Psycological Well Being Scale

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Consumable Booklet of cnronSTSNE nam PWBS-spce Dr. Devendra Singh Sisodia (Udaipur) Ms. Pooja Choudhary (Udaipur) (English Version) Fill in the following Informations— Name. ] ciass Education. Religion, Profession. Sex : Male [_] Femate[__] INSTRUCTIONS Read each statement carefuly and tick J any one option you find most appropriate. No answer is right or wrong. Don't spend too much of time on any statement. Answer all the statements. The information would be kept confidential and will be used for the research purpose only. SCORING TABLE Raw Score Total Score W_Lv 10. 1". 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 47. 18. Area IL I think | have a particular meaning and purpose of my life. have happy memories of the past. lam very much satisfied about everything in my life. In general, | feel | am incharge.of the situation in which live. Inmost ways my life is close to my ideal. The conditions of my life are excellent. So far, | have the important things |want inlife. If could live my life over, would change almost nothing Inmany ways, feel contended about my achievements in life. am living the kind of life | wanted to. Area II I find easy to make decisions. In my dally life | get chance to show how capable | am. feel positive and creative. ind | can think quite clearly, 1 am quite good at managing responsibilities of my daily life. For me, life has been a continuous process of earning, changing and crowth. I feel that | am capable of working hard I feel eager to tackle my daily task o: make new decisions o0o0 00000 00 oo 0 00000 00 oOo ogo oo000 00 oOo og oo0o00 00 Oo ogo ooo000 00 oO oo 0 oon00 oogqo0000000 W 2 g a $ 8 3 2 8 8 ooo o oo00 Bes abe ese Ooo 0 ofF00 Ooo 0 ooo0 0 00 0 0000 19. 20. 24. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. a7. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32, Heel can easily handle or cope with any serious problem | think it is important to have new experiences that challenge how you think about yourself and the world Area III I take immense interest in other people. lalways keep committed and involved. Thave adjusting nature and sense of belongingness. | feel | must do what others expect me to do. People would describe me as a giving person, willing to share my time with others. Ihave good influence on life. Itis always necessary that others aoprove of what Ido. Maintaining close relationships gives pleasure tome, | experience warm and trusting relationships with others. I believe that people are essentialy good and can be trusted. Area IV Iremain energetic, active and vigorous whole day. Thoughtof accident doesn't affect me a (et ee oe ea ET | oo 00 oo Total Score Area ll [__] Hao ooo0a00 Boo oc g888e ooog0am ooad a0 ooo 00 ooagaqm Total Score Area III QO o [ oo oo 00 Oo o Booklet of PWBS-socP | consumab! p. Tensionin Ife doesn'taffectmyheat. 34. Ihave no difficulty in sleeping oO 35. keep myself busy whole day. o 36. Illness doesn't affect mymentalheath. — [] 37, Ifeelrested when wake upinthemoring. 38. Talking or thinking about my illness doesn't make any difference tome. a 39. Usually | don't feel tired, wom out, used up or exhausted a 40. Age related problems are part of life. a OO oO oooog O00 0 ooooo 00 0 ooooo OO oO ooooo Total Score Area IV Area V 41. Personal relationship gives me pleasure 42. enjoy company of other people. 43. L enjoy my personal achievements. 44. | perform useful activities like reading, gardening, etc. in my leisure time. 45. I have no hesitation in talking to anyone. 48. like to do any task at right place and right time. 47. | have good relations with relative end friends. 48. | feel satisfied by doing religious activities 49. | like to watch programs-on TV with everyone. 50. 1am always careful about my manner of dress. : QO O00 0 00 ooo OOo 000 ooo OO 00 00 ooo 000000 co0U O0 800000 ooo 0 O08 00000 ooo o o Total Score Area V 00 0 O0000W o©@ c=]

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