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FEB 14, 2011 ‘Thanks to a lopsided sex ratio up here, most of us will be spending Valentine's Day killing mosquitoes! This issue is dedicated to all those lonely souls and lovers of beauty- in its myriad forms. Lazy Heartz is a group of anonymous students (known to all!) who have reunited to bring you this Valentine's Day ‘Special. This issue is not affiliated to any institution or organisation. If you find the contents offending, kindly pass this edition to someone who doesn't and well...Get A Life! Please send your comments, suggestions and feedback to sania cupid * ds 7 Mal beh sing single every Valentine's? Want to score a date with a Zuy without leading him on? id guys-Admit it. You are curious) SSOLUTELY need a boyfriend! Zero in on that somebody who is going to appreciate having ing mess of dependency dumped in his lap. Le Get : Play very hard to get. When he asks you out, tell him you are busy every Saturday for You don't want to seem too available. Ny fix a date, realise you are under scrutiny. Pay strict attention to how you sit, speak, blink. f-conscious, tense, agitated, and fizzing with nervous energy. It is deeply attractive. ind him, act sweeter and more naive. Who could possibly like an authentic, confident, independent S it you truly are? 5. On a date, tell him everything about you, every thought you have and every ‘bad’ thing that's ever happened to you. First dates are all about getting to know each other, Deeply. 6. DO NOT pay him compliments. That's his job. Hold on to compliments and praise like they are 10008 bills. 7After the date never call to tell him how much fun you had. Hang around by the phone all day with 'tget the very obvious sarcasm, please, ladies - STOP TRYING [PRESSI!! Stop irying to impose your own order and method on the % and devote all that energy towards the best part of dating: having a INUINELY great time! Don't always wait for him to make the first move. If there is fa guy you've always fancied, go on.. Ask him out. Hoping this Valentine ’s Day is LEGENDARY! PS: Ifyou follow the list and still manage to get a guy, what should I say, youll deserve that Tr the Tall, far bespectacled guy the only) substantive grey matter I possess. heart every day in the cafeteria, when you buy your deadly combo joints, be it cafeteria, LC or HG. But whats rare is your jand Blue could look so awesome on a tough guy too.. itt a halt to all my jabbering about you and shake myself ‘but not mine. Tam going to miss you -Pink shoes rs T used to find this girl drab in my first year but now I find her really attractive.¥ Has | she) undergone }a beauty makeover or my standards have dropped? - Dude1432 Love_stud: Of course, there's a slim possibility that she has evolved into a better person and hence you have the hots for her! Or maybe your desperation is clouding your judgement. Go to a cult fest in some metro city and try to revive your taste. Regarding the beauty quo- tient, a famous convener once told me, “Think of girls as a long term invest- ment: Coz’ braces in first year give way to lipstick in 3rd Love_sick: It’s a fact that true loye fol- lows the ideologyjof Gradualism and Beauty is skin deep and to deny it is foolish. U realized that she is attractive now implies u even noticed her when she was not, so she was.alWays'there in your thoughts may be subconsciously. So, Happy Realization!!! Don’t let her go. Iam going to propose to a girl, who is surely going to reject me. But I'm confused, what do I say when she says “I'm sorry I don’t think of you that way. Let's just be friends.” Love_stud: Put?on/a\ brave {smiling face, but make sure she knows you're hurt! You could say something senti on the | lines | of: y*Yours friendship §really means a lot to me. I'll wait for you, I'll always be there for you!” Or if you want to salvage your ego, just shout, "Fooled you!!! Hahahaha!” Love_sick: Look if you truly and actu- ally love her then you will be happy only when she is happy because Love in true sense is all about selflessness and care. Its all about giving without receiving. Love is painful my friend and you have to learn to accept it. Is there any way of rejecting guys po- litely? nociif -Angel. Love_stud: Don’t slap, don’t shout, don’t laugh. Enough said. And when he says, “I love you", don’t reply with a "Thank You"! Love_sick: Tell him, "you are perfect and the girl who will cum in your life will be the luckiest. Its just that I don’t feel the same for you and U deserve to be with a person who feels the same for you. No one gave me any roses today... what's wrong with me???? -Miss Congeniality Love_stud? I suggest you put your ques- tion up as your FB status, this will signal your availability and roses will pour in. OF course, you could always ask your gar- dener toget you some! Lovesick: Everything is wrong with you coz the “concept of love” isinot materiali tic and is not defined by days!!! Any ordi- nary day can be special and maybe some- one is waiting toyturn one of yours a memorable-one) T have a crush on this girl who's my senior. I am popular, muscular and even own a bike! She’s just come out of a break-up. what are my chances? Love_stu ricky, situation,” if she’s a metro. girl,@she §probably » won't | mind dating a junior. If she’s orthodox, she'll just enjoy qthe fattention," cry on your shoulder during her,vulnerable phase. and finally tie you a rakhi! Love_sick: Love knows no boundaries and nothing can stop it. Believe me, even time is rendered helpless in its case!!! And age for sure is not an issue. So believe in yourself, Cheers! MiPsii ae e I'll write a happy poem tonight. Without You Nothing will burden my pen in its flight The world has moved a thousand miles ea ree NEae but | am where you left my hand __ Nojoy atstake. The play has gone far from my breath None of destiny’s cruel games; I stand here broken and bruised. pee ie rome ‘ ‘Spare me for now the pitfalls in love, There was a time when you were mine areola peer Your blue eyes were my wandering sky Think not ofthe last kiss I thought I could tell- heaven from hell ‘And the longing to relive it The strange smile on your face Your eyes filled with grace Let me speak instead of the sparkle in her eyes, ‘We were two lost souls Even if it be for the tears | caused to fall Floating inva fish pool Will recall every single happy moment- ‘Throligh these'three precious Years So what if they leave tears in their wake Sea eae So... many stay out ofthe fray, Pe aes nde Or just choose to look away For mBy cup ofcake and.cherries AP | vciy are those: but blessed are they. ;om Prasoon Tiwari. ‘Those wiho loved, lost and stil survive With feelings that time couldn't erase, Nor poems revive Oh she hums a different song now ‘A melody far better than mine Maybe a poem someday about the symphony That's his now but could have been mine. at Gl BH TST AEH eS But as fong as she’s happy, cers foe afers Aer Gaerne gat arn a om ome ete | wil weep at @ wri afte site oneft a4 811 oa fearrft 4 A eel fern aye aim Gea at are ore gar 7 ary foot fact & wy a gaa Ef TT GTA aI aed 4 Oe, a oa aye Teutway gah at aha a oh tata e . TEAS GRret, Gia Fame 4. DIVERGING PATHS Weete @ arert wer Aer E11 -AeRTT © Xe Thunderbolt..... I brushed by your side and I turned to apologize, and a thunderbolt struck my eyes, as I stood mesmerized, unable to move, unable to speak and think as I drank in the beauty before my Dear crazy ball, Thave never told you that I have found myself looking for you in the class desperately... Until I get a glimpse of you and then nothing else matters, all look at is the boring black- board, all I hear is your chit chat with your fea friends right behind me. I may tell you that you talk a lot but I have never mentioned my disap- point ment when there is no message or call from you for an hour of tWo. = Imay get angry a fr It sounds over-dramatic but it's easily one of the most cherished memories of my college days. Little flutters come and go, but as I closed my eyes that night, fitfully 1 bast dreaming about your beautiful sce a little draft, dancing when it comes to n't nshythm with the perfect smile framing your am such a lazy ous face. Nightafter.night I dreamt, moment again, the moment ne as I was hypnotized, our twinkling eyes. d much about the ay dreams. New Year crossed paths for [stood there, sneaking the song on the radio right nd dooba rehta hoon yaadon me keep looking for you and Thave been conceali for such a fong te: assum Bollywood fantasy and just Pestana " a6 ald you close, hug you and self and believe that love, Valefitine and Shah- Gove rukh Khan's dry maple leaves re for real?" But then why de Teh eee Ne whe am just probably another on a long lst of di’t want ta do in the freplaced admirers. And Iam not a successful 20-some- -n.Why does my pea sized head think so much... LU erage ae eal Dal ate I wish I could understand what's wrong good-looking to go for; and you stand- probably with me or ask you to give an explanation for the most intelligent diva in the world. But some- the same. If oniy I could tell you!!! day I shall pray -for a remote chance with you, for From, maybe the beauty by my side. -Dr. Watson ~Bharat Pure Veg Family Restaurant Opp. Neelkanth Electronics, First Floor, Chetmani Crossing Bhelpur, Varanasi eS Ph: 0542 - 3246634 1. Valid till 28 Feb’ 2. Present this coupon before placing order a, Fy 3. Maximum discount not to exceed Rs.500/- yy ‘habits 4, Not valid on Saturday & Sunday

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