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This file contains the data that I have collected doing the

Experiment (Inclined Plane)

What I did:
In the physics lab I have experimented the motion of the cart rolling down the
track manually and using the GLX data logger. I have done 4 trials at different
position or height of the inclined plane. The first trial was at height of 5.5cm
then at 8.0cm then, 10.5cm and 13cm. Please see the tables below:

Table 1: manually (using the stopwatch)

Position Time (t)
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4
5.5cm 3.97 4.16 4.30 4.16

8cm 3.13 3.60 3.32 3.38

10.5cm 2.88 3.30 2.83 2.85

13cm 2.45 2.41 2.56 2.57

Tables : Using GLX Data collector

5.5 cm
Trial Velocity in gate (m/s) Time in Gate (s)

1 0.22 0.112697

2 0.22 0.113018
3 0.22 0.115108
4 0.22 0.113113

8.0 cm
Trial Velocity in gate (m/s) Time in Gate (s)

1 0.27 0.093834

2 0.27 0.093712
3 0.27 0.093613
4 0.27 0.091507
10.5 cm
Trial Velocity in gate (m/s) Time in Gate (s)

1 0.32 0.078568

2 0.31 0.079714
3 0.31 0.079443
4 0.31 0.079567

13.0 cm
Trial Velocity in gate (m/s) Time in Gate (s)

1 0.35 0.071602

2 0.35 0.070827
3 0.35 0.071777
4 0.36 0.070107
What you should do:

- Write the aim and introduction of this experiment.

- Write a background of this experiment.
- Measure the distance travelled by the cart.
- Using the results provided, create a graph of position (x) versus
time (t). Also, create a graph of position (x) versus time squared
(t2). Find a line of best fit for the straight line portions of your
graphs. Determinbe the acceleration, a.
- In your table determine the change in position (Δx) for each data
- Graph Δx/Δt versus time.
- Find a line of best fit for the straight line portions of your graph.
Determine the acceleration a.
- Answer all the analysis questions.
- Write a conclusion 3-4 sentences. (What does it all mean?)

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