Soal To B. Inggris 2020

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The following text is for questions 1 and 2.

11th January, 2020

To: All teachers of SMP N 2 Pandan Raya

As shown in the school program, our school will held examination preparation for grade IX
students in order to help them to face the National examination on April.
Therefore, we would like to invite you to attend the meeting:
Day /Date : Saturday , 11th January 2020
Place : School Hall
Time : 10 - 13 pm

We have some crucial things to discuss relate to the students’ preparation in using CBT,
Try out and extra lesson.
Due to the importance of this meeting, please be punctual.
Bring your ideas and suggestions to make our students successful in this examination.


1. What is the intention of writing the text?

A. To inform the students’ programs on April
B. To invite teachers to join a meeting
C. To announce the schedule of CBT
D. To show the the school programs

2. What are the teachers supposed to do to make the examination successful?

A. Come on time
B. Give their ideas and suggestions
C. Prepare the computers for running CBT
D. Help the students in doing the examination test

3. “We have some crucial things to discuss...”

The underlined word is closest in meaning with ...
A. valueless
B. interesting
C. important
D. beneficent

The following text is for questions 4 and 5.

Cafe ~ bakery ~ pastry
Jl. Aceh No.10 Singaraja

First time in Makasar, honey doughnuts. Try these delicious yet nutricious treats.
Only qualified ingredients are used to make our doughnuts different from others.
Come to the SOFT OPENING of our store and enjoy 50% discount for all products
By showing the coupon below.

50% discount
Valid only in January 6, 2020
4. What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To announce the discount from the Doughnuts cafe
B. To inform the ingredients of Honey Doughnuts
C. To give information about the cafe products
D. To persuade people to buy the products

5. What should the customers do to enjoy the discount?

A. Come to the soft opening
B. Buy the doughnuts on January
C. Show the coupon to the cashier
D. Take the coupon during the soft opening

The text is for questions 6 to 8.


Due to the condition of our school after the earthquake, there are some classes will
study in tents around the school yard since some classrooms are in unsafe condition.
Class 9 G : Tent 1
Class 9 I : Tent 2
Class 8 B : Tent 3
Class 8 I : Tent 4
The tent classes will start next week on Monday and last for saturday, except class 8I. It needs
a week longer for renovation since the condition of the broken ceiling.
Don’t forget to prepare the things you need such as small table and carpet to make you
comfort when studying. Contact Mr. Hadi at the staff room if you need something.

Thank you.

6. Why do other classes study in their own class?

A. The condition of their classrooms are safe
B. They are not afraid of the earthquake
C. They have good facilities in the class
D. Their classrooms have been renovated

7. How long will class 8I study in the tents?

A. One week
B. Two weeks
C. Three weeks
D. Four weeks

8. “Contact Mr. Hadi at the staff room if you need something”.

The word “you” refers to ...
A. Students who study in the class
B. Students who study in the tent
C. All students in the school
D. Students of class 8I
The text is for questions 9 to 11.

From : Mrs. Annisa

Due to the school hall renovation, today’s drama class will be cancelled. Keep the things for
drama in your class locker. We do it later. I’m going to the classroom immediatelly and we
are going to have a discussion about an interesting topic. Please inform your classmate.


9. Who is the recipient of the message?

A. Principal
B. Teacher
C. Student
D. Staff

10. What happen with the drama class ?

A. It runs well
B. It has finished
C. It is in progress
D. It will be rescheduled

11. “ I’m going to the classroom immediately...”.

The underlined word best be replaced with ...
A. Soon
B. Later
C. Slowly
D. Hurrily

The text is for question 12 to 14.

Dear Deven,
Your hard practise has paid off!
After giving your best, you deserve this.
Congratulation as the runner up on the National Idol Junior 2019!
Hope you’ll always be successful in your performance.

We’re so proud of you.

Your classmate

12. The text is written to ...

A. inform the classmate’s hope for Deven
B. encourage Deven for the next performance
C. show the classmate’s feeling at Deven’s success
D. congratulate Deven over his success as runner up

13. What has Deven done to get the sucessfull as runner up?
A. Study well
B. Work hard
C. Practise well
D. Sing any time

14. “Hope you’ll always be successful in your performance”.

The underlined word means ...
A. presentation
B. exhibition
C. display
D. show

The text is for question 15 to 17.

15. What is the communicative purpose of the text?

A. To ask people to buy the product
B. To tell the benefits of the product
C. To announce the ingredients of the product
D. To give detail information about the product

16. What is the main function of the product?

A. To soften our skin
B. To protect the dirt
C. To keep our hand healthy
D. To make our hands fragrant

17. What will happen if we do not pump when used?

A. The liquid will not out of the bottle
B. The bottle will outomatically open
C. The foam can spread out
D. We can not rinse well
The text is for questions 18 to 20.

Dear friends,
Please come to my graduation party
On Saturday, January 19th , 2020
At 17. 00 p.m.
At Paradiso Restaurant

Don’t miss it!

We’ll make sweet memories!
Dress code : casual

18. When will the party be held?
A. In the morning
B. In the afternoon
C. At noon
D. At night

19. Why does Anggun held the party?

A. To show she has got success
B. To celebrate her graduation
C. To make sweet memories
D. To have fun only

20. What will likely happen if the invitee does not join the party?
A. The invitor will be sad
B. The party will not runs well
C. He/She can not sing together
D. He/She will miss the memories

The text is for questions 21 to 23.

Students who wants to borrow or read books in the library,
should go to the Languange laboratory due to the library
renovation after the earthquake.
Contact the librarian if you don’t find the books you are
looking for or to get further information since the computer
service is not available temporarily.

Here is the visiting time for the temporarily libarary:

Monday to Thursday : 08.00 – 14.00
Friday and Saturday : 08.00 - 10.00

Thank you
21. What should the students do to get more information about certain books ?
A . Contact the librarian
B. Ask the teacher or staff
C. Search at the library computer
D. Looking for the books themselves

22. How do the students usualy get the information of the books they are looking for?
A. By asking the librarian
B. By using the computer
C. By asking for their friends
D. By looking for themselves

23. What will happen if the students want to borrow book at 11.00.a.m. on Saturday?
A. The libarary won’t close
B. The library will still open
C. The students can borrow anytime
D. The students can not borrow the books

The text is for questions 24 and 25.

Bella, I’m sorry I can not accompany you to the dentist this afternoon.
I have to help my mom to prepare Aura, my little sister’s birthday.
I hope you will recover soon.

24. What is the message about?
A. Tika’s apology for not fulfilling her promise
B. Bella’s appointment with the dentist
C. Tika’s little sister birthday party
D. Tika and Bella’s appointment

25. “I hope you will recover soon”. The underlined word refers to ...
A. Mom
B. Bella
C. Aura
D. Tika

This text is for questions 26.

26. What does the text mean?

A. We must put rubbish bin everywhere
B. We are asked to throw rubbish in its place
C. We are prohibited to put trash in its place
D. We shouldn’t throw rubbish in the rubbish bin

The text is for questions 27 to 30.

King Ranubanu had a very pretty princess. She loved playing with water very much. One day,
people of the kingdom suffered from a strange disease. A lot of people died. Physician failed to
cure the people.

One day, an old man visited the King. He said that the kingdom could be free from the disease
by the help of the rare flower which grew in the middle of the lake. The lake was just at the foot
of Mount Semeru. However. The flower could only be picked by the princess. Sadly, the let
the princess do the heavy task.

After a long journey, the princess and her people arrived at the lake. The water of the lake soon
attracted the princess to play it. She jumped into the lake and forgot about the task. She refused
to go back to the kingdom.

Hearing about the princess’ behavior , the king got angry. He went to see the princess and said,
“people are waiting for you to bring the flower to cure them, but you forgot about the task. If
you refuse to go back to the palace, you’d better stay here in the lake forever!” .

Surprisingly, the princess turned into a white flower. The king, sadly, took the flower out of the
lake and brought it to the palace. Amazingly, people of the kingdom could be cured by seeing
the flower. The flower is known as the water lily or ‘Bunga Teratai’ in Indonesian.

27. Why did the princess refuse to go back to the palace?

A. She didn’t like the palace
B. She had not found the flower
C. She was attracted by the water of the lake
D. The king asked her to stay forever in the lake

28. What does the second paragraph tell us about?

A. The old man and the king
B. The beautiful flower in the middle of the lake
C. The task given to the princess to get the flower
D. The beauty of the lake at the foot of Mount Semeru

29. How did the people of the kingdom cure from the disease ?
A. They pray at the foot of mount Semeru
B. The king asked them to find a flower
C. They saw the white flower
D. They went to the lake

30. After reading the story, we can learn about ...

A. Loyalty
B. Bravery
C. Friendship
D. Responsibility
The text is for questions no 31 to 34.

Kembang Island is located in the middle of the Barito river, District Alalak,
Kuala Barito Regency, South Kalimantan. The island is located approximately 1.5 km
from the city of Banjarmasin and can be reached by a traditional boat called a
‘klotok’ in about 10 minutes.
The island is occupied by hundreds of monkeys and several species of bird.
When entering the forest, the tourists will be welcomed by two statues of white
monkeys (Hanuman). The monkeys living on the island are very familiar with the
visitors. They usually wait for tourists coming on the pier. Tourists usually give them
bananas, peanuts, etc. The monkeys on Kembang Island are normally tame. They
never attack a visitor. Visitors can even feed the monkeys by putting the food on their
palm and the monkeys will gently take the food. They don’t have claws, so visitors
can safely interact with them. However, they sometimes seize things that they think
are food. Therefore, it is advised that visitors keep close watch of their valuables and
not put them in the klotok because the monkeys can easily climb on the klotok to grab
On the island, lucky visitors can see one species of monkey that has become the
mascot of South Kalimantan, the proboscis monkey (Nasalis Larvatus). The monkey
has reddish brown hair and a long nose. Since these monkeys have a shy nature, they
are rarely spotted roaming around the visitors.

31. What is the purpose of writing the text ?

A. To promote the beauty of Kembang island
B. To show the number of monkeys in the island
C. To explain how to treat the monkeys in the island
D. To describe about Kembang Island and its species

32. How do the visitors know that the monkey are not wild?
A. The monkey are not welcomed the visitors
B. The visitors can not play with the monkeys
C. The monkey never attact the visitors
D. The monkeys do not have claws

33. What will likely happen if the monkeys have sharp claws?
A. The visitors can’t safely interact with them
B. The monkeys will be attacked by visitors
C. The visitors will be protected by the monkeys
D. The monkeys will help the visitors with the claws

34. “ ... one species of monkey that has become the mascot of South Kalimantan,..”.
The underlined word has similar in meaning with ...
A. Sign
B. Icon
C. Picture
D. Painting
The text is for question 35 to 38.

Sweet Choco Cake

250 gr flour
10 tbsp sugar
500 ml frying oil
1 egg
Some butter
Chocolate rice
A pinch of salt

1. Crack the egg in a bowl
2. Beat the egg and sugar until smooth
3. Sprinkle salt and beat again
4. Add the flour and continue to beat the mixture
5. Heat the frying oil in the skillet
6. Put a table spoon of the mixture into the skillet
7. Fry until the color is golden brown
8. Sieve the cake. Grease some butter on it and sprinkle the chocolate rice

35. What is the text about ?

A. The procedure of making sweet choco cake
B. The ingredients needed in making coco cake
C. The information of cake measurements
D. The steps in choosing cake ingredients

36. How many dry ingredients should be mixtured ?

A. 6
B. 5
C. 4
D. 3

37. When do we need to sprinkle the chocolate rice?

A. After put the mixture into the skillet
B. Before we sieve the cake
C. After greasing some butter
D. If the color golden brown

38. What is the least ingredient used in making the cake?

A. Salt
B. flour
C. sugar
D. cheese

The text is for questions 39 to 42.

The biggest snake in the world, the anaconda lives in the tropical Amazonian rainforests.
Many streams, rivers and swamps provide the perfect habitat for this giant snake that is
more at home in water than on land.

Anaconda can grow up to ten meters in length. They are fast swimmers and can stay
under water for ten minutes at a time. They lie beneath the surface waiting for the prey,
such as deer, wild pigs and large rodents. Anacondas usually hunt at night and spend the
day basking in shallow water.

The future of this reptile is threatened by the continued destruction of rainforests, and
from hunters who kill it for its skin.

39. What can we get after reading the text about anaconda?
A. We can get detail information about anaconda
B. We know the way to protect the biggest snake
C. We can describe the future of anaconda
D. We can prepare food for anaconda

40. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. The size of anaconda
B. The habit of anaconda
C. The habitat of anaconda
D. The description of anaconda

41. When do anacondas usually hunting for their prey?

A. In the morning
B. In he afternoon
C. At noon
D. At night

42. “They lie beneath the surface waiting for the prey, such as ... “.
The word ‘they’ refers to ...
A. Deer
B. Rodents
C. Wild pigs
D. Anacondas

The text is for questions 43 to 46.

Once upon a time, there lived a turtle that was good at playing the flute. One day, a man
caught the turtle. The man thought that the turtle must taste delicious so he put the turtle in a
cage in his house. Then, he asked his children not to let the turtle out of the cage while he went
to the field.

After the man left, the turtle started to play his flute with a sweet tune. The children stopped
playing after that sound. Then, they gathered near the cage. They were amazed to see a turtle
playing the flute.

The turtle immediately told the children that he could play music while dancing. The children
asked the turtle to show them. The turtle, then, told them to let him out of the cage because there
was no space there. The children opened the cage and let him out. The turtle began to play the
flute and dance. His happy tune made the children dance happily over the music.

After sometimes, the turtle stopped playing his flute. The children cried and asked him not to
stop, but the turtle said that his legs were stiff and that he needed to take a walk a little to loosen
them. The children allowed him take a walk, but they warned him not to go far. Soon, the turtle
walked away from the children. When he was near the jungle, the turtle ran fast to reach his
43. What is the intention of writing the text?
A. To entertain the reader
B. To tell the story of turtle
C. To describe about a poor turtle
D. To give information about turtle

44. Where did the turtle live actually?

A. In the cage
B. In the forest
C. In the field
D. In the village

45. What made the children stop playing?

A. The sound of the flute played by the turtle
B. The sound of the turtle that need help
C. The amazing dancing of the turtle
D. The music played by the turtle

46. What can we learn from the story ?

A. Never make a promise
B. Don’t cry over spilt milk
C. We have to use our inteligence
D. Never underestimate a small animal

The text is for questions 47 to 50.

Last holiday, my friends and I visited Mount Bromo. We flew from Lombok
International Airport at 11.45 a.m. and arrived at Juanda airport an hour later.
The man from the Cemerlang Tour and Travel have waited for us. We directly
continued our journey to Probolinggo. We stopped a moment for having lunch and pray at the
restaurant near by. We arrived at the home stay after a very tiring and long journey. We are
asked to have rest soon to prepare for the journey to the mountain.
We started the adventure by a special car called “Hardtop or Jeep”. We got briefing a
moment about the preparation related with the thick jacket, glove, warm hat and of course the
special shoes. The way to go to the mountain raised our adrenalin since the road up and down.
The dark night was broken by the sound of cars .
We got the place early in the morning at about 04.30 a.m., but the situation was very
crowded of visitors and cars. At the sea side of the street, there are many “ warungs” sell drink
and food. We went up to get the top of the mountain where we can enjoy the view of sunrise.
After waiting for half hour, the shy sunrise come out. We shouted freely as it was the first time
to see the sunrise closely form the height. Everybody was busy taking the pictures. The
panorama around the crater is very fantastic. The tiring of climbing has paid off by this
beautiful panorama. It was really unforgettable experience that we really enjoyed.

47. What does the third paragraph tell us about?

A. The briefing to prepare to the mountain
B. The condition of the night at the mountain
C. The writer started the journey to the mountain
D. The condition along the way to go to the mountain

48. How do we know that the weather at the mountain is very cold?
A. The things should be prepared to go there
B. The way to the mountain is still dark
C. The panorama around the crater
D. The food seller at the street
49. “After waiting for half hour, the shy sunrise come out”.
The underlined word has similar in meaning with ...
A. set
B. sink
C. awake
D. appear

50. How did the writer and friends feel after they got to the top?
A. Tired
B. Happy
C. Worry
D. Gloomy

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