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1. X : There will be a party at my house tonight . Would you like to come?

Y : I'd love to , but I have an appointment with my colleague.

From the dialogue we know that the second speaker………….the invitation.
a. Gives b. Declines c. Takes d. Enjoys e. Loves
2. Receptionist : Can I help you?
Visitor : Yes, I’d like to make reservation. Is it possible to get two double rooms
for next month.
Receptionist : of course, may I know your name n address please?
where does the dialogue take place?
a. Office b. Class c. Restaurant d. Hotel e. Hospital
3. Tony : Hi Andi, what about going to Agung's birthday party tonight?
Andi : I'm afraid I can't. I am going somewhere with Dwi.
The underlined sentence is used to……………..
a. decline an invitation c. agree to do something e. ask for an apology
b. ask for permission d. express a surprise
4. Student : …… carry these books to your room, sir?
Teacher: No, thanks. I can do it myself.
a. Do you want c. May I help you e. Do you mind
b. Shall I do d. Can you help
5. Boddy : ……… will do your best in the competition this season.
Brenda: Well, everybody expects that, and I feel certain about it anyway.
a. I believe c. It's a pity e. It's nothing
b. I don't care d. I congratulate
6. Rony : You look so weak, Dandy.
Dandy: Yes, I am very tired.
Rony : I think you'd better take a rest.
From the dialogue we may conclude that Rony………Dandy to take a rest.
a. Orders b. Advises c. offers d.asks opinion e.commands
7. Didy : I think we should move to a new town.
Lila : ............... I fell comfortable here.
a. I have no opinion c. I completely agree with that e. I think so
b. I disagree with you d. I agree with your opinion
8. Ridwan : Do you think our nation have the competence to keep up with the Americans in
technology ?
Ade : I don't think so because it needs a lot of money
The underlined words mean…………
a. Knowledge c. Experiment e. Profession
b. Cleverness d. Capability
9. A : Dad, I got a straight "A" for mathematics.
B : Really? Oh, your mom and I are really proud of you.
The underlined phrase expresses…………
a. Sympathy b. Irony c. Satisfaction d. Pride e. Obligation
10. Dony : Excuse me. Is it all right if I sit beside you?
Rina : With pleasure.
From the dialogue above we know that Dony asks for……………..
a. Apology b. Information c. Sympathy d. Permission e. Pleasure
11. . ................. get you a drink?
a. would you b. Why don’t you c. Can I d. I’ll do e. How about
12. Tuti : Mon, can I use your car? I want to buy some books.
Mony: Okay, but get home before 5 o'clock.
Tuti : Thanks, Mon.
From the dialogue we know that Mony.............
a. has sold Tuti's car c. has a new car e. gives no permission to Tuti
b. lets Tuti use her car d. does not allow Tuti to use her car
13. Shop Assistant : Good evening, .....................
Mrs Anwar : Good evening, I will have a birthday party. Can you show me some long
evening dresses?
a. How do you do? c . Can you help me? e . do you want something?
b. What do you want? d . What can I do for you?
14. Bobby : ............. you will do your best in the competition this season.
Brenda: Well, everbody expects that and I feel certain about it anyway.
a. I believe c. I congratulate e. It's nothing
b. I do not care d. It's a pity
15. X : Tom, what happened to your leg?
T : I fell when I was playing football and I broke my leg.
X : .............. you'd better take a rest
a. Oh, poor you c. That's fantastic e. I do not know what to do
b. That's great d. How lucky you are
16. Shop Assistant : Morning, sir, Is there anything I can do for you?
Costumer : Yes, please. I need sport shoes for my son.
The underlined sentences shows that the shop assistant is ....... to the customer
a. asking for information c. asking for clarification e. giving information
b. offering help d. asking fo help
17. Santi : Tomorrow I'm going to Makasar. Don't forget to cook my favourite food.
Roy : Ok, your favorite food ....... by the time you come
a. will have been ready c. will been ready e. is ready
b. has been ready d. was ready
18. Santi : We will see the concert of Indonesian Idol tonight. would you like to join us?
Joni : Thanks a lot, I would like it very much.
Santi : Ok, come to my house at 18.30 then we go there together.
From the dialogue above, we know that Joni .......... Santi's offer.
a. Accepts b.declines c. Denies d. Thinks e. Hopes
19. Luise: Do you think the new government will be able to make a total improvement in any sector?
Alex : I don't think so. The condition now is very bad.
The underlined phrase expresses............
a. capability b.possibility c. Certainty d.sympathy e.intention
Ratna : Guys, would you like some coffee?
Selly : ___________________(21)
Ratna : How about you, Angga?
Angga : ___________________(22)
Ratna : Here .it is coffee for you
Angga : ___________________ (23)
Ratna : ___________________ (24)
20. a. Fine, thanks. c. Bye e. Don’t mention itb. Good morning d.No, thank you anyway.
21. a. Yes, Please. b.Thank you c. No, thank d. You’re welcome e. Good evening
22. a. Yes, Please. b. Thank you c.No, thank d. You’re welcome e.Good night
23. a. Yes, Please. b.Thank you c.No, thank d. You’re welcome e. Good morning
24. Amar : It’s very kind of you to offer me some drink. Thank you!
Nancy : __________
a. Terrific b.How do you do c.Don’t mention it d. Bye e.No, thank
25. 25. X : Doni will get married next month.
Y : _________
a. Really ? b. Good morning c. Bye d. Thank you e. Oh, My God!
26. 26. A : ____________
B : Good heavens!
a. My brother got an accident yesterday. c. . I won the first prize e. Not to bad
b. How do you do? d. I’m not sure.
27. 27. X : ___________
Y : I’m sorry to hear that.
a. My brother got an accident yesterday.c. I won the first prize e. Not too bad
b. How do you do? d. I’m not sure.
28. X : He left me for other girl
Y : ___________
a. You have my full sympathy c. Congratulation e. Good idea
b. I’m not sure d. Nice to meet you
Shinta : I heard you won the first prize for your short story _________ (29)
Dewi : ____________ (30)
Shinta : As your friend I’m ________(31)
Dewi : Thank you.
Shinta : You deserve it because it is very good story.
Dewi : __________ (32)
29. a. Congratulationb. thank you c. very proud of you d. Really! e .What are you doing?
30. a. Congratulationb. thank you c. very proud of you d. Really! e .What are you doing?
31. a. Congratulationb. thank you c. very proud of you d. Really! e .What are you doing?
32. a. Congratulation b. thank you c. very proud of you d. Really! e .What are you doing?
33. A : This is the most delicious sayur lodeh I ever eat.
B : ___________
a. Congratulationb. Thank youc. Very proud of you d. Really!e. What are you doing?
34. Dimas : Would you accompany me to the internet?
Bonar : .... Dimas : Thanks. I really appreciate it.
a. I'm disappointed b. I'm not so sure c. Sure d. Not at alle. I don't know
35. Arum : What do you think is the effective way to reduce global warming?
Della : ........planting trees is one of the effective ways to reduce global warming.
a. I don't know c. I'm not sure e. Are you certain that
b. How do you see d. In my opinion
36. Aspani : ..............We help reduce global warming?
Rini : I think we can help reduce global warming through saving energy and recycling.
a. What do b.Why should c.How can d. When can e. Where should
37. your friend : Oh, I have a terrible toothache.
You : ................................
a. You're right the weather is terribly cold.
b. It's better to go and see a dentist .
c. I don't think I've headache.
d. It’s a bad ache.
e. Congratulation
Nanis : .................. get persuaded by drug peddlers.
38. Matias : OK. Don't worry I won't.
a. Make sure you c. I think you should e. You'd better
b. Make sure you don't d. Be sure you
39. Bella : What do you think of the book?
Ajeng : ................... I really love it.
a. It's terrific! c. It's very unsatisfying! e. It's displeasing!
b. It's disappointing! d. It's horrible!
40. ......................... like a cup of coffee?
a. can I b. I’ll do c. Would you d. Should I e. How about

II. Essay!
1. What is Indonesian Folklore do you like best? What lesson did you learn from the story?
2. Give a suggestion or an advice based on the situations!
a. I have a problem with my English . I cant understand a lot of English words.
b. I have got bad score in the English exam
3. Make a sentence of offering and the respond!
4.give a congratulationto your friend because he/she passed a test
5. What is the biggest hope in your life?

Text 1 for questions 41 to 43

Everybody should change their way of life to reduce global warming. There are several things that
we can do. One of them is by buying and consuming fresh local groceries as much as possible. It of
course includes local vegetables, fruits, bread, etc.
Local groceries don’t need much transportation to get it into the market. It of course means, the
amount of carbon dioxide produced is less than the groceries from other region. Therefore, by buying local
groceries we are helping reduce the amount of carbon dioxide produced.
Consuming fresh groceries instead of frozen ones are healthier for us. Furthermore, fresh food or
groceries means no requirements for it to be freeze up. It means that no electricity is needed and saving
energy means reducing carbon dioxide and money.
So, from now on we should consume fresh local groceries to reduce global warming.

41. The text gives us information about …

a. The ways to minimize global warning
b. The ways to increase global warning
c. The effects of global warning
d. The importance of consuming local groceries
e. The importance of knowing global warning
42. To reduce the global warming we should …
a. buy import product
b. buy expensive clothes
c. consume frozen foods
d. consume fresh foods
e. not use electricity efficiently
43. We are helping reduce the amount of global warming” Paragraph 2
The underlined word can be replaced by .....
a. increase
b. decrease
c. improve
d. add
e. maximize
44. Aditya : shall we go camping to “Siola Beach”this holiday
Fahri : ………………………………………….I’m sure we will have some fun there.
a. I don’t agree b. oh, I disagree c. I,m sorry, Ican’t
d. that’s good idea e. Oh it’s not okay
45. Teacher : would you mind not talking during the lesson?
Student : …………………………………………….
a. I,m sorry,I’ll keep silent c. sure I’ll talk to you
b. I’m still happy d. OK,thanks e. never mind
46. Elisa : wouid you like to come to our farewell party tonight?
Tina : ………………………….I have to see my dentist tonight
a. Of course b. I’d love too c. I’m sorry, I can’t d. that’s good idea e.don’t worry
47. Firman : you should go to doctor to see your healthy,Yuda?
Yuda : Oh I think, I’m okay .my sick is not too serius
The underlined utterances is about………………………….
a. Agreeing b. disagreeing c. requesting d. apologizing e.certainty
48. Rivan : Do you mind if I close the window?
Soni : ……………………….and close it
a. I know b. yes of course c. I have no idea d. not at all,go right ahead
49. Mita : What do you think of “ Laskar Pelangi” the movie?
Asta : ………………………I have not seen it.
a. Yes it is c. you are right e. I don’t think so
b. I can’t say anything d.don’t worry
50. Desi : I think it is going to rain
Budi : …………..look at the sky! It’s so clear, no cloud there
a. I think so c. I don’t think so e. I agree with you
b. you don’t know it d. It can be
51. d. you don’t know it

The following dialogue is for number 1-5

Sifa: “What do you think about Lampung?”
Lisa: “In my opinion, Lampung is the beautiful city. There are so many beautiful beaches there. Lampung
is also famous with its tapis or songket. It is traditional cloth in Lampung.”
Sifa: “How about its food? Do you think it is delicious?”
Lisa: “I think…. Yes! Do you know seruit? It’s delicious.”
Sifa: “Yes I know seruit. By the way…. Which one is more delicious? Seruit or sate of mushroom?”
Lisa: “According to me, seruit is more delicious than sate of mushroom.”
Sifa: “I don’t think so. I think saste of mushroom is more delicious than seruit because sate of mushroom
is my favorite food.”
Lisa: “So we have different favorite foods then.”
Sifa: “I think so.”
1. What is the name of the region discussed between Sifa and Lisa?
a. Lampung
b. Semarang
c. Jakarta
d. Surabaya
e. Denpasar

2. What does Lisa think about Lampung?

a. It is a beautiful city.
b. It is the ugly city.
c. It is a city full of crime.
d. It is a bad city.
e. It is a small city.

3. What kind of food liked by Lisa according to the dialogue above?

a. Seruit.
b. Mushroom satay.
c. Soup.
d. Pizza.
e. Burger.

4. What is Songket?
a. Traditional dance from Lampung.
b. Traditional clothes from Lampung.
c. Traditional food from Lampung.
d. Traditional average from Lampung.
e. Traditional ritual from Lampung.

5. “In my opinion, Lampung is the beautiful city.”

The sentence above is included into the expression of ….
a. asking opinion
b. giving opinion
c. agreement
d. disagreement
e. neutral position

6. (1) Ayu: “What about telling about the human body?”

(2) Andi: “What should we present for the oral test next week?”
(3) Ayu: “Good idea.”
(4) Andi: “Not a bad idea, but talking about animals is very ordinary. Many of our classmates have
told about animals.”
(5) Ayu: “How about something about animal species?”
Arrange the jumble sentence above into a good dialogue!
a. (1)-(3)-(2)-(4)-(5)
b. (1)-(3)-(2)-(5)-(4)
c. (2)-(3)-(4)-(1)-(5)
d. (2)-(5)-(1)-(4)-(3)
e. (2)-(5)-(4)-(1)-(3)
Jawaban: e

The following dialogues is for number 7 to 9.

Rafa: “I have a serious problem today. I have just lost my driver license.”
Sifa: “Don’t be so sad, my friend, let us search it around the park.”
Rafa: “I have looked for it for hours, but I could not find it. Do you have any suggestion?”
Sifa: “You should tell the security to announce it to other students.”
Rafa: “Yeah, that sounds good. I do hope it helps”
7. Which sentence that shows asking suggestion?
a. Don’t be so sad, my friend.
b. I have just lost my driver license.
c. You should tell the security.
d. Do you have any suggestion?
e. That sounds good.
8. Below are sentence of asking suggestion, except….
a. Can you tell me what I should do?
b. Do you have any suggestion for me?
c. What would you do?
d. Would you mind giving me your suggestion?
e. What should I do?
9. What is Rafa’s problem?
a. He lost a wallet.
b. He lost a bag.
c. He lost a car.
d. He lost his driver license.
e. He lost a pencil.

The following text is for number 10 and 11.

Mother: “Ali, where are you? Wake up, my dear. It’s Monday morning.”
Ali: “I’m here, mom, in my bed room.”
Mother: “Oh…. there you are. Don’t you go to school?”
Ali: “Mom. I have got a headache.”
Mother: “Let me check. You have got a high temperature. You should stay at home.”
Ali: “Okay, mom.”
10. Which sentence shows the giving suggestion?
a. I have got a headache.
b. You should stay at home.
c. Don’t you go to school?
d. Let me check.
e. It’s Monday morning.
Jawaban: b
11. Has Ali got a headache?
a. Yes, he has.
b. Yes, it is.
c. No, he has not.
d. No, it is not.
e. Yes, he does.
Jawaban: a
12. Bela: “Steve, what seems to be the problem?”
James: “Well, I have a bad cold and the doctor gave me some medicine.”
Bela: “Listen! Forget about the medicines. Try this herbal one.”
James: “Oh, no, thanks.”
What does Bela offer?
a. Herbal medicine.
b. Some medicine.
c. Fresh herbal.
d. Cool drink.
e. The doctor.
Jawaban: a
13. Cinta: “Why don’t you take the bus to work? The driving is rushing out and the traffic is terrible.”
Johan: “I would, but I’m afraid that there won’t be any seats left for the time the bus comes to my
Why does Johan not want to go by bus?
a. Johan takes the bus to work.
b. Johan wants Cinta to go with him.
c. Cinta prefers driving in the rush hour.
d. Cinta wants to ride to work with Johan.
e. Johan has to stand on the bus if he takes it to work.
Jawaban: e
14. Teacher: “What’s the matter with you?”
Student: “I am sorry, ma’am, I didn’t Know.”
Teacher: “I’m sure you didn’t study last night. What did you do?”
Student: “….”
How might the student respond to the teacher’s question?
a. The movie was interesting.
b. I wasn’t busy last night.
c. I studied too late last night.
d. I watched an interesting movie until late last night.
e. The movie was easy to understand.
Jawaban: d
15. Andi: “We went to Bandung yesterday. We spent our time shopping.”
Cika: “So, what do you think about Bandung?”
Andi: “….”
What is Andi’s best responses?
a. I think it is beautiful.
b. I think Bandung Is a beautiful capital.
c. I think it is beautiful view.
d. I think it is not interesting.
e. I think it is not bad.
Jawaban: b

The following text is for number 16 to 20.

We often hear lots of stories from road regarding people taking spill on motorcycle when they are
riding without using helmet. Mostly the riders badly end up in mess. Wearing a fitted protective helmet
offers many benefits which reduces the negative aspect of ridding. First and the most important is
that wearing the correct helmet can save a rider’s life, physical ability, family pain, and money. The
recommended designs of motorcycle helmets can provide total protection. They not only protect
riders from getting a worse road injured accident but also from flying bugs, such as rain, sleet, mud
and other potential projectiles.
Second, wearing a helmet can gives the riders a matter of style. Helmet can give the opportunity for
rider to express the image they may want to project when riding on they way. This benefit may not be
important to some people, but others, it means a lot and important. By choosing the most appropriate
helmet from all of the various styles, such as beanie, shorty, German, and many others, wearing a
helmet which can projecting an image is an inherent crucial part of motorcycling and help riders feel
more confident when riding on the road.
However, what most important is wearing helmet when riding is a matter of using it properly. Bikers
should use the helmets on which are fixed to their head. It is really not good if they places simply the
helmets on the head without settling them properly. The bikers should fasten the helmet correctly to
their head in order to get safe and comfort.
16. What is the main function of helmet?
a. Protection.
b. Support system.
c. Stylistic aspect.
d. Efficiency.
e. Effective.
Jawaban: a
17. Below is not the risk of motorcycle rider besides road accident ….
a. flying bugs
b. rain
c. sleet
d. mud
e. sleepy truck driver
Jawaban: e
18. “Helmets give the opportunity for rider to express the image they may want to project when riding on
they way”
The aspect which can be the helmet’s function is …. Aspect
a. Protection
b. Support system
c. Stylistic aspect
d. efficiency
e. effective
Jawaban: c
19. “By choosing the most appropriate helmet from all of the various styles, such as beanie, shorty,
German, and many others.”
The antonym of the underline word above is….
a. single
b. several
c. multi
d. serve
e. a lot of
Jawaban: a
20. The text above shows the expression of….
a. giving a suggestion
b. giving an offer
c. giving the invitation
d. giving the letter
e. surprise expression
Jawaban: a

The following text is for number 21 to 25

To: All teachers

Would you please come to watch our students’ performance for Angklung festival on June 21st 2016
in Hall of Surya Dharma School at 08.00 a.m. until the end of the event.

Surya Permana
21. Who is the recipient of the text above?
a. Teachers.
b. Students.
c. Students and teachers.
d. Math teacher.
e. Headmaster.
Jawaban: a
22. When will the festival be held?
a. June 21st
b. June 22nd
c. June 23rd
d. June 24th
e. June 25th
Jawaban: a
23. Where will the festival be held?
a. The hall.
b. The yard.
c. The football court.
d. The tennis court.
e. The street.

24. When will the festival be begun?

a. 08.00. c. 10.00 e. 12.00
b. 09.00. d. 11.00
25. What kind of the text is it?
a. Invitation
b. Report
c. Advertisement
d. Personal letter
e. Public letter
26. Ratna : “ I’m hungry. How about you?
Citra : ‘Me, too.”
Ratna : ..........?”
Citra :”Sure.”
a. shall we go to the library
b. shall we go to the mosque
c. shall we go to canteen
d. shall we go to the park
e. shal we go to the bank

27. Harry : “Would you like to go campign with us next?”

Donny : “................, but I have to take care my mom. She has been hospitalized for
a. It’s sound interesting
b. Thank you
c. I don’t care about it
d. I am sorry to hear that
e. Don’t mention it
The following letter for number 28 to 30.

28. When will the event be held?

a. March 6th.
b. March 7th.
c. March 8th.
d. March 9th.
e. March 10th.

29. What kind of letter is it?

a. Invitation letter.
b. Request letter.
c. Shipment letter.
d. Offering letter.
e. Complaint letter.

30. Who is the recipient of the text above?

a. Parents.
b. Four years old kide.
c. Everybody.
d. Elder people.
e. Head of state.

Text for number 31-32

Please join us
as we celebrate our
40th Anniversary
Rahmat and Wati Juminten
Friday, May 7th
6.30p.m -10.OOp.m
Pondok Indah, South Jakarta
(Dinner is available)
RSVP 65412397
(Nanang/ Nini/ Nita)
31. The type of the party above is …
A. Birthday Party
B. Graduation Party
C. Marriage Party
D. New year party
E. Ceremonial new house party

32. The purpose of the invitation text above is…?

A. To tell an good relationship
B. To describe a certain party
C. To persuade people to have marriage
D. To invite people to join the party
E. To share the happiness

Soft and sweet, a state of bliss

Our mommy-to be is expecting a girl
Let’s shower Desi Bestian with love
Friday, November 29th, 2019 at 4 p.m
RSVP by November 27th, 2019
Aditya 03855576878

33. From the text we can infer that.....

A. Desi Bestiana is going to deliver a baby
B. The party will be held in the morning
C. Desi Bestiana has delivered a baby boy
D. Desi Bestiana is a mother to be
E. The party will be held at November 27th

34. Our mommy-to be is expecting a girl. The underlined word means?

A. Recognizing D. Waiting for
B. Admitting E. neglecting
C. confessing

35. Elisa: Wouid you like to come to our farewell

party tonight?
Tina : ………………………….I have to see my dentist
A. Of course D. that’sgood idea
B. b. I’d love too E. don’t worry
C. I’m sorry, I can’t


Learning English
Learning English through music and songs can be very enjoyable. You can mix pleasure with
learning when you listen to a song and exploit the song as a means to your English progress. Some
underlying reason can be drawn to support the idea why we use songs in language learning.
Firstly, “the song stuck in my head” Phenomenon (the echoing in our minds of the last song
we heard after leaving a restaurant, shopping malls, etc) can be both enjoyable and sometimes
unnerving. This phenomenon also seems to reinforce the idea that songs work on our short-and-long
term memory.
Secondly, songs in general also use simple conversational language, with a lot of repetition,
which is just what many learners look for sample text. The fact that they are effective makes them
many times more motivating than other text. Although usually simple, some songs can be quite
complex syntactically, lexically and poetically, and can be analyzed in the same way as any other
literary sample.
Furthermore, song can be appropriated by listener for their own purpose. Most pop songs
and probably many other types don’t have precise people, place or time reference.
In addition, songs are relaxing. They provide variety and fun, and encourage harmony within
oneself and within one group. Little wonder they are important tools in sustaining culture, religion,
patriotism and yeas, even revolution.
Last but not least, there are many learning activities we can do with songs such as studying
grammar, practicing selective listening comprehension, translating songs, learning vocabulary,
spelling, and culture.
From the elaboration above, it can be concluded that learning through music and songs,
learning English can be enjoyable and fun
1. What is the text about ….
A. Music listeners
B. The phenomenon
C. Very enjoyable music
D. Using songs in language learning
E. Learning songs
2. Based on the text, there are …. reasons for using songs in learning language
A. 4
B. 6
C. 2
D. 5
E. 3
3. “They provide variety and fun, and encourage harmony within oneself and within one group.”
The underlined word refers to ….
A. Learners
B. People
C. Song
D. Activities
E. Groups

Smoking in Restaurant

Smoking in restaurants is just not on. It must not be allowed because it is rude, harmful to
others and dangerous for the smokers.
Firstly, smoking in a restaurant is impolite. The smell of the smoke affects all people and can
turn them off their food. People pay to taste good food and not to be put off by foul smelling smoke.
Another reason smoking should not be allowed in restaurant is the harm it can do to others.
Passive smoking that is breathing in smoke made by a smoker can lead to asthma attacks and even
Finally, smoking is dangerous and a health risk to the smokers. Cigarettes cause heart and
lung disease and people should not smoke anywhere, not just in restaurants.
Therefore, smoking in restaurants is impolite, harmful to others and a health risk to the
smokers and should not be allowed in any restaurants.

4. Smoking in the restaurants must be avoided because……

A. All answers are correct
B. It’s dangerous to the smokers
C. It is impolite
D. It can cause hearth and lung disease
E. It is harmful to others
5. We have many reasons to say that smoking must be avoided. The word reasons mean…..
A. point of view
B. argument
C. reinforcement
D. statement
E. conclusion
6. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To argue about smoking to the readers
B. To tell a story to the readers
C. To inform to the readers
D. To persuade the readers
E. To describe to the readers

7. The synonym of the word dangerous in the text is……

A. impolite
B. health risk
C. disease
D. rude
E. harmful

8. “Smoking in restaurants is just not on. It must not be allowed because it is rude, harmful to others
and dangerous for the smokers.” The sentence above characterize as….. of the text.
A. arguments
B. topic sentence
C. supporting details
D. thesis
E. reiteration

Dust Bin
To improve comfort and cleanliness at our school, a number of dust bins should be increased.
When we look at classrooms, school corridors and school yard, there are paper mineral water cups,
straws, and napkins here and there. The condition of uncleanliness and discomfort really hinders
learning and teaching environment. Litters thrown carelessly cause disease, especially empty plastic
cup or glasses. They can be filled out with water coming from the rain. This can be placed for dengue
mosquitoes to spread out. Besides, these rubbish can deteriorate the scene. Well painted wall and
green school yard do not mean anything litters are scattered everywhere.
Anyway I notice that most of the students in our school have responsibilities for the school
environment. They put their litters on the proper places. But some are not diligent enough to find the
dust bins. The numbers of dust binds in our schools are not enough. More dust bins should be put
beside each of steps, outside of the classrooms, and some more also the corridors. Probably one dust
bin should be in every ten meters. So when students want to throw away their litters, they can find
the dust bins easily.
When school is equipped with sufficient dust bins, we do not have problems of freak and
discomfort any more. Our school will be very clean and become a nice place to study.

9. What is the writer’s intention? To ….readers to do something good.

A. explain
B. attract
C. entertain
D. inform
E. describe

10. According to the writer, more dust bins….. in every ten meters.
A. should be placed
B. are not required
C. should be painted
D. are unnecessary
E. should be decorated

11. What is the writer’s argument on a sufficient number of dust bins?

A. They can serve janitor’s energy
B. They make school environment neat
C. Students can throw garbage away easily
D. Students are asked to clean them
E. They can prevent litters

12. What is the writer’s suggestion?

A. To hire more gardeners
B. To use dustbins efficiently
C. Students are asked to give more dustbins
D. To buy more dustbins
E. To ask parents to give more dustbins

13. Besides, these rubbish can deteriorate the scene .(Paragraph 2).
What is the Antonym of underlined word….
A. Destroy
B. Improve
C. Minimize
D. Reduce
E. Worsen

People read for different reasons and purposes. Newsreader, for example, read for a living and
students read for learning. Others read for knowledge and some read for enjoyment and pleasure.
Newsreaders are specially trained to read the news accurately, carefully, and distinctively.
Students have to read textbooks in order to absorb the contents in their memories for examination.
Businessmen, politicians, scientist, and lecturers read for knowledge, others read to kill time, or for
enjoyment and pleasure.
Nevertheless, good books are not cheap. One way to minimize the cost is by exchanging
books with friends. The other way is by going to book rentals or borrowing books from libraries.
Sometimes, there are many book exhibitions held in big cities. Some publishers take these
kinds of event as an opportunity to offer huge discounts. Books lovers can take this opportunity to
get many books at a low cost.

14. Why do people read?

A. Everyone does it because he/she has nothing to do
B. Some people read to practice their voice
C. They want to show off their knowledge
D. Some people do it for a living, some for learning, some for knowledge, and some for pleasure
E. Some people read because they see others doing so

15. According to paragraph 2, who reads for knowledge?

A. Students
B. Workers
C. Businessmen and politicians
D. Housewives and daughters
E. Newsreaders

16. Good books are sometimes expensive. What can people do to minimize the cost?
A. Borrow books from libraries
B. Make a copy of the books
C. Read the books at the bookstore
D. Wait patiently until sale season
E. Buy second books

17. What is the advice that the writer gives to the readers?
A. To travel to big cities
B. To meet publishers
C. To buy a newspaper
D. To buy expensive books
E. To borrow books from libraries

18. “Books lovers can take this opportunity” (last sentence of paragraph 4), we can say it in other word

A. Books lovers can be taken by this opportunity
B. Books lovers can be took by this opportunity
C. This opportunity can be taken by books lovers
D. This opportunity can be took by books lovers
E. This opportunity can be take by books lovers

19. "Edensor" is the novel which … by Andrea Hirata last year.

A. Have written
B. is written
C. was written
D. were written
E. had written

The Importance of reading

I personally think that reading is a very important activity in our life. Why do I say so?
Firstly, by reading we can get a lot of knowledge about many things in the world such as
Science, technology, sports, arts, culture, etc. written in either books, magazine, newspaper, etc.
Secondly, by reading we can get a lot of news and information about something happening in
any parts of the world which can we see directly.
Furthermore, reading can give us pleasure too. When we are tired, we read books,
newspaper, or magazine on the entertainment column such as comedy, short story, quiz, etc. To
make us relaxed.
Finally, reading can also take us to other parts of the world. By reading a book about Papua,
we may feel we’re really sitting in the jungles not at home in our rooms.
From the facts above, it’s obvious that everyone needs it to get knowledge, information, and
also entertainment. Or in summary we can say reading is truly important in our life.

20. Why is reading very important in our life? Because…..

A. By reading we can get a lot of knowledge, news, information, and entertainment
B. By reading, we are always relaxed.
C. By reading, we can get a lot of friends, relatives, experience, etc.
D. By reading, we can get little knowledge but a lot of entertainment.
E. By reading, we are always happy.

21. If we want to get knowledge, what should we do?

A. buy a lot of books
B. borrow a lot of books
C. look for newspaper and magazine
D. sell and buy many expensive books
E. Read a lot of books and other printed materials.

22. What does the text tell us about?

A. The purpose of reading
B. The importance of reading
C. The disadvantages of reading
D. The function of reading
E. The description of reading
23. …,it’s obvious that everyone needs it to get …. (par. 6). The word “it” refers to ….
A. Information
B. reading
C. knowledge
D. entertainment
E. pleasure

24. Paragraph…. in the text is the thesis.

A. 2
B. 1
C. 4
D. 5
E. 3

There are many reasons for keeping dogs as pets in the city area, but many people feel that
keeping pet dogs should not be allowed in the city. Dogs are often not taken care properly. They are
kept in small backyards and rarely taken for walks. They are left in the yard all day by themselves
while the family is at work. Very little attention is given to the dog and it is not a very good life for it.
It is no wonder why these dogs bark and disturb the neighbors and become a nuisance to the
On the other hand, not all people treat their dogs this way and why should the people receive
a lot of pleasure and enjoyment from dog's suffer? Dogs can make a lonely person's life happy or make
wonderful playmate. It can also teach a child responsibility as they not only get to lay with the dog,
but also need to exercise, feed, and care for the dog
I feel that we should be allowed to keep dogs in the city, because if it is taken care of
properly, dogs can be a great source of pleasure. As a child I used to enjoy playing and taking care of
my pet. There is not greater loyalty a person can get than from a well-cared dog.

25. Some people do not like the presence of pet dogs in their surroundings because ....
A. the dogs are left in the yards
B. the dogs are often neglected
C. the dogs often bark and disturb the neighbours
D. D. the dogs play with the owner's child
E. the dogs guard the security of the environment

26. The main idea of the last paragraph is ....

A. pet dogs are loyal animals
B. pet dogs are more loyal than humans
C. dogs can be a great source of pleasure
D. the writer has no objection to keeping dogs in the city
E. the writer used to play and took care of his pet when he was a child.

27. We can infer from the text that keeping pet dogs in the city will not cause any problem as long as ....
A. the dogs are amusing
B. the neighbours like having pet dogs
C. the dogs do not bark at the neighbours
D. the writer has succeeded in persuading the neighbours
E. its presence does not disturb the neighbourhood

Being on time is a beautiful social ethic and one of great importance, as it creates efficiency in
system and implies respect for one another. However, it is one the many values that is not easy for
our students to learn.
Inner discipline, one that comes from an understanding of the set rules and regulation, is the
highest form behavior. Most excellent school try to instill this with a loving environment. Why, even
adults arrive late to meeting, work, etc. Here, we do not agree that late comers should be shut out.
They can be given warnings, most of which are enough to make them try their best to reach the
school on time latter .If this fails, invite the parent to school.
By closing the gates, the school is behaving cruelly, to which we prefer not to expose our
children. Every school has responsibility to implant good educational principle, but It should be in
appropriate ways. Good schools create competitive students who can organize themselves effectively
in society, so that everyone gets a quality life as a result of the ethics and values learned for as long as
12 years.
Children are precious and dependent on the adult for guidance. Understanding them is the
key, and to this end, both parents and schools must work hand in hand without playing the blame

28. What should the school do if a student can’t stop his/her habit to come late to school?
A. Punish him/her
B. Shut him/her out
C. Fail him/her
D. Talk to his/her parents
E. Try to understand him/her

29. What does the writer think to be “the highest from of behaviour” (in the second paragraph)?
A. Respect for one another
B. Not being late to school
C. Understanding the regulations
D. Understanding the rules
E. Inner discipline

30. ”Children are precious and dependent on the adults for guidance.” The underlined word is closest
in meaning to ….
A. Valuable
B. Excellent
C. Clever
D. Innocent
E. Naive


31. A : Look! The girl is crying. What happened to her just now?
B : While playing with her brother, she ___
A. kicks
B. was kicking
C. kicked
D. was kicked
E. will kick

32. A : Do you know the result of the test?

B : Not yet. The announcement ____ twice.
A. was postponed
B. has to be postponed
C. was being postponed
D. has been postponed
E. will be postponed

33. Mela : Why do you prefer Surya Depstore to others?

Noni : Because the items ____ at a reasonable price.
A. is sold
B. were sold
C. are sold
D. had been sold
E. was sold

34. X : There’s no longer a rule for the youth to enter military service in Britain.
Y : Really, when….?
A. was it abolishing
B. was it to abolish
C. did it abolish
D. to be abolished
E. was it abolished

35. Dita : When did the accident happen?

Dini : When the goods ____ from the truck.
A. have been unloaded
B. will be unloaded
C. were being unloaded
D. are unloaded
E. are being unloaded

36. R.A. Kartini ____ in Jepara in 1879.

A. is born
B. would be born
C. was born
D. has been born
E. will be born

37. The books in the library ___ in alphabetical order.

A. is arranged
B. have arranged
C. was arranged
D. has arranged
E. have been arranged

38. A big dam ___ in this area next year.

A. will build
B. has been built
C. will be built
D. is being built
E. would be built

39. We can’t swim in the swimming pool now because it ___.

A. was being cleaned
B. will clean
C. is being cleaned
D. cleaned
E. has been cleaned

40. They had just been living in the house for two years when it ___ by the fire.
A. destroyed
B. will be destroyed
C. had destroyed
D. is being destroyed
E. was destroyed

41. She looks after the baby well.

The passive form is ____
A. the baby is well looked after
B. the baby is being looked after well
C. the baby was looked after well
D. the baby would be well looked after
E. the baby will be well looked after
42. Everybody knew that he had shown great loyalty to the company, therefore he ____ a big sum of
money at the anniversary of the company.
A. rewarded
B. is being rewarded
C. was rewarded
D. has been rewarded
E. will be rewarded

43. At the moment the old building ____ to make space dor a parking lot.
A. demolishing
B. had been demolishing
C. is being demolished
D. is demolishing
E. was being demolishing

44. Sita is waiting for her birthday party dress because she ____ a new one by her mother.
A. has promised
B. has been promising
C. will be promised
D. was being promised
E. will be promised

45. As the victim was badly hurt in the car accident, he ____ to the nearest hospital.
A. will be taken
B. was taken
C. is being taken
D. took
E. has been taken

46. Andi : ‘What time will the delayed plane depart?

Bedul : ‘They say that it .... soon.’
A. Will announce
B. Has announced
C. Is to announced
D. Will be announced
E. Announces

47. Icardi : ‘I’d like to reserve a single room for next week, please.’
Jovetic : ‘I’m sorry, Sir. Our hotel .... until the end of this month.’
A. It is fully booked
B. We booked
C. Is fully booked
D. Booking it fully
E. Will book

48. X : Which paintings will be exhibited tomorrow

Y : "We don't know yet, They . . . by a team.'
A. are still being selected
B. still selected
C. are still selecting
D. still selecting
E. still be selected

49. Anita is looking forward to her birthday because she . . . a new watch.
A. promised
B. has been promised.
C. has been promising
D. has promised
E. being promised

50. New products …… in the electronic exhibition in Jakarta Expo Centre a week ago.
A. Display
B. Displayed
C. Was displaying
D. Were displayed
E. Have displayed

07 Main Street
Lockwood, NJ 51686

December 10, 2008

Mrs. Jody Coling

Lockwood Health Association
23 Main Street
Lockwood, NJ

Dear Mrs. Coling,

My name is Susan Harris and I am writing on behalf of student at Lockwood Middle School.
A significant amount of the student at the school have been working on a project which relates to the
unemployment problem within the youth demographic of Lockwood. You are invited to attend a
presentation that will be held within the media room of the school where a variety of proposals that
will demonstrate the ability of the community to develop employment opportunities for the youth
within the community.
At the presentation, there will be several student receiving awards which will recognized them within
the community from the mayor. Refreshments will also be available at the presentation.
As one of the prominent figures in the community, we would be honored by your attendance. Our
special presentation will be held at our school auditorium on 16th of January. Please reply by
Monday 9th of January to confirm your attendance to the function.
We look forward to seeing you there.

Ms. Susan Harris

6. Who is the writer of the letter?

a. Lockwood.
b. Mayor of Lockwood.
c. Student of Lockwood Middle School.
d. Susan Haris.
e. Colling.
Jawaban: d

7. What the subject is made a project by the Lockwood students?

a. Unemployment.
b. Poor demographic.
c. Mental illness.
d. Football match.
e. Criminal rate.
Jawaban: a

8. When will the presentation be held?

a. 15th of January.
b. 16th of January.
c. 17th of January.
d. 18th of January.
e. 19th of January.
Jawaban: b
9. What kind of letter is it?
a. Invitation letter.
b. Suggestion letter.
c. Advice letter.
d. Shipment letter.
e. Announcement.
Jawaban: a
10. What a day must Mrs. Colling reply the letter?
a. Sunday.
b. Monday.
c. Tuesday.
d. Wednesday.
e. Thursday.
Jawaban: b
Pete: “Would you like dinner with me tonight?”
Kate: “Thank you. I’d love to.”

11. From the dialogue above we conclude that….

a. Kate declines the invitation.
b. Pete wants to have dinner.
c. Kate loves Pete.
d. Pete invites Kate to have dinner together.
e. Pete make a date with Kate.
Jawaban: d

12. What the Underline sentence express?

a. Accepting invitation.
b. Refusing help.
c. Greeting.
d. Canceling invitation.
e. Agreeing an appointment.
Jawaban: a
13. Is Pete inviting Kate?
a. No, she doesn’t.
b. Yes, he is.
c. Yes she isn’t.
d. No, they aren’t.
e. Yes, it isn’t.
Jawaban: b

14. Yu’ul: “Would you like a cup of tea?”

Ipeh: “Yes, I want it.
The dialogue uses expression of….
a. offering help
b. accepting and refusing an appointment
c. offering and accepting
d. make an appointment
e. refusing something
Jawaban: c

15. Coki: “Would you come with me to Lia’s party?”

Citra: “That would be nice. What’s time?”
From the underline sentence, we know that….
a. Citra doubt to go with Coki.
b. Coki ask for help to Citra.
c. Coki orders Citra to go with him.
d. Citra asks Coki to go together.
e. Citra accepts Coki’s Invitation.
Jawaban: e

The following text is for number 16 to 20.

PT. CSL Indosejahtera

18 Jl T NyakArief Banda Aceh 23121
8 of June, 2014
Mr. Rakib
General Manager
PT. Rahmat Service
Jl. Mayjen Suprapto 3
Banda Aceh 23221

Dear Mr. Rakib,

It is a great honor for us to extend this invitation to you. We would like to invite you and Ms. Rakib to
celebrate our company’ Anniversary.
We are going to have party to mark the tent Anniversary of PT CSL Indosejahtera. The Party to
commemorate this special event will be held on 30 of June, 2014, Monday evening from 7:00 p.m. till
11:00 p.m. at Hermes Room Hermes Hotel.
We hope that you and Mr. Rakib would be available to come. We eagerly look forward to seeing you
both in our company’s anniversary party.

Yours sincerely,
Alex Manuhutu

General Manager
SVP (0651)12345567
1. Suit
2. National/Night Dress.
16. Where is the location of PT CSL Indosejahtera?
a. Medan.
b. Lampung.
c. Banda Aceh.
d. Tanjungpinang.
e. Bandarlampung.
Jawaban: c
17. When will the party be held?
a. 29th of June.
b. 30th of June.
c. 1st of July.
d. 2nd of July.
e. 3rd of July.
Jawaban: b

18. How old is PT CSL Indosejahtera when the party is held?

a. 9 years old
b. 10 years old
c. 11 years old
d. 12 years old
e. 13 years old
Jawaban: b
19. What is the position of Alex Manuhutu?
a. General Manager.
b. Sales Manager.
c. Production Manager.
d. Consume Manager.
e. Accounting Manager.
Jawaban: a

20. What kind of letter is it?

a. Announcement.
b. Invitation letter.
c. Complaint letter.
d. Offering letter.
e. Obligation letter.
Jawaban: b

The following text is for number 21 to 23.

PJ Party
22 Yew Street, Cambridge, Ontario
Tel: 416-223-8900
4th of November, 2015
Dear Valued Customer:
Our records …. (21) That you have been a customer of PJ Party Inc. since our grand opening last
year. We would like to thank you for your business …. (22) Inviting you to our preferred customer
Spring Extravaganza next Saturday.
Saturday’s sales event is by invitation only. All of our stock, including pajamas and bedding will be
marked down from 50-80% off.* Doors open at 09:00 a.m. sharp. Complimentary coffee and donuts
will be served. Public admission …. (23) Commence at noon.
In addition, please accept the enclosed $10 gift certificate to use with your purchase of $75 or more.
We look forward to seeing you at PJ’s on Saturday. Please bring this invitation with you and present
it at the door.

Linda Lane
Store Manage
21. a. show
b. shows
c. showed
d. showing
e. showen
Jawaban: a

22. a. on
b. in
c. at
d. by
e. buy
Jawaban: e

23. a. will
b. is
c. am
d. are
e. has
Jawaban: a

The following text is for number 24 to 25.

Dear all of students,

Each of us has different talents, different dreams, and different destination. We all have the power to
make a new tomorrow with a great happiness. We, the Senior Class of Campbellsburg High School,
invite you to join us School Anniversary on Friday 1st of June 2011 at 06.30 p.m. at Hamilton
Auditorium Campbellsburg Arizona.

24. Where will the anniversary be held?

a. At high school.
b. In the class room.
c. At the school yard.
d. At Hamilton Auditorium.
e. At Madison Square.
Jawaban: d

25. “…. Invite you to join us….”

What does the underlined word mean?
a. Ask.
b. Force.
c. Tell.
d. Persuade.
e. Command.
Jawaban: a
The Importance of Learning English
Language is tool of communication. Mostly groups of society have their own languages. Some of
them appear to be the top global languages. Most people in the world hear about English, Arabic,
and Mandarin. However, English is the most global spoken language. Then if a man wants to catch a
global goal, he has to master English.
Everyone recognizes that English is an international language. English is used in writing and
speaking by many people all over the world. It can be either as a first or second language. We even
hear British, American, Australian, and even Singaporean English. Those various names of English
are used as the first language in those countries. Furthermore, some countries have their own
languages, as mother language but also use English mostly in daily communication.
Besides the usage in daily interaction, English is also used as a key to open doors leading to
scientific and technical knowledge. No wonder we find manual guides and instruction of many
devices written in English. Even if we have a pack of instant noodle, we will see the cooking
instruction also written in English. This transfer of science and technical will include many countries in
economic, social and politics development.


26. The function of language is….

Answer: as tool of communication.

27. The most spoken language in the world is….

Answer: English.

28. The English accent mentioned in the text above….

Answer: British, American, Australian, and even Singaporean English.

29. English has another function besides communication, which is….

Answer: open the doors toward scientific and technical knowledge.

30. The main Opinion of the text above is….

Answer: English language is important to be learned.
Read the following dialogue and then answer the questions!

Joni : ”It’s a boring day.”

Jono: “Why?”
Joni : ”I have a lot of homework.”
Jono: “Me too. Could you come to my home tonight?”
Joni : ”I’m sorry, I don’t think I can.”
Jono: “Why? You said that you had a lot of homework. Let’s learn together.”
Joni : ”I’m not feeling well. Maybe I will not go to school tomorrow.”
Jono: “Poor you. You’d better get some rest.”
Joni : ”Thanks for you advices.”
Jono: “You’re Welcome.”


31. What did Joni feel?

Answer: bored.

32. Did Joni have a homework?

Answer: Yes, he had.

33. Was Jono sick?

Answer: Yes, he was.

34. What was Joni’s suggestions to Jono?

Answer: To get some rest.

35. Mention one expression of giving invitation based on the dialogue above!
Answer: Could you come to my home tonight?
41. “Andi Travelled to Maldive last year.”
The passive is….
a. Maldive was travelled by Andi last year.
b. Maldive is travelled by Andi last year.
c. No change.
d. Maldive will be travelled by Andi last year.
e. Maldive travelled by Andi last year.
Jawaban: a

42. “Omar wrote a letter last night.”

The passive sentence is….
a. A letter were written by Omar last night.
b. A letter is written by Omar last night.
c. A letter are written by Omar last night.
d. A letter is being wrote by Omar last night.
e. A letter was written by Omar last night.
Jawaban: b

43. “They are wearing jackets in the class.”

The passive is….
a. Jackets were being wore by them in the class.
b. Jackets are being wore by them in the class.
c. Jackets is being worn by them in the class.
d. Jackets are being worn by them in the class.
e. Jackets were being worn by them in the class.
Jawaban: b

44. “She broke the window yesterday.”

The passive is….
a. The window is broke by her yesterday.
b. The window is break by her yesterday.
c. The window is being broken by her yesterday.
d. The window was broken by her yesterday.
e. The window were broken by her yesterday.
Jawaban: c

45. “Students are drawing the scenery.”

The passive is….
a. The scenery are drew by students
b. The scenery is drew by students
c. The scenery are being drawn by students
d. The scenery is being drew by students
e. The scenery is being drawn by students
Jawaban: c

46. “A hurricane destroyed a few houses.”

The passive is….
a. A few houses were destroyed by a hurricane.
b. A few houses was destroyed by a hurricane.
c. A few houses is destroyed by a hurricane.
d. A few houses are destroyed by a hurricane.
e. A few houses destroyed by a hurricane.
Jawaban: a

47. “Government will build a new palace next year.”

The passive is….
a. A new palace will built by the government.
b. A new palace will be build by the government.
c. A new palace will be built by the government.
d. A new palace will be build by the government.
e. A new palace will built by the government.
Jawaban: c

48. “Juan has studied Math for a test.”

The passive is….
a. Math has studied by Juan for a test.
b. Math has been studied by Juan for a test.
c. Math has been study by Juan for a test.
d. Math has studied by Juan for a test.
e. Math has study by Juan for a test.
Jawaban: b

49. “Tiara was eating popcorn at the cinema.”

The passive is….
a. Popcorn is being eaten by Tiara at the cinema.
b. Popcorn was eaten by Tiara at the cinema.
c. Popcorn is eaten by Tiara at the cinema.
d. Popcorn was being eaten by Tiara at the cinema.
e. Popcorn was being ate by Tiara at the cinema.
Jawaban: d

50. “I must begin my studying right now.”

The passive is….
a. My studying must be begin by me right now.
b. My studying must have been begin by me right now.
c. My studying must begin by me right now.
d. My studying must began by me right now.
e. My studying must be begun by me right now.
Jawaban: e
The following text is for number 51 to 55

Nuclear power is the controlled use of nuclear energy. Nuclear energy is energy in uranium that can
be released by nuclear reaction in a machine is called a nuclear reactor. This energy is made into
electricity, which can be used to power machine and heat home. 14% of the world’s electricity came
from nuclear power. But, the use of nuclear power cause some hazard.
There are three separate sources of hazard in the process of supplying energy by nuclear power.
First, the radioactive material must travel from its place of manufacture at the power station. Although
the power stations themselves are solidly built, the containers used for the transport of the materials
are not. There the normally only two methods of transport available, namely road or rail.
Unfortunately, both of these involve close contact with the general public, since the routes are sure to
pass near, or even thought, heavily populated areas.
Next, there is the problem of waste. All nuclear power station produced wastes that in most cases
will remain radioactive for thousands of years. It is impossible to make these wastes non-radioactive,
and so they must be stored in one of the inconvenient ways that scientist have invited. For example
they may be buried under ground, or dropped into abandoned mines, or sunk in the sea. However,
these methods do not solve the problem, since an earthquake could easily crack the containers
Finally, there is the problem of accidental exposure due to a leak or an explosion at the power
station. As with the other two hazards, this is not every likely, so it does not provide a serious
objection to the nuclear program. Nevertheless, it can happen.
Separately, these there types of risks are not a great cause for concern. On the whole though, the
probability of disaster is still high.

51. The text above is about….

a. The disadvantages of a nuclear power.
b. The legend of nuclear.
c. The writer’s experience when he worked in the nuclear plant.
d. Discussion about the advantages of nuclear power.
e. How to make a nuclear plant.
Jawaban: a

52. The text above is included into….

a. analytical exposition
b. hortatory exposition
c. narrative
d. recount
e. discussion
Jawaban: a

53. There are …. arguments provided in the text above.

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Jawaban: c
54. The second argument discusses about ….
a. The waste of nuclear power.
b. Nuclear power that faces disaster.
c. How to transport the nuclear energy.
d. How to make a nuclear plant.
e. How to stop a nuclear plant.
Jawaban: a

55. On the whole though, the probability of disaster is still high

The synonym of the underlined word above is….
a. all
b. nothing
c. several
d. parts
e. good
Jawaban: a

The following text is for number 56 to 60.

Integrated Pest Management

There is no best way to ideal with pests in agriculture. Pesticides which are commonly used may
cause many problems. I think combining different management operation is the most effective way to
controls pests.
Firstly, the chemicals in the pesticides my build up as residues in the environment and in the soil
which absorbs the chemical. This reduces the quality of farm product.
Secondly, pests can gradually become resistant to pesticides. This means that newer and stronger
ones have to be developed.
Lastly, some pesticides affect non target plants and animals such as fish and bees. This affects the
ecology and environment as well.
So, understanding of ecology of an area helps a lot in pest control. Pesticides should be chosen and
applied carefully so that they don’t affect the ecological balance and environment.
Therefore, integrated pest management is a safe and more affective option to fight pest in
agriculture and livestock.

56. Which of the following is not directly affected by pesticides used?

a. Plants.
b. Ecology.
c. Animals.
d. environment.
e. Human Beings.
Jawaban: b

57. What can you say about paragraph two and four?
a. The fourth paragraph supports the idea stated in paragraph two.
b. Both paragraph tell about the disadvantages of using pesticides.
c. Both paragraphs tell about how pesticides affect the quality of farm products.
d. The statement in paragraph is contrary to the statement in paragraph four.
e. The second paragraph tells about the effects of using pesticides on animals mentioned in
paragraph four.
Jawaban: b

58. One of the disadvantages of using chemical pesticides is….

a. killing fish and bees.
b. increasing crops productivity.
c. creating balanced ecosystem.
d. causing the pets to become inactive
e. helping reduce pollutants in the environment.
Jawaban: d

59. “Secondly, pest can gradually become resistant to pesticides.” (paragraph 3)

The word resistant in the sentence above means….
a. weak
b. fragile
c. damage
d. unaffected
e. unbalanced
Jawaban: d

60. The text above can be included in….

a. hortatory exposition
b. analytical exposition
c. report
d. explanation
e. narrative
Jawaban: b

The text forquestions 7-9

Salsa : Where are going to spend your holiday?
Bella : In Batu near Malang East Java
Salsa : Why are going to spend your holiday there?
Bella : It’s as crowded as Jakarta and Surabaya. The weather is rather cold at night.
Salsa : Do you like quite places?
Bella : yes I do
Salsa : so do I.
Where is Bella going to spend the holiday?
a. In Batu b.In Malang c. In Jakarta d. In
Surabaya e.In Bandung
9. Bella is going to spend the holiday there because she likes………………………….
a. Interesting places b. crowded places c. Isolated area d. Quite places e. cool places
10. How is the weather at night?
a. Hot b. dry c. cold
3;"> d. rain e.wet
11. Niken : Where did you go for your birthday?
Ayuda : I went to Bali
Niken : How was the………….there?
Ayuda : It was hot and day
a. Season b. climate c. weather d. temperature e.
12. Oki : I heard that you have won the poetry reading competition?
April : Yes that’s true and I’m very excited about it
Oki : ………………………..
April : Thanks.
a. Are you sure b. Do you like it c. Congratulations d. You are so beautiful e. OK
13. Bambang : You look busy with your assignment. Do you need a help?
Dessy : …………………but I should do it on my own.
a. Thanks b. no,I don’t,thank you d. please help me e. OK
14. Lia : ……………….! The street is slippery ?
Lestari : Of course I will drive carefully
a. Look out b. be careful c. watch out d. mind your step e. just go
15. Arika : ……………………is a kilogram of apple?
Seller : it’s Rp. 25.000
a. How many b. how c. how much d. how can e. what
16. Desi : Syahrul,is such as a careless boy,I think.
Efin : ………………..he often forgets where he put his belonging.
a. The fact is not true b. I don’t think so c. I think so d. that’s wrong e. sure
17. Adin : …………………………do you wake up in the morning?
Arif : I wake up at 6.30 in the morning.
a. What b. where c. what time d. why e. who
18. Dirman : where do you usually make the cake,Ratna?
Ratna : I usually make the cake in the………………….?
a. In the lavatory b. in the kitchen c. in the bathroom d. in the bedroom e.balcony
19. Tiara is a beautifu girl. she has a long straight hair and also has a pointed nose. Beside that she is low
profile but she is very talkactive to everyone.
What is Tiara bad habit?
a. Beautiful b. pointed nose c. low profile d. talk
active e.arrogant
These dialogs if for number 20 to 21!
Mila : Hello Mom! I come back.
Mrs. Aliyah : Good. You come back home on time. Who is she? Is she your friend?
Mila : Yes, Mom. I’ve brought a new friend.
Nisa, this is my mother, Aliyah.
Nisa : ………………………………(20), Mrs. Aliyah
Mrs. Aliyah : How do you do, Nisa. Please come in and take your seat.
(After an hour, Nisa want to go home.)
Nisa : Well, I’ve to go home now. Thank you Mila.
Mila and Mrs. Aliyah : ……………………………. (21)
Ok, be careful. See you

20.Nisa said ……
a.hi b.hello do you do d.good bye e. see
21. a.good bye b. you are welcome c.see you later d. nice to meet you e.see you

22. Mia : Hello

Yeyen: Hello, Mia. This is Yeyen. ……Andre, please?
Mia: I’m sorry but he’s gone out
a. Don’t worry b. May I help you c. May I speak to d. It’s okay e. help me
23. andi : Hi, you are different today, tell me…………..?
Yeyen : My hand, it is hurt.
a. Do you know b. This is Indah Speaking
c. What’s wrong d. Do you agree e. I’m okay
24. Alpan : excuse me, …………where the barber shop?
Budi : yes just go straight down this road, the barbershop is on the right side
a. Do you know b. This is Indah Speaking
c. What’s wrong d. Do you agree e. I disagree
Read the following text and answer questions 25 to 29
Adam’s Diary
May 2010
23 Sunday. When I got up, I felt ill, I went back to bed. Mum called the doctor. But he couldn’t come,
because he was ill too.
24 Monday. The doctor come at 11 O’clock. He wrote a prescription for some medicine. Mum bought it in
the drugstore. It was horrible. Yuck!
25 Tuesday. Dad bought me model aeroplane. I read the instructions, but I couldn’t make it, because the
dog ate the glue.
25. What happened at 23rd May to Adam?
a. He couldn’t come b. He wrote a prescription
c. He felt ill d. He was slipping e. He got up
26. Who called the doctor?
a. Father b. Adam c. Mother d. Doctor e. Grandfather
27. What did the doctor write at 24th?
a. Instructions b. Model aero plane c. Address of drugstore
d. Prescription e. medicine
28. Adam could not make the aeroplane, why? Because…
a. He felt ill b. The dog ate the glue
c. The doctor was ill too d. Mum bought medicine e. giving prescriptions
29. A: Hello!………….. May I speak to Andree ?
B: I’m sorry, he has just gone out.
a. Do you know b. This is Indah Speaking c. What’s wrong
d. Do you agree e.Hi,I’m fines

For questions 30 to 32 choose the best words to complete the text

Jay : Excuse me, .. (30)… where The Art Museum is?
Yoyo: Just go straight down this road, and the Museum is on your right.
Jay: And…(31)… how to get there?
Yoyo: Sure. Take the no. 12 bus, and get off at the Post Offiec on your left. The Art Museum is opposite
the Post Office
Jay: Thank you very much.
Yoyo: …(32)…
30. a. Do you agree b. Do you know
c. Do you think d. Do you understand e. Do you disagree
31 a. Do you agree b. can you tell me
c. Do you think d. Do you understand e. do you know
32. a. Yes, I do b. You’re right
c. You’re welcome d. Thank you, too e. see you tomorrow

Read the following text and answer questions 33 to 36.

Juhha’s Wonders
Once upon a time, there was a small village in Baghdad. Its population was very small. In this village
everybody knew each other and knew every little or big problems that went on in the village. In this small
village there was a bakery that was popular for its delicious bread.
One day a poor old man was walking in the street passing the bakery and he stopped to smell the scent of
the bread which was spreading out of the bakery.
Suddenly, the baker caught the old man and shouted at him demanding the price of bread’s scent. He
almost drag him to the police.
A very famous wise man named Juhha heard the baker shouting. So he went to him and asked about the
problem. Juhha stood calmly listening to the baker and he thought for a solution.
After a few minutes Juhha’s eyes glistened and an amused smile was on his face. He asked the baker
“How much money do you want?”. The baker and poor man were astonished, but the baker answered “3
dinars”. Juhha took the money out of his wallet and put it in his pocket and shook the money. “Did you
hear the sound of the money?” Juhha asked. “Yes, I did”, the baker replied, and with big smile Juhha said
“Well then, this is the price of your bread’s scent!”
33. Who stopped to smell the scent of the bread?
a. The baker. b. The police. c. The old poor man. d. Juhha, the wise man. e. the thief
34. What did the baker do to the old man?
a. He wanted to hear the sound of the old man money.
b. He demanded the old man to pay for the scent.
c. He shouted his problem to the old man.
d. He gave the old man some solution. e. The baker was astonished
35. ” ….., which was popular for its delicious bread” (paragraph 1)
What does the word “delicious” mean?
a. Sour b. Tasty c. Bitter d. Unpleasant e. Happy
36. What can we learn from the story above?
a. We must help poor people. b. We must take the benefit of what we offer.
c. We should pay nothing for things we use. d. We shouldn’t ask other to pay for what they don’t
get. e. We must be happy

Read the following text and answer questions 37 to 40

When I was in elementary school, I really loved football. Every Saturday afternoon I practiced in school
field with my team and my coach. They were strong and smart players. My coach was a kind person. But,
while he was couching us, he was very discipline. He would grounded anyone who came late and not
obey the team rules.
37. When did the writer really love football?
a. When he was in elementary school d. Every Saturday afternoon
b. When he came late and not obey the team rules e. when he would gounded anyone
c. When he was in junior high school
38. Where the writer used to play football
a. In stadium b. In the sport hall c. In his own field d. In a school field e. in the yard
39. How was the couch couching him?
a. Strong b. Smart c. Discipline d. Lazy e. happy
40. The coach grounded players who …..
a. were smart b. were decipline c. came late d. obeyed the rules e. arrogant
The Dangers of Typing SMS while Driving

The popularity of mobile devices has had some dangerous consequences. We

know that mobile communications are linked to a significant increase in
distracted driving which results in injury and loss of life.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that in 2010 driver
distraction was the cause of 18 percent of all fatal crashes with 3,092 people killed
and crashes resulting in an injury 416,000 people wounded.

The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute found that text messaging creates a
crash risk 23 times worse than driving while not distracted.

Eleven percent of drivers aged 18 to 20 who were involved in an automobile

accident and survived admitted they were sending or receiving texts when they
crashed. Distracted driving endangers life and property and the current levels of
injury and loss are unacceptable.

11. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The warning of texting and driving.

B. The debatable issue of texting and driving.
C. The involvement of mobile devices while driving.
D. The risks of texting while driving.
E. The consequences of not paying attention traffic.

12. What does the passage tell us about the writer's opinion on the issue at hand?

A. Text messaging creates more risk than undistracted driving.

B. Mobile communication doesn't have relation with accident.
C. Many people lost their live because of injury.
D. Distracted driving is still safe for the drivers.
E. Only adult drivers involved in the accident.

13. From the text, we know that ...

A. The mobile phone should be banned in the street.

B. Distracted driving makes accident more rarely to happen.
C. Most of the accident caused by the condition of the road.
D. 18 percent of fatal crashes were caused by unnoticed street signs.
E. Drivers involved in car accidents admitted they were texting when they

14. Distracted driving endangers life ... it is not an acceptable action

A. As
B. If
C. So
D. And
E. Yet

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