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January (Doing Things on Time)

First Week : Starting on the Dot
Second Week : Making Good Use of Time
Third Week : Acting with a Sense of Urgency
Fourth Week : Ending Ahead of Schedule

February (Putting Things in Place)

First Week : Keeping Clean
Second Week : Keeping a Few Things
Third Week : Maintaining Things
Fourth Week : Contributing to Cleanliness

March (Being Systematic)

First Week : Ordering Oneself
Second Week : Setting Targets
Third Week : Following a Sequence
Fourth Week : Having a Framework


April (Caring Through Small Things)

First Week : Doing a Good Deed Every Day
Second Week : Bringing Joy to Parents
Third Week : Showing Affection
Fourth Week : Building Up Goodwill

May (Putting Others First)

First Week : Reaching Out to Others
Second Week : Showing an Interest in Others
Third Week : Helping Others
Fourth Week : Being Open to Others

June (Sacrificing for Others)
First Week : Serving Others
Second Week : Giving Good Example
Third Week : Being Selfless
Fourth Week : Making Others Happy


July (Cleaning Up the Environment)

First Week : Setting the Moral Tone
Second Week : Raising the Level of Culture
Third Week : Improving the Social Environment
Fourth Week : Caring for the Physical Environment

August (Giving a Preference for the Poor)

First Week : Promoting Self-Reliance
Second Week : Acquiring Skills
Third Week : Gaining Knowledge
Fourth Week : Working in Teamwork

September (Working for Community Welfare)

First Week : Making Oneself Available
Second Week : Getting Involved
Third Week : Working for the Long Term
Fourth Week : Making Systems Work


October (Going for High Quality)

First Week : Doing Things Well
Second Week : Cutting Costs
Third Week : Taking a Positive Outlook
Fourth Week : Acting Mature

November (Fostering Cooperation)
First Week : Gaining from Cooperation
Second Week : Competing with Others
Third Week : Strengthening Unity
Fourth Week : Keeping Open to the Word

December (Being Part of One World)

First Week : Learning from Others
Second Week : Being One with Others
Third Week : Giving to Others
Fourth Week : Loving Under One God

Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise

Starting on the Dot

Begin each day as a hero

Get up at the appointed time
Leave your bed on the dot.

Get to work quickly

Start all activities promptly
Try to be on schedule all day.

Go for a real change

Make Filipino time
always equal on-time.

Making Good Use of Time

Time is opportunity
We cannot waste it
We must use it productively.

We fill our day with useful work

We cannot squander it in empty talk
nor in useless speculation.

We spend all our day on what we ought

But not any minute more
than what is needed to do it very well.

Jesus P. Estanislao,

1st and 2nd Week of January

Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise
Acting with a Sense of Urgency
Draw out of every hour
All that can be done
All the grace that can be won.

We go on pushing ourselves
so we accomplish so much
n so little time.

Since we have a long way to go

We should quicken our steps
and cut out all unnecessary delays.

Ending Ahead of Schedule

Aim to finish all

that had been committed
well ahead of schedule.

Speed up so as to finish
in less than the time allotted
and with time to spare for contingencies.

Make room for surprises

Make up for lost time
Make amends for unavoidable delays

Jesus P. Estanislao, Ph.D.

3rd and 4th Week of January

Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise


Keeping Clean
Cleanliness starts within
In our mind and heart
In everything about our person.

It should then extend

to everything around us
in the places where we live and work.

It goes even way beyond

to our immediate neighborhood
and to our city, our country, our world.

Keeping a Few Things

We keep only what we often use
and put away all else
that is unnecessary and superfluous.

We have to invent
a simple and easy way
to retrieve what we use occasionally.

We regularly and detachedly dispose

everything that can be put to better use
by someone else somewhere else.

Jesus P. Estanislao, Ph.D.

1ST AND 2ND WEEK of February
Center for Industrial Technology and

Maintaining Things
We must each put in the effort
so everything that surrounds us
is clean, congenial, and comfortable.

We make it a habit
to put things away after use
and set everything up for ready use.

We look after proper maintenance

to ensure everything works
and to make things last.

Contributing to Cleanliness
We try to leave a place
in a much better state
than when we entered it.

The small effort of each one

combines into a great contribution
towards a pleasant environment for all.

All should be responsible

for keeping ever higher standards
for our surroundings both near and far.

Jesus P. Estanislao,

3RD and 4TH Week of February

Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise

Ordering Oneself
As orderly persons
we place reason over passion
and mind over feelings.

We keep our mind orderly

To more correctly draw conclusions
and gain ever fresh perspectives.

We make life simple through self-restraint

purposeful through self-control and determination
productive through self-discipline.

Setting Targets
The common welfare of all
is the banner around which
all must rally with whole mind and heart.

We aim for the noblest ideals

to draw the very best
out of the goodwill of all.

We set our targets high

to tap boundless energy
for the common cause all must pursue.

Jesus P. Estanislao,

1st and 2nd Week of March

Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise
Following a Sequence
Great things are accomplished
by a series of ordinary things
done extraordinarily well.

Big operations are executed

by a sequence of small steps
each smartly taken with precision.

First things first

One step at a time
All according to a pre-set plan.

Having a Framework

We act in accordance with a framework

dictated by our mission
within a clear, broad vision.

We entertain no illusions
about the resources we can count on
and the people we can work with.

We try to anticipate our needs

so we have all things at hand
at the time we need them.

Jesus P. Estanislao,

3rd and 4th Week of March

Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise

Doing a Good Deed Every Day

Each day we go out of our way
to do something small and special
for each one in our family.

A few kind words will do

a nice gesture of caring always helps
a little act of service truly matters.

Our life is a continuing stream

of ordinary words and deeds
said and done each day for others.

Bringing Joy to Parents

To our parents we bring
not just pain and sorrow
but also joy and happiness.

We delight our parents

if we always try our best
and accomplish the utmost.

Work done effectively

a life lived fully
make our parents proud and pleased.

Jesus P. Estanislao,

1st and 2nd Week of April

Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise

Showing Affection
The warmth of our homes
can be kept by the twigs and branches
we each throw to the fire of mutual love.

A smile warms any heart

A sense of humor breaks the ice
A cheerful disposition eases any pain.

By a caring attention to details

we melt down the cold indifference
that can stand as a barrier between family members.

Building up Goodwill
Put in a deposit each day
in the emotional bank account
we keep with each member of our family.

Our weakness and failures

make us draw heavily
from that special bank account.

We have to ensure by daily good deeds

that we accumulate goodwill
and keep our balance always positive.

Jesus P. Estanislao,

3rd and 4th Week of April

Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise

Reaching Out to Others

Break the barriers that keep you to yourself
Reach out ever more generously to others
and spend yourself on their well-being.

Let us put others first

so all their talents are put to use
and all their aspirations reach out to God.

Ahead of our personal preferences and

self-interest must come the improvement and
self-fulfillment of others and the common good of the
broader community.

Showing an Interest in Others

Let us develop the art of listening
so we draw out the best of others
and learn from their nobility of spirit.

Let us cultivate solidarity

so we identify with others' dreams and
aspirations and share their joys and sorrows.

Complicate your life with the life of others

and be ever ready to help them
even though all you can offer is a prayer.

Jesus P. Estanislao,

1st and 2nd Week of May

Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise

Helping Others

Our perennial quest should be:

In what way can I serve more
How can I make a difference for the better?

We look for ways to ease others' pain

and steal a piece of heaven
for those oppressed by earth's burden.

We drown evil in a sea of goodness

indifference in understanding
coldness in affection.

Being Open to Others

Be open about the slights that hurt us

Never dam these up nor build them up
until they burst and blow up.

Never should the sunset

without our making amends
without talking out our pains.

For differences we build a bridge

for disagreements we find common ground
for disharmony we search for an olive branch.

Jesus P. Estanislao,

3rd and 4th Week of May

Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise


Serving Others

We are here to serve and suffer for others

not to grab and grasp
nor get things only for ourselves.

Ours is to work and produce

to bring about effective results
through blood, sweat, and tears.

We cannot live on
as though all we want is to enjoy
and take things easy.

Giving Good Example

Be strong of character
Sincere in purpose
Selfless in service.

Our temper we control

Our emotions we rein in
Our hurt feelings we press down.

We share our ideals with others

and get our message across
through the example we set.

Jesus P. Estanislao,

1st and 2nd Week of June

Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise

Being Selfless

To be truly free
we have to be responsible
ever conscious of our duties.

To remain ever faithful

we squeeze out the selfishness
that insists only on our rights.

To genuinely serve
we put on the selflessness
that puts all our interest in God and country.

Making Others Happy

We can help others become happy

by challenging them to use their talents
and getting them to rise above themselves.

By our own efforts

let us open wide the opportunities
so others get self-fulfilled.

By our own example

let us broaden the horizon
for others to serve generously.

Jesus P. Estanislao, Ph.D.

3rd and 4th Week of June

Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise


Setting the Moral Tone

Let's go back to basics

Let deeds conform with ideals
and action with convictions.

Let principles hold firm

and values ever inspire
so virtues are practiced always.

While we all fall short

We must not abandon the fight
but rather persevere to the very end.

Raising the Level of Culture

Minds have to be uplifted

as much as muscles are exercised
and bodies are fed and cared for.

We cannot close our eyes to reality

We must instead keep our minds ever open
To the ideals that lift up our spirit.

The banal and profane can only keep us down

But the sublime and spiritual can bring us up
to heights that touch even the Divine.

Jesus P. Estanislao,

1st and 2nd Week of July

Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise

Improving the Social Environment

Society is but a mirror

of the unity of families
and the integrity of individuals.

To build a strong society

we reinforce each other's strengths
and fill in for each other's weaknesses.

We must be each other's keeper

Prod others towards greater heights
Pull others up from their falls.

Caring for the Physical Environment

Public property is everyone's responsibility

To keep it clean and green
is the concern and duty of us all.

Our streets must be clean

our communities well-ordered
our cities functional and attractive.

Let us give life back to our rivers

make our lakes and seas thrive and teem
Keep our forests lush and verdant

Jesus P. Estanislao, Ph.D.

3rd and 4th Week of July

Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise


Promoting Sefl-Reliance

One of the best gifts we can give

is to let others help themselves
as self-reliant masters of their fate.

No more dole-outs of fish, instead the skills to fish

No to passive recipients, yes to active workers
Less to self-satisfying consumers, more to achieving

We need to foster self-discipline

to curb short-term gratification
to encourage long term savings

Acquiring Skills

The skills we acquire

make us stand on our own
and stand taller still as persons.

Skills are our passport

to true economic independence
and to responsible citizenship.

Skills widen the opportunity for self-assertion

and to use our other personal talents
thereby giving self-fulfillment to life

Jesus P. Estanislao, Ph.D.

1st and 2nd Week of August

Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise
Gaining Knowledge
It is not enough to know more
It is necessary to acquire the wisdom
that puts everything in proper perspective.

Our mind abhors a vacuum

It cannot be left blank
nor should it be kept idle.

We have to fill it with ever new knowledge

to make it travel by logical steps
and reach reasonable conclusions.

Working in Teamwork
In teamwork with others
we can reach much farther
Than if we went alone by ourselves.

Working together for mutual benefit

brings about effective results greater than those we
obtain individually.

Taking risks on a shared basis

raises the chance of success
and reduces the danger of failure.

Jesus P. Estanislao, Ph.D.

3rd and 4th Week of August

Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise


Making Oneself Available

We cannot mind only our home

and disregard what goes on
in our city and our country.

We have to make time

and put in our proper contribution
to the broader affairs of our communities.

Active personal involvement

in the basic concerns of society
is a demand of a responsible citizenship.

Getting Involved

It is not enough to vote

We must do our due share
in turning the tide for our people.

Make clear our stand on key issues

let our voices be heard
let our actions speak.

We cannot leave public destiny

in the hands of selfish individuals
whose interests are limited to their own.

Jesus P. Estanislao, Ph.D.

1st and 2nd Week of September

Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise

Working for the Long Term

Never look only for the easy way out
Always build institutions that last
and develop people to the full.

We leave behind not just plaques

nor monuments that are soon forgotten
nor wealth that is easily squandered.

Our legacy should be like an eternal flame

that continues to burn in the hearts and minds
of all those who come after us.

Making Systems Work

Let an individual reach higher
by placing him on the shoulders of others
and providing him a mechanism that serves.

Let us set up networks that support

systems that function
organizations that help.

Personal efforts must be ever complimented

by the combined strength of a group
and the services of an association.

Jesus P. Estanislao, Ph.D.

3rd and 4th Week of September

Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise


Doing Things Well

We work hard and well

to produce quality products
to render excellent services.

We race through the progress

earning our way in the world
always doing a top-class job.

Remember no one owes us a living

No one ever pays for empty rhetoric
only the accomplishments of great value.

Cutting Costs

We compete mainly on quality

and on the price of what we sell
on the comfort and convenience of what we provide.

Raise ever higher our productivity

Cut down waste to the very bone
and always add a touch of class.

To produce high value

we keep on honing up our skills
and improving our systems.

Jesus P. Estanislao, Ph.D.

1st and 2nd Week of October

Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise

Taking a Positive Outlook

We cannot be hemmed in by fears
We go ahead and break out
ready to take on a challenge.

Cower not asking for protection

Dare instead and take risk
Sharpen your competitive edge.

Behind the problems we face

we look for solutions to give
and new opportunities to seize.

Acting Mature
Harp not on the hurts of a dark past
Focus more on the bright prospects
and exciting possibilities of the future.

Stop fighting the wars of yesterday

Begin to face up to the beacon of tomorrow
and work up toward solid accomplishments today.

Bury the tired cliches of old

Put on ever fresh perspectives
to force the dawn of a new day.

Jesus P. Estanislao, Ph.D.

3rd and 4th Week of October

Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise


Gaining from Cooperation

Through cooperation we can all gain
Through confrontation we all lose
much more than nerves and goodwill.

Areas of agreement often abound

Look for them with diligence
Work on them with patience.

Jump over the barriers of disagreement

Move on to higher ground
whence to reduce them to irrelevance.

Competing with Others

Competition works best
if it draws out the finest
and pushes standards to the highest.

No one should fear to compete

if he is not a coward to fight
and exert the effort to improve.

Others are surely better in many areas

while we claim a niche of our own
and gain an edge for ourselves.

Jesus P. Estanislao, Ph.D.

1st and 2nd Week of November

Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise

Strengthening Unity

A neighbor helped by a neighbor

is like a strong walled city
too impregnable to conquer.

Consultation, mutual give-and-take

lead to consensus and a united front
too strong to pierce through.

Cooperation with close neighbors

helps secure the peace
and hastens our progress.

Keeping Open to the World

Forge unity with neighbors

not at the expense of all others
nor to the exclusion of the broader good.

Good regionalism remains open

to every opportunity to contribute
to the welfare of the human family.

The whole world is our charge

We cannot shirk our responsibility
as citizens of the international community.

Jesus P. Estanislao, Ph.D.

3rd and 4th Week of November

Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise


Learning from Others

Be open to all others
Take an interest in their concerns
Learn from their achievements.

We identify with the best

that others have and treasure
so it enriches our own traditions.

We raise our own standards

by drawing from others' accomplishments
and benefiting from their experience.

Being One with Others

On the surface clear differences strike
At bottom basic similarities arise
from our common humanity.

We all aspire to be free

for the right to be ourselves
and to go beyond ourselves.

We all strive for progress

for the right to express
and the opportunity to develop ourselves.

Jesus P. Estanislao, Ph.D.

1st and 2nd Week of December

Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise

Giving to Others

In need, we ask others for help

In an emergency, we call for assistance
In disaster, we cry out for relief.

Normal circumstances however require

that we get our homework done
and our assignments accomplished.

Our self-respect demands a position

where we can give rather than ask
and assist rather than call for aid.

Loving Under One God

Peace we can spread

if we have it within ourselves
and keep it among us.

We show special sympathy

for those in an epic struggle
to carry out genuine reform.

We act as brothers and sisters

within one big human family
under our loving Father God.

Jesus P. Estanislao, Ph.D.

3rd and 4th Week of December

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