xem lại; chăm nom, săn sóc; lo liệu, đảm đương

see after: chăm nom, săn sóc, để ý tới

see into: điều tra, nghiên cứu, xem xét kĩ lưỡng; hiểu rõ được, thấy rõ được bản
chất (của điều gì )

see sb off: tiễn ai

see out: hoàn thành, thực hiện đến cùng; tiễn ai ra tận cửa

see through: thấy rõ bản chất, thực hiện đến cùng; giúp ai vượt qua được cái gì

I.Choose the best answer

If the person who broke the window doesn't own.... the whole class will be punished

2.Im sure he will jump... the chance of earning some extra money( at/on/down/over)

3.I took Ray ... ...his invitation and came to his party ( over on/ up on/up with/ on to)

4. She 's put ... a lot of weight since i last saw her (up/down/off/on)

5.How could he get... ... cheating in the exam? ( out of/ up with/ away with/ down to)

6. I was taken... by her new look (over/on/down/aback)

7.When i decided to go ... ... the contest, i didn't think i would win (in on/in for/away
8.He fooled most people into believing that he was a police man. I supposed they were
taken ... by the uniform ( (on/over/in/off)

9. She finally got ... her fear of ghost (away/off/over/out)

10. The shop usually takes... more staffs for the summer (on/to/up with/over)

II. Choose the best answer

1.If the person who broke the window doesn't own.... the whole class will be punished

own up : nhận lỗi

2.Im sure he will jump... the chance of earning some extra money( at/on/down/over)

jump at sth : to eagerly accept a chance to do or have something

3.I took Ray ... ...his invitation and came to his party ( over on/ up on/up with/ on to)

Take up with

4. She 's put ... a lot of weight since i last saw her (up/down/off/on)

put on : if a person or animal puts on weight, they become heavier : tăng cân (thanks

5.How could he get... ... cheating in the exam? ( out of/ up with/ away with/ down to)

Get away with

6. I was taken... by her new look (over/on/down/aback)

Take aback

7.When i decided to go ... ... the contest, i didn't think i would win (in on/in for/away

Go in for

8.He fooled most people into believing that he was a police man. I supposed they were
taken ... by the uniform ( (on/over/in/off)

Take sb in : to deceive someone, or to make someone believe something that is not true :
qua mặt, lừa dối
9. She finally got ... her fear of ghost (away/off/over/out)

get over = overcome : vượt qua

10. The shop usually takes... more staffs for the summer (on/to/up with/over)

take sb on = employ : thuê, mướn

Ta đang ngồi trên con thuyền, chèo ngược trên dòng sông trí thức, không tiến thì lùi
1.I don't know how she managed to get... such a hard work in just one day

2. The man answering... the robber's descriptionwas seen to leave the station

3. Could you put me... to the manager, please? (off/across/to/through)

4. Don't you dare to come near my house or i will set the dog... you(on/down/to/against)

5. I hit a stone while i was cycling, the wheel came... and i went head over heels into the
hedge( off/in/down/away)

6. I don't know what you are getting ... but i didn't steal the money(in/on/at/over)

7. He's getting so fat that his trousers have to be let... round the waist (on/out/up/down)

8. The film was so boring. It didn't live expectation(through/up to/on/in)

9. The length of time that we had spent practicing our dance rountine finally paid...

10. It's no use trying to get...him with charm. Once he has made up his mind he never
changes it (at/off/into/round)

1.I don't know how she managed to get... such a hard work in just
one day (over/through/off/in)

Get over

2. The man answering... the robber's description was seen to leave

the station (on/in/to/against)

Answering to

3. Could you put me... to the manager, please?


Put me off

4. Don't you dare to come near my house or i will set the dog...

set the dog on

5. I hit a stone while i was cycling, the wheel came... and i went
head over heels into the hedge( off/in/down/away)

Came down

6. I don't know what are you getting ... but i didn't steal the

Getting at

7. He's getting so fat that his trousers have to be let... round the
waist (on/out/up/down)

Let out

8. The film was so boring. I didn't live ......(through/up to/on/in)

Live on

9. The length of time that we had spent practicing our dance

rountine finally paid... (for/off/through/down)

Paid off

10. It's no use trying to get...him with charm. Once he has made up
his mind he never changes it (at/off/into/round)

get round
III.Rewrite the sentence so that it has the same meaning as the
first one. Using the key word given below to form a phrasal
verb for each sentence
1. I don't think this record will ever be popular (catch)

2. A police car has just stopped outside (up)

3. What sort of progress are you making in your new job? (getting)

4. The box smelled faintly of fish (gave)

5. It was a risky robbery, but the thieves managed it. (pulled)

6. The smell of drains stopped me eating my breakfast (put)

7.Alan is a strange person. I can't understand his character (make)

8. Have you decided to enter the poster competition? (go)

IV.Choose the best answer

1) Those children _______ their grandparents

1. take over

b. take after
c. take up

2) The teacher ______ the radio because he didn’t want to bother the other
classrooms with that loud noise.
a.turned on
b.turned off
c.turned down

3) Remember to _____ the faucet after use

a.turned on
b.turned off
c.turned down

4) Your room is too dark.You should ______ the light

a.turned on
b.turned off
c.turned down

5) I can’t hear what the reporter is saying.Please _____ the television

a.turned on
b.turned up
c.turned down

6) Our children _____ late last night.

a.turned on
b.turned in
c.turned up

7) They _____ the shoe but it didn’t fix them

a.tried up
b.tried on
c.tried in

8) You have to ____ your toys and go to bed. It is late.

a.put away
b.put out
c.put off

9) The Browns _____ their trip because of the bad weather

a.put away
b.put out
c.put off

10) The firefighters tried to ____the fire but they were unsuccessful
a.put away
b.put out
c.put off

V.Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the

phrasal verbs below.

I was driving my car the other day when I realised that it wasn't handling very well - the car
didn't seem to respond well when I turned left or right. So, I found a quiet road and
(1)_________. I checked the tyres and discovered that one of them was a little flat, so I got
back in the car and drove to the nearest garage. When I (2)_________ the attendant was
waiting, so I (3) _______the engine_________ and asked him to (4)__________ the tyre
that was a little flat and check the other ones. I also asked him to (5)________ the
tank_______ with petrol because I was running low. Five minutes later I was on my way
again. I wish it were that easy to fix computer problems!


pump up / go down / get on / lock up / fall off

Paul went to the garden shed to get his bike, but discovered that one of the tyres had
(6)___________; it had been so long since he’d last ridden it. He found a pump and started to
(7) ________the tyre _________. It was quite tiring, but he soon finished. He took the bike
out of the shed and pushed it to the side of the road. Then he went inside his house again to
get the lock so that he could (8) __________the bike_________ when he reached his
destination. He (9)___________ the bike and started to pedal. Because he wasn’t used to
riding, he wobbled and nearly (12)_________, but he managed to stay on the bike and was
soon cycling quickly down the road.
VI. Use the following verbs (believe, fill, get,
look, put, switch, take, throw, turn, try) and
the prepositions (away, down, for, in, off, on,
out) and form meaningful sentences.
Example: My parents are out. So I have to _________ my baby-brother.
Answer: My parents are out. So I have to look after my baby-brother.

1) Quick! the bus. It's ready to leave.

2) I don't know where my book is. I have to it.

3) It's dark inside. Can you the light, please?

4) the form, please.

5) I need some new clothes. Why don't you these jeans?

6) It's warm inside. your coat.

7) This pencil is really old. You can it .

8) It's so loud here. Can you the radio a little.

9) The firemen were able to the fire in Church Street.

10) Does your little brother ghosts?

VII. Read this story about a teacher talking to his/her

students. Type the correct two-part verb into each
blank. Choose from turn on - turn off - turn up - turn
down - take off - take out - put out - put away - hang
up - clean up - pick up.
In which case the phrasal verb can be separated?
Teacher: OK class. Time to start. Mary could you (1) the lights? Thanks. OK everyone, (2)
your books , and make sure you (2) your cell phones.

Hey! No cell phones in class! (3) that !

Actually, before we start I want to tell you a little story. Every night I go home, (4) my suit
and throw it on the bed. My wife always says "You'd better (5) your suit or it will get wrinkled.
Of course I do what she says, but last night she was really angry. She said "You're so messy. I
always have to (6) after you. I got all stressed out so I lit a cigarette. My wife said, " (8) that!
Are you crazy? You can't smoke in the house!" Anyway, let's get back to class. Listen to this
tape and answer the questions.

Student: It's too loud. Can you (9) it down please?

Teacher: How's that?

Student: I can't hear anything.

Teacher: OK, I'll (10) it. How's that?

Student: Better.
Teacher: OK. Woops, I dropped my pen. Oh it rolled all the way over there. Could you () it

VIII. Use the correct phrasal verb to complete

the phrase
1. Have you --found outif you won the competition yet?
2. I need to --get awayfrom work and take a holiday.
 find out
3. She still hasn't --gotten overthe death of her cat.
 get on
4. My daughter is a great cook, she really --takes afterher
 hold on
5. Could you --hold ona moment while I see if Marek is in his
 get away
 take after
6. Extension 28? I'll --put you through.
 cut down
7. She promised to --cut downher cigarette smoking to six a
 look after
 come up
8. He spent the entire night thinking and in the end --came up
witha brilliant idea.
 add up
9. I'm afraid your story is not believable. It just doesn't --add
 put
10. Donata --looked aftermy cats while I was away on holiday.
 look for
11. We're not ready yet, we are going to have to --put offthe
 get over
meeting until next week.
 turn up
12. I'm --looking forSimon's address. Do you know it?
13. Mary --turned uptwenty minutes late for the party.
 put off
I'm tired of waiting for Jacek. Can we --get on withour work?
 come 1. If you really want to lose weight, you need to --give upeating
across desserts.
 blow up 2. Let's --go overthe grammar one more time before the test.
 make up 3. I was --looking foran old t-shirt when I --came acrossthis
 run out photograph of my high school class.
 tell off 4. Look Magda, I've --put up withyour bad behaviour long
 break up enough!
 give up 5. There is just too much work to be done. We'll have to --take
 take up onsome new employees.
 turn 6. You don't think I believe that ridiculous story you --made up,
down do you?
 set off 7. I think you need to --take upa new hobby to help you relax.
 take back 8. When the father saw what had happened he --blew upand
 take on shouted at his son.
 put up 9. I had to --turn downher offer of a job. The salary on offer
with was just not good enough.
10. We --set offat six in the morning on our drive to the coast.
 go over 11. Jacek and Gosia --broke uplast week. They just weren't
happy together.
12. We'd better stop soon. Otherwise, we'll --run outof gas.
13. I want you to --take backevery bad word you've said about
my brother.

14. Unfortunately, I had to --tell offBob because of his poor

performance recently.
 get into
 give up 1. Our flight was delayed, but we finally --took offshortly after
 do away midnight.
with 2. He --got away withcheating on his final exam!
 speed up 3. I'm trying to give up smoking, but it's almost impossible for me.
 take on 4. Let's --get togetherwith Ted and Hania soon.
 settle for 5. Unfortunately, I --turned uplate for my meeting and lost the
 take off contract.
 get 6. Finally, the lights --went outand we had a good night's sleep.
together 7. You won't believe who --showed up forthe party! Simon Haines!
 run up to 8. I'm afraid I had to --settle foreggs and bacon. I really wanted to
 come up have pancakes, but they were out of them.
to 9. He --got intothe club on recommendation from his friend Radek.
 turn up 10. I --sped upand past the policeman doing 120 m.p.h.!
 show up 11. Unfortunately, our school had to --do away withthe music
for department because of lack of funds.
 get away 12. Make sure to --watch out forpick-pockets when you go to the
with market.
 watch out 13. The boy --ran up tothe man and returned his wallet.
Mary --came up tome at the party last night and introduced herself.
 go out

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