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World Cultural


Lesson 1.World Historic Places

What are these ? What comes to your mind?
Can you feel the touch of these?


: able to be felt or perceived by touch

Classify pictures into two categories

Which cultural work is tangible or

Video Tutorial
Listening & Identifying

Hidden while Ss are listening

recorded script

W: Hey, do you know anything about Parthenon?

M: Yes, it’s a Greek temple located on the Acropolis.
W: Hmm. Do you know why it was constructed?
M: As far as I know, it was built to honor the Greek
goddess Athena.
Listening & Identifying

recorded script Hidden while Ss are listening

W: Hey, do you know anything about the Eiffel

Tower ?
M: Yes, it’s a leaning tower located around the
Plaza of Miracles in Paris.
W: Hmm. Do you know why it was constructed?
M: As far as I know, it was built to celebrate the
World Fair in Paris.
Substitution Drill

A Single-Slot Substitution Drill

A: Do you know anything about the Washington Monument?
B: Yes, it was built to honor the first president of the U.S.A.

ex) The Eiffel Tower/celebrate the World Fair in Paris

A: What is the tallest building in the world?

B: As far as I know, it’s the Burj Dubai Building.

ex) largest temple/ Angkor Wat in Cambodia

A: Are we allowed to take photos in the museum?

B: It’s possible, but it’s better not to.

ex) bring pets to the restaurant

have snacks in the library
Watch a recorded video of role play between native
speaker & Korean teacher
Exemplary Dialogue

A: Do you know anything about the Colosseum?

B: Yes, it’s located in Italy, and it was built in 800 A.D.
As far as I know, it’s the biggest ancient stadium in the world.
A: Really? For what reason was it constructed?
B: It is said that it was constructed to host gladiator fights.
A: Wow, how do you know so much about it?
B: Because I’ve written a paper on it for my world history class.
A: Are we allowed to take photos there?
B: Sure, we are.

A: Do you know anything about the Stonehenge?

B: Yes, it’s located in England, and it was constructed in 3100 B.C.
As far as I know, it’s the oldest monument in Europe.
A: Really? For what reason was it constructed?
B: It is said that it was constructed to honor ancestors.
A: Wow, how do you know so much about it?
B: Because I’ve written a paper on it for my world history class.
A: Are we allowed to bring pets there?
B: No, we aren’t..
Exemplary Dialogue

A: Do you know anything about the Terracotta Warriors in

B: Yes, it’s located in Shaanxi, and it was built in 210 B.C.
As far as I know, it’s the oldest terracotta warriors in the
A: Really? For what reason was it constructed?
B: It is said that it was constructed to guard Emperor Qin Shi
A: Wow, how do you know so much about it?
B: Because I’ve written a paper on it for my world history class.
A: Are we allowed to take photos with flash light there?
B: No, we aren’t.

A: Do you know anything about the Leaning tower of Pisa?

B: Yes, it’s located in Italy, and it was constructed in about 1278
A.D. As far as I know, it’s has been successfully stabilized and is
out of danger for at least 300 years.
A: Really? For what reason was it constructed?
B: It is said that it was constructed to have a bell tower around
the Plaza of Miracles.
A: Wow, how do you know so much about it?
B: Because I’ve written a paper on it for my world history class.
A: Are we allowed to bring pets there?
B: Certainly, we are.

Focus on Form
target language: spontaneous or
deliberate use of the passive

John cooked the food last night.

The food was cooked (by John) last night.

But what about this? Can you definitely say who built Rome?

Rome was not built in a day.


A: Do you know anything about the Colosseum?

B: Yes, it’s located in Italy, and it was built in 800 A.D.
As far as I know, it’s the biggest ancient stadium in the
A: Really? For what reason was it constructed?
B: It is said that it was constructed to host gladiator fights.
A: Wow, how do you know so much about it?
B: Because I’ve written a paper on it for my world history
A: Are we allowed to take photos there?
B: Sure, we are.

Q: Transform all the italicized passive sentences into

active equivalents.

Q: What do you think about the active equivalents?

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