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Fire, Water, Air, Earth

Not only our planet, but also the entire

universe is formed from material particles
in the act of Elements. It is just the
dissimilarity of the elements to which we
owe many thanks for the diversity of the
world we live in. However, all things
visible and invisible originate from only
one source of life. That is why
recognition of the four faces of all-
including unity, out of which the
elements arose, enables man to develop
spiritual consciousness and become
aware of this unity.
Fire, water, air and earth as we
commonly know them are but outwardly
manifested forms of the Elements
themselves. Their manifestations are as
follows: the element of water has
magnetic properties; it nurtures and
sustains. The element of fire has
electrical and creative properties. Air is
a detaching element and enables co-
existence of the two main elements, fire
and water. The element of earth binds
fire, water and air in various proportions,
which makes possible the formation
of materials with different properties.
To better understand the operation
of the elements, let us see how it works in
practice. For illustration, the roots of a tree absorb water and minerals necessary for growth from
earth (the elements of water and earth). The tree breathes through its leaves (the element of air)
and receives light and warmth from sunbeams (the element of fire). If you set the wood of a tree
on fire, the elements would be released from it. The water will evaporate, the light that has shone
on the tree for many long years will burn out in a mighty flame, the oxygen the tree has been
“breathing out” will enable this energy process of burning and nutrients from the soil will turn into
ash, which will again serve as a source of minerals for other forms of life.
The human organism also contains all four elements. Disruption of the delicate harmony
of elements in the human body gives rise to diseases, especially by abusing the energy of elements
or by blocking it. However, it is not our target to try to sustain this harmony at the material level,
but at the spiritual level. Because what we see on the outside is always only a manifestation of the
The elements that form the material world are also included in man’s character. According to
which element predominates in him, he can have a choleric, sanguine, melancholic or phlegmatic
nature. In human interaction, each of these natures is important, because it enables to “see
a matter” from all sides and considering all aspects of a performed activity enables mankind to get
their works closer to perfection. In fact, there are twelve human natures, which are a mix of the
four elements in various proportions and you know them as the twelve signs of the Zodiac.
Interaction of the two main elements can also be found in the union of male and female, where the
man by nature of his being contributes to the relationship the creative powers of fire, whereas the
woman contributes the sustaining powers of the element of water, forming a necessary foundation
for the active operation of the man.
Each of the four elements is inherently neutral and is neither good nor bad. It is man who gives
to the acting of the elements a good or bad character. But, in order not to get stuck in theory, even
though correct knowledge is also important for the spiritual development of man, we will look
at both positive and negative character qualities that man can develop within himself.
Reading the individual qualities you may get the feeling that you lack many character traits
of the element that predominates in you or you may even find in yourself many traits from the
other elements. It depends on how developed you are as a human spirit and how many qualities
you have already developed through experience. Or in other words: some bring forth thirty-fold,
some sixty-fold and some one hundred-fold crop. All, however, must reach perfection by
transforming all the negative qualities into positive qualities.

The element of fire (choleric)

Positive qualities: vigorousness, zeal, enthusiasm, courage, decisiveness, power of creativity,
daring, sedulity...
Negative qualities: quarrelsomeness, irritability, urge to destroy everything, passion,
immoderacy, jealousy, voraciousness, vindictiveness, violence, hate, anger, sudden ebullition...

The element of air (sanguine)

Positive qualities: vigilance, care-freedom, kind-heartedness, trusting nature, clarity,
lightness, independency, dexterity, optimism, diligence, acuity, joy, smiling...
Negative qualities: lack of perseverance, dishonesty, gossipy, cunningness, backbiting,
garrulousness, inconstancy, touchiness, prodigality...

The element of water (phlegmatic)

Positive qualities: understanding, placidity, mildness, trusting nature, devotion, mercy,
forgiveness, modesty, compassion, fervour, pliancy, meditativeness, internalization...
Negative qualities: indifference, heartlessness, laziness, indolence, rigidity, lack of daring,
lack of concern, unstableness, dejection...
The element of earth (melancholic)
Positive qualities: consistency, conscientiousness, perseverance, punctuality, caution,
resistance, responsibility, carefulness, firmness, reliability, sobriety, ambition, respectfulness,
Negative qualities: stuffiness, superficiality, laziness, indifference, cumbersomeness,
touchiness, lack of conscientiousness, irregularity, timidity, scornfulness...

Everyone has a free choice, but also responsibility to decide how to use the power of the
elements and which qualities we develop in our character. But if we still have untransformed
negative traits in our characters, then do not wonder if we do not do well in some areas of our life,
or if you cannot soar towa

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