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Information Development
2016, Vol. 32(4) 969–985
Understanding Internet of Things ª The Author(s) 2015
Reprints and permission:
(IoT) diffusion: Focusing on value DOI: 10.1177/0266666915578201
configuration of RFID and sensors
in business cases (2008–2012)

Yoon-Min Hwang
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

Moon Gyu Kim

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

Jae-Jeung Rho
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a representative technological innovation for future computing and communi-
cations. IoT technologies such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and sensors have garnered huge atten-
tion in both academia and industry. However, the expected rapid adoption and diffusion of IoT technologies
have not yet taken place and there is still a lack of understanding about IoT and how industries can apply IoT
properly. To understand IoT utilization, predict the diffusion trends of IoT, and provide reliable guidelines for
potential IoT adopters, this study investigated the value configuration of IoT technologies, focusing on the uti-
lization of specific technology attributes of IoT in particular business contexts. Based on 762 IoT business cases
(2008–2012), this study explored the technology attributes and business contexts of IoT usage and identified
five representative value configuration models of IoT through cluster analysis: ID-based service model, Multiple
operation management model, Service-combined inventory management model, Intelligent inventory trans-
port model, and Sensor-based multiple service model. In addition, propositions for IoT utilization in each indus-
try were provided according to the five value configuration models. The research results provide a holistic view
for understanding IoT utilization in various business areas and the value configuration framework approach
provides a more elaborate frame to understand diffusion trends of new technology.

Internet of Things (IoT), RFID, sensor, technology diffusion, data mining, cluster analysis, value configuration

Submitted: 10 September, 2014; Accepted: 25 February, 2015.

The expected rapid adoption and diffusion of Internet of Things technologies has not yet
taken place due to lack of understanding.

Over a decade ago, the term ‘Internet of Things (IoT)’ Corresponding author:
was developed by the Auto-ID Labs, a global research Moon Gyu Kim, Auto-ID Lab KAIST, Department of Business and
network of laboratories studying Radio Frequency Technology Management, Korea Advanced Institute of Science
and Technology (KAIST), 291 Daehak-ro (373-1 Guseong-
Identification (RFID) network and sensing technolo- dong), Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-701 Republic of Korea. Tel:
gies, and ‘ambient intelligence’ and ‘ubiquitous com- þ82-42-350-6337. Fax: þ82-42-350-6339.
puting’, which share similar concepts with the IoT Email:
970 Information Development 32(4)

(Atzori et al., 2010; Chen and Chen, 2012; Zorzi et al., of RFID adoption and quantitative analyses of RFID
2010). According to the concept of the IoT, every benefits based on particular cases have mainly pro-
physical thing is connected to the Internet and plays gressed at the micro level, rather than in the compre-
the role of a computer (International Telecommunica- hensive investigation of various utilization and
tion Union, 2005; Fleisch, 2010). diffusion cases of IoT technologies such as RFID and
RFID technology is one of the important enablers of sensors at the macro level. To bridge the gap between
the IoT (Tan and Wang, 2010). Objects have to be iden- research and practice, this study therefore explores
tified to be connected to the network and RFID makes abundant IoT business cases from various industries
this possible by using radio waves. In addition, sensors and examines the diffusion trends of IoT technolo-
play an important role in filling the gap between the gies. For more elaborate analysis, this study defines
physical world and the information world for the technology diffusion as an aggregation of the value
realization of the IoT through gathering data from the configuration process, which is the configured pro-
environment, generating information, and then deepen- cess of technology attributes in the specific business
ing understanding of the data’s context (Kafetzoglou context of each business case. This study therefore
et al., 2010). RFID and sensors are therefore seen as the explores IoT diffusion trends from the perspective
core components which connect the physical world to of the value configuration through cluster analysis
the digital world (Atzori et al., 2010). RFID is expected of data mining from 762 IoT business cases involving
to be developed and converged with the wireless sensor attributes of IoT technologies and business contexts,
network (WSN) system via the identification (ID) tag covering the period from 2008 to 2012.
for each sensor (Sung et al., 2007). The remainder of the paper is arranged as follows:
Being a representative technological innovation for first, we review previous literature on the technology
the future of computing and communications, the IoT diffusion of IoT and the value configuration. We then
has received huge attention in both academia and design the value configuration framework of IoT tech-
industry (Tan and Wang, 2010). With the rapid devel- nologies to identify technology attributes and business
opment of RFID and sensor technology, many indus- contexts of IoT. Then, with 762 business cases of IoT,
tries have recently become interested in IoT-enabled the value configuration patterns of IoT are identified
business models (Want, 2004; Fleisch, 2010). How- through the use of cluster analysis. The following sec-
ever, despite great interest, the expected rapid adop- tion discusses the results of the analysis. The final sec-
tion and diffusion of IoT technologies have not yet tion concludes by presenting the implications of the
taken place (Chen, 2011). In particular, the expected research, as well as directions for further studies.
mass adoptions of RFID to drive IoT diffusion beyond
a critical mass point has not yet taken place in busi- Literature review
ness fields (Chen, 2011; Thiesse et al., 2011).
There has been considerable discussion about the Technology diffusion of IoT
reasons for the delay of IoT diffusion. In particular, Previous studies related to IoT diffusion have concen-
there is still a lack of understanding about the charac- trated on the investigation of RFID adoption factors
teristics and value of IoT technologies such as RFID at the micro level. Many researchers discussed the
and sensors, and how these technologies can be determinants of RFID adoption based on the Diffu-
applied to respective business domains, thus disrupt- sion of Innovations theory (DOI) or the
ing the rapid diffusion of IoT in the business field Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE)
(Li et al., 2010; Wu and Subramaniam, 2011). The framework in various industries, such as the health-
technical features, utilization domains, and business care industry, automotive industry, and retail indus-
values of IoT technologies should therefore be scruti- try (e.g. Brown and Russell, 2007; Lee and Shim,
nized very closely through case analyses of IoT busi- 2007; Wang et al., 2010). They examined the RFID
nesses in various industries, from early IoT adopters adoption factors of firms to focus on technology
onwards. In addition, the current IoT diffusion trend characteristics, such as related advantage, internal
based on the cases of early adopters should be and external characteristics of organizational struc-
explored and examined to provide reliable guidelines tures like organizational readiness, and environmen-
for potential IoT adopters at the macro level. tal characteristics like competitive pressure. Kim
However, in research fields, deterministic factors et al. (2013) discussed RFID adoption based on the
(e.g. technical maturity and organizational readiness) Task-Technology Fit (TTF) model, which presents
Hwang et al: Understanding Internet of Things (IoT) diffusion 971

technology adoption as a means to focus on the adop- components of the business model inevitably describe
tion process like the fit between task characteristics the value configuration of resources like technology in
and technology characteristics, rather than to present the business context. The components of the business
several factors like TOE. In addition, the consumer model have been discussed by many researchers accord-
acceptance factors of RFID are investigated based ing to purpose. Gordijn and Akkermans (2003) identi-
on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in the fied components such as value offering, market
research fields (e.g. Hossain and Prybutok, 2008; segment and value exchange to provide guidelines for
Müller-Seitz et al., 2009). However, these studies e-commerce business model development. Afuah and
have certain limits to comprehending the diffusion Tucci (2003) presented customer value, connected
trends of IoT at the macro level. activities, cost structure and revenue source as the main
Few researches discuss the diffusion of IoT at the components of Internet business models. Additionally,
macro level. Daim and Suntharasaj (2009) predicted Petrovic et al. (2001) discussed value model, customer
the diffusion rate of RFID in the US retail market relations model, production model and revenue model
based on bibliometric analysis and the Bass model. for developing e-business models. However, the com-
Lee et al. (2008) proposed a customer-facing diffu- ponents of the business model in previous research were
sion model of RFID in the service sector, based on developed to guide the development of the business
observations of three case studies. Yoon and Phaal model. The components and structures of business mod-
(2013) presented the technology roadmap of RFID els are of limited use in identifying the value configura-
between technology layers (e.g. security tag chip, low tion process of technology diffusion.
power active tag) and product layers (e.g. customized Hedman and Kalling (2003) proposed the compo-
RFID platform, low power tag chip) through RFID- nents of the business model, along with linked levels
related patents analysis for supporting the technology where value configuration appears. In their model, the
development plans of RFID system vendors. How- value of business is created by the process by which
ever, previous studies only discuss the utilization and human or physical resources at the resource level go
diffusion trends of RFID through small business cases through the value chain in the activity and organiza-
without a comprehensive framework and consider- tional level. Then, in the value chain, the human or
ation of sensor technology. To develop a comprehen- physical resources are converted into service compo-
sive framework to identify the diffusion trends of IoT nents or physical components at an offering level and
technologies such as RFID and sensors at the macro are then finally delivered to customers with competi-
level, this study discusses the concept of value config- tion at a market level. According to their components,
uration in business model research. new technology is configured to create value in spe-
cific business contexts of each level, such as the activ-
ity and organizational level, offering level and market
Value configuration of technology diffusion level. Their comprehensive approach on the linked
According to Osterwalder and Pigneur (2002), ‘value levels of a business model is appropriate for identify-
configuration’ is an arrangement of activities in the ing the value configuration of IoT diffusion between
value creation process of a business model. Values technology attributes and the business context.
in business are created by integrating and applying
resources in a specific context (Vargo et al., 2008). Design of value configuration framework
The value of new technology adoption as an important of IoT diffusion
resource in business is also created through the com-
Based on Hedman and Kalling’s business model com-
plex configurations of the technology in specific busi-
ponents, this study designs the value configuration
ness contexts. Technology diffusion is thus a result of
framework from technology attributes in the resource
the complex interactions and feedback occurring
level to business contexts in the activity and organiza-
within the dynamic environment of an industry (Chen,
tional level, offering level, and market level (Hedman
2011). In the context of the diffusion process, technol-
and Kalling, 2003).
ogy diffusion can be defined as an aggregation of the
value configurations of the technology attributes in
various business contexts. Technology attributes of IoT
Because the business model identifies the logic of In the resource level, the technology attributes of RFID
value creation in the business environment, the and WSN systems, which are pivotal technologies of
972 Information Development 32(4)

the IoT, are discussed. First, an RFID system consists perceives real time changes in the internal or external
of an RFID tag, which supports data acquisition at the state of an entity (state). Through RFID and WSN sys-
contact point with customers, Radio Frequency (RF), tems, context information, such as ID, place, move-
an RFID reader, middleware and a network for data ment, stage, and state are acquired and transferred
processing, data storage and data transmission (Finken- through a reader, sensor node, middleware and net-
zeller, 2003). An RFID tag is attached to or embedded work, as presented in Figure 2. Through the analysis
in an object and gives an inherent ID number to the of functional characteristics and information charac-
object for IoT. Afterwards, it transmits the data stored teristics of RFID and WSN systems, technology attri-
in the memory of the tags to the RFID reader through butes of IoT technologies such as RFID and sensors
RF. There are two types of RFID tags, passive and are shown in Table 1.
active. Passive tags are mainly used for short distances
without batteries while active tags are used for longer
distances with built-in batteries. In addition, low fre- Business context of the IoT
quency (LF), high frequency (HF), ultrahigh frequency In the business context, components of activity and
(UHF), and microwave are classifications of RF organizational level, offering level and market level
according to frequency bandwidth (Ward et al., should be designed according to the purpose of the
2006). RFID middleware gathers data from tags with value configuration framework to understand IoT
Electronic Product Code (EPC) IDs and stores the data diffusion trends, where IoT technologies have been
in the EPC information service. This information can utilized and created values. In accordance with Hed-
be searched and modified by clients anywhere and any man and Kalling (2003), this study defines the com-
time over the network with the Object Name Service ponents of each level of the business context
(ONS) structure (Leong et al., 2005). focused on the aim and scope of IoT utilization:
A WSN system is an integrated system wherein the value chain activities for activity and organizational
sensor and control technology and wireless communi- level, service domains for offering level, and indus-
cation technology are fused. It is comprised of the try for market level.
sensor node, sink node, and middleware that collects, First, the value chain model is appropriate to iden-
saves, and provides the acquired data and network tify the utilization areas of IoT technologies in the
(Sohraby et al., 2007; Dargie and Poellabauer, activity and organizational level. The concept of the
2010). A sensor node has a sensor chip and battery value chain model suggested by Porter (1985) shows
inside with an identification number, like an RFID how the values that firms deliver to their final cus-
tag. Sensor nodes are sorted into two types according tomers are created by defining all the specific activ-
to the type of sensing: physical sensors (e.g. location, ities meant to add value to their products or services
pressure, speed), and chemical sensors (e.g. tempera- in the form of a chain. All the activities and pro-
ture, gas, organic compound) (Hill, 2003). In wireless cesses related to the created values are classified in
transmission, Wi-Fi or Zigbee is used in periodic long the value chain. The value chain model is also appro-
distance recognition, whereas Bluetooth or ultra priate for explaining how each of the technology
wideband (UWB) is used in periodic short distance attributes is adopted and utilized for each activity
recognition (Lee et al., 2007) (Figure 1). across the value creation process. In this research,
The information types of RFID and WSN systems five primary activities and four supportive activities
can be comprehended in the category of context- of the value chain are used to examine the IoT utili-
awareness systems. Context-awareness systems recog- zation areas in firms’ activity and organizational lev-
nize changes in context information, including els, as shown in Figure 3.
information about objects and the environment sur- Secondly, to identify the aims of IoT utilization at
rounding them, such as identity, location, and time, the offering level, this study investigates the service
and react to them properly (Ryan et al., 1998; Dey and domains of IoT diffusion. Through literature reviews
Abowd, 1999). As one of the main information sys- of representative papers, such as Auto-ID Labs’
tems for context-awareness, RFID systems can assign White Paper series (e.g. Agarwal, 2001; Boushka
ID information to entities through tags (ID), check the et al., 2002; Kelepouris et al., 2006; Lehtonen et al.,
location of the objects (place), and trace their physical 2006; Wiechert et al., 2007) and Gartner’s reports
movement route (movement) and movement between (e.g. Eschinger, 2008; Lehong, 2012), which intro-
stages of value chain (stage). The WSN system also duce various service areas of IoT technologies, we
Hwang et al: Understanding Internet of Things (IoT) diffusion 973

Figure 1. RFID system and wireless sensor network (WSN) system.

Figure 2. Information types of IoT as context-awareness system.

identified the 14 service areas of IoT utilization in a domains and industries. Those three factors explain
business context shown in Figure 3. how IoT technologies create value as well as why and
Finally, to understand IoT diffusion areas at the where they are utilized.
macro level, 19 industries using IoT technologies
were identified by reference to the International Stan-
dard Industrial Classification ( Data mining and value configuration of
registry/regcst.asp?Cl¼27) and literature such as ID IoT Diffusion
TechEX’s reports (e.g. Das and Harrop, 2011; Harrop Since IoT technologies such as RFID and sensors
and Das, 2012) on the various industries. The 19 still remain at an exploratory stage in the various
industries are identified in Figure 3. industries and IoT diffusion is not yet theorized, a
The business context of IoT technologies thus con- case-based analysis is appropriate to examine the
sists of three factors: value chain activities, service diffusion trends (Meredith, 1998; Voss et al.,
974 Information Development 32(4)

Table 1. Technology attributes of IoT.

Components Types Characteristics

RFID and Tag Passive/Active tag, Sensor tag (Physical sensors Recognition range and
WSN such as pressure and speed, Chemical sensors type
such as temperature and gas)
Radio Frequency LF (125Khz & 134Khz:*0.5m), HF (13.56 Mhz: *1.5m), Recognition range
UHF (433Mhz: *100m/865*956Mhz:0.5*5m),
Microwave (2.45Ghz: *10m)
Wireless UWB (6 GHz to 8 GHz : *10m), Wi-Fi (2.4Ghz: *100m), Recognition range
transmission Zigbee (2.4Ghz: 10*100m), Bluetooth (2.4Ghz:
Context awareness ID, Place, Movement, Stage, State Information type
for IoT

Figure 3. Business contexts of IoT.

2002). We collected IoT business cases and analysed value configuration factors was then conducted to
them to identify the value configuration factors, identify the value configuration patterns of IoT dif-
including technology attributes and business con- fusion. Each cluster, which is composed of similar
texts. Cluster analysis of the collected cases with technology attributes and highly-related business
Hwang et al: Understanding Internet of Things (IoT) diffusion 975

contexts, presents a unique value configuration fea- for various purposes such as asset management and
ture of IoT diffusion. customer management.
To collect sufficient IoT business cases from vari- Operation and service activities are the main rea-
ous industries for cluster analysis, we reviewed all sons for IoT adoption by industries. This can be
related articles in the RFID Journal from January explained by the difference in costs between inventory
2008 to December 2012. The RFID Journal has con- management and asset or customer management.
sistently introduced up-to-date IoT business cases Inventory management needs a lot more RFID tags, the
from around the world since 2002. IoT related key- high price of which is one of the critical barriers to IoT
words such as ‘Internet of Things (IoT)’, ‘RFID’, adoption. On the other hand, utilization of IoT for asset
‘sensor’, ‘wireless sensor network (WSN)’, ‘real- management and customer management creates value
time locating system (RTLS)’, and ‘near field com- more efficiently by preventing the robbery of expen-
munication (NFC)’ were used to search for suitable sive equipment and improving relationships with cus-
articles for the analysis, and 762 IoT business cases tomers. This implies that the efficiency of investment
were collected in this way. The cases were analysed in IoT adoption is carefully considered when industries
to identify the technology attributes and business con- make decisions about utilizing IoT technologies.
text factors of each case according to the value config- Based on the result of the cluster analysis, we
uration framework of IoT. In some cases, different investigated the patterns of value configurations—
tags were used in multiple value chain activities or i.e., what attributes of IoT technology contribute to
several service domains. For example, if UHF tags value creation in a certain business context consisting
were utilized for inventory management and LF tags of service domains, value chain activities and indus-
were used for customer management in a certain case, tries—in each cluster, and named each of the five
it was coded using both tags for both service domains. clusters as follows::
The factors used for the analysis are shown in Table 2.
Cluster analysis of the collected data was con-  ID-based Service Model
ducted using both hierarchical and non-hierarchical  Multiple Operation Management Model
techniques. The SPSS 21.0 program was used for the  Service-combined Inventory Management Model
analysis. The hierarchical technique was used to  Intelligent Inventory Transport Model
decide the number of clusters. According to the ‘stop-  Sensor-based Multiple Service Model.
ping rule’, the appropriate number of clusters was
determined to be five (Radosevic, 2003). We then fina-
lized the five clusters by using k-means cluster analysis Cluster 1: Identification (ID)-based Service Model
(Helsen et al., 1993; Sharma, 1996). ANOVA and post- Cluster 1 can be identified as the ID-based Service
hoc tests were conducted to verify the differences Model utilizing identification information through
between the groups (Calinski and Corsten, 1985). Sig- RFID tags attached to various objects, such as identi-
nificant differences were found among the 39 factors fication cards for service areas. In Table 3, Cluster 1 is
of five clusters, except for a few factors like the educa- comprised of 210 business cases of IoT that mostly
tion industry. Table 2 shows the ANOVA results. use the UHF (95, 45%) tag and the HF (89, 42%) tag
The value configuration patterns of IoT diffusion for a relatively shorter range—within one meter—and
based on the five clusters are discussed in the next better multi-tag read rate. These tags are mostly low-
section. priced passive tags (184, 88%). In information types,
the ID information is mainly used for various busi-
nesses. The business contexts in which these technol-
Discussion ogy attributes are utilized are mostly related to the
Overall, the result of the analysis is different from our service activities (206, 98%) of the value chain for
general expectations. The logistics and distribution customer management (190, 90%) and personal
industries were expected to be leaders in IoT diffu- authentication (14, 7%) in service domains. From the
sion, and inventory management in the inbound/out- industry-wise viewpoint, in the leisure/sports industry
bound activities of the value chain has aroused (63, 30%), sports facilities such as gymnasiums and
much interest as a main aim of IoT adoption. How- resorts use UHF tag or HF tag to identify their cus-
ever, IoT technologies have been more actively tomers more efficiently. In the healthcare industry
adopted in the healthcare and leisure/sports industries (49, 23%), many hospitals, where information
976 Information Development 32(4)

Table 2. Result of ANOVA.

Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4 Cluster 5

Factors (N ¼ 210) (N ¼ 238) (N ¼ 106) (N ¼ 104) (N ¼ 104) F-value Sig.

Healthcare 0.23 0.25 0.08 0.02 0.18 10.017 0.000***
Logistics 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.20 0.01 23.976 0.000***
Utility 0.02 0.10 0.00 0.04 0.14 7.867 0.000***
Producer goods 0.00 0.08 0.03 0.03 0.02 5.062 0.000***
Distribution 0.04 0.01 0.13 0.05 0.08 6.575 0.000***
Leisure/sports 0.30 0.05 0.02 0.00 0.04 33.401 0.000***
Military 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.11 0.01 8.448 0.000***
Agriculture/mining 0.01 0.05 0.08 0.08 0.13 5.666 0.000***
Apparel 0.02 0.01 0.28 0.14 0.02 31.736 0.000***
Airport/harbor 0.05 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 3.661 0.006**
Construction 0.00 0.06 0.02 0.01 0.02 3.859 0.004**
Pharmaceutical 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.04 3.951 0.004**
Electronic 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.00 2.605 0.035*
Consumer goods 0.09 0.06 0.13 0.15 0.06 3.123 0.015*
Education 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.00 0.06 2.026 0.089
Aerospace 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.937 0.442
Government 0.08 0.10 0.05 0.04 0.13 2.046 0.086
Automobile 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.522 0.719
Finance 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.763 0.549
Value chain
Inbound 0.04 0.04 0.18 0.12 0.40 32.063 0.000***
Operation 0.02 0.97 0.08 0.03 0.07 1014.998 0.000***
Outbound 0.00 0.02 0.70 0.96 0.13 438.448 0.000***
Sales 0.07 0.02 0.20 0.05 0.26 18.720 0.000***
Service 0.98 0.09 0.06 0.02 0.01 783.833 0.000***
HRM 0.03 0.08 0.03 0.01 0.22 13.330 0.000***
Service area
Payment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 16.352 0.000***
Customer 0.04 0.08 0.07 0.02 0.03 442.659 0.000***
Antitheft 0.90 0.02 0.09 0.02 0.01 5.919 0.000***
Transportation 0.01 0.03 0.00 1.00 0.04 1292.129 0.000***
Asset 0.02 0.87 0.07 0.06 0.13 369.394 0.000***
Inventory 0.01 0.05 0.83 0.56 0.22 176.448 0.000***
Production 0.00 0.11 0.05 0.01 0.05 7.838 0.000***
Employee 0.04 0.10 0.03 0.01 0.22 12.395 0.000***
Environment 0.05 0.04 0.00 0.02 0.19 12.539 0.000***
Authentication 0.07 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.02 4.971 0.001**
Promotion 0.04 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.06 4.315 0.002**
Return 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.02 2.662 0.032*
Cost accounting 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.974 0.097
Track & Trace 0.04 0.01 0.05 0.02 0.05 1.798 0.127
LF 0.07 0.08 0.04 0.02 0.10 1.982 0.095
HF 0.40 0.09 0.00 0.04 0.53 55.089 0.000***
UHF 0.43 0.57 0.97 0.81 0.22 52.189 0.000***
Microwave 0.08 0.16 0.02 0.05 0.07 5.695 0.000***
UWB 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.954 0.432
Hwang et al: Understanding Internet of Things (IoT) diffusion 977

Table 2. (continued)

Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4 Cluster 5

Factors (N ¼ 210) (N ¼ 238) (N ¼ 106) (N ¼ 104) (N ¼ 104) F-value Sig.

Place 0.51 0.77 0.79 0.87 0.61 17.041 0.000***
Movement 0.06 0.13 0.03 0.12 0.11 2.975 0.019*
Stage 0.02 0.06 0.14 0.57 0.05 72.226 0.000***
State 0.10 0.17 0.02 0.12 0.22 6.589 0.000***
- Significance at the level of * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, and *** p < 0.001.

management of patients suffering from different dis- service areas is essential in the value configuration
eases is critical, have actively adopted IoT technolo- of cluster 1.
gies to identify patients in a systematic way.
As a representative case of the ID-based service
model, in the leisure/sports industry, a football club Cluster 2: Multiple Operation Management Model
in England made an RFID-enabled stadium member- Cluster 2 presents the value configuration of IoT as
ship card. It enables quicker entrance into the stadium the Multiple Operation Management Model for asset
and allows customers to use it to purchase food, bev- and production management in the operation activity
erages and other items (Swedberg, 2008a). A ski of value chains in a business context. The Multiple
resort in America, which offers a more developed cus- Operation Management Model is most widely used
tomer service, is another example of the ID-based ser- in business fields (238 cases in Table 3). In the tech-
vice model. Through the individual ID tag, the resort nology attributes of Table 3, the cases in Cluster 2 use
measures the vertical distance skied by each customer UHF tags (145, 61%) which cover over one meter;
and presents the statistics on its website as well as on microwave tags (47, 20%) for RTLS which cover over
the social network services (SNS) of customers, such 10 meters; and the sensor tags for state information
as Facebook (O’Connor, 2010a). As an example of an (33, 14%). In a business context, the RFID applica-
ID-based service model for sales activities of the tions in this cluster are used mostly in operation activ-
value chain, a Swiss farm store provides an RFID- ities (232, 97%) of the value chain for asset
enabled self-serve shopping model through which management (206, 87%), production management
customers can obtain personal authentication, collect (26, 11%), and employee management (23, 10%). In
product information, and pay with an NFC- industry fields, the firms in healthcare (60, 25%), con-
embedded smartphone in a clerk-free store (Curry, struction (14, 6%), and agriculture/mining industry
2010). In the automobile industry, automakers have (12, 5%) efficiently manage their costly assets, such
begun to develop various ID-based service models for as surgical equipment and machine tools, and ensure
their customer service. For instance, some auto- the safety of their employees in hazardous working
makers, including Lexus, have introduced cars environments, by using RFID to track their location.
equipped with RFID systems. Through the RFID sys- RTLS with microwave tags traces the location of
tem, drivers can open the doors, check tire treads and costly assets or workers in wide working areas. A uni-
pressures, receive maintenance signals, and know the versity hospital in the United States opened a new 1.6
location of their cars by using an NFC-enabled phone million ft2 facility equipped with an RTLS which
(O’Connor, 2010b; Swedberg, 2012a). In the health- allows monitoring the locations of thousands of
care industry, a hospital in Canada monitors a hygiene pumps, wheelchairs and valuable mobile equipment
procedure such as hand-washing prior to a patient (Swedberg, 2012c). Public institutions of government
visit and the cleaning of equipment by using ID infor- (24, 10%) and utility companies (23, 10%) have also
mation of doctors, nurses and patients to help reduce adopted RFID and sensors actively for the mainte-
infections (Swedberg, 2012b). nance of equipment. In an oil company or a gas man-
Such examples demonstrate that utilizing ID infor- ufacturer, various sensors for measuring temperature,
mation of the items in specific events within various humidity, motions and air quality have been adopted
978 Information Development 32(4)

Table 3. Descriptive analysis of each cluster (C1* ~C5).

Tag (RF) Total C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 Tag (Battery) Total C1 C2 C3 C4 C5

UHF 444 95 145 96 85 23 Passive 532 184 160 15 95 78

HF 180 89 22 – 4 65 Active 275 38 73 102 25 37
LF 61 16 20 9 3 13
MICRO 78 17 47 2 5 7 Information Total C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
UWB 25 7 10 – 2 6 ID 762 210 238 106 104 104
Place 529 108 183 84 91 63
Value chain Total C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 Movement 69 13 30 3 12 11
Inbound 75 8 10 19 12 26 Stage 97 4 15 15 58 5
Operation 254 4 232 8 3 7 State 98 20 33 2 12 31
Outbound 193 1 5 74 100 13
Service 263 206 21 6 2 28 Industry Total C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
Sales 63 14 4 21 5 19 Healthcare 138 49 60 8 2 19
HRM 50 7 19 3 1 20 Leisure/sports 83 63 13 2 – 5
Infra./R&D/ – – – – – – Consumer 70 18 15 14 17 6
Procurement Goods
Government 69 16 24 5 4 20
Service domains Total C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 Apparel 52 4 2 30 14 2
Asset mgt. 236 4 206 7 6 13 Utility 42 5 23 – 4 10
Customer mgt. 221 190 19 7 2 3 Agriculture/mining 42 2 12 9 8 11
Inventory mgt. 160 8 11 88 31 22 Distribution 38 9 2 14 5 8
Transportation 117 3 6 – 104 4 Education 31 13 9 3 – 6
Employee mgt. 53 8 23 3 1 18 Automobile 28 11 8 3 3 3
Environment mgt. 48 10 10 – 2 26 Producer goods 28 1 19 3 3 2
Production mgt. 38 1 26 5 1 5 Logistics 28 – 7 – 20 1
Payment 23 8 – – – 15 Military 21 – 8 1 11 1
Track & trace 44 3 2 5 29 5 Construction 20 1 14 2 1 2
Antitheft 20 2 5 10 2 1 Airport/harbor 16 11 3 – 1 1
Authentication 20 14 1 2 1 2 Pharmaceutical 16 1 1 6 4 4
Promotion 13 8 – – 5 – Finance 15 3 7 1 1 3
Return mgt. 4 – – 2 – 2 Aerospace 14 3 7 2 2 –
Cost accounting 3 – 1 – – 2 Electronic 11 – 4 3 4 –
Total 762 210 238 106 104 104
- *C1: Cluster 1, C2: Cluster 2, C3: Cluster 3, C4: Cluster 4, C5: Cluster 5.

to monitor pipe equipment and gas transporting cylin- (Swedberg, 2011b). This solution automatically
ders in refineries (Swedberg, 2010, 2011a). In addi- tracks the components, detects malfunction, and stops
tion, the automobile and electronic industries use the process to fix it.
RFID for their complicated manufacturing process Consequently, the value of Cluster 2 (Multiple
management. An electronics manufacturer in Hong Operation Management Model) is mainly configured
Kong installed feeders which are fitted with RFID by utilizing information about the movement or state
tags containing unique ID numbers on component- of items through RFID and sensor networks for oper-
placement machines for circuit board assembly ation activities of the value chain such as managing
Hwang et al: Understanding Internet of Things (IoT) diffusion 979

costly assets or facilities, keeping employees safe, and such as manufacturers, distributors and retailers. In
operating manufacturing processes. Table 3, Cluster 4 is composed of 104 business cases
and is similar to Cluster 3 in that it mostly uses the
Cluster 3: Service-combined Inventory Management UHF tag (85, 82%) in technology attributes. How-
Model ever, the cases in Cluster 4 are more focused on
the exchange of information about items between
Given the value configuration pattern of IoT cases
stages (58, 56%) of the value chain, each of which
belonging to Cluster 3, this cluster was named
is usually performed by different supply chain mem-
Service-combined Inventory Management Model,
bers such as manufacturer (operation activity), distri-
which is for customer service based on inventory
butor (inbound and outbound activity), and retailer
management using RFID tags in retail shops. In
(sales activity). The RFID system identifies and
Table 3, Cluster 3 is comprised of 106 business cases
checks the tag-attached items in each stage across the
of IoT which mostly use UHF (96, 91%) and active
value chain activities. In each stage, the information
tags (102, 96%) for inventory management (88,
regarding the items is shared and synchronized across
83%), antitheft (10, 9%) and customer management
the complex supply chain through a networked RFID
(7, 7%) in inbound/outbound activities (93, 88%) and
system. In addition, information on the state of objects
sales activities (21, 20%) of the value chain.
(12, 12%), which is collected by sensors, is also uti-
For instance, in the apparel industry (30, 28%), a
lized to manage an object’s condition.
Greek clothing firm manages inventory in the facto-
In the business context, the logistics industry (20,
ries and distribution centers and offers shopping sug-
19%), consumer goods industry (17, 16%), apparel
gestions to its customers through RFID technology
industry (14, 13%), and defense industry (11, 11%)
(Wessel, 2010a). Information about the customers and
use RFID to manage transportation of their products
clothes to which RFID tags are attached allows the
(104, 100%) and to track their inventory information
firm to offer customized shopping suggestions on the
(29, 28%) in each stage of the value chain. In partic-
monitor in the store. The consumer goods industry
ular, third party logistics companies can easily track
(14, 13%) and distribution industry (14, 13%) have
their RFID-attached trucks to check and share ship-
also used RFID systems for inventory management
ment situation with customers through Global Posi-
with customer service in sales and service activities.
tioning System (GPS). In addition, sensor systems
An American supermarket installed an RFID-
enable them to monitor cargo temperatures for the
enabled shopping cart system in order to provide cou-
distribution of perishable foods and check the tire
pon service according to a cart’s location and it is
pressure of trucks to prevent traffic accidents
expected that in the future the system could automat-
(Swedberg, 2009b). The apparel industry and the
ically calculate the amount customers should pay
defense industry have also adopted RFID systems
(Swedberg, 2009a). In addition, food companies in
to efficiently manage their overall supply chains.
the agriculture industry (9, 8%) provide historical
The United States military achieves real-time visi-
information on food inventory for customers to secure
bility of transportation of military equipment with
food safety by RFID-based food tracking systems
RFID systems in the Middle East (Bacheldor,
(Swedberg, 2008b).
2009). The agriculture industry (8, 8%), the phar-
In summary, the inventory management cases of
maceutical industry (4, 4%) and the healthcare
Cluster 3 show a general pattern of RFID usage with
industry (2, 2%) are also using RFID and sensors
UHF active tags in the retailing of various goods such
to track and trace their products in the overall sup-
as apparel and consumer goods. The Service-
ply chain, since safety is a paramount issue in their
combined Inventory Management Model is the most
line of work (Swedberg, 2008c; Swedberg, 2011c;
advanced inventory management model for customer
Wessel, 2010b).
service in service and sales activities as well as for
In conclusion, the IoT business cases of Cluster 4
inbound/outbound activity in the value chain.
demonstrate the value of IoT as an inventory transport
model to enhance supply chain visibility in time- and
Cluster 4: Intelligent Inventory Transport Model safety-sensitive industries such as logistics, apparel
Cluster 4 is the Intelligent Inventory Transport Model, and defense. In addition, these industries utilize sen-
which is for the transportation of ordered items by sors to more intelligently manage transportation in the
RFID and sensors between supply chain members supply chain.
980 Information Development 32(4)

Cluster 5: Sensor-based Multiple Service Model prevent the infection of doctors and nurses by check-
Lastly, the business cases of Cluster 5 create value ing their entrance to clean rooms with RFID attached
through various sensors such as temperature sensors wristbands (e.g. Swedberg, 2012b), and the Multiple
and sound sensors for multiple service areas. This Operation Management Model to manage costly med-
cluster comprises 104 IoT business cases, as shown ical equipment through RTLS (e.g. Swedberg,
in Table 3. The notable characteristic of this cluster 2012c). In addition, the Intelligent Inventory Trans-
is the use of sensing data (31, 30%). Looking at the port Model can be used to deliver sensitive medical
business context where values are created, environ- materials like blood and the Sensor-based Multiple
mental management (26, 25%) and inventory man- Service Model to control the flow of patients and
agement (22, 21%) are the major service domains of improve the safety of doctors and nurses with
the IoT in this cluster. sensor-embedded medical devices (e.g. Swedberg,
The sensor system is mostly adopted in public 2008c, 2008e; Friedlos, 2010). More innovative
institutions of the government (20, 19%) for public sensor-based service models will soon appear in the
services. For instance, the Nassau County Police healthcare industry, considering the new develop-
Department in Long Island, New York, uses an audio ments in bio-sensor chips. Similarly, pharmaceutical
sensor-based system to identify and locate gunfire firms can use the Intelligent Inventory Transport
(Swedberg, 2008d). The American space agency uses Model to check the temperature of their medicine
an RFID solution with built-in sensors to detect vibra- storage containers and to verify the authenticity of
tions and protect against potential damage (Swedberg, drugs using RFID (e.g. Wessel, 2010b).
2011d). The healthcare industry (19, 18%) also uti- Secondly, the leisure/sports, airport/harbour, edu-
lizes sensor systems to manage medical inventories. cation, and finance industries can apply IoT as the
For instance, a Belgian hospital monitors patients’ ID-based Service Model to their customer service
blood temperature using temperature sensors to pre- areas. They can provide differentiated services such
vent temperature-sensitive items from being dam- as auto ticketing and NFC-based payment. Especially,
aged (Swedberg, 2008e). The agriculture industry the ID and SNS combined model like the ski resort
(11, 11%) applies wireless sensor systems to effec- service in America will bridge the gap between off-
tively monitor livestock, crop or farm conditions line and online customer service and build customer
and to secure food safety for customer service loyalty (e.g. Curry, 2010; O’Connor, 2010a).
(Swedberg, 2009c). Thirdly, the consumer goods, distribution and
In summary, in Cluster 5, the value of IoT technol- apparel industries have adopted RFID for their
ogies is configured by gathering internal and external inventory management and transportation manage-
information on the state of objects through various ment in inbound/outbound activities. In addition,
kinds of sensors and applying the information to mul- their value configurations appear as the Service-
tiple services. Even though the Sensor-based Multiple combined Inventory Management Model, which pro-
Service Model is not yet adopted in some industries, vides differentiated information services such as
government institutions, hospitals and agrifood com- product promotion service and NFC-based payment ser-
panies are interested in this type of value configura- vices (e.g. Wessel, 2010a). The Service-combined
tion model and they will lead the diffusion of this Inventory Management Model can increase the value
model. of RFID used for inventory management of inbound/
outbound activities by utilizing it again for service
and sales activities. Firms that are sceptical about
Propositions for IoT utilization adopting RFID due to high tag costs should reconsi-
This study puts forward propositions about IoT utili- der the value of the technology by extending the scope
zation in each industry based on the descriptive anal- of RFID adoption from only inbound/outbound activ-
ysis of each cluster. ities to service and sales activities. Meanwhile, third
Firstly, the healthcare industry has utilized various party logistics companies have used the Intelligent
value configurations, such as the ID-based Service Inventory Transport Model to track their trucks’
Model, the Multiple Operation Management Model, delivery routes by RFID and GPS. They can also
the Intelligent Inventory Transport Model and the apply real-time monitoring systems to containers for
Sensor-based Multiple Service Model. For instance, perishable foods by using temperature sensors (e.g.
hospitals can apply the ID-based Service Model to Swedberg, 2009b).
Hwang et al: Understanding Internet of Things (IoT) diffusion 981

Fourthly, the utility, construction, and agriculture/ Conclusions

mining industry has used IoT technologies in the Mul- In order to understand the uses and diffusion trends of
tiple Operation Management Model. Because these the IoT, this study investigated the value configura-
industries use costly working tools and manage hazar- tion of IoT technologies such as RFID and sensors,
dous facilities in wide working areas, they need to focusing on the utilization of the technology attributes
adopt RFID and WSN systems in order to monitor of IoT in various business contexts.
their equipment and facilities and identify the location In terms of practical implications of this study, the
of employees for their safety (e.g. Swedberg, 2010, value configuration analysis of the IoT business cases
2011a). In addition, customers’ concerns about food will reduce the anxiety and hesitation of potential
safety have become a critical issue faced by the agri- adopters through better understanding of, and finding
culture industry. IoT technologies can be an important answers to, essential questions regarding IoT adop-
solution for this issue. Using the Sensor-based Multi- tion, such as where and how IoT technologies can
ple Service Model to monitor livestock, crop, and be utilized within their business processes, what ben-
farm conditions, the Intelligent Inventory Transport efits they can enjoy through adopting IoT technolo-
Model to prevent perishable items through tempera- gies, and which technology attributes of IoT they
ture or humidity sensing, and the Service-combined should carefully consider to develop a differentiated
Inventory Management Model to track and provide business model. For system providers of IoT technol-
information about the history of foods for customers, ogies, the five value configuration models will pro-
agricultural firms can help customers assure the qual- vide marketing guidelines for various industries.
ity and safety of the foods they purchase (e.g. Swed- In terms of theoretical implications, the value con-
berg, 2008b, 2009c, 2011c). figuration approach will broaden the theoretical
The electronics, aerospace, automobile and defense understanding of technology diffusion. At the micro
industries mainly use the Multiple Operation Manage- level of technology diffusion research, the value con-
ment Model to deal with assets such as facilities and figuration approach helps to comprehend the technol-
equipment. In the electronics industry, RFID is being ogy attributes and major application fields of new
used to monitor a complicated production process by technology in a business case rather than the determi-
automatically reading the information on the tags nistic factors of technology adoption. At the macro
attached to input items and reacting to the material level of technology diffusion research, the value con-
requirement plan (e.g. Swedberg, 2011b). Some auto- figuration framework presents a more elaborate frame
mobile companies have applied IoT technologies for to understand diffusion trends of new technology
customer service in ID-based service models. If these through an analysis of the combinations of the attri-
industries broaden their perspectives concerning the butes of various technologies in multiple business
potential of IoT, IoT technologies can create value contexts, whereas other macro level studies use a
in both their production areas and customer service quantitative model like the Bass model to forecast
areas (e.g. O’Connor, 2010b; Swedberg, 2012a). In technology diffusion or analyse patents to present a
the defense industry, armed forces are also using the technology roadmap.
Multiple Operation Management Model of IoT to In this study, there are some limitations in the data
manage major military equipment as well as the Intel- collection process and scope of research in terms of
ligent Inventory Transport Model to transport military the technology attributes of the IoT. The 762 IoT
supplies (e.g. Bacheldor, 2009). business cases were collected from a single journal
Finally, government has made progress in the for data reliability. This allowed us to deal with
value configuration of IoT by using the Sensor- coherent business cases from various industries for
based Multiple Service Model. Public institutions a period of 5 years. However, for research validity,
in government can apply various sensor models to more business cases from other journals should be
nationwide natural environmental management by considered in further studies. In addition, given the
using temperature or humidity sensors, public facility beginning stage of IoT, this study concentrated pri-
maintenance by using temperature or motion sensors marily on the diffusion of RFID and sensor technol-
which detect fires and trespassers, and emergency res- ogies, which are pivotal technologies of the IoT era.
cue systems by using sound sensors for crashing In further studies, based on the technological
sounds, gunfire or explosions (e.g. Swedberg, 2008d, advancement of IoT, new business cases of IoT
2011d; Sullivan, 2010).
982 Information Development 32(4)

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Things. In: 3rd International Conference on Advanced
Yoon-Min Hwang is a researcher in Auto-ID Lab Korea at
Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE), 2010
(5), Chengdu, China, 20-22 August 2010, pp. V5–376- the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
V5–380. New York, IEEE. (KAIST), Daejeon, Republic of Korea. He earned a BA
Thiesse F, Staake T, Schmitt P and Fleisch E (2011) The from Department of Management and Economics at the
rise of the ‘‘next-generation bar code’’: an international Han-Dong Global University, an MS in the Department
RFID adoption study. Supply Chain Management: An of Management Science at the KAIST, and a PhD in the
International Journal 16(5): 328–345. Department of Business and Technology Management at
Vargo SL, Maglio PP and Akaka MA (2008) On value and the KAIST, Republic of Korea. He worked as a visiting
value co-creation: A service systems and service logic scholar in 2007 at Auto-ID Lab at the University of
Hwang et al: Understanding Internet of Things (IoT) diffusion 985

Cambridge, UK. His research interests include industrial countries. Contact: N22, Rm 406, Department of Busi-
innovation by internet of things (IoT) technologies and ness and Technology Management, KAIST, 291
big data, ICT strategy for national development, and sup- Daehak-ro (373-1 Guseong-dong), Yuseong-gu, Daejeon
ply chain management. He has published articles in many 305-701, Republic of Korea, Tel: þ82-42-350-6337,
journals, including International Journal of Information Fax: þ82-42-350-6339, E-mail:
Management, Information Development, Journal of Tech-
nology Management & Innovation, International Journal Jae-Jeung Rho is currently the director of Global Informa-
of Innovative Computing, Information and Control. Con- tion &Telecommunication Technology Program and an
tact: N22, Rm 402, Department of Business and Technol- Associate Professor of Business and Technology Manage-
ogy Management, KAIST, 291 Daehak-ro (373-1 ment at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Tech-
Guseong-dong), Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-701, Republic nology (KAIST), Daejeon, Republic of Korea. He obtained
of Korea, Tel: þ82-42-350-6391, Fax: þ82-42-350-6339, his BS in mechanical engineering from Seoul National Uni-
E-mail: versity (SNU) and an MS from Texas A&M University,
United States and PhD in industrial engineering from Uni-
Moon Gyu Kim is a researcher of Auto-ID Lab Korea versity of Houston, United States. He is also the director of
and a PhD candidate in Business and Technology Man- Business Division in Auto-ID Lab KAIST. His teaching
agement at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and and research interests include supply chain management,
Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Republic of Korea. He application of RFID/USN, EPC sensor network and appli-
earned a BA from Department of Business Administra- cations of mobile technology in developing countries. Con-
tion, School of Business, Ajou University, Republic of tact: N22, Department of Business and Technology
Korea. His research interests include strategies of supply Management, KAIST, 291 Daehak-ro (373-1 Guseong-
chain management, business collaboration, business dong), Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-701, Republic of Korea,
relationship, innovation with technologies such as Tel: þ82-42-350-6844, Fax: þ82-42-350-6339, E-mail:
RFID/USN, and ICT development for developing

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