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MODERN RAILWAY TRACK Second Edition Coenraad Esveld Professor of Railway Engineering Delft University of Technology 201 MRT Preduetons a TUDelft : Delt University of Tecnology | ‘Major contributions to this Secon Eston were made by the fallowina persons: Nosber Frank, Voost Alpine Schinen Stanislav Jovanovi, TU Dat ‘anton Kok, TU Delt ‘Amy de Man, TU Delt 1 Valeri Marine, T Debt Rainer Oswald, VE Peter Scheepmaker, TU Delt ding: Dior Zwartnood-van Nieuwenhuizon {layout Jan van t Zand, TU Dele Drawings: TU Delt Rainer Wenty,Plasser & Thouter Production: Koninijke van de Garde BV Gerard van der Wert, TU Det ane Arcads Jan van tZand, TU Delt SBN 90-000524-5:3 SISO 696.3 UDC 625.1 ‘Asjon Zootoman, TU Delt {© Copyright 2001 C. Esveld This work is subject to copyright. Allright are reserved, wher the whole or pat of the materials ‘concerned special the right of translation, reprinting, reuse of lustations,reclabons, roadcas- Jan Zwartnoed, TU Dei and Volker Stevin Rall & Trac tings, reproduction on microfim arin ether ways, and storage in data banks. Duplication ofthis pube- ‘calon or parts threats only pertted under the Out Copyright Law, “This book can be ordered from: MRI-Productons . P.O. Box 331 -NL-S300 AM Zafoammel. The Netherands “el: #31 418 516969, Fax: #31 416 516972 , Ema: Internet weve corn Modem Raitway Tack ‘Seoond Eaton Tomy grandchiiren Thomas ‘Maud Fioke and Douwe Publication of this book has beon made posible thanks tothe sponsoring ofthe following companies: Main Sponsors, Delt University of Tectnoogy The Netnenanas BAM NEAT Rai by, The Nethorands Gorman Track Systems Projitgesellschaf mbH, Germany Sponsors. Piaseer & Tourer, Austla \ossion Rall Fastening Systoms, Germany Advertisers Elekto-Thermit, Germany ‘Speno ntenatons, Swizerand Front Cover Sponsor Vossich Ral Fastening Systeme, Germany Spine Sponsor Pando, Englane Acknowledgement ‘With the preparation of his Second Ealion many experts have assisted to provide and check existing ‘ater and to write adional sections. In the frst place | wouls tke to thank my staff ofthe ralay tainsering group of Dat Univrsyof Technology: Jan van t Zané, Petr Scheepmaker, Gerard van ‘der Wert Anion Kok, Valeri Marine, van Shevisov, Pada Joksimovi andthe secretates Jacqueline Bernhoom and Sonja van dan fos am most indebted lo my Ph.D. students: Akko Suiker, Amy de Man, jan Zootoman, Sofen Rasmussen, Slanslay Jovanovic and Jan Zwarthoed fr thir inalua- Die leas, suggestions and coniibulons. Those whe have crafted significant paris have been men. {tonod explcly nts uated ut Ue Lach, ron TU Osi would keto menton in perutor Jan van and whe made the enti layout ofthe book in Framemaker | woul also keto express my gratitude o my colleagues of tho management eam ofthe Section for Road and Rallvay Enginearing atthe Civl Engineering Deparment of TU Dall: André Nolenaar, Peter Sehoopmaker, Lambert Houben, Marin van der Ven an Abdol Mad fer tor Support n pro- ‘ducing tis Secand Eaton For the high-speed section | would ike ta hank the Korean High Speed Rail Corporation for contibux {ing Information of he high-s9a0d project Between Seoul and Pusan. In tis respect | woul also ke to fefer to the many intresting discussions in the Specal Intemational Tack Advisory Committee (SiTAC), comprised of Or. Kee-Dang Kang, Or. Yoshinko Sato, Me. Serge Montagne, Prof, Kis Riessbargor Nr Gerhard Kase: and mysef with te acve assistance of Me. Ame Svensoy, Mr Ber told Pieter and Me Kin Son. Valuable intrmation was received from my Japenese colleagues Dr. Yoshiko Sato from the Railay ‘Track System Insite, Or Kalsutoahi Ando and Mr. Norsugu Abe fom the Railway Tochnical Research Instute (RTI) ana Wr. Tetsunisa Kobayashi from the Japan Raiway Construction Public Corporation {JRCPC) fr which | would ike to express my grade | very much appreciate the iaect contbutons by the comparivs and members participating inthe Coordinating Commitee for Raiway Engineering of te Informaton and Technology Cente fr Trans- por and inasiuctre (CROW) in Tae Nethernds, | also owe much grace to Mr. Rainer Wenty fom Plasser and Theuer for evsing the track masntonance and renewal, and providing information on various cher relaod subjects, on on | han appreciated the input on stone bowing fom Mr, Peter McMichael of Raltrack and Mr. David HirSmit of AMEC Rall “The sacton on rail rinding was checked by Me. Woligang Sctdch for which | would ke to express my hanks. Far the section on rails | 2m very grate forthe contribution of Br. Norbert Frank from Voest Alpine Sehlenen, wha revised large parts ofthe orginal tex | vary much appreciated the assistance of Mr. Paul Gedat of NMBS/SNCE for proving the informa- tin onthe work of CEN ané UIC conceming ew ral standards. | would ke lo express my grade to Mr, Hugo Goossens of TUC Rall fr the many interesting ds- ‘cussions on track mamtonanee, | owe much gratitude te Mr Rainer Oswald rom VAE, for his suggestions on revising the section on ‘itches and crossings | would ke to thank De Frank Kusters of Eletro-Thermit for checking the section on ET welding, “Thanks to Dpl-ng. Hane Bachmann, Dipl-ng. Jens Kleaberg and Dip-tng. (FH) Marin Kowaisk of Pegerer I was able to incorporate the latest information of the Rheda system inte chapter on slab ‘eo0k Furthermore essential information on track components were provided by the suppers, fr which ‘woul: ke fo thank in parelar Mr. Geren van der Houwan of Elion, Mr. Dirk Vorderbrick from \Vossioh, tir Chis Eekebus fiom Phoenix Benelux, Me Davis Rhodes from Pangral. Mr. Parc (Carls of COM and Mr. Cla Unbehaun of Cronay, fexpcese my thanks in paricularo Me Anton Weel and Mr Han Wendt of Eurafscout Mr. Jaap Ros {nd Kr Erwin Ging of TNO-TPD, Mr. Aad van dor Linden and Ne. Jan van der Schee fom Koni like BAM NBM, Me Wi co Wita rom Eramann Sofwaragevelschan. Mr. Kevin Keser of Enso, Irs, Danate Marusicovd of Gzech Rallvays (CD), Pref, Wilem Ebersohn of Amack Me. Charis Penny of Balfour Beaty, Mr. Paolo Rec of §., Sstomi Energetic integral and hc. Ted Slump of NS Ral Ifrabeheee nay would le to thank Dior van Nieuweninulzen for her magifcent work to check and correct the English ax | would tke to conctude with expressing the hope tha this Second Edtion wil once again prove tobe ‘a useful contibutton tothe trang of students and alway engineers. Ccoenraad Esveld PREFACE, ‘Afr the success of Modem Railay Track this Second Ealton tan extension and complete revision ‘ofthe orginal book, in which the developments ofthe last fon years have boon incovporated. The esearch projets catiad out at he Ralway Engineering Group of Delt Univrst of Techrology have played a cental role. The theory of alway tack and vehicle track interact has been substantially [Enhanced and much more attention has been qiven to dynamics, Undoubtedty one of he mastic {antextensione wae the parton sla rack structures, Buta rack management syetome have Ove) gwen mulch more atenton. Nurnercal optimization and testing, as wel as acceptance are new chap- fore ‘When revising the lature nots forthe ralway course athe Cuil Engineering Department of TU Det in the perod 1994 - 2000 the fist eaiion of this book was taken a8 a slang point. The frst edn and the TU Do lecture notes, ogether with various publications and research reports, mainly ofthe Faliway engineering group of TU Dal, were than forming the base forte second wsiton, “The staff of he ralivay enginearing group a TU Delt has mae a great contbuton tothe campos thn an revision ofthe varoue chapters, Algo the industry provided some Important contibutens, specifically on the chapters dealing wih ral manufacturing, wack components, maintenance and resewa,3¢ well as inspection systems, ‘The fist seven chapters are dealing wth the basic theory f the whee! ral interface an tack design. Inthe design atienton f gven to both slate and aynamie aspects, whereby & number of examples Is ‘von of res obtained fom computer modes Ike RAlL, GEOTRACK ang ANSYS. In the par on Stablty and longtusina forces tha CWERRI program fs extensively discussed, ‘The discussion of rack structures has been spl up ino chapter on balased track and one on slab track. Tho fist one is deaing with tbe conventional stucturs and modem ballsted. designs, whereas the slab track chapler focuses on developments of the last decades. Both continuous sabs land prefabveatad solitons are ddresaad in combination wth ecrealy supported and continuously ‘suppnries ras. ‘Te chaptor on als nas boon brought othe stato of th art, with ntrecucing the now EN standards ‘and discussing the latest inspection systems, Also the latest information on bain al stels has boon incrporat, Foe sults and crossings high-speed tunouts are dscussed, together wih the geometical design enter, and also modern nepecton systems for controling swich maintenance. In ratway engineering practice rack maintenance and renewal forme a key facto. The lates rack maintenance methods snd the associated machines are presented, being @ major extension com ared tthe fet elon otis book. The parton rack deterioration has now been moorporated inthis chapter Optimization was ane of the sues vory much underestimated in allay engineering. Such tech riques are not only apaiceble lo companenis and stucures, bul also to decision suppor systems and resource optmzaton. A separate chaplor has boon add called rurmerial optimization with ho ‘ain emphaei on sruetural components, From the outset railvay engineering has always had a strong component in experimental work Therefore @ new section has been added on testing ané acceptance, in which also the Issue of accoptanescritria fr new railway components is adcressed “The chapter on nose and rations describing the fundamentals and has been taken over Kom the fast eatin wth only afew moaiications.

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