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What general networking principles does Heidi Roizen follow?

Heidi Roizen used her network to be successful and below are her networking principles,

1. Access to people: Having access to important people is important for networking. It

helps one reach out to the right person and get the task done. Heidi had access to the

right people and was in a position to connect with anyone in her network. At the same

time, Heidi ensured that she was accessible to her fellow network members and

responded to them promptly

2. Performance: Heidi ensured that she got back to every mail or a call that she received

and did what she had committed. This commitment of Heidi built a sense of trust in her

network and was being looked upon as a go-to person for favors.

3. Consistency: Heidi ensured consistency in her interactions. She ensured that

consistency in her communications and commitment to ensure a lasting relationship

with the contact.

4. Reciprocity: Heidi is a person who understood the importance of reciprocating. She felt

that it wouldn’t be appropriate to be the person to always call in favors. She respected

people’s time, hence she took efforts to go through a request and connect it to the right

person in her network only if she felt it carried any benefit to the person.

5. Organized: Heidi was well organized; she took time to reply to all mails she received

irrespective of a start-up or an old acquaint. Despite running with a busy schedule she

ensured to organize parties at her house to provide a platform to meet and network with

What specific behaviours led to her current network? How were ties formed?

Heidi emphasized on the importance of networking, it was because of her performance &

consistency along with her reciprocity nature that Heidi was able to build a strong and vast

network. She ensured that she didn’t call for undue favours which in turn made her connects

take her seriously. Heidi’s thought of introduction between connections was based on a win-

win proposition for both parties.

Heidi connected with people not based on their position, as she anticipated that in future they

might be of help. It was her stint at Software Publishers Association where she highlighted the

issues of the software industry, this in turn helped her to strengthen her bond with industry


Due to the paucity of time, it was increasingly difficult for Heidi to connect with every person

in the network and other networks. In order to address this, she connected with the nuclei of

other networks through which she was able to tap into their network as required.

What are the strengths of Heidi Roizen’s networks? Weaknesses?

Strength: Perseverance, patience & practice are required to build & maintain a strong network.

Heidi’s humble and down to earth personality and swift responsiveness has helped her to

successfully build an expertise network.

 Her strong interest & knowledge in the technology industry.

 To become a celebrity in Silicon Valley with her strong networking skills.

 Leveraging her strong network in need and helping people who are in need of help.

 Always leveraging the network positively, through her expertise and make a win -win

situation for both the parties involved in the process.

 Strong network also helped her to lead five Softbank investments worth of $40 in the first

6 months of joining the firm.

Weakness: Roizen receives over 100 emails every day and she responds to each one of them

with her personal feedback even though it’s not a good business proposal to maintain good

personal & professional relationship with everyone.

 It is time-consuming to maintain such a strong network.

 Expectation is high from the people in her network, both personal & professional and it

is a challenge to cater to all the requests on time.

 Effect on personal life, by hosting networking parties & office meetings at her home

which has an effect on work-life balance.

What would you suggest Roizen do differently to succeed as a venture capitalist?

 Flexibility to design her job, so that she could cut down time on reading each and every

business proposal.

 Spend a significant amount of time to evaluate only those business plans which helps the

company at the early growth stage & which can be considered as per SoftBank criteria.

 She should delegate the initial process of screening a business plan, so that she can

manage enough time to go deeper on the potential business proposals, focus more on

review and provide her suggestion.

Heidi should spend more time on time-sensitive networking issues which can increase her

performance & effectiveness and networking being time-consuming job, a senior executive

should understand it and consider it as a full-time job.

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