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Hyper city-something fresh every day


3.1 Finance Department:

Interns learning in the field of finance

 Under finance, we were given tills and asked to be cashiers
 It was a good challenge for me, because i was asked to deal with large amounts of
 I was trained for two days on how to recognize the product, how to bill more than
one item of the same product in faster way. We also had role playing during training
for better understanding. They taught me, how to make payments such as cash
payments, card payments, paytm, Sodexo etc.
 I also had session on how to detect fake currency notes. There was a professional
who came, and explained it to us thoroughly how a fake note can be identified when
dealing with a large amount of money at once.
 During billing we also learnt how to cope up with stress, how to give discounts,
and how to count money in a faster.

Principles Common System

 In the final stage of extension the Common System is used as an entire illustration of
the Group from the point of view of Controlling and Central Accounting.
 It is the exclusive basis for the Group control by means of quantitative management
 The process and structure of the Common System has to follow the management
concept of the Group
 In the final stage of extension of the CS the reporting units of central accounting
(subgroup, balance closing, individual financial statement) are extended to single, legal
entities. Parallel, reporting units of controlling (outlet chain / country) are extended to
single entities. The view of controlling remains on the present level of aggregation.
 Data quality is to be guaranteed in the reporting unit. Therefore, system support is
provided centrally.

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 Reporting of central accounting and controlling follows a standardized flow of data at

the same time based on a standardized Group chart of items and standardized reporting
 The integrating aim of the Common System is ensured through a

standardized data pool and standardized data reporting.


 Objectives of the Common System

 Principles of the Common System
 Effects on Controlling and Central Accounting
Change of processes / organization
 Functions of data validation (technical), collection and processing is standardized.
Controlling and Central Accounting receive data at the same time.
 A the level of the reporting unit reconciliation between controlling and central
accounting is required; as a consequence,responsibility for reporting is in one hand.
 Reduction of reconciliation between Central Accounting and Controlling at METRO
AG level.
 Concentration on analysis instead of control of technical processing.
 Increase in frequency of reporting and advanced reporting due dates.

Change of contents
 Actual reporting of financials is based on “posted figures“.
 Central Accounting and controlling subjects are summarized in a “Group chart of
 Controlling details of consolidation are adjusted to Central
 Accounting details of consolidation.
 Change of processes / organization
 Functions of data validation (technical), collection and processing is standardized.
Controlling and Central Accounting receive data at the same time.
 A the level of the reporting unit reconciliation between controlling and central
accounting is required; as a consequence ,responsibility for reporting is in one hand.
 Reduction of reconciliation between Central Accounting and Controlling at METRO
AG level.

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 Concentration on analysis instead of control of technical processing.

 Increase in frequency of reporting and advanced reporting due dates
Change of systems at hypercity AG level
 For data validation, collection and consolidation a standardized tool is used.
 Reporting and analysis are to be realized by a new type ORACLE software Version of
data input (in test)
 Reporting units will have automatic and manual online data input procedures available
on principle.
 The outlet chain holdings are responsible for preparation and input of data for affiliated
/ assigned reporting units.
 Active Excel is to be used as data input tool and additionally as backup for special
Version of data input (in test)
 Reporting units will have automatic and manual online data input procedures available
on principle.
 The outlet chain holdings are responsible for preparation and input of data for affiliated
/ assigned reporting units.
 Active Excel is to be used as data input tool and additionally as backup for special

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3.2 Accounts department

Continuous dividend payouts

The Management Board will propose a dividend of € 1.02 per common share and € 1.122
per preferred share for fiscal 2004 at the annual general meeting on May 18, 2005. Seven
consecutive years of attractive dividend payouts highlight that the METRO Group remains
true to its strategy of continuous dividend payouts and continues to offer its stockholders
an above-average dividend yield.

Market capitalization

A market capitalization of € 13.3 billion at the end of 2004 made the METRO Group one
of Germany’s biggest companies with an unchanged No. 15 ranking in the Dax. Metro
stock remains one of the 20 most frequently traded Dax stocks in terms of turnover volume.
In Germany, the Metro stock is registered for official trading on the stock exchanges in
Frankfurt and Düsseldorf and participates in the Extra electronic trading system and
warrant trading on Eurex.

Investor relations

The capital market communication policy at the METRO Group rests on the principles of
fair disclosure: timeliness, continuity, credibility and equal treatment. It takes a long-term
view in line with the group strategy of sustainable value creation. Aside from its annual
analysts’ meeting, the METRO Group also presented itself to investors and analysts in all
major financial centers in Europe, the United States and Asia in fiscal 2004. Participation
in nine conferences served as a platform for a further extension of the management board’s
regular contact with more than 1,300 institutional investors. Private investors, in turn,
received center stage at the investor fair organized by Hamburger Börsenverein. The group
provided information on its strategy and business expectations in the context of
presentations, conference calls, individual meetings and visits at domestic and foreign
locations. The number of investor relations activities rose again to about 270 events in 2004
from 250 a year earlier. The Internet continued to gain importance for the capital market
communications of the METRO Group in 2004. It offers an ideal basis for the provision of
transparent and simultaneous information to all market participants. The METRO Group
Investor Relations page on the Internet obtained consistently strong ratings in key rankings

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of external institutes. The online information and service offer for investors and analysts
will be improved further in 2005. The investor relations activities of the METRO Group
will continue to focus on systematic and persistently intensive capital markets
communications to strengthen investor faith in the company and its stock.

Accounts audit

It has been agreed with the auditor of the annual accounts for fiscal 2004 that the chairman
of the Supervisory Board shall be immediately notified of any potential causes of exclusion
or partiality emerging in the course of the audit unless they are promptly eliminated. It was
also agreed that the auditor should immediately report any findings and events material to
the functions of the Supervisory Board that may arise in connection with the accounts audit.
Finally, the accounts auditor was instructed to inform the Supervisory Board and/or include
a note in the auditor’s opinion if facts were found in the course of the accounts audit
indicating a deviation from the Management and Supervisory Boards’ statement
concerning the German Corporate Governance Code

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Hyper city-something fresh every day

3.3 Marketing Department:

MARKETING is everything you do to place your product or service in the hands

of potential customers.

It includes diverse disciplines like sales, public relations, pricing, packaging and
In short buying and selling and delivering products to people and fulfilling the
needs of people.

Market Analysis

The wholesale channel helps the manufacturers achieve sales from markets where they are
not directly able to handle retail sales and their shipments. In a country like India, where
95% of the retail environment is unorganized and spanning across millions of small stores,
it is impossible to reach all the stores directly through your distributors.

Most companies will have strong direct distribution in cities like Mumbai, but as you go
deep into India, the dependence on wholesale indirect channels increases. Most top selling
brands and categories have a good amount of wholesale component. For example, a brand
which is selling in Pan-India (across the regions in India) may have a wholesale component
ranging from 20% to as high as 50-70% depending on the category/brand’s dependence on
Rural India. It is obvious that most of the sales in Rural India happen through whole-sellers.
In Rural India, you will have strong whole sellers for every group of villages or in the
nearby town, where retailers go and replenish their stocks.

Manufacturers would always like to have a higher contribution of retail sales to their overall
shipments, as this helps them directly to control the nuts and bolts in the operations such as
trade promotions and schemes, in-store visibility, relationship with retailers, pushing and
increasing their assortment within the stores, maximizing profitability, increased visibility
of their sales, etc.

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The important target customers are

Piku is a 35 years old women who has more exposure to world
Who wears both modern and ethnic
Who has well knowledge


The 7ps of marketing are

1. Product
2. Price
3. Place
4. Promotion
5. People
6. Process
7. Physical evidence



PRODUCT: They deal with

PRICE: As they deal with wholesale products and bulk goods their prices
 will be relatively at a lower price comparing with others but relatively
make certain profit as every company makes a margin out if their sales.
 Near to expiry products are on offer.
PLACE: The HYPER CITY stores are opened in core areas an shopping malls. The
planning of opening a new store is planned a year before.
 The products are placed in selves according to the brand ,size and attractive
goods are placed in the middle shelves and to place the products in middle
shelves they are priced a commission.
 The place also depends on Popular brandvalues, parking,revenue,capital area.

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PROMOTION: Promotion of hyper city is done through

• hoardings
• online
Sales and operation is the subset of marketing.
PEOPLE: Cross functional team and the employees are the
pillars of the company.
Customers are the major role of the organization.
PROCESS: The process of the hyper city is very crucial as the process of the company
comes under many order approvals and decision making of the CEO’s, Managers ,HR’S.
Price before charging to customers many approvals and decisions are required.
PHYSICAL EVIDENCE: The physical evidence is the products,
articles, people, ambience etc.

Project/ work performed by interns in hypercity in the field of marketing is

Basically included,
1. Promoted the product and explaining about what exactly is the
programme all about.
2. How it is helpful to the people .
3. Clarifying their queries regarding the issues.
4. Inducing the customers to buy.
5. Understanding the various customers psychology.
6. Explaining and giving clear cut ideas about customer benefits and
giving customer satisfaction.
7. Detailed explanation to the customers in a convincing manner.
8. Giving good customer satisfaction and good sales to organization.
9.visual merchandising

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Some of the factors that are said to have promoted the growth of the industry are:

 Changed lifestyle
 Higher disposable income
 Changed taste
 Affordable prices
 Boom in housing and real estate industry
 Festivals deals and discounts

Growth drivers

 Continued economic growth demonstrated through 8.4% CAGR growth in GDP

over last 5 years.

 Favourable demographics; 70% of the population in working age category

 Increasing urbanization

 Increase in disposable income

 Available of new products

 Easy financing schemes

 Increased in organized retail.

Key challenges

 Increasing competition

 Increase in fuel prices which is leading to increase in the transport cost indirectly
affecting the consumable goods

 Changes in technology where small scale industries finding hard to survive in the market

 Rural distribution- availability of products to masses is difficult as 69% per cent of

India’s population still lives in rural areas

 Entry of cheap products- as private labels in organized retails.

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Hyper city-something fresh every day

Porter’s Five Forces Model

Bargaining Power of Buyer

As far as the bargaining power of Metro Buyers is concerned ,Metro is not in a strong
position .They have low power against the customer because customer influence in pricing
and shift towards other seller if he/she is not satisfied with quality or price of the product
or services.

Bargaining Power of Supplier

hypercity has many options to buy products from any supplier, So suppliers try to make
possible their store. So we can say that hyper city has high bargaining power with respect
to the suppliers.

Threats of Substitutes

The major threat to hypercity is the local vendors in the market and other competitors like
super market and specialty stores etc. If the customer is not satisfied with any factor they
can easily switch to other because they have almost exact or the same kind of substitutes.

Threats of New Entrants

Since it is not a kind of special product or service owed by hypercity any one can enter and
it attracts more entrepreneurs Although initial investment for this industry is much high but
for such kind of chains like Wal-Mart and others have no problem in that. So hyper city
also has a high threat of new entrants.

Rivalry among Existing Competitors

The main customers of hypercity is PIKU (women) restaurants and other customers who
do not buy goods for their own use but to serve their further conzumers. Hyper city is
expecting the variety seeking and convenience shopping behavior from their customers.
Because it is such kind of product that the customer can change its mind just on a factor of
pricing and shift on the other exactly direct competitor’s .Customer has full knowledge
with choices

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Political Environment

 The following are the factors regarding the Indian government which influences
the workings of hypercity.
 The political instability is the major factor of low investment in the India. Same is
the case withhypercity. The management always keep in mind the threat of change
in government. They analyzed several times before entering this field and before
doing further expansion in this market.
 The tax rebate and certain other favours’ given by the previous government can be
set a side by the change in the government.
 The ineffective control of every government regarding the prices of products and
inflation creates certain problems because customers’ demands product at the
same and low price while in such conditions prices changes rapidly.

Economical Environment

 Consumer spending Inc. (34% from 2001-05)

 FDI Inc. (just 1% GDP of china 2005)
Economical changes of India effects hyper city in such a way that the interest rates
charged the by the banks can not only restrict the spending power of the customers but
also in fund raising for the company. Interest rate is about 6% on the deposits and 12% on
loans. The rapid growth in inflation rate is the major factor influencing the spending
power of buyer. Current inflation rate in India 5.37 is quite favourable for the customers
as wells as for hypercity.

Now the evaluation of money and decreasing exchange rate encouraging the investors
across the India.

Switching cost matters a lot in the buying decision behaviour of customer. The switching
can be higher in terms of time and the distance competitively the other specialized whole
sale markets.

Policies of state bank can be influenced by the existing political party and government
and every person either business or a separate citizen entity holder has to follow this rules
govern by state bank.

The distribution of wealth is the key factor of purchasing and also the major
characteristics of the country. A person’s spending only shifts from necessaries to
luxuries with the increase in money it does not increase the spending.

Socio-Cultural Environment

First of all society and culture of India and its market is adopting changes at a very steep
speed. Now the citizens are adopting all the new products which are coming into market.

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Foreign investors are investing in India in almost every sector. People in India change
their product and services according to their taste and preferences. Brand image of
company’s product plays a major role in influencing the market condition.

 Every now and then a person switches to some other company.

 Literacy rate is low as compared to Russia and China
 Small wholesalers do not allow foreign companies

Technological Environment

Hyper city, is a huge hyper market store chain operating in many cities of India is already
using the up to date and high tech mechanism for the shifting of products and for other
purpose. They have not too much threat of any technological changes. Precautionary
measures like cameras are installed for safety reasons and modern equipment’s are used
in almost all working fields.

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Hyper city-something fresh every day

Human Resource Department:

Hierarchy at store level

STORE MANAGER (general manager)






• High Attrition in the industry (retention) .

• Make available threshold skill sets for frontline operations in minimum lead time
to handle rapid expansion .
• Engagement of Employees.


• Create a Talent Pool (trained employees) to support the expansion and growth of
• Make hyper city an “Employer of Choice”.
• Enhance growth opportunities of employees

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• Provide aspirants a rewarding career path in hyper city operations as against a mere
job opportunity
• Make available threshold skill sets for frontline operations in minimum lead time

There are four different categories for Hiring

 Hiring on permanent basis.
 Hiring on contracts.
 Off role employee (brand promoters)
 Seasonal Hiring.
There are different sources of recruitment used at hyper city.
 Outsourcing
 Employment on reference. (both internal & external)
 Advertisement in Media. (mostly print and at portal)
 Walk in Interviews. (encouraged at operational level only)

Orientation & Induction

The purpose of this section is to ensure the successful implementation of a uniform
procedure for introducing new employees and help the new employees feel part of
hypercity Family by providing information and assistance at the time it’s needed.
It is important that the induction process is consistent to ensure that all new employees have
the same induction experience and receive the same messages. Induction if implemented
effectively has the potential to reduce turnover, absenteeism and boost morale.


There are three types of employees working at Metro:
 Permanent
 Contractual

Purpose of performing training and development processes:

 To improve employee relations and soft skills.
 To upgrade skills via internal and external training.
 To increase work performance.

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 To skill unskilled and partially skilled employees.

In the department of training and development, there are basically two types of training
being done:
 Internal Training.
 External Training
Internal Training
There are three major departments at HYPERCITY of whose employees are trained.
• (Staples, Ready food, Instant food, Beverages, Perishable,meat and fish)
• (Home care, Personal care,Tobacco)
(mens wear,kids wear , womens wear)
(consumer durable information technology)

Training New Recruits

The plan is the most important part of training, HYPERCITY determines what skills and
knowledge are needed to produce an effective business development professional, and then
it establishes a criterion to include in the training program. Training is an ongoing process.
Internal Training is being done for the betterment of the process at the work place of
HYPERCITY The most important factor in creating a training program is making sure the
proper criteria are being taught.
Training being offered to new recruits includes the following aspects
 Company Knowledge and Company history
 What the company sells and to whom
 Time management
 Organization skills
 Reporting
 Focus on achieving goals
 Selling for the company

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 Terms and conditions

The above factors are covered in the training program which is usually done by the
respective manager or supervisor who is assigned the responsibility of training the newly
recruited employees on the job under him. He gives the recruited employees an overview
of all the major topics in the categories mentioned above, and of the job through the process
of on the job training under the supervision of Human Resource personnel. The first step
performed is to have a meeting with the training team and present the overall goal for
training. A private one-on-one meeting is scheduled with each person within three to five
days to go over their specific training program criteria. Detail of what the management
expect them to do is given and different tools of training are used as well. The training
process, however, must be good or it will not achieve its goals.
During the process of internal training, monitoring the process is essential to ensure that all
members of the training team are doing their job effectively. Auditing trainees within each
module until the organization is confident that the training is effective. Good work habits
from training only come when the habits become automatic. Encouraging staff members to
use the newly learned skills is strongly emphasized on at Metro. Getting involved and, if
necessary, being strong about helping people who are reluctant to change. It takes a stiff
backbone to make training pay off.
If the internal training process is not giving results as expected, hypercity reviews how the
training is being done and fine tunes the process to ensure that any holes in the program are
Training Permanent Employees

Since the basic training is only provided to the permanent members of the organization
such as the senior managers and managers who then later on train their subordinates. After
each component of the training plan and program is complete, outsourced trainers of
hypercity meet with the managers from domestic division and review all business
development personnel
External Training
As part of its continuous learning philosophy, Training via Analysis seeks to support
employee training so that employees can fully contribute their talents to achieve TVA's
vision and business objectives. In keeping with this objective, TVA encourages employees
to participate in training activities so they may perform at their highest potential. This
practice establishes the process for all employees who participate in External Training.

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External Training includes training activities such as:

 Seminars, workshops, and conferences.
 Technical and nontechnical training.
 Noncredit courses or activities that lead to continuing education units (CEUs).
 Review courses in preparation for a professional exam.
 Continuing education activities to maintain certifications or licenses.

Employee Benefits & Compensation

There are five basic tools being used at Metro for compensation or remuneration.
 A base salary
 Short-term incentives, and bonuses
 Long-term incentive plans (LTIP)
 Employee benefits
 Perquisites

Leave Policy
This Policy encourages the employees to take break from work as this provides for a healthy
and efficient staff. The leave policy sets out the various types of leaves that an employee is
eligible for and outlines the procedure for taking leave.
Leave Year & Applicability
Leave year is from 1st April – 31st March
The different types of leaves covered under this policy are:
• Privilege Leave
• Casual Leave
• Sick Leave
Privilege Leave/ Earned Leave
• All permanent employees are eligible to avail privilege leave. Privilege leave is
calculated for a period of one calendar year (April- March)
Casual Leave:

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• All permanent employees are eligible to avail Casual leave. Casual leave is calculated
for a period of one calendar year (April- March)

Sick Leave:
All permanent employees are eligible for 1-day sick leave at the rate of 4 months served.
An employee is eligible for a maximum of 3 days sick leave in a calendar year.

Performance Appraisal
Performance appraisals are a regular review of employee performance within hypercity
Generally, the aims are:
 Give feedback on performance to employees.
 Identify employee training needs.
 Document criteria used to allocate organizational rewards.
 Form a basis for personnel decisions: salary increases, promotions, disciplinary
actions, etc.
 Provide the opportunity for organizational diagnosis and development.
 Facilitate communication between employee and administrator.
 Validate selection techniques and human resource policies to meet federal Equal
Employment Opportunity requirements.

Employee Relations
Employee Relations at hypercity involves the body of work concerned with maintaining
employer-employee relationships that contribute to satisfactory productivity, motivation,
and morale. Essentially, Employee Relations is concerned with preventing and resolving
problems involving individuals who arise out of or affect work situations.
Advice is provided to supervisors on how to correct poor performance and employee
misconduct. In such instances, progressive discipline and regulatory and other requirements
must be considered in effecting disciplinary actions and in resolving employee grievances and
appeals. Information is provided to employees to promote a better understanding of
management's goals and policies. Information is also provided to employees to assist them in
correcting poor performance, on or off duty misconduct, and/or to address personal issues that
affect them in the workplace. Employees are advised about applicable regulations, legislation,

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and bargaining agreements. Employees are also advised about their grievance and appeal rights
and discrimination and whistleblower protections.


Posh is one of the policy followed by the hypercity for the welfare of employees to prevent
them against sexual harassment. (Zero tolerance) in case of any misconduct found .

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Hypercity offer their very own brands across categories. They have developed
a suite of exclusive brands such as Fresh Basket, Good Living and Terzo in
Food, Grocery and Home & personal care, Avorio, Ebano and Maxit in General
Merchandise and RiverInc, City Life, Joojoobs, Iktara and Masala Chai in
Apparel and Accessories among other brands available only at our stores.

Hyper city own brand

3.6 Supply chain management

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DISTRIBUTOR/ Metro Cash and


The above diagram shows the cycle of movement of goods and services from the
initial point of suppliers to the end consumer. The suppliers supply raw materials to the
manufacturers who in turn pass on the finished products to the distributor. Here is when
the wholesaler like Metro comes into play. Metro not only serves the retailer and resellers
and provides products at low process but also serves a small chunk of end consumers who
have membership. The cycle gives a picture that the presence of the wholesaler can
minimize the supply chain time, levels and also maximize efficiency of movement of
goods to end consumers.
The Wholesale retailing is a small section of the retail industry which is increasing rapidly
today. This form will reduce the total number of levels before the goods reach the end
consumer and will make the process simpler. The cost related to a diversified supply chain
will also reduce considerably as there will be no need of transporting goods for the
customers who enter the store. The commercial customers will also be benefited in the
sense that they will enjoy higher profits and greater margins and thus economies of scale.
In all these the end consumer will gain enormous advantage.
The wholesale business is divided into two types:
a) Modern trade format like Metro Cash and Carry
b) General trade like wholesale yard for bidding


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 Metro has the basic strength of low  Less awareness in India regarding
prices with high quality. cash and carry business.
 Serving the customers with the  Although location for a big store is
wide variety of products. suitable but outside the city and
 Covering all business solutions not suit for all customers.
under one roof named Metro.  No proper transportation for
 Best location for such kind of big customers to carry their products
store and also covering many far away.
years.  Limit of 3 person on a single
 Having t the strong cash and carry membership card.
business background.  Restriction of shopping minimum
 Efficiently using the place and Rs 1000.
excellent layout.  Shopping from Metro is much
 Sufficient parking and safety and time consuming because the
security measures ensure the travelling and in store visiting.
quality in every sector.
 Friendly and co-operative staff.
 Computerized data base system
which helps both customer and
 Cafeteria in the building for the
refreshment of customers.

Opportunities Threats
 Upcoming stores like Wal-Mart
 Growing market of cash and carry. and many others.
 Expansion in major cities.  Complex government laws and
 Online shopping is much better restriction.
option to save time.  High inflation rate.
 Instability of the country.


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During 2013, Metro India plans to focus on consolidating its operations, besides opening
new stores in Bangalore and other cities across India. And the new store in near binny mill

The retailers want to focus exclusively on the cash and carry segment in the country,
unlike other retailers such as Wal-Mart, Tesco and Carrefour who are keen to enter the
multi-brand retail segment.

The retailer who plans to better engage its business partners such as the local mom and
pops stores by continuing to provide value added services and knowledge sharing

Learning Outcome

 Communication Skill- Communicating to the customer making them understand what

exactly they are looking for sometimes regional language used to become a challenge
but somehow i used to communicate with them.
 Personal and professional development as well as broader exposure to hyper city
organization and culture.
 Practically experience different forces that affects marketing decision and strategies
 Understanding consumer behaviour.
 Always to be punctual in terms of meeting clients and maintaining good relation with


Metro cash and carry which is a very well organized structure which enhances its
efficiency and helps it to grow exponentially.

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Metro has a very large growth prospective because it deals with the food and non food
products mostly which are in daily use so this is the reason why demand is growing day to

Metro has taught me how to bargain with the customers and finally convinced them to buy
the product at the price being quoted at Metro. Metro has expose me to wide variety of
products and helped me gain knowledge.

It had helped me in improving my communication skills and patience which is very

essential for a management student

Metro has contributed equally to the environment as much as it has taken from the same.

Metro has contributed to the economy greatly with its strong infrastructure by eradicating
various economic issues like unemployment and poverty etc.

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