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GRAVE SCANDAL 200 (E) (1) Offender performs an act (4) but fails to do so for a period of two months

wo months after
or acts; (2) such are highly scandalous as offending such accounts should be rendered.
against decency or good customs; (3) Highly
scandalous conduct is not expressly falling within any ESTAFA 315 (E) p1 Offender has an onerous obligation
other article of this Code; and (4) Those are committed to deliver something of value; (2) alters its substance,
in a public place or w/in the public knowledge or view quantity, or quality; and (3) there is damage or
prejudice is caused to another
ALARMS AND SCANDAL 155 (PA) (1) Discharging any
firearm, rocket, firecracker, or other explosive within p2 Money, goods, or other personal property is
any town or public place, calculated to cause alarm or received by the offender in trust, or on commission, or
danger; (2) Instigating or taking an active part in any for administration, or under any other obligation
charivari or other disorderly meeting offensive to involving the duty to make delivery of, or to return, the
another or prejudicial to public tranquility; (3) same; (2) There is misappropriation or conversion of
Disturbing the public peace while wandering about at such money or property by the offender, or denial on
night or while engaged in any other nocturnal his part of such receipt; (3) such is to the prejudice of
amusements; and (4) Causing any disturbance or another; and (4) there’s a demand made by the
scandal in public places while intoxicated or offended party to the offender.
otherwise, provided Art. 153 is not applicable.


DIRECT BRIBERY 210 (E) (1) Izza public officer (2) who officer or employee; (2) that has under his charge a
accepts an offer or promise or receives a gift or prisoner or detention prisoner; and If the public officer
present by himself or through another; (3) and such is is not charged with the custody of the prisoner, he is
received by reason of (a) with a view of committing liable for physical injuries. (3) and maltreats such
some crime (b) of consideration of the execution of prisoner either of the following manners:
an act which does not constitute a crime, but the act a. By overdoing himself in the correction or
must be unjust (c) to refrain from doing something, handling of a prisoner or detention prisoner
which is his official duty to do; and (4) acts the under his charge either:
offender agrees to perform or which he executes be i. By the imposition of punishments not
connected with the performance of his official duties. authorized by the regulations; or
INDIRECT BRIBERY 211 (E) (1) Offender is a public ii. By inflicting such punishments (those
officer; (2) whp accepts gifts; and (3) such are offered authorized) in a cruel or humiliating manner.
to him by reason of his office. b. By maltreating such prisoner to extort a
QUALIFIED BRIBERY 211-A (E) (1) Public Officer in law confession or to obtain some information from
enforcement (2) refrains from arresting or prosecuting the prisoner
an offender with crime punishable by RP-D (3) in
consideration of promise/gift/present MUTILIATION 262 (K)
1. Intentionally mutilating another by depriving
MALVERSATION 217 (E) (1) A public officer (2) who had him, either totally or partially, of some essential
custody or control of funds or property by reason of organ for reproduction.
the duties of his office; (3) and those funds or property 2. Intentionally making other mutilation, that is, by
were public funds or property for which he was lopping or clipping off of any part of the body of
accountable; (4) appropriated, took, misappropriated the offended party, other than the essential
or consented, or through abandonment negligence, organ for reproduction, to deprive him of that
permitted another person to take them part of his body.

whether in the service or separated therefrom; (2) S 264 – (1) person becomes insane, imbecile,
accountable officer for public funds or property (3) impotent, or blind in consequence of the physical
and required by law or regulation to render accounts injuries inflicted (2) Loses the use of speech, hear or
to the Commission on Audit, or to a provincial auditor; smell, loses an eye, hand, foot, arm or leg and
becomes incapacitated for work. (3) Becomes
deformed, loses any member of his body and the use PHYSICAL INJURIES IN TULMUTOUS AFFRAY 252 (E)
thereof thus becoming ill or incapacitated for work Same with preceding article but suffers serious
more than 90 days. physical injury or physical injury or less of serious only.
LS 265 – (1) Incapacitated for labor for 10>x>30 & (2)
Physical injuries not describe in preceding article
S-&M 266 – (1) Incapacitated from 1-9D (2) PI didn't DISCHHARGE OF FIREARM 254 (E) (1) Offender
prevent offended party to work (3) Ill-treatment of discharge a firearm (2) and doesn’t have intent to kill
another without injury

INTENTIONAL ABORTION 256 (K) (1) Using violence (2)

PARRICIDE 246 (1) Person is killed (2) Deceased is killed Administering drugs / beverage without consent (3) or
by accused (3) W/C is L/I M/F Child, L AC/DE, SPS with consent
INFANTICIDE 255 (1) Child is killed (2) Child was less UNINTENTIONAL ABORTION 257 (E) (1) Pregnant
than 3D (3) Accused killed child Woman (2) Violence is used (3) Intentional (4) Fetus
dies from such violence.
MURDER (E) 248 (QC) Aborts herself, other person or parents with consent.
1. With treachery, taking advantage of superior ABORTION PRACTICED BY PHYSICIAN OR MIDWIFE AND
strength, with the aid of armed men, or ABORTIVES 259 Offender is physician / midwife, takes
employing means to weaken the defense, or of advantage of scientific knowledge or skill.
means or persons to insure or afford impunity.
2. In consideration of a price, reward or promise.
3. By means of inundation, fire, poison, explosion, RAPE 266 (E) Man, w/ carnal knowledge and rape w:
shipwreck, stranding on a vessel, derailment or 1. Force, threat or intimidation.
assault upon a railroad, fall of an airship, by motor 2. Offended party is deprived of reason or is
vehicles, or with the use of any other means otherwise unconscious.
involving great waste and ruin. 3. Fraudulent machination or grave abuse of
4. On occasion of any of the calamities enumerated authority; or
in the preceding paragraph, or of an earthquake, 4. When the offended party is under 12 years of age
eruption of volcano, destructive cyclone, or is demented.
epidemic, or other public calamity. By sexual assault if inserting penis/object/instrument
5. With evident premeditation. into mouth (penis only), genitalia or anal orifice.
6. With cruelty, by deliberately and inhumanly
augmenting the suffering of the victim, or ACTS OF LACIVIOUSNESS 336 (E) Offender commits
outraging or scoffing at his person or corpse. acts of lasciviousness or lewdness against either sex by
(same as Rape C 1-4)
HOMICIDE 249 (E) (1) Person is killed (2) Without
justifying Circumstance (3) Accused intention to kill (4) QUALIFIED SEDUCTION 377 (E) (1) Offended party is
Killing not in QC of Murder. virgin, presumed unmarried of good reputation (2)
12<x>18 (3) Offender has sex with Offended (4) There
is abuse of authority, confidence or relationship on the
DEATH IN TUMULTOUS AFFRAY 251 (E) part of the offender. SIMPLE SEDUCTION 378 (E) INC
1. Several or at least 4 persons. widow but committed by means of deceit.
2. Not composed in grouped organized for common
purpose of assaulting and attacking each other KIDNAPPING & SERIOUS ILLEGAL DETENTION 267 (E)
reciprocally (1) A private individual, not parents of victim (2)
3. Several persons quarreled and assaulted one Kidnaps / detains depriving the latter’s liberty (3) Such
another in a confused and tumultuous manner detention / kidnapping is illegal (4) attended by:
4. Someone was killed during affray. a. K/D for more than 3 days
5. It cannot be ascertained who killed the deceased b. Committed simulating public authority
6. Person/s inflicted SPI or violence can be identified c. SPI are inflicted or death threats were made
d. K/D is a minor, female or public officer.
SLIGHT ILLEGAL DETENTION 268 Same (E) but LIGHT COORCION (E) (1) Creditor (2) seizes anything
circumstances is not stated in the preceding article. belonging to his debtor; (3) and such is accomplished
ARBITRARY DETENTION 124 (E) (1) Public officer or by means of violence or a display of material force
employee (2) detains a person (3) without legal producing intimidation; (3) for the purpose of applying
grounds. the same to the payment of the debt.

UNLAWFUL ARREST 269 (E) (1) Any person who detains ROBBERY 293 (E) (1) personal property belonging to
another (2) for delivery of such to proper authorities another (2) is unlawfully taken (3) with intent to gain
(3) but not authorized by law or no reasonable ground. (3) and violence or intimidation is used.

FORCCIBLE ABDUCTION 342 (E) (1) Abducted woman THEFT 308 (E) (1) Without consent and accomplished
(2) Against her will (3) With Lewd Design without the use of violence, force or intimidation.

CONSENTED ABDUCTION 343 (E) (1) Offended party is QUALIFIED THEFT 310 (K) (1) C. by domestic servant
a virgin (2) 12<x>18 (3) with her consent after (2) C. with grave abuse of confidence (3) Property be
solicitation or cajolery from offender (4) lewd designs motorcycle, mail matter or cattle (4) Coconuts from
premises of plantation (5) Fish from fishpond / fishery
SLAVERY 272 (E) (1) Offender purchases, sells, kidnaps (6) On an occasion of fire, earthquake, typhoon,
or detains a human being; (2) for purpose of enslaving volcanic eruption, or any other calamity, vehicular
such human being. accident or civil disturbance.

QUALIFIED TRESSPASS 280 (E) (1) Private person; (2) BRIGANDAGE 306 (E) (1) At least 4-armed malefactors
who enters the dwelling of another (3) against the (2) formed as band of robbers (3) for the following
dweller's will. OTHER FORMS 281 (E) uninhabited close purpose of (a) robbery in highway (b) kidnap persons
premises or fenced estate of another. for extortion or ransoms (c) attain by means of force
and violence for any purpose
1. Threatening another with the infliction upon his MALICIOUS MISCHIEF 327 (E) (1) Offender
person, honor or property or that of his family of any deliberately caused damage to the property of
wrong amounting to a crime and demanding money or another; (2) which does not constitute arson or other
imposing any other condition even though not crimes involving destruction; (3) and act of damaging
unlawful, and the offender attained his purpose; another’s property be committed merely for the sake
2. By making such threat without the offender of damaging it.
attaining his purpose; and SPECIAL OR QUALIFIED MALICIOUS MISCHIEF 328 (E)
3. By threatening another with the infliction upon his (1) Causing damage to obstruct the performance of
person, honor or property or that of his family of any public functions (2) Using any poisonous or corrosive
wrong amounting to a crime, the threat, not being substance; (3) Spreading any infections among cattle;
subject to a condition. (4) Causing damage to the property of the National
Museum or National Library, or to any archive.
LIGHT THREATS 283 (E) (1) Offender makes a threat to OTHER MISCHIEFS 329 Those not previously stated.
commit a wrong; (2) and such does not constitute a
crime; (3) There is a demand for money or that other ADULTERY 333 (E) (1) A married woman unites in
condition is imposed, even though lawful; (4) He has sexual intercourse not her husband. (2) A man had
attained or has not attained his purpose. actual intercourse with a married woman with the
knowledge that she is married.
GRAVE COERCION (E) (1) Person prevented another
from doing something not prohibited by law, or that CONCUBINAGE 334 (K) A man:(1) Keeping a mistress in
he compelled him to do something against his will, be the conjugal dwelling. (2) Having sexual intercourse,
it right or wrong; (2) and such is effected by violence, under scandalous circumstances, with a woman who
threats or intimidation; and (3) He restrained the will is not his wife. (3) Cohabiting with her in any other
and liberty of another has no authority of law or the place.
right to do so.
BIGAMY 349 (E) (1) Offender legally married (2) and IMPRUDENCE AND NEGLIGENCE 365 (E) /// RECKLESS
such has not legally dissolved. (3) he upon contracted IMPRUDENCE (1) That the offender does or fails to do
second or subsequent marriage (4) and such has an act. 2. That the doing of or the failure to do that act
essential requisites for validity except for existence of is voluntary. 3. That it be without malice. 4. That
first marriage. material damage results. 5. That there is inexcusable
lack of precaution on the part of the person
ILLEGAL MARRIAGE 350 (E) (1) Offender contracted performing or failing to perform such act taking into
marriage (2) which he knew at the time that (a) consideration – a. Employment or occupation. b.
requirements were not complied with (b) marriage Degree of intelligence, physical condition. and c. Other
was in disregard of legal impediment (3) and his act circumstances regarding persons, time and place.
doesn't constitute bigamy. SIMPLE IMPRUDENCE (1) That there is lack of
precaution on the part of the offender. (2) That the
SIMULATION OF BIRTH SUBSTITUTION OF ONE CHILD damage impending to be caused is not immediate nor
TO ANOTHER OR ABANDONMENT OF A LEGITIMATE the danger clearly manifest.
CHILD 347 (K) (1) Simulation of births; (2) Substitution
of one child for another 3) Concealing or abandoning
any legitimate child with intent to cause such child to
lose its civil status.


when a person represents himself to be another and
assumes the filiation or the parental or conjugal rights
of such another person. There must be intent to enjoy
the rights arising from the civil status of another

LIBEL 353 (E) (1) There must be an imputation of a

crime, or of a vice or defect, real or imaginary, or any
act, omission, condition, status or circumstance; (2)
Imputation must be made publicly; (3) It must be
malicious; (4) It must be directed at a natural or
juridical person, or one who is dead; (5) It must tend
to cause the dishonor, discredit or contempt of the
person defamed.

SLANDER 358 (E) (1) There must be an imputation of a

crime, or a vice or defect, real or imaginary, or any act,
omission, condition, status or circumstances; (2)
Imputation must be made publicly; (3) The imputation
must be malicious; (4) The imputation must be
directed at a natural or juridical person, or one who is
dead; and (5) The imputation must tend to cause
dishonor, discredit or contempt of the person

SLANDER BY DEED 359 (E) (1) That the offender

performs any act not included in any other crime
against honor; (2) That such act is performed in the
presence of other persons; (3) That such act cast
dishonor, discredit, or contempt upon the offended
party. If there is no intent to dishonor the offended
party, the crime is maltreatment by deed under ART

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