Uts Bahasa Inggris Lintas Minat

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Alamat : Jalan Masudi Desa Tumuk Manggis Sambas  (0562) 393137
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Kelas : X (SEPULUH)

This text is for questions 1-4

Raya library
Membership application form

Resident/visitor (cross as applicable)

MR/MRS/MS Dedy mahendra surname: Dedy

ADDRESS Flamboyan Stret No.93, Palembang
TELEPHONE NO. (0711)99238102
MOBILE NO. 08192738765
EMAIL ADDRESS dedymahendra@gmail.com
DATE OF BIRTH OF ( if under 18*) 9 JUNE 2004
I hereby apply to borrow books (printed audio) from the RAYA LIBRARY at the current charge.
I agree to:
1. Pay the required charge for books kept beyond the due return date.
2. Pay for any item which may be dmaged or lost whislt issued to me.
3. Borrow only 2 new books and 4 others at any one time.
4. Abid by the rules as laid down by the staff.

DATED March 27, 2019

1. The purpose of the text is..........

a. To apply for borrowing a book
b. To apply to join a library
c. To give information for the census
d. To ask for permission to buy a book
e. To apply for a job as a librarian

2. How old is the applicant when he is fillinng out the form?

a. Fifteen
b. Sixteen
c. Seventeen
d. Eighteen
e. Nineteen

3. Based on the form, Dedy should pay when ......

a. He borrows a book
b. He wants to borrow more than 3 books
c. He wants to be a librarian
d. He loses the book he borrowed
e. He can’t go to the library

4. “Abide by the rules as laid down by the staff.” The underlined phrase has similia in meaning
a. Obey
b. Ignore
c. Leave
d. Read
e. Disagree

5. Most forms use the capital letters because ...........

a. They are easier to write
b. They have no difference
c. The can be used by many people
d. The have many different types of letters
e. They are easier to read

6. We can see forename on a form. The synonym of “forename is...........

a. Full name
b. Nickname
c. First name
d. Middle name
e. Last name

7. A purchase order form usually contains..........

a. Types, quantities, and price of orders
b. Personal details and interests
c. Full name, account number, and checks
d. Contact name, number of people, and booking date.
e. Title, author, and publication year

8. There is DOB on a form. What does it stand for?

a. Date of birth
b. Due order bill
c. Date of block
d. Done before
e. Destination of bus.

9. Which of the following statement is false?

a. Forms always needed to be signed and dated.
b. Forms can be written manually or computerized
c. Questionnaires can be used for conducting a research
d. Medical form are used to keep medical information about a patient
e. If the request for a reservation is accepted, the cleck will complete a reservation form.

10. Man : will we have to go the party early?

Woman : yes. Rani’s family will make a surprise party for her.

Man : alright. I need to set my alarm then.

What does the man oblige to do ?

a. Go to the party alone
b. Set Rani’s alarm
c. Come to the party early
d. Make a surprise party
e. Buy a birthday present

Man : The headmaster should have accepted the
application of Mr.Hanggono, an experienced

Woman : I’m sad to hear it.

What does the man mean?

a. The headmaster hired Mr.Hanggono.
b. Mr.Hanggono refuses the work of the headmaster.
c. The headmaster did not accept Mr.Hanggono’s application.
d. Mr.Hanggono was rejected by the headmaster.
e. The headmaster offere Mr.Hanggono a job.

Man : You should book the ticket in advnce by
phone, so hat you don’t hav to queue up for
it tomorrow.

Woman : That’s a good idea.

What does the man suggest to the woman?

a. To queue in advance.
b. To call the man about the ticket.
c. To book the ticket by phone first.
d. To buy the ticket as soon as possible.
e. To stand in the queue early in the morning.

Woman : Did you know that Ryan failed to catch his

Man : No, I didn’t. Poor him! He played football

with his friends here before he left.

Woman :....
What is the most appropriate response to say next?
a. He should have left earlier.
b. He shouldn’t play football.
c. He must catch the bus.
d. He must leave us.
e. He should play football later.

Woman : Is tomorrow our English math?

Man : Yes, it is. We also have an assignment.

Woman : Really?

Man : Yes. The deadline is tomorrow. I have finished my assignment.

Woman :....

What is the best response to say next?

a. You should finish your assignment.
b. You should go home and submit your assignment.
c. You must study every day.
d. I should stay here and enjoy the day.
e. I must go home now and finish my assignment.

Woman : Hey, don’t chat!

Man : I chat, but I still can hear our teacher’s


Woman :...


What is the most appropriate response to say next?

a. You should pay more ttention in class.
b. You shouldn’t have ignored me.
c. You should attend the class regularly.
d. You shouldn’t leave the class without permission.
e. You should have explained to him.

This text is for questions 16 and 17.

Advice Column

Reply : Can I Be a Writer?

Dear Andini,

Writing is a fun hobby. If you enjoy writing, you should be writing right now. To get a good result,
you should lern from some authors. But if you can’t do that, you should learn from books. There
are many books about how to write well. To get your foot in the popular door, you should work at
it for some years. Start writing in our high school magazine, or publish your own blog. You should
join writing clubs, such as journalistic club. If you are embarase to do it, you should send your
work to magazines or newspapers with your fake name. A teenage magazine is the best for you to
start with. Columnists or writers at magazines and newspapers make good salaries easily. Wen
you publidh your own work you will get much money.
16. What is the problem in the column above?
a. Andini wants to join a writing club.
b. Andini cannot publish her work.
c. Andini wants to be a writer.
d. Andini got low salary.
e. Andini doesn’t feel confident in writing.

17. What is the columnist’s recommendation?

a. She should enroll journalistic school.
b. She should send her work to magazines or newspapers.
c. She should be the columnists.
d. She should work to another company.
e. She should learn from her friend.

This text is for quetions 18 and 19.


You must wear safety shoes and hard hats in this


18. Where can you see this sign?

a. At a hotel.
b. At a hospital.
c. At a laboratory.
d. At a school.
e. At a construction area.

19. From the sign above, we know that people who come in the area are obliged to . . . .
a. Be safe
b. Wear shoes and hats
c. Safety helmet and hard shoes
d. Wear safety shoes and hard hats
e. Have shoes and hard hats

20. The purpose of the sign is . . . .

a. To warn people from danger
b. To prevent something happen in the company
c. To promote safety shoes and hard hats
d. To protect people from rain and sunglight
e. To keep people healthy

Umar : What did our teacher say this before the
class ended today?

Risa : She said we . . . more careful when

choosing topics.

a. had to
b. must
c. should be
d. have to
e. need to

22. Which of the following sentences is no obligation to do something?

a. I don’t have to go to work tomorrow because it’s my day to off.
b. I must leave the house before 7 o’clock to get the first flight.
c. I need to bring this laptop to the service center.
d. You must brush your teeth before you go to bed.
e. We should be wearig our hat on the flag ceremony.

23. All the applicants . . . before the end of July, otherwise they will not receive the instructions in
a. register
b. should register
c. should be registering
d. should be registered
e. shouldn’t have registered

Staff : What are the problems I . . . on?

Risa : all matters about the promotion

a. should work
b. should be working
c. should have worked
d. shouldn’t work
e. shouldn’t have worked

Man : Rina, can you help me?

Woman : Sure. About what?

Man : I’m not good at English. This is written M/F. What should I

Woman : You are a man, so you should choose M. It stands for male.

Man : Thank you.

Which part of M/F is usually written in the form?

a. Address.
b. Name.
c. Occupation.
d. Gender.
e. Age.

Man : Did Tika play the piano well at the concert last night?

Woman : She made me dissapointed. She should have practiced more seriously.
What does the woman mean?
a. She has to practice more seriouly next time.
b. She has practiced more seriously.
c. She practiced more seriously before.
d. She didn’t practice seriously before.
e. She doesnt practice more seriously.

Man : I’m sorry I’m late

Woman : Hurry up. By the time we get to the cinema, the film will have

Man : I know. I won’t be late again next time

What can we learn from the dialogue?

a. The man gives a promise to the woman.
b. The man makes the woman sad.
c. The woman has watched the movie.
d. The woman doesn’t want to go to the cinema.
e. The woman apologizes to the man.

Man : You lok confused. May I help you?

Woman : Yes, please. I’m filling out form. There is

DOB. What should I write?

Man :....

What is the best response to reply next?

a. You should write your name.
b. You should write with black ink pen.
c. You should fill out fom well.
d. You should write your birth date.
e. You should submit the form soon.

Woman :Why is it quiet here?

Man : Sorry, you are too late. The bank is already


Woman :....

What is the best response to say next?

a. I should have come earlier.
b. I might have come earlier.
c. I would have come earlier.
d. I will have come earlier.
e. I may have come earlier.
This text is for questions 30 and 31.

Withdrawal Slip

Account Number: 891-273201

Date: APRIL 3, 2018 Name: RAY NASH

Signature: Ray

Amout : $120.000

The Gash Bank

Amesville, Ohio 45711

Approved by : Kate May

30. What institution issued this form?

a. A bank
b. A company
c. Ray Nash
d. Kate May
e. A school

31. Why should Ray fill out this form?

a. To open a bank account.
b. To get some money for free.
c. To withdraw his money.
d. To apply as a bank teller.
e. To register as a bank officer.

32. How much money does the teller give to Ray?

a. Fifty dollars.
b. Welve dollars.
c. One hundred dollars.
d. One hundred and twenty dollars.
e. Twelve hundred and thousand dollars.

33. Who is Kate May?

a. The receptionist.
b. The customer.
c. The cas owner.
d. The teller.
e. The bank owner.

This incomplete text is for number 34 to 36.

Dear Jihan,

I’m going to see you next week. Do you think your parents (34)_________ me to stay at your
house? I hope so. I will go there by bus. You (35) ________ me a train ticket. It’s more
expensive. When I arrive there, I will wait in the halt until the taxi comes. So, you (36)
________pick me up.

See you next week.

34. a. allow
b. will allow
c. will be allowing
d. will have allowed
e. will have been allowing

35. a. buy
b. should buy
c. shoud not buy
d. will buy
e. will not buy

36. a. should
b. should not
c. have to
d. don’t have to
e. need to

This text for questions 37 to 39.

Dear Eliza,

I totally understand where you’re coming from. You do so much and want to keep doing that
much, and I felt the same way in high school. What I learned was that eventually all those
activities became too much, and I had to stop doing some of them. You should definitely try really
hard to do what you love – it’s one of the ways to live a happy lfe. However, you may need to shit
priorities and focus on some things over other things. For example, if you’re a terrific dancer, you
might end up focusing on dance – and that’s okay! You can still sing, write, and record on the side.
Altough you might have to spend less time on those things, you can still be great at them. And stay
flexible since your priorities might change from one year to the next.


37. What does the text mostly tell about?

a. Advice to a problem.
b. Past experience.
c. Sharing an experience.
d. Apologizing.
e. A teen’s problem.

38. What is Eliza’s problem?

a. She fought with her siblings.
b. She is not good at school.
c. She has a problem with her family.
d. She’s worried about her future.
e. She is a very busy person.

39. What is the writer’s advice?

a. To keep doing that much.
b. Try really hard to do what she loves.
c. To spend less time on those things.
d. To shift priorities and focus on some things over other things.
e. To change her habit and try the new hobby.


Febri : Rina planned to come here at 9 a.m. it’s

already 9.30 now

Tika : She . . . . now. I’ll call her.

a. should have arrived

b. should arrive
c. will arrive
d. will have arrived
e. will be arriving

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