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Capital Improvement Program Austin High School

Proposed Budget Renovation

2007 Facilities Capital Program 001
Budget Adjustments

Original Admin B C D F Total Original

Summary for New Construction and Renovation Adjustment Trustee Allot P1 HVAC Athletics Sci Equip Adj Program
Project Data for New and Renovation
Existing Building(s) Sq. Ft. 314,157 Proposed Classroom Capacity - -
New Sq. Ft. 0 Current Classroom Capacity 2,079 2,079
Demolition Sq. Ft. 0 New Seats Gained (2,079) (2,079)
Proposed Total Sq. Ft. 314,157 Proposed Core Capacity - -
# of T-Buildings (2007) 0 Current Site Acres 13 13
Student Enrollment (2007) 1865 Proposed Site Acres - -

New Construction and Renovation Cost

Total Estimated New Construction Cost - - - - - - -
Total Estimated Renovation Cost 2,565,180 (245) - - 300,000 - 2,864,935
Total Estimated New Construction and Renovation Cost 2,565,180 (245) - - 300,000 - 2,864,935
Other Program Costs for New and Renovation Proposed Actual
T-Building Costs - - - - - - -
Contingency (Various% of Construction Costs) 128,259 9.99% 256,352 - - - 30,000 - 286,352
Design Fees (Various% of Construction Costs) 230,866 7.00% 179,447 - - - 21,000 - 200,447
Management Fee (Various% of Construction Costs) 102,607 8.59% 220,385 - - - 21,841 - 242,226
Soft Costs, Testing, Surveys, Printing, etc. (Various% of Constr. Costs) 0 13.61% 349,228 - - - 15,518 - 364,746
Project Reserves 359,747 - - - 8,741 - 368,488
Total Estimated Other Program Costs for New and Renovation 1,365,159 - - - 97,100 - 1,462,259
Furnishings/Equipment for New and Renovation Proposed Actual
Furnishings and Equipment (Various% of Constr. Cost) 256,518 0.00% - - - - - - -
Replacement Media Center Books & Materials - - - - - - -
Media Center Books & Materials for Increased Capacity - - - - - - -
Technology Equipment ($600,000 + $5.00 per sq ft) - - - - - - -
Technology Cabling 76,906 - - - - - 76,906
Other Equipment - - - - - - -
Science Equipment and Furnishings Upgrades 418,500 - - - - (316,364) 102,136
Total Estimated Furnishings and Equipment for New and Renovation 495,406 - - - - (316,364) 179,042
Land Purchase for New and Renovation
Additional Site Area 0 acres x $1 per acre = - - - - - - -
Total Estimated Land Purchase for New and Renovation - - - - - - -

Grand Total of New Construction and Renovation Cost 4,425,745 (245) - - 397,100 (316,364) 4,506,236

Inflation (Const. & Equip.) 40 months @ $0 per month = - -

Anticipated Bid Date January-11
Estimate Date September-07
Grand Total with Inflation 4,425,745 (245) - - 397,100 (316,364) 4,506,236

11/4/2010 TEA 001 Page 1 of 3 Proposed Budget v:9/2010

Capital Improvement Program Austin High School
Proposed Budget Renovation
2007 Facilities Capital Program 001

Original Admin B C D F Total Original

New Construction Adjustment Trustee Allot P1 HVAC Athletics Sci Equip Adj Program
New Construction Costs
Building Construction 0 s.f. x $0 per s.f. = - -
Site Development 0 acres x $0 per acre = - -
Site Utilities - -
Demolition Costs - -
Other Costs (Specify) - -
Total Estimated New Construction Cost - - - - - - -
Other Program Costs New Construction Proposed Actual
T-Building Costs - -
Contingency (5% of Construction Costs) 0 0.00% - -
Design Fees (6.5% of Construction Costs) 0 0.00% - -
Management Fee (3.5% of Construction Costs) 0 0.00% - -
Soft Costs, Testing, Surveys, Printing, etc. (10% of Construction Costs) 0 0.00% - -
Project Reserves - -
Total Estimated New Construction, Soft Costs & Fees - - - - - - -
Furnishings/Equipment for New construction Proposed Actual
Furnishings and Equipment (10% of Construction Cost 0 0.00% - -
Replacement Media Center Books & Materials - -
Media Center Books & Materials for Increased Capacity - -
Technology Equipment ($600,000 + $5.00 per sq ft) - -
Technology Cabling - -
Other Equipment - -
Science Equipment and Furnishings Upgrades - -
Total Estimate New Construction Furnishings and Equipment - - - - - - -

Land Purchase For New Construction

Additional Site Area 0 acres x $0 per acre = - -
Total Estimated Land Purchase for New Construction - - - - - - -

Total Estimate New Construction Costs(Current $) - - - - - - -

11/4/2010 TEA 001 Page 2 of 3 Proposed Budget v:9/2010

Capital Improvement Program Austin High School
Proposed Budget Renovation
2007 Facilities Capital Program 001
Original Admin B C D F Total Original
Renovations to Existing Facility Adjustment Trustee Allot P1 HVAC Athletics Sci Equip Adj Program
Construction Costs for Renovations to Existing Facility
Site 1,424 1,424
Roofing 10,555 10,555
Structural - -
Exterior 240,247 240,247
Interior 281,793 281,793
Mechanical 273,031 273,031
Electrical 247,809 247,809
Plumbing 350,104 350,104
Fire/Life Safety - -
Technology Infrastructure 81,458 81,458
Conveyances 20,589 20,589
Specialties 432,924 432,924
Other Needs - 300,000 300,000
Science Infrastructure 625,000 625,000
Rounding Adjustments 245 (245) -
Total Estimated Renovation Cost 2,565,180 (245) - - 300,000 - 2,864,935
Other Program Costs Renovations to Existing Facility Proposed Actual
T-Building Costs - -
Contingency (5% of Construction Costs) 128,259 9.99% 256,352 30,000 286,352
Design Fees (9% of Construction Costs) 230,866 7.00% 179,447 21,000 200,447
Management Fee (4% of Construction Costs) 102,607 8.59% 220,385 21,841 242,226
Soft Costs, Testing, Surveys, Printing, etc. (10% of Construction Costs) 349,228 15,518 364,746
Project Reserves 359,747 8,741 368,488
Total Estimated Renovation, Soft Costs & Fees 1,365,159 - - - 97,100 - 1,462,259
Furnishings/Equipment for Renovations to Existing Facility Proposed Actual
Furnishings and Equipment (10% of Construction Cost 256,518 0.00% - -
Replacement Media Center Books & Materials - -
Media Center Books & Materials for Increased Capacity - -
Technology Equipment ($600,000 + $5.00 per sq ft) - -
Technology Cabling 76,906 76,906
Other Equipment - -
Science Equipment and Furnishings Upgrades 418,500 (316,364) 102,136
Total Estimated Renovation Furnishings and Equipment 495,406 - - - - (316,364) 179,042

Land Purchase for Renovations to Existing Facility

Additional Site Area 0 acres x $0 per acre = - -
Total Estimated Land Purchase for Renovation Construction - - - - - - -

Total Estimate Renovation Costs (Current $) 4,425,745 (245) - - 397,100 (316,364) 4,506,236

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