Benham Rise - 20160513 - 0001

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ra hicnation

Benham Rise: Recalling

the dangers of methane
tn orepoft, EnvironneDt Chiel Ron@ Poje said Aenham Rise is a ti.h
reposito.y of nethane gas. ApporeDtly, the Deportment ol Envit@nent
on.l Noturol Resources (DENR) 2012 budget proposol to the Senoae Finance
Cmmittee of P16.99 bittion ||ds put together perhops with the hope ol
exploting the arco for methone.

Imagine 13 million heclaies oi

ud€$ea ar€a ro be Eranied by
dtUnitedNations sosays the
neNS to the Philiplines.ome
nexty..i. Thaf s roughly aLrout
L\e size oI lortugal, or in envi
ronmental tcrmt th. amount
of ElobaL deforesied l.ndonan
miual basis. But that's gctun8


e The United States
" Envi.onmental
Prote.t'on A4ency said
hlerp idhidtorudd{l !l uL I
!l'at meLhdne ir more
abundant in the Earth,s
r atmosphere now than at
any hme during the pari
i 4oo,ooo vears.

'h gobsicuP[(qrhg,ol!u[Bnox

qr relk6 6ns6.{Pa iJIh\! no*)

I soin (h.8ndur,{disxB!
ra hicnatiorr
hPb!) i D4 0rc., ,@,b) ole thq Pa

"rttn$!{l n{ w!ry!L6r!nrN

qad. sdtur ooFqDd (€nnry b{i

iic .H3 s .H3) r iddld b si! @3

B@ Iaj. dd rhr tu s* is a dd

tulNQs lDNR)tutrhdsiP!@srd

The DENR must r! !s Pu' b rr8N d P(Edc q.

its propolal to explore

methane gas. The risks

in exploratory works
should be taken up in ltiPsh@8Ii!trflNlhsDoE64
the discussions before

rd d rtu8h { s&e lin bLlr "

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