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1. In President Quezon's time, the country had the Philippine Commonwealth.

What is TRUE about the

Philippine Commonwealth? The Filipinos were:
A. partially independent
B. granted total freedom to course their destiny only on matters of education
C. citizens of the United States
D. fully independent
2. What does "presumption of innocence" mean in so far as human rights is concerned? A suspect:
A. has the right to remain silent
B. remains innocent until proven guilty
C. is considered guilty unless proven otherwise
D. has the right to a legal counsel
3. What development has taken place in our form of government from the pre-Hispanic Philippines to the
I. We have come from a one-man rule to a government of the people, by the people, for
the people.
II. We began with a one-man rule and have ended up with a dictatorial form of
III. We started with a dictatorial form of government that has developed into the present
democratic form.
A. I and III C. II
B. Ill D. I
4. In connection with government transactions involving public interest, which policy is
adopted by the Constitution to assure the public of accountability and transparency?
A. Rural development and agrarian reform
B. Private enterprise and incentives to needed investments
C. Full public disclosure
D. Balanced and healthful ecology
5. With the Batasang Pambansa performing legislative and executive powers in the Marcos regime, which
form of government was implemented?
A. Monarchial C. Presidential
B. Parliamentary D. Dictatorial
6. As a result of EDSA I, the Philippines __________________ .
A. changed its form of government to parliamentary
B. intensified its participation in international affairs
C. saw the impeachment of Joseph Estrada as president
D. became known worldwide for its Peoples' Power Revolution
7. Which is TRUE of the Philippines?
A. It has been colonized by two European colonial powers.
B. There have been attempts to change its government to a parliamentary form.
C. It is the only Christian country in Asia.
D. It has never been united as a nation.
8. Which is TRUE of the historical development of the Philippines?
A. It has been an independent nation.
B. It has not achieved full independence from the very beginning.
C. It has been an independent nation ever since.
D. It has evolved from a colony to a fully independent nation.
9. This year's SONA was focused on education and economy. What is meant by SONA?
A. Speech of the Nation Assembly C. State of the Nation Advocacy
B. Speech of the Nation Address D. State of the Nation Address
10. Which statement is TRUE of the pre-Spanish Filipino government?
A. There was a court created by the datu to hear complaints.
B. The datu exercised all powers of government.
C. Laws were formulated by a law making body elected by the community.
D. Laws were formulated by a law-making body appointed by the datu.
11. With which are the words "Cha-cha" and "con ass" associated?
A. Imposition of martial law
B. Return to dictatorial form of government
C. Amendment of the present constitution
D. Division between Senate and House of Representatives
12. The Comprehensive Agrarian Reform and cooperatives are meant to:
A. to improve on the country's literacy rate
B. to make all citizens equal
C. bridge the gap between the rich and the poor
D. eradicate poverty in the Country
13. How can the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program bring about social equity and economic
prosperity in the country?
I. By distributing the ownership of land to farmers for value charge
II. By transferring the ownership of land to farmers for value
III. By helping the affected landowners to use their land compensation in viable
business activities
IV. By providing support services to farmer-beneficiaries
A. II and III C. II,III and IV
B. III and IV D. I,III and IV
14. When one company controls the supply of sugar, which term applies?
A. Economic stability C. Equilibrium
B. Monopoly D. Inflation
15. When parents decide to send their children to a private school and pay their tuition fee instead of
sending them to the public school, they don't get their share in the benefit derived from the taxes
they pay. This is a case of:
A. social inequity C. social injustice
B. double taxation D. double jeopardy
16. Which does one display when he thinks that what is foreign is best and that what is local is
A. Relativism C. Ethnocentrism
B. Favoritism D. Xenocentrism
17. Upon which is the claim that there is no single universal standard to be used to judge any culture
A. Cultural diversity C. Cultural relativism
B. Culture shock D. Ethical relativism
18. You have to take extra care when you critique the work of a Filipino. Your negative comment may
be mistaken to be an attack against his/her person. Upon which Filipino trait is this advice based?
A. "Bayanihan" spirit C. "Sakop" mentality
B. Extreme personalism D. Adaptability
19. Which of the following was the first to happen?
A. Aguinaldo declared Philippine independence.
B. Guerilla warfare against the US was initiated.
C. The Philippines was ceded to the US by the Treaty of Paris.
D. Aguinaldo was captured.

20. If they were to come back to life, who among the following would be the most vocal to speak against the
country's foreign policy of close association with America?
A. Jose P. Laurel, Elpidio Quirino C. Claro M. Recto, Leon Ma. Guerrero
B. Leon Ma. Guerreror Jr., Jose P. Laurel D. Claro M. Recto, Jose P. Laurel
21. To stimulate the nation's economy and increase employment, past President, Diosdado Macapagal
A. borrowed money from the World Bank
B. standardized the salaries of government employees
C. abolished government repressive controls
D. gave incentives to home cottage industries
22. Based on his work "Sa Aking Mga Kabata", would Rizal favor the use of mother tongue in the early
A. He did not express it clearly. C. No.
B. Yes, but mixed with English. D. Yes.
23. Out of used illustration boards, students came up with cute and functional bags for school children.
Which Filipino trait is exhibited?
A. Adaptibility B. Creativity
C. Family-orientedness D. Pagkabayani
24. On which Filipino trait does Gawad Kalinga build on?
A. Extreme personalism C. Bayanihan spirit
B. Joy and humor D. Adaptability
25. The Filipino's indomitable spirit is shown in his ____________________ .
A. utang-na loob C. self-reliance
B. friendliness D. ability to survive
26. Let's assume that universities will be required to offer education programs at the graduate rather than at
the undergraduate level. Based on this information, how should you respond?
A. Disagree C. Agree
B. Not enough information D. Neutral
27. One reason why the NCEE was abolished was because it was anti-poor. Which explanation logically
supports this reasoning?
A. The NCEE served as a measure to counteract the "diploma mill" mentality of Filipinos.
B. It's good that NCEE was abolished because that would mean only those fit for college would go to
C. Most of those who did not pass the NCEE were graduates of deprived schools.
D. College education liberates the poor from the bondage of poverty.
28. Art-and music are necessary ingredients to a child's education. Which statement/s support/s the idea of
this sentence?
I. Music and art intensify a child's imagination.
II. Music teaches discipline, team work, math and poetry through rhythm.
III. Painting helps a kinesthetic learner express abstract concepts in concrete forms.
A. I only C. I and II
B. I, II and III D. Ill only
29. Rizal said: "There are no tyrants where there are no slaves." Which logically explains this?
I. If the Filipino were treated as slaves by the Spaniards it was because they allowed
themselves to be treated as such.
II. It was equally the fault of the Filipinos why the Spaniards treated them as slaves.
III. The Spaniards were tyrants and so they treated the Filipino as slaves.
A. I C. I and II
B. Ill D. II
30. You are often told: "Poverty is not a hindrance to success." What does this imply?
A. It is other people that hinder people to succeed.
B. What a person becomes in life is a product of his/her own choice.
C. A person is totally conditioned by his/her environment.
D. The "promdi" student does not succeed because of his/her place of origin.
31. What a student can do differs from what he will do. What does this prove?
A. Motivation and ability always to together.
B. Motivation differs from ability.
C. Students of today are hardly motivated.
D. Ability is the opposite of motivation.
32. What does inalienability of rights mean?
I. They cannot be taken away from persons
II. No man has the authority to deny them.
III. They cannot be surrendered.
A. I and III C. II and III
B. I, II and III D. I and II
33. Do all persons possess human dignity?
A. Yes, if they do good C. No, only those who believe in God.
B. No, the beggar does have not it. D. Yes, no exception.
34. A violation of person’s right is a violation of his/her __________.
A. Name C. Intelligence
B. Freedom D. Dignity
35. The right of a beggar to alms is a(an) examples of __________ right.
A. Inalienable C. Imperfect
B. Perfect D. Social
36. Which is violation of the right to life?
A. Contraception C. Direct abortion
B. Miscarriage D. Birth control
37. When a manufactures engages in the production of the pirated CD’s, which other people’s right
does he violate?
A. Right to engage in business C. Right to copyright
B. Right to intellectual property D. Right to lawful income
38. In which of the following is the dignity of every human person rooted?
A. On his/her being educated
B. On his/her being created into GOD’s image and likeness
C. On his/her being productive
D. On his/her being good
39. Which right is inalienable?
A. Right to marry C. Right to property
B. Right to alms D. Right to life
40. Shall a person be detained solely by reason of his political belief?
A. Yes, if he expresses it outwardly in public.
B. No.
C. No, if he expresses it outwardly in publicly.
D. Yes.
41. The right of person is obligations for others. What does this mean?
I. Every person is obliged to uphold the rights of others
II. Every person is obliged to respect the rights of others
III. Every person has rights and obligations.

A. I, II and III C. II and III

B. I and III D. I and II
42. The following goes with the establishment of peace EXCEPT __________.
A. Non-violent conflict resolution C. Conciliation
B. Discrimination D. Solidarity
43. Which is the foundation of genuine peace?
A. Social justice C. end of arm race
B. Peace talks D. Religiosity
44. Which events in the Philippine history prove that the change can come through non-violent
A. The assassination of Benigno Aquino, Sr.
B. Marcos fleeing to Hawaii
C. Impeachment trial of former President Joseph Estrada
D. EDSA I and EDSA II revolution
45. Communion is an essential element in the establishment of a culture of peace. Which does NOT go
with the spirit of communion?
A. Widening the gap among individuals and nations.
B. Transcending national boundaries
C. Overcoming ethnic and cultural divisions.
D. Living peacefully with nature
46. Which illustrates the spirit of non-violence?
A. The act to submit oneself to the will of the powers that be
B. The moves towards a gunless society.
C. The use of strike as a bargaining power.
D. The act to be quiet to preserve peace
47. With the Cold war in mind, which does NOT belong?
A. Dialogue C. Tension
B. Competition D. Conflict
48. From the peace education perspective, which is an effective way of solving a problem?
A. Giving in C. Domination
B. Ignoring D. Dialogue
49. Drug addiction, neurosex, and other psychological illness are indicators of ______.
A. progress in medical science C. fast peace and industrialization
B. inner peacelessness D. rapid modernization in society
50. Which body of United Nation has peace among nations as its major responsibility?
A. Trusteeship Council C. International Court of Justice
B. General Assembly D. Security Council
51. What do we have in common with the beasts?
A. Our intelligence C. Our material body
B. Our manner of survival D. Our freedom
52. “Be honest even if others are not. Be honest even if others cannot.” What does this statement
A. Honesty remains a value even if nobody values it.
B. Honesty does not pay
C. Filipinos seem to value honesty anymore
D. Honesty is a truly a value only if people possesses and live by it.
53. Values that are essential must be preferred over those that are accidental? Which illustrates this?
We prefer __________
A. Money over sense of fulfillment C. Pleasure over money
B. Health over beauty D. Beauty over achievement
54. What is meant by the statement: Values are absolute?
A. changing C. personal
B. subjective D. unchanging
54. To be ethical and moral what is the best thing to do?
A. Reflection on the moral thing to do
B. Discussion on what is good to do
C. Strengthening of the will
D. Conducting seminars on values education
55. Which is the greatest value according to the teaching of Karl Marx?
A. Health C. Elimination of selfish desires
B. Pleasure D. Absolute quality
56. Which value preference is shown if you value health more than beauty? Preference for ______.
A. The essential over the accidental
B. The permanent value over the temporary
C. Value preferred by a greater number of people over that which appeals only to a few
D. Value that gives greater satisfaction over that which provide short-lived pleasures.
57. What is wrong with cheating?
I. It erodes people’s trust in others.
II. It helps the cheater to think creatively of acceptable way of cheating,
III. It leads to more and graver acts of cheating.
A. I and III C. I only
B. I and II D. III only
58. In your school most students come late. You too, go school late and you don’t see anything wrong
in it because everybody is coming to school late anyway. Which is your norm or morality?
A. Fear C. Authority
B. Shame D. Group thinking
59. Which is/are a positive consequence/s of the close family ties among Filipinos?
I. Stability of the family
II. Pattern of dependence
III. Permanence of marriage

A. I and III C. I only

B. II and III D. I, II and III
60. When I claim that Ilocanos are “kuripot” and Visayans are spendthrift, what I am engaged in?
A. Ethnocentrism
B. Character assassination
C. Gossip
D. Stereotyping
61. According to the Law of Demand and Supply, whenever the price of goods in the market goes up, the
quantity of demand will:
A. Remain the same
B. Go down
C. Go up
D. Be unpredictable
62. What period in World History is characterized by the revival of interest in the classical culture of
Greece and Rome?
A. Renaissance
B. Medieval Period
C. Industrial Revolution
D. Scientific Revolution
63. He was the Ruler of England who separated the Church of England from the Church of Rome at the
time of the protestant reformation?
A. Queen Elizabeth I
B. King Edward VI
C. Queen Mary
D. King Henry VI
64. What happens to the purchasing power of peso whenever there is an increase in the inflation rate?
A. It has more power to buy goods than before.
B. It has higher exchange rate against the dollar.
C. It becomes more stable and, thus, reliable in the market.
D. It has less power to buy goods than before.
65. It is the armed movement of the Church against the Muslims with the purpose of recapturing the
Holy Land.
A. Counter Reformation
B. Propaganda Fide
C. Crusade
D. Inquisition

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