Online Interactive Examinator Generator

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Muralla St., Intramuros, Manila
Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program


A Capstone Project Proposal

November 2019
The author expresses his sincere appreciation to several people who contributed in the

completion of this study:

Firstly, to the LORD GOD for providing wisdom and strength and determination especially

in times of confusion and discouragement; To his family for their inspiration, unconditional love

and unwavering support throughout his studies;

To the Vice-Chairperson and Executive Director of the Early Childhood Care and Development

(ECCD) Council, Dr. Teresita G. Inciong for the strong encouragement who pushed him through

and has given him chances and opportunities to broaden his knowledge obtained from different

for a here and abroad;

To the Management of the Lyceum of the Philippines for the very good campus atmosphere

thereby facilitated the fulfillment of this study. Likewise, worthy to mention is Ms. Rochelle

R. Raymundo of the Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program

(ETEEAP) for her generous and very accommodating assistance extended to the researcher;

To his colleagues, friends and to all those who believed in his capabilities;

Lastly, to his children Nikki Rose, Cloude Romwell, Charles Louie and Nicolle Charmaine

for the motivation and the very reason to finish this project;

Extending appreciation to all who directly or indirectly, have lent their hand and shared their

wisdom in this undertaking.

Again, thank you very much.


Chapter 1: Background and Objectives 1

Chapter 2: Conceptual Framework 5

Chapter 3: Research Methodology 28

Chapter 4: Results and Discussion 39

Chapter 5: Summary of Findings, Conclusions

and Recommendations

A. Gannt Chart 65
B. Software Evaluation 66
C. Feasibility Study 67
D. User Manual 68

References 79

Background of the Study

Life today becomes complex that examinations come to play an important role

in one‘s educational career. Exam is the means to express one’s real knowledge

and ability in the written form. Exam teaches us lot of things and gives trainings to

various things like punctuality, writing skills, timing sense, expressing our thoughts

and opinions. Without this, it is very hard to assess the real knowledge of students

as they lose their motivation with their studies.

Examinations create a competitive environment; the desire to get good marks

inspire students to study; for them, being the best one or get good marks in a

particular subject or passing an important exam makes them more enthusiastic in

their study. It is also very important in measuring one‘s knowledge. Exam determines

how well the student understands the course modules. This is also the basis in

determining the intellectual capacity of a person.

As the time passed by, manual processes were replaced by automated

systems. The general pen-paper exam was gradually being replaced by the online

internet based testing systems. This enhanced the old pen-and-paper tradition

during exams and upgrades the manual system of schools. Online Interactive

Examination Generator helps professors, students, school and the community by

making their lives much easier than before. The application promoted a paper-less

society which supported the advocacy of decreasing the use of paper which comes

from cutting trees thereby makes made every exams economically friendly. This

helps the professors and the students to lessen the time, effort and money spent

during examination periods. In addition to this, the professors and students decrease

the anxiety from having wrong remarks because Online Interactive Examination

Generator is free from errors that provides accurate, fast and reliable outcomes.

Objectives of the Study

The general objective of the study was to develop Online Interactive

Examination Generator, an application that will serve as a tool in the examination

of the students and creation of the test by Professors.

It specifically aimed to:

1. Design a mobile and web application that has the following features:

1.1 Displays faster and accurate examination results that will help the

professor determine the students‘ knowledge and capacity in a specific


1.2 Provides item analysis in each examination to determine easy and difficult


1.3 Create a step by step procedure in creating examinations.

1.4 Reports that will show the student results, top ten student rankings, over-
all rankings, passed/failed students thereby helps professors interpret

test results.

1.5 Capable of randomizing questions that provides different set of questions.

This will also be a twist for the students in answering examinations and

prevents them from copying other student‘s answers.

1.6 Provides time limit and giving students no time to cheat or do unnecessary

things than to focus on answering the questions.

1.7 Provides item bank for the professor to choose from for the next semester

and students.

2. Create the application as designed utilizing the following software:

2.1 Eclipse and android developing tools for the creation of android application

used by the students

2.2 Php for the creation of the web application to be used by the professors.

2.3 Mysql that serves as a tool for the formulation of queries used in

manipulation of data, deleting, storing and updating.

2.4 Adobe Photoshop for the images and other visual materials used for the

design in the application.

3. Evaluate the system in terms of functionality, content, availability, reliability,

maintainability, and portability.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

Online Interactive Examination Generator was exclusively for Bulacan

State University which allowed the professors to create an exam desired for their

load/subjects that can run either on the computer web browsers or in tablet‘s

default browsers.

The questions can be randomly sorted to prevent the act of cheating

among students. Questions were in pure text format and contained no image or

sounds Multiple choices, true or false and identification were the available choice

of the professor in creating questions. All question types have instructions that

guided the student in each question type that they are going to answer. Reports

are generated for the student results, top ten student rankings, over-all rankings,

passed/failed students and each created exam that will help the professors in

analyzing the results which can be printed to produce a hard copy of the reports.

An allotted time for the students to answer was given in every examination.

Questions were randomized according to professor‘s settings. After answering

the examination, the student displayed the result of the exam and on the

professor side; the program showed the top score among the students who took

the exam.

Online Interactive Examination Generator needed an internet connection

in order to be functional. Students can also see their scores which will be

displayed in the scoreboard. They can also search the previous examinations

that they have taken to see their scores and also view the list of their exams.

The Administrator maintaines the web and mobile application. It is

responsible for the maintenance of the accounts of the professor and students.

The integrity of the examinations are taken care of the administrator and the

application itself provides an encryption in some private data such as passwords

and correct answers in order to be secured and to lessen the act of cheating.

The proposed system was created to enhance the skills and knowledge of

the researchers and to mold them as a being making it a great accomplishment

for the future researchers in the near future. This opens an opportunity for

new ideas, concepts and information regarding the implementation of Online

Interactive Examination Generator.The system itself provides a faster, accurate

and easy way to formulate questions for the exam


This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies

underlying the framework of the study. It includes the conceptual model of the

study and the operational definition of terms.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Education of any kind is necessary for man to develop socially and

intellectually. According to Ganjapure, schools inside and out of the country are

now engage in computer based system which replaces the paper-pen tests.

Exam reforms are a must for all universities and they had to go online sooner or

later (Ganjapure, 2013). One example is Patna University (PU) that is likely to go

hi-tech soon with the computerization of its examination system. The university

also launched its updated website (Times of India, 2012). In VaibhavGanjapure‘s

article, it is clearly said by the Higher education minister in India that If universities

asked, they will purchase exam software for them (Times of India, 2013). As the

society goes high tech, people in the mere future will become more into gadgets

and everything will be computerized. In offline based exam systems, extra time

is consumed to fill in all particulars of the student, time is consumed to circle the

bubbles with a pencil or pen and answers given once cannot be edited or re-

answered so in order to prevent this to happen regularly online based system

are offered to schools which they mostly like to implement in their



An assessment intended to measure a test-taker’s knowledge, skill,

aptitude, physical fitness, or classification in many other topics. A test may be

administered orally, on paper, on a computer, or in a confined area that requires

a test taker to physically perform a set of skills. Tests vary in style, rigor and

requirements. For example, in a closed book test, a test taker is often required

to rely upon memory to respond to specific items whereas in an open book test,

a test taker may use one or more supplementary tools such as a reference book

or calculator when responding to an item. A test may be administered formally or

informally. An example of an informal test would be a reading test administered

by a parent to a child. An example of a formal test would be a final examination

administered by a teacher in a classroom or an I.Q. test administered by a

psychologist in a clinic. Formal testing often results in a grade or a test score.

Examination and its importance

Students generally fear to take up an examination. They regard it a great evil. As

the examination days draw near students become greatly nervous. They keep bending

over their books, all the time night and day; they keep them busy with their books. Still

they do not get satisfaction. On the examination days, they read almost the whole night.

They seem to be passing their time n constant fear and anxiety.

It is commonly believed that examinations are the true test of merit. Only the

deserving students pass the examination. All the rest fail. But the facts are not so.

Examination is not the true test of merit. It is often seen that those, who do not deserve

to pass, get through, while those who deserve to pass, get failed. The reason is that

many students use unfair means and manage to pass the examination. The importance

of an examination is still sufficiently great. Students, who are really good at studies,

maintain their record in all the examinations. All the examinations, passed by a student,

taken together, reveal the true merit of that student.

Examination system of today has got many defects. In many cases, it is found

to be no true test of the student‘s knowledge. It is always open to unfair means. Student

manages to pass an examination and yet remains quite blank. There are two views

about examination. Some people hold that there should be no examination or a few

examinations as possible. The promotion may be given to students on the basis of their

work in the class and on the remarks of the teachers. But this does not seem good. It

is easy to influence the teacher, who are local men, and can be easily be persuaded to

promote students and; can go up to the next higher class through influence.

The other view seems to be better. According to this view, there should be regular

weekly tests in every subject and there quarterly examinations. The final result should be

based on the results of all weekly tests and the result of all quarterly examinations. This

suggestion is put forward with the views that the students may become regular in their

studies and acquire thorough knowledge of the subject. The second thing is that when

there will be May test and examination, all having equal value, there should not be so

much of conclusion and worry at the last examination. The labour and the interest of the

students will get divided equally among all the examinations.

Creating Exams

In University of Sydney, there are forms to be filled up by the students to

give feedbacks to their professors about the exam that they have taken (

au, 2014). Student receptivity to instructor feedback can be negative, regardless

of its validity or positive intent. Keeping students in control of the process may

reduce any frustrations they face, as well as assist their learning. For multiple-

choice tests, allow students to write out an explanation of why their answer is a

correct response. With essay tests, reports, or project, allow students to write

a paragraph explaining why their evaluation of their performance is different

from yours. This paragraph can be discussed during office hours. Frame your

comments objectively focusing on the weaknesses of the student‘s paper rather

than the weaknesses of the student

personally. This will maintain the student‘s dignity and motivation to put forth

effort in the future (Theall et al, 2014). In creating examinations, the professors/

examiners can now easily determine the results and how the students understand

the lessons that they have taken before taking the exams. The results may also
help the student to know its capabilities and the ability to know how far they can

go when answering easy or difficult questions.

1. Choose appropriate item types for your objectives.

It depends on the examiners learning objectives. For example, if the

examiners want students to articulate or justify an economic argument, then

multiple-choice questions are a poor choice because they do not require

students to articulate anything. However, multiple-choice questions (if well-

constructed) might effectively assess students‘ ability to recognize a logical

economic argument or to distinguish it from an illogical one. If your goal is for

students to match technical terms to their definitions, essay questions may not

be as efficient a means of assessment as a simple matching task. There is

no single best type of exam question: the important thing is that the questions

reflect your learning objectives.

The Online Interactive Examination Generator consists of multiple choices,

identification and true or false question types. These question types are perfect

for each question that the professor desires to come up with. Multiple choices

give the students four choices which will help them recognize from a logical

argument to an illogical one. Identification lets the students think and enhance

their memorization skills. Identification can also help the students analyse the

questions. And true or false lets the students recognize if the question is true or


2. Write instructions that are clear, explicit, and unambiguous.

Make sure that students know exactly what you want them to do. Be more

explicit about their expectations than they may think is necessary.

Otherwise, students may make assumptions that run them into trouble. For

example, they may assume – perhaps based on experiences in another course

– that an in-class exam is open book or that they can collaborate with classmates

on a take-home exam, which the examiner may not allow. Preferably, we should

articulate these expectations to students before they take the exam as well as

in the exam instructions. We also might want to explain in their instructions how

fully they want students to answer questions (for example, to specify if they want

answers to be written in paragraphs or bullet points or if they want students to

show all steps in problem-solving.

3. Write instructions that preview the exam.

Students‘ test-taking skills may not be very effective, leading them to use

their time poorly during an exam. Instructions can prepare students for what

they are about to be asked by previewing the format of the exam, including

question type and point value (e.g., there will be 10 multiple-choice questions,

each worth two points, and two essay questions, each worth 15 points). This

helps students use their time more effectively during the exam.

Online Interactive Examination Generator provides instruction in every

question types which gives hint to the student in what they will do or how does

the exam works and in the main settings of the exam, general instructions

previews the exam as a whole.

4. Word questions clearly and simply.

Avoid complex and convoluted sentence constructions, double negatives,

and idiomatic language that may be difficult for students, especially international

students, to understand. Also, in multiple-choice questions, avoid using absolutes

such as ―never‖ or ―always,‖ which can lead to confusion. Enlist a colleague

or TA to read through your exam. Sometimes instructions or questions that seem

perfectly clear to you are not as clear as you believe. Thus, it can be a good idea

to ask a colleague or TA to read through (or even take) your exam to make sure

everything is clear and unambiguous.

In creating an examination, there are guidelines that the Online Interactive

Examination Generator provides which will be a leads the professor in an

effective creation of examination.

5. Think about how long it will take students to complete the exam.

When students are under time pressure, they may make mistakes that have
nothing to do with the extent of their learning. Thus, unless your goal is to assess

how students perform under time pressure, it is important to design exams that

can be reasonably completed in the time allotted. One way to determine how

long an exam will take students to complete is to take it yourself and allow

students triple the time it took you – or reduce the length or difficulty of the exam.

Online Interactive Examination Generator provides a time limit in each

examination. The minimum time limit is 15 minutes which is advisable for short

quizzes and for 10 items quiz. The maximum time limit is 2 hours and is advisable

for long quizzes and prelim/midterm/final or in any major examinations

Consider the point value of different question types.

The point value you ascribe to different questions should be in line with their

difficulty, as well as the length of time they are likely to take and the importance

of the skills they assess. It is not always easy when you are an expert in the

field to determine how difficult a question will be for students, so ask yourself: If

there are sub skills involved, Have students answered questions like this before,

or will this be new to them and if there is common traps or misconceptions that

students may fall into when answering this question. Needless to say, difficult

and complex question types should be assigned higher point values than easier,

simpler question types. Similarly, questions that assess pivotal knowledge and

skills should be given higher point values than questions that assess less critical

knowledge (, 2013).

6. Test Construction

Writing items requires a decision about the nature of the item or question

to which we ask students to respond, that is, whether discreet or integrative,

how we will score the item; for example, objectively or subjectively, the skill we

purport to test, and so on. We also consider the characteristics of the test takers

and the test taking strategies respondents will need to use. What follows is a

short description of these considerations for constructing items (Allan, 1992).

7. Test Items

A test item is a specific task test takers are asked to perform. Test items can

assess one or more points or objectives, and the actual item itself may take on

a different constellation depending on the context. For example, an item may

test one point (understanding of a given vocabulary word) or several points

(the ability to obtain facts from a passage and then make inferences based

on the facts). Likewise, a given objective may be tested by a series of items.

For example, there could be five items all testing one grammatical point (e.g.,

tag questions). Items of a similar kind may also be grouped together to form

subtests within a given test (Dunkel, 1999).

In creating examinations there are plenty of things that have to be considered.

Examinations are very important not just in a student‘s part but also in professor‘

s side. This will serve as guidelines for them to produce a better set of questions.

It is important that before inputting exam questions in the application, the exam

is aligned with the course objectives with clear and unambiguous instructions.

Considering these guidelines in creating exams will help them have productive

and effective examinations.

Standardized Test

A standardized test is any test that is administered and scored in a

consistent manner to ensure legal defensibility. Standardized tests are often

used in education, professional certification, psychology, the military, and many

other fields.

National Police Commission E-qualifying Examination

Aban et al. states that National police commission e-qualifying examination

is concerned primarily with examine division of the National Police Commission

that is responsible for giving examination to the aspirants who want to enter the

Philippine national police and for those who are already in the service. This will

determine whether they are qualified to be part of PNP or if they deserve on a

higher position (Aban et Al, 2005).

This e-qualifying examination and Online Interactive Examination

Generator has similarities in terms of knowing the examinees capabilities,

to determine how far they can go and know the way they think and create


Non-Standardized Test

A non-standardized test is usually flexible in scope and format, variable in

difficulty and significance. Since these tests are usually developed by individual

instructors, the format and difficulty of these tests may not be widely adopted or

used by other instructors or institutions. A non-standardized test may be used

to determine the proficiency level of students, to motivate students to study,

and to provide feedback to students. In some instances, a teacher may develop

non-standardized tests that resemble standardized tests in scope, format, and

difficulty for the purpose of preparing their students for an upcoming standardized

test. Finally, the frequency and setting by which a non-standardized tests are

administered are highly variable and are usually constrained by the duration

of the class period. A class instructor may for example, administer a test on a

weekly basis or just twice a semester. Depending on the policy of the instructor

or institution, the duration of each test itself may last for only five minutes to an

entire class period.

BSU FES: Bulacan State University Faculty Evaluation System

On the other hand, Damian‘s BSU FES system develops and enhances

the faculty evaluation system for Bulacan State University that would give more

secured and accurate results to faculty members and make evaluation easier to the

students (Damian, 2009).

Just like in Online Interactive Examination Generator, the application

gives secured information and accurate results to provide the needs of the one

who needs to evaluate their students.

AutoDepEx: Automated Departmental Examination

AutoDepEx helps the students, professors and faculty staff to lessen

paper works such as preparing test questions, checking test papers and storing

students and professor‘s information and data. This tends to replace paper-and-

pencil type of examination. Preparing test questions, faster checking, easier

and accurate misplacing or losing of files will be avoided (Fermil, 2006).

The main reason of the Online Interactive Examination Generator is

also to lessen the time, effort and money when generating exam papers which

leads in promoting a paper-less community that will help benefit all the people

not just in school but also in the whole country. It also gives faster results just

like in AutoDepEx.

Online Examination

TechBlogs shares information that online examinations, sometimes referred

as e-examinations, are the examinations conducted through the internet or in

an intranet (if within the Organization) for a remote candidate(s). Most of the

examinations issue results as the candidate finish the examination, when there

is an answer processing module also included with the system. Candidate is

given a limited time to answer the questions and after the time expiry the answer

paper is disabled automatically and answers sent to the examiner. The examiner

will evaluate answers, either through automated process or manually and the

results will be sent to the candidate through email or made available in the web

site (TechBlogs, 2012).

The application Online Interactive Examination Generator is also one good

example of online examination. In the mere future schools and other communities

will upgrade their examination system from the traditional way of taking exams

to automatic and online examinations to provide hassle free, faster and accurate



SpeedExam is an online exam solution that provides on-the-spot results,

excellent analysis, constructive progress reports, simplified candidate

management, exhibits learning level and nurtures improvement process also

supports selecting right personnel at the right time for the right job (Speedexam,


Online Interactive Examination Generator gives an on-the-spot results right

after answering the examinations which is also similar in speedExam web

application. Online Interactive Examination Generator generates not just exams

but also reports that will help the professors in analysing the data and results of

the students.


Classmaker allows you to easily create secure online exams to your exact

requirements with features such as time limits, public and private test access,

randomize questions, instant feedback, multiple choice, short answer, essay

and more question types (ClassMarker, 2006-2014).

Classmaker and Online Interactive Examination Generator have the same

concept with a goal of creating easy and secure online exams. The difference

is that Online Interactive Examination Generator doesn‘t have essay type


Mobile Application

Jansen as an expert in mobile technologies states that a mobile application

most commonly referred to as an app, is a type of application software designed

to run on a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet computer (Jansen,

2014). Mobile applications frequently serve to provide users with similar services

to those accessed on PCs. Apps are generally small, individual software units

with limited function. Mobile applications are a move away from the integrated

software systems generally found on PCs. Instead, each app provides limited

and isolated functionality such as a game, calculator or mobile Web browsing.

Although applications may have avoided multitasking because of the limited

hardware resources of the early mobile devices, their specificity is now part of

their desirability because they allow consumers to hand-pick what their devices

are able to do.

Student‘s using Online Interactive Examination Generator is an example

of Mobile application. It can be accessed anywhere in the most comfortable way.

In our generation, most of the people are now engaged in mobile devices

and much comfortable in using applications in mobile platforms. It is the new

technology in answering exams.

Web Application

An application in which all or some parts of the software are downloaded

from the Web each time it is run. It may refer to browserbased apps that run

within the user’s Web browser, or to “rich client” desktop apps that do not use a

browser or to mobile apps that access the Web for additional information.

Browser Based

In a browser-based Web application, JavaScript instructions are contained

within the Web page that is retrieved from a Web site.

Combined with the HTML code that determines the visual layout, the HTML and

JavaScript on the Web page are executed via the browser. Alternatively, the

Web page may cause the browser to launch a Java applet. Java is a full-blown

programming language that is more comprehensive than JavaScript. The data

for a Web application may be stored locally or on the Web, or in both locations.

Online Interactive Examination Generator is a browser based type of web

application. This application runs with different kind of browsers and also with

the help of internet connection.

Orange and bronze web-based employment examination

Reyes defines the orange and bronze web based employment examination

as a system that produces error free test and reliable results. It has certain types

of employee tests that can be used to gain important data. The administrator is

the one who manages the examination system and is responsible for uploading

the questions being randomized by the system (Reyes, 2013).

Online Interactive Examination Generator is somehow similar to orange

and bronze webbased employment examination though Online Interactive

Examination Generator doesn‘t focus in employment, both web applications

focuses on error free and reliable results in testing the capabilities of each


Client Based

Web applications may also run without the browser. A client program, which

is either installed in the user’s computer or mobile device or is downloaded each

session, interacts with a server on the Web using standard Web protocols. This

is similar to the “client/server” architecture that prevailed in companies before

the Internet exploded, except that today the server is often on the Internet rather

than the local network. According to Rouse, just like browser-based applications,

the data may be stored remotely or locally. See rich client, cloud computing,

ASP and SaaS (Rouse, 2011).

Network based examination generator for the College of computer studies

Philippine Christian University is still using the manual way of conducting

examination and the existing system is still encountering some problems so

they proposed a system that will improve the conventional system being used.

The professor will easily prepare the test questions that will lessen the time and

effort needed for the examination. Also contains password for the security and

year level coordinator are the ones who are verifying the questions as stated by

Castillo (Castillo, 2003).

This study and Online Interactive Examination Generator lessens the time

and effort needed in creating manual examination. And also gives security to

each exam that the professor creates through exam key codes that determines

the identity of an exam. Time limit that gives added security that makes the

student focus more on the questions rather than doing other unnecessary things.

GraPExS: Grading plus examination system

GraPExS is a network based system that allows the student to take their
exam and save time and effort compared to manual. Its objective is to develop

a system that will order and checked the examination, maintain ease in record

and will automatically compute the grade each term (Dela Cruz, et Al, 1999).

Just like in every examination systems, grapexs is not different from Online

Interactive Examination Generator thus it gives the same goal as the Online

Interactive Examination Generator wants to give the users of this web application.

Web-Based entrance examination system with career assessment for BSU

Yoshitomi aims to develop a web based entrance examination system with

career assessment that would simplify and accelerate the process by utilizing

testing areas as the recipient for the examinees exam and also as the output of

their respective performances (Yoshitomi, 2011).

Online Interactive Examination Generator is also a web application. It provides

an automated creation of exams and a real time, accurate and fast results.

Some professors/ teachers are not engage in operating in smaller devices

such as mobile phones so the professor side of Online Interactive Examination

Generator becomes a web application. Other professors/teachers also have

poor eyesight and it is hard to create an exam.

Development Software

It is referred to as a linear-sequential life cycle model. It is very simple to

understand and use. In a waterfall model, each phase must be completed fully

before the next phase can begin. At the end of each phase, a review takes place

to determine if the project is on the right path and whether or not to continue or

discard the project. In waterfall model phases do not overlap (ISTQB, 2013).

Figure 1.Diagram of Waterfall-model

Software Development Tools


Zandstra stated that PHP is a language that has outgrown its name. It was

originally conceived as a set of macros to help coders maintain personal home

pages, and its name grew from its purpose. Since then, PHP’s capabilities have

been extended, taking it beyond a set of utilities to a full-featured programming

language, capable of managing huge database-driven online environments. As

PHP’s capabilities have grown, so too has its popularity. According to E-Soft,

PHP is the most popular Apache module available, beating even ModPerl. PHP

is now officially known as PHP: HyperText Preprocessor. It is a server-side

scripting language usually written in an HTML context. Unlike an ordinary HTML

page, a PHP script is not sent directly to a client by the server; instead, it is

parsed by the PHP binary or module. HTML elements in the script are left alone,

but PHP code is interpreted and executed. PHP code in a script can query

databases, create images, read and write files, talk to remote servers— the

possibilities are endless. The output from PHP code is combined with the HTML

in the script and the result sent to the user (Zandstra, 2000).

The web application part of Online Interactive Examination Generator uses

PHP as its scripting language. This is where the main functionalities of the

application is created and the connection of the application to the database.


JavaScript is a prototype-based scripting language with dynamic typing and

has first-class functions. According to Harris, Its syntax was influenced by C.

JavaScript copies many names and naming conventions from Java, but the two

languages are otherwise unrelated and have very different semantics (Harris,

2001). JavaScript (JS) is an interpreted computer programming language.

As part of web browsers, implementations allow client-side scripts to interact

with the user, control the browser, communicate asynchronously, and alter the

document content that is displayed. It has also become common in server-side

programming, game development and the creation of desktop applications.

Other function of the Online Interactive Examination Generator that the PHP

cannot do is done by Javascript. Javascript provides an easy way of coding

complicated functions.


MySQL AB definesMySQL as (as of July 2013) the world’s second most

widely used open-source relational database management system (RDBMS).

It is named after co-founder Michael Widenius’s daughter,my. The SQL phrase

stands for Structured Query Language. The MySQL development project has

made its source code available under the terms of the GNU General Public

License, as well as under a variety of proprietary agreements (MySQL AB, 2006).

Mysql serves as the database of the Online Interactive Examination Generator. It

plays an important role in the application. This is where the storing and updating

of data happens. The information used in the application is from the database

and without this the application will not function well.


Silva, Vladimir gives definition to eclipse as an integrated development

environment written mostly in JAVA. Eclipse may also be used to develop

applications in other programming languages: Ada, ABAP, C, C++, COBOL,

Fortran, Haskell, JavaScript, Lasso, Natural, Perl, PHP, Prolog, Python, R, Ruby

(including Ruby on Rails framework), Scala, Clojure, Groovy, Scheme, and

Erlang. It can also be used to develop packages for the software Mathematica.

It is used as a tool for creating android applications (Silva, 2009).

Eclipse is used in Online Interactive Examination Generator. It serves as a

tool in creating mobile application. Without this Online Interactive Examination

Generator won‘t be compiled and will not become a fully grown application

Software Evaluation Tool

When creating software, quality is everything. Before publishing the

software, the researchers must be sure that it is ready. Many companies that had

developed and launched different software utilized different kinds of evaluation

standards. These software standards are essential for the developers to meet

their objective and to assure quality.

ISO 9126

ISO 9126 provides the definition of the characteristics and associated

quality evaluation process to be used when specifying the requirements for

and evaluating the quality of software products throughout their life cycle. ISO

9126 sets out six quality characteristics, which are intended to be exhaustive.

From this it follows that each quality characteristic is very broad. The six quality

characteristics are Functionality, Content, Availability, Reliability, Maintainability

and Portability.

Functionality is the set of attributes that bear on the existence of a set of

functions and their specified properties. The functions are those that satisfy

stated or implied needs.

Content focuses on the accurateness, clearness and conciseness of the


Availability is a measure of how available the system is for use during a

specified period of time.

Reliability is the set of attributes that bear on the capability of software to

maintain its level of performance under stated conditions for a stated period of


Maintainability is the set of attributes that bear on the effort needed to make

specified modifications.

Portability is the set of attributes that bear on the ability of software to be

transferred from one environment to another.


On The basis of the foregoing concepts, theories and findings of related

literature, studies presented and insights taken from them, a conceptual model

is developed as shown below.

Figure 2.Conceptual Framework

Knowledge Requirements

The researcher of this research project should have knowledge requirements

on how online based examination system works which will be helpful in the

development of the application. The user‘s need must also be considered to

know how to create a complex and a user – friendly application. Knowledge

in programming languages, database management, web development and

android technology is a necessity during the development of the prototype and

for the researchers to come up with a good result and meet the objectives of the


Software Requirements

One of the software requirements needed is Eclipse android developer tools

for the creation of mobile applications. The other tool is PHP which is used

for developing web application. MySQL database is used for the handling of

data, storing, manipulating and deleting of data. Javascript is used for the other

functions such as the timer used in answering of exams. A web browser is also

needed to execute the web application.

Hardware Requirements


A computer is a general purpose device that can be programmed to carry

out a set of arithmetic or logical operations automatically. Since a sequence of

operations can be readily changed, the computer can solve more than one kind

of problem.

A computer is super important in developing an application. Without this

nothing will be accomplished. It is a tool used by the researchers in creating,

designing the application and also used in creating the documentation of the


Online Interactive Examination Generator needs computer in order to

perform its functionality. Without this device, Online Interactive Examination

Generator will not be created. This device is needed in testing and creating

web application. The computer specification needed by Online Interactive

Examination Generator is at least 2GB ram and atom processor.

Internet Connection

Internet access connects individual computer terminals, computers, mobile

devices, and computer networks to the Internet, enabling users to access Internet

services, such as email and the World Wide Web. Internet service providers

(ISPs) offer Internet access through various technologies that offer a wide range

of data signaling rates (speeds).

Internet connection is needed in order to connect with the web server and get

the necessary details in operation of the application. It serves as a connection

of the application to make the process function well and to give an accurate


Online Interactive Examination Generator requires an internet connection

with the range of at least 2mbps for fast process and results.

Mobile/Android Phone

A mobile phone (also known as a cellular phone, cell phone, a hand phone,

or even simply a phone) is a phone that can make and receive telephone calls

over a radio link while moving around a wide geographic area. It does so by

connecting to a cellular network provided by a mobile phone operator, allowing

access to the public telephone network.

A mobile phone with android operating system is used in accessing the

application. It is handy and very accessible to use. There are lots of people that

are engage in mobile phones.

Online Interactive Examination Generator runs with a minimum of

gingerbread operating system and a maximum of jellybean operating system for

better results. The screen dimension depends on the user. But for better display

of data the phone must be at least 3.5-inch touchscreen, with the 320 x 480p

resolutions, 165ppi.

Operational Definition of Terms

Online Interactive Examination Generator is an online application used by

the professors and students in examination process. It is online based and easy

to use. The professor side is a web application and in student‘s side, mobile

application is used. Online Interactive Examination Generator gives an accurate

results very efficient to use and easy to maintain.

Xampp is a free and open source cross-platform web server solution stack

package, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, MySQL database, and

interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages.

Multiple choice is a form of assessment in which respondents are asked to

select the best possible answer (or answers) out of the choices from a list. The

items of a multiple choice test are often colloquially referred to as “questions,” but

this is a misnomer because many items are not phrased as questions. Multiple

choice items consist of a stem and a set of options.

Identification is a question that is frequently used as a testing device. This

question type identifies major terms, concepts, persons, places or events in two,

three, or four powerfully written sentences.

True or false is an alternative choice test in which the student or examinee

indicates whether each of several statements is true or false.

Item Analysis refers to a statistical technique that helps instructors identify

the effectiveness of their test items. In developing quality assessment and

specifically effective multiple-choice test items, item analysis plays an important

role in contributing to the fairness of the test along with identifying content areas

that maybe problematic for students.

Transmutation is used to compute the students score and its equivalent



This chapter presents the sequence of project development. It includes the

discussion of methods and course of actions taken to develop the project, the

collation of related information and development procedures, and the definition

of a number of viewpoints on how the project was evaluated by the users and

Information Technology specialist.

Research Design

Development research is often initiated for complex, innovative tasks for

which only very few validated principles are available to structure and support

the design and development activities. Since in those situations the image and

impact of the intervention to be developed is often still unclear, the research

focuses on realizing limited but promising examples of those interventions. The

aim is not to elaborate and implement complete interventions, but to come to

(successive) prototypes that increasingly meet the innovative aspirations and


The use of developmental research is suitable in addressing the general

and specific objectives of the study. Online Interactive Examination Generator

seeks to design a web- based examination that upgrades the manual examination

system of the university.

Project Development

In developing the project, the researcher will undergo different activities

which identify the analysis, resources and procedures in designing the project.

The activities involved are illustrated figure 3.

Figure 3.Project Development Flowchart

Data and information Gathering

Data and information gathering related to the development of the study is

conducted. Several tools will be used to perform this task. This tool include were

(casual) interview with potential end-users of the application to know what are

the user‘s needs and their expectation in the proposed project. Articles, blogs,

journals about examinations are also gathered to know what features will be

Study and Analysis of the Information Gathered

The thesis of information gathered was analyzed. Useful information was

comprehensively utilized and used as a basis in creating the documentation

of the application. Data flow diagrams (DFDs) and conceptual diagrams were

used as tools to help the readers understand the concepts and flow of data

regarding to the application. Information gathered was used as an instrument

and motivation to create an application that will fit to the needs of the people in

terms of examination process.

Project Design

Online Interactive Examination Generator is a mobile and web application

that provides an online automated examination for the students and professors.

This runs on any computer with internet connection. It is supported by any

operating systems. This web app showcases an online interaction within the

professor and student during the examination process.

Figure 4.Context-level Data Flow Diagram

Figure 4 shows the Context-level Data Flow Diagram of the system. The

process is initiated by the user by entering the required inputs on the application.

The application processes the request then result to the user.

Figure 5. Data Flow Diagram of the Proposed Project

As shown in figure 5, the diagram shows the standard procedure of the

project named Online Interactive Examination Generator. There are three users

in this application namely Student, Professor and Admin. The student is the

one answering the examination which is used in mobile devices, the professor

creates the exam and the admin modifies the user accounts.

Figure 6.Child Diagram of Account Maintenance process

As shown in figure 6, Account maintenance process shows the actual

process of navigating user accounts. User accounts are divided into three parts

namely the student, professor and the admin itself. After choosing which user

type is going to be modified, the admin can now modify the account detail such

as the login credentials and subjects.

Figure 7. Child Diagram of Creation of exam process

Figure 7 shows the process of creating examination starting from getting

the account details of professor up to the configuration of the settings and lastly,

the addition of question types and questions.

Figure 8. Child diagram of answering of exam process

As shown in figure 8, the answering of exam is the process where the

student answers the examination. At the first process, the application displays

subjects and the exam available. Then the student enters the keycode and after

verifying the code, the exam will be displayed and ready to be answered. After

answering the results will be displayed to the student.

Application Development

Online Interactive Examination Generator is created for the students,

professors and the school. This proposed system is divided into two kinds

of application, the mobile and web application. The mobile application is for
the students. The software tool used in creating this application is a hybrid of

java (android) programming language and PHP scripting language. The native

language which is the java (android) connects to the code located to the server-

side of the program. The native language receives data from the server-side and

displays data to the students. During and after answering exams, the application

gathers the data then sends the collected data to the server-side which is saved

to the database afterwards. The program/code on the server-side analyzes the

data given by the client-side of the mobile application. After analyzing the data,

the information will be now passed to the mobile application to display the results

to the students. An internet connection is very important throughout this process

because without internet connection, the data will not be sent to the server and

the answer will be marked as void. The web application is purely made in PHP

scripting language and Javascript that carries the tasks that a PHP code can‘t


The input and the configuration of settings come from the professor and the

program saves it to the database which is Mysql database. All of the inputs are

saved to the database. The printing of reports and the time duration is handled

by Javascript because the code is much easier and not complicated. After

creating the two applications, the systems undergo series of tests and PHP‘s

Phpmyadmin plays a very important role because it displays the saves data to

the database which helps the programmer to identify the correct output. It is

also much convenient to use and to test the queries made all throughout the

program. The design is the final touch up in the development of this prototype.

For the graphical items seen in the applications such as the splash screen,

images, banners, headings and other graphical material are all created in Adobe


Application Evaluation

User participation is very important. The application was evaluated by Fifteen

(15) IT professionals and Fifteen (15) Non-IT professionals. The application

was evaluated in terms of its functionality, reliability, efficiency, accuracy and



Figure 9 shows the Conceptual Process of the Online Interactive

Examination Generator application. It shows the basic flow of the system using

the devices to be used by the user. The user needs to provide information to the

computer with internet to use the Online Interactive Examination Generator. The

database used in Online Interactive Examination Generator saves into as web

server and returns an output to user. It shows the process to be done to make

the software operational.

Operation Procedure

1. The professor enters the web application by inputting his username and
2. The professor has a choice on what he wants to access. The three choices
are ―Creating an exam‖, ―Viewing the exams created‖ and ―View the
results of the students‖.
3. After creating the exam the keycode and exam details like the exam name,
exam instructions , date created will be displayed to the professor.
4. The exams by default are deactivated after they are created, for the exam
to be accessible to the students they need to have an access to the exam
keycode to be given by the professor and the professor must activate the
exam first before giving the exam keycode to his students.
5. The professor will give the exam keycode to his students to have an access
to the examination.
6. The students will now have to login first to determine their information. After
logging in to the application the students have to input the exam keycode
given by their professor.
7. There are time alloted to answer the exam and they must completely answer
the exam.
8. After answering the exam, the students received their scores and number
of corrects and mistakes. The results will also be in professor side with the
reports needed.

Testing Procedure Evaluation

During the testing procedure, the application was evaluated by 30 different

people. 15 people were IT professional and another 15came from Non-IT field.

The people who evaluated the prototype scored ranging from 1.0 -5.0, the

lowest score is 1.0 which has a verbal interpretation of Poor and 5.0 as the

highest marked as Excellent. After evaluating, the sum of all the scores of the

evaluation will be added and get their weighted mean using the formula below:

The researcher will compute first the mean score coming from the IT professionals

and Non-IT professionals using the first given formula which is the summation

of fx over n. After getting the mean score from the IT and Non-IT evaluators,

then, the researcher will get the overall mean score using the second formula

given which is the summation of the mean scores of IT and Non-IT over the total

frequency. The following will be the range of the descriptive ratings to be used

for evaluating the prototype.

The Table 1 is the Likert‘s Scale. After getting the mean score for

the prototype, this will be interpreted and evaluated according to the table

above. 5.00-4.51 will be the highest, which means that the prototype is highly
commendable and 1.00-1.50 which means that the prototype is poorly created.

Table 1. Likert Scale (Evaluation)

Ranges Verbal Interpretation

4.51 - 5.00 Excellent
3.51 - 4.50 Very Good
2.51 - 3.50 Good
1.51 - 2.50 Fair
1.00 - 1.50 Poor

Table 2

Testing Procedure for Mobile and Web Application

Test / Indicators in Web Application Test / Indicators in Mobile

Connectivity Installation
Connection to the internet Method of Copying .apk file
Run web application Run installation
Long Launch Time (more than 5 Long Launch Time (more than 5
Seconds) Seconds)
Uninstall and Reinstall
Compatibility Compatibility
Browser Compatibility Mobile Platform (Android)
Responsive to different browser size Adaptive to different Screen
Size (3.5‖)
Screen Dimension Screen Resolution (320x480)
Device Model Compatibility
Performance Performance
User Interface Responsiveness User Interface Responsiveness
Response Time when Load Response Time when Load
Testing Testing
Opening and switching other different Opening and switching other different
web applications and other desktop mobile applications such as browser,
applications fm radio, games
Simultaneous Key Press
Functionality Functionality
Successful input login credentials and Successful input login credentials and
key code key code
Timer Timer
Invalid Test Data Invalid Test Data
Exam Settings are applied Answer examination smoothly
Calculations Calculations
Accurate records and lists Accurate records and lists
User Interface User Interface
Scrolling Navigation
Text Text
Active and Inactive Buttons Display Layout Orientation
Active and Inactive Buttons Active and Inactive Buttons Display


This chapter presents the thorough discussion of the project description, project

structure, project capabilities and limitations, and project evaluation of the study.

Project Description

The Online Interactive Examination Generator is a mobile and web application

for the answering of exam of the students and the creation of exams of the

professors. The mobile and web application has the following features:

For the web application

a. In figure 10, Professor Side Menu provides different options for the professor.

Figure 10. Professor Side Menu

b. Figure 11 provides the exam settings needed for the creation of examination.

Exam name is the name or label of the exam that the professor wants to be

named. The time duration will be the allotted time for the student to answer

this examination. Instructions will be the hint of the student on how the exam

will be. Subject load displays the subject load of the professor. Keycode value

is the code that the student will have to enter before answering the exam to

ensure the security and identity of the examinee. The default value is a 15

random characters but the professor can change it according to its preferred

value. Randomize questions are on and off. If it‘s on the questions in the exam

are randomize and if not the questions are arranged as is and all questions

are sorted by its question type. Adaptive mode gives the correct answer for

the wrong answer of student; it also gives explanation prior to the wrong

answer of the student. Case sensitivity, when the option is on , the answers

must be the way the correct answer is if not the answer will be false or wrong.

Figure 11. Exam Settings Module

c. Figure 12 shows the choice of the professor in the creation of the body of the
exam. The question types are multiple choice, true or false and identification.

Figure 12. Examination Part

d. Figure 13,14 and 15 shows the structure of the three different question types

that are available in Online Interactive Examination Generator. In Figure 13,

True or false type has two default choices to choose from which is true or

false. There are no choices in identification question type which is in Figure

14 but the professor must input the correct answer and in multiple choice

question type, the choices are set to four. The choices in these question

types are inputted manually except for true or false question type. All of these

question types have the same structure except for the choices. There are

space provided for the question, choices and the correct answer explanation

which are handy when the adaptive mode is set to on. There are three buttons

available in the bottom of the page. If the professor wishes to add another


―Add another button‖ button must be clicked and if the professor wants to close

this question type and add another question type, ―Add another part‖ button

must be clicked. When finishing this exam, the button named ―Finish Exam‖

must be clicked and after that the professor will be redirected to the summary of

the created exam.

Figure 13.True or false question type

Figure 14. Identification question type

Figure 15. Multiple Choice Question Type

e. Figure 16 shows the subject load of the professor

Figure 16. Examscreated by the professor

f. Figure 17 displays the lists of student in a chosen subject load

Figure 17. Student lists For mobile application:

a. Key code verification as shown in figure 18 asks the key code to the student

from the professor. This will be the gateway of the students in answering


Figure 18. Keycode Verification

b. Figure 19 shows the process of answering the examination

Figure 19. Answering Examination

c. Figure 20 shows the exam results of the student specifically the score of the

student and the remarks of it which is passed or failed and the percentage of

the exam score and the adaptive mode which is indicated below.

Figure 20. Exam Results

Project Structure

The succeeding paragraphs show the visual table of contents (VTOC) of

the web application for representing the modules of a system as a hierarchy and

for documenting each module.

Figure 21 below shows the main visual table of contents of the web

application Online Interactive Examination Generator. This menu is visible all

throughout the web application for ease of access to the user.

Figure 21.VTOC of Online Interactive Examination Generator‘s Web

Application 1.0 Create Exam allows the professor to create a customized


1.1 Configure Settings lets the professor configure the settings for the exam.

1.2 Question type and Questions displays the question type available and

allows the professor to create questions after configuring the settings.

2.0 Students are the lists of the students in a specific subject load 2.1 Student

List displays the list of students registered in the subjects of the professor.

2.2 Student Profile gives the details and the results of the specific student.

3.0 Exams Created is the list of the examinations created by the professor.

3.1 Exam Structure shows the whole structure of the exam.

3.2 Answer Key is the list of the answers for each question in the specific exam.

3.3 Exam Questions shows all the questions in the exam.

3.4 Item Analysis shows the items where the student is having a hard time

4.0 Results shows the stats of the exam created and the student rankings in a

specific exam

4.1 Reports show the results for the professor‘s analysis in the exam.

4.2 Printing displays the print preview of the report.

5.0 Profile Settings gives the professor an access to his account.

6.0 About/Help displays the description of the application and the user manual

all throughout the system.

6.1 About the system shows the description of the web application.

6.2 User Manual presents how the application works.

Figure 22.VTOC of Online Interactive Examination Generator‘s Mobile

Application 1.0 Subject allows the student to see the subjects he/she enrolled


1.1 Subject lists gives options to the student to pick subjects.

1.2 Exam lists show the lists of exams that the student will answer.

2.0 Scoreboard shows the results of the student in every exam answered.

2.1 Results display the grades of the student in the exams he/she has taken.

3.0 Profile allows the student to access his account.

3.1 Profile Settings let the student modify his account details.

4.0 Search allows the students to search the previous answered exam and see

their results and rankings.

4.1 Exam displays the lists of exams with results.

4.2 Results show the results for the specific examination.

5.0 About/Help displays the description of the application and the user manual

all throughout the system.

5.1 Details on the application give the description of the application.

6.0 Logout exits the user from the application.

Project Capabilities and Limitations

The following are the capabilities of the project:

1. The professor side of the project can create an exam and set the settings

provided for the security, for the structure of the examination and how it will

appear to the students.

2. The professor can view the lists of the students under his subjects and view

the examinations that the student has taken.

3. This web application can see the previous exams created. The structure

of the exam and the settings are present with the answer key for the specific


4. The professor can have the results of the exams that he has created. 5.
Professors can change their profile accounts to keep the privacy of their own


6. The student can have access to their subjects and see if the exams are
already published.

7. After the answering of examinations, the student can see the results, correct

answers, the score percentage, the exam remarks and the number of wrong

and correct answers per question type.

8. The professor side of the project doesn‘t need to be installed.

9. The student side of the project can be viewed online or via mobile, the mobile
application can be transferred via Bluetooth or file transfer or the students can

download the apk of the mobile application in the internet. The online mode of

the student side doesn‘t need to be installed.

10. The questions can be randomized or not according to the settings of the

professor in the exam.

11. There is a time limit for every examination; the time limit depends on the

settings of the professor.

12. Adaptive mode is available in one of the exam settings which provide the

students from reviewing their answers in order to know how they arrived from

that answer and what is the explanation behind the correct answer.

13. Key codes are present in this project to provide security and secrecy of the

14. The web versions of the project can be viewed in different kind of browsers.

The following are the limitations of the project.

1. The question types are limited only into three parts, multiple choice, true or

false and identification.

2. The questions are pure text only and don‘t contain any image or sounds.

3. The mobile application can run in Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) operating system

up to Android 4.1.2 (Jelly bean) operating system but it is best viewed in 4

inches up screens. Android phones with 4 inches below screen displays are
advised to use the online version of the student side to have a better view of

the application and to have a clear view when answering exams.

4. The web application side of the project is not recommended in internet

explorer browser.

Project Evaluation

There were two ways employed to evaluate the capabilities of the project.

These were the actual testing and evaluation.

The actual testing involved testing the mobile and web application during the

development stage of the system using Android phones and computers.

Table 3 shows the test conducted to mobile application and Table 4

shows the test conducted to web application and its behavior while using the

developed system. The functionality of the system as expected was achieved;

the organization of the contents, quality and accuracy of the contents information

fit the nature and goal of the mobile application and the web application;

the design of the navigation, user-interface and visual appeal conformed to

the userfriendliness of the mobile and web application; the mobile and web

application was able to adapt to the modern technologies; the usefulness and

portability of the design were accepted by the IT and non-IT professionals.

Table 3

Mobile Application Testing Results

Test Conducted Behavior

Copied and installed the APK to the The mobile application was
4-inch smartphone with Android 4.1.2 successfully installed on the different
Jellybean Operating System and device, it was able to adapt to the
to other phones with higher screen different screen sizes
Ran the application even other The mobile application remained
applications were running. stable and not interrupted by other
opened applications.
Uninstalled the application and then The mobile application was
reinstalled the mobile application successfully uninstalled removing
all the files and shortcuts, and
reinstallation was successful.
Tried to input wrong credentials such The mobile application doesn‘t accept
as wrong key codes, passwords and the wrong inputs of the user and
usernames remained on the same page with error
message to give clue on what the
users will do.
Clicked the buttons and tested the Functionality of the buttons performed
functions if they worked as expected. as described and as expected.
Checked if the student can input The mobile application verified the key
different valid key code code of its available and displayed the
terms and conditions when answering
Input valid key code but doesn‘t belong The mobile application confirmed
to the student‘s subjects. the key code as valid key code but
the exam was not displayed and a
message appeared with a ten seconds
redirection to the main menu of the
Counted the correct and wrong The mobile application displayed
answers of the student and checked correct results of the correct and wrong
the results if it has the same value answers of the students
Took the score per question type and The mobile application shows the
computed the total score for the exam correct score results provided by the
and the total score of the student and formula given to compute the total
check if the mobile application shows score for the examination and the total
the correct value. score for the student answers.

Checked if the percentage of the The mobile application followed the
student score is less than 75 % the formula for the percentage of the
exam remarks should be failed and if student‘s score which is ( student
not passed should be displayed. score/total score of the exam) * 50 +
Input valid test data to check if the The mobile application can process
system can handle normal transactions valid test data and able to handle
normal transactions.
Check if the student can answer the The student cannot answer the
same exam infinitely or 2 or more same exam over again without the
times without the attempt mode exam permission of the professor that is
settings configured in the exam settings. The
mobile application provided an error
message and redirects the student
within ten seconds

Table 4

Web Application Testing Results

Testing Conducted Behavior

Tested the application in different kind of The application run successfully and the
browsers such as google chrome, Mozilla loading may vary from one browser to
Firefox, Safari and Opera another
Tested if the layout of the web application The layout also resized according to the
appears to be just the way it is when the size of the browser. It remains the same and
browser was resized the functionality of the project still remains.
Tested if the buttons and other web controls The buttons and other web controls are
function well according to the label of the processed well according to the label of the
controls controls functionality.
Checked if wrong login credentials can pass Wrong inputs of the user are not accepted
through the web application by the web application thus it displays the
error message or hint the user on what to
do in order to get pass through the login
Checked if the time limit that is set to a The countdown in the student examination
specific time given to the period reflects exam and the professor reflects the same
on the student and professor side of the
Check when the timer is over the students When the timer is already zero the students’
answer will be submitted in finish or not answer will be sent automatically finish or
finished page not finished

Check whether the student scores and The lists of student appeared and sorted the
exam is equal or the same to the student’s scores from highest to lowest results
highest to lowest results in the professor
Inserted exam settings and tested if the The web application gives an accurate
settings are applied to the examination exam and the student receives the correct
settings output that the professor set- up.
The questions are inputted to create the The question appears in the examination
exam and see if the questions appear in the module
professor sets
Checked if other students that are not The student cannot answer the exam if she/
included in the professors student lists he is not included on the professor’s student
appears in the students module and can list.
answer the exam even if they are not
included in the lists
Checked if the correct answers are accurate The correct answers inserted by the
according to the questions that are being examination professor are compared to the
asked. student‘s answer
Checked the computations in the exam The web application followed the formulas
results to compute the total score of the student
and the percentage
Created student accounts according to the The list of students appeared in the
subject loads that they have students’ examinations module of the
professor side of the project.

Table 5

Mobile Device Testing Results

Test/Indicators Samsung Sony Xperia Samsung Note

Galaxy Tab Go 2
Method of Copying .apk file Bluetooth/ Bluetooth/ Bluetooth/
Connectivity Connectivity Connectivity
Run installation Successful Successful Successful
Long Launch Time (more No No No
than 5 Seconds)
Uninstall and Reinstall Successful Successful Successful
Mobile Platform (Android) Yes Yes Yes
Adaptive to different Screen Yes Yes Yes
Size (3.5‖)
Screen Resolution (320x480) Sharp Sharp Sharp
Device Model Compatibility Yes Yes Yes
User Interface Normal Normal Normal
Response Time when Load Normal Normal Normal
Opening and switching other Stable Stable Stable
different mobile applications
such as browser, fm radio,
Rendering other processes Stable Stable Stable
such as calling and sending
Simultaneous Key Press Stable Stable Stable
Successful input login Yes Yes Yes
credentials and key code
Timer Working Working Working
Invalid Test Data Display Error Display Error Display Error

Answer examination Yes Yes Yes
Calculations Accurate Accurate Accurate
Connects to the internet Yes Yes Yes
User Interface
Navigation Easy Easy Easy
Text Readable Readable Readable
Layout Orientation Portrait Portrait Portrait
Active and Inactive Buttons Working Working Working

In table 5, the installation and uninstallation of the apk file is successful in three

devices such as Samsung Note 2, Sony Xperia Go and tablet such as Samsung Galaxy

tab as stated in Table 6 with short launch time. The compatibility of the application to the

devices in terms of screen resolution, mobile platform and model compatibility is tested

and the performance of the application is acceptable in three devices among the three

devices Sony Xperia Go is the slower of all the three devices, I have noticed that the

lower the device specifications, the slower the application will be. The User Interface of

the application to the three devices that have tested was also acceptable. The colors

are not irritating to the user‘s eye sight and the texts are readable. The alignment of the

controls such as buttons, label, tables and other controls are all aligned according to their

positions. The smaller the screen display the smaller the controls will be but there are

flaws in the user interface of the application in smaller screen displays and resolutions

such as in Sony Xperia Go, the timer in this device are not aligned to the header of the

application which makes it not appealing to the eye of the users but still readable and

acceptable. The functionality of the application responds to every event that the users do

with accurate results and appealing presentation of the results.

Table 6

Browser Testing Results

Test Indicators Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Safari

Connection to the Internet Yes Yes Yes
Run web application Successful Successful Successful
Long Launch Time (more No No No
than 5 Seconds)
Browser Compatibility Yes Yes Yes
Responsive to different Yes Yes Yes
browser size
Screen Dimension Sharp Sharp Sharp
User Interface Normal Normal Normal
Response Time when Load Normal Normal Normal
Opening and switching Stable Stable Stable
other different web
applications and other
desktop applications
Successful input login Yes Yes Yes
credentials and keycode
Timer Working Working Working
Invalid Test Data Display Error Display Error Display Error
Message Message Message
Exam Settings are applied Yes Yes Yes
Calculations Accurate Accurate Accurate
Accurate records and lists Yes Yes Yes
User Interface
Navigation Easy Easy Easy
Text Readable Readable Readable
Active and Inactive Buttons Working Working Working
Active and Inactive Buttons Working Working Working
Scrolling Working Working Working

As shown in table 6, the web application runs smoothly in different kind of computers

and different types of browsers. The browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox

and Safari that is installed in desktop computer, iMac and netbook performance with the

web application is smooth and also the internet connection is also tested smoothly using

globe tattoo broadband, sun and smart bro pocket wi-fi. The user interface doesn‘t affects

the alignment because of the large resolution of the computers and the functionality of

the web controls responds to the needs of the users and as well as the results needed

in order to have the web application useful. There are no problems when it comes to the

performance of the web application for the application doesn‘t occupy too much memory

in the computer. The web application doesn‘t contain any 3D or high definition graphics

or sounds so there is no interruption when the application is running.

Part of the testing was demonstration of the project to the evaluator. The feature

capabilities, limitations of the system were explained to make sure it was evaluated

accordingly. In addition, the evaluation instrument was explained. The survey was

distributed to 30 respondents. It was comprised of ten (15) IT Practitioners and ten (15)

Non-IT Practitioners which consists of teachers/professors and students.

In Table 7, the Functionality indicator was divided into three sub categories which

were Ease of Operation, Provision for Comfort and Convenience‖ and User-friendliness.

Ease of Operation‖ got a weighted mean rating of 4.30 from IT professionals who gave

4.20 mean rating and Non-IT professionals with 4.40 mean rating. Provision for Comfort

and Convenience‖ got 4.20 weighted mean rating from IT and Non-IT professionals.

The IT professionals gave 4.27 mean rating and Non-IT professionals gave 4.13 mean

rating. User-friendliness got 4.34 weighted mean from IT professionals who gave 4.20

mean rating and 4.47 mean rating from the Non-IT field. The Functionalityindicator was

interpreted as Very Good for the reason that the prototype provided easy to navigate


The Content indicator was divided into three sub categories; The data in the

system is accurate got 4.10 weighted mean rating from the IT professionals and Non-IT

professionals. The IT professionals gave a 4.13 mean rating and 4.07 mean rating from

the Non-IT professionals. The data presented is clear and concise‖ got a weighted mean

rating of 4.10. IT professionals gave 3.93 mean rating and 4.27 mean rating from the

Non-IT. The Data presented to the user is accurate‖ got the weighted mean rating of 3.97

from Non-IT who gave 4.07 mean rating and 3.87 mean rating from IT professionals.They

all interpreted as Very Good‖ because the data were presented well.

The Availability indicator‘s Performs According to Specifications ‖ got 4.20 weighted

mean rating that came from the IT professionals which gave 4.13 mean rating and 4.07

from the Non- IT professionals, Provide Information that can be Useful in Instruction‖

got the weighted mean rating of 4.47 which came from the IT professionals with a mean

rating of 4.13 and 4.07 mean rating from the Non-IT professional. Provision to Security

Requirements‖ got a weighted mean rating of 4.57. IT professionals gave 4.60 mean

rating and Non-IT professionals gave 4.53 mean rating. The two sub categories got the

same interpretation of Excellent and the other one is Very Good for the reason that Online

Interactive Examination Generator follows the specifications needed.

Reliability indicators such as Conformance to the desired result got 4.07 weighted

mean rating, 3.87 mean rating came from the IT professionals and 4.27 mean rating from

the Non-IT professionals.

Accuracy of Performance‖ got the weighted mean rating of 4.20 that came from IT and

Non-IT professionals. The mean rating that was given by the IT professionals was 4.13

and 4.27 from the Non-IT professionals; Absence of Failures‖ got 4.13 weighted mean

rating which came from IT and Non-IT professionals who both gave the same mean rating

of 4.13. This indicator resulted as Very Good‖ because the desired result is given to the


The Maintainability‖ indicator was divided into three parts. Ease of Maintenance‖ got

a mean rating of 4.13 from the IT professional and 4.20 mean rating from the Non-IT

professionals with a total of 4.17 weighted mean rating, Provision for enhancements and

modifications got 4.07 weighted mean rating from IT professionals who gave 3.80 mean

rating and 4.33 mean rating from the Non-IT professionals.

Ease on using the controls‖ got a total of 4.24 weighted mean rating. The IT professionals

gave 4.27 mean rating and Non-IT professionals gave 4.20 mean rating. Maintainability

indicator got Very Good interpretation for the reason that Online Interactive Examination

Generator provides software that holds the user and maintains it for a long period of time.

The last indicator which is Portability also was divided into three sub category

namely, Transferring installed program files to another device of basically the same

architecture‖ which had a 4.0 weighted mean rating, IT professionals gave 4.13 mean

rating and Non- IT professionals gave 3.87 mean rating while the Building executable

programs for different platforms from source code‖ received 4.03 weighted mean rating

from the IT professionals who gave 3.93 mean rating and 4.13 mean rating from the Non-

IT professionals. The second sub category got 4.03 weighted mean and lastly Usable

on different kind of browsers category had 4.27 mean rating from IT professionals and

4.40 mean rating from Non-IT professionals which resulted to 4.32 weighted mean which

resulted to Very Good‖ interpretation. It shows that in any device or laptop that the user

uses, they can use Exam Generator anytime and anywhere they wanted to.

Table 7

Respondents’ Evaluation on the Performance of Online Interactive

Examination Generator Based on the Given Indicators

A. Functionality
1. Ease of Operation 4.20 4.40 VERY GOOD
2. Provision for Comfort and 4.27 4.13 VERY GOOD
3. User-friendliness 4.20 4.47 VERY GOOD
B. Content
1. The Data in the system is 4.13 4.07 VERY GOOD
2. The Data presented is clear 3.93 4.27 VERY GOOD
and concise
3. The Data presented to the 3.87 4.07 VERY GOOD
user is accurate
C. Availability
1. Performs according to 4.13 4.27 VERY GOOD
2 .Provide information that can 4.33 4.60 EXCELLENT
be useful in instruction
3. Provision to security 4.60 4.53 EXCELLENT
D. Reliability
1. Conformance to the desired 3.87 4.27 VERY GOOD
2. Absence of Failures 4.13 4.13 VERY GOOD
3. Accuracy of Performance 4.13 4.27 VERY GOOD
E. Maintainability
1. Ease of Maintenance 4.13 4.20 VERY GOOD
2. Provision for enhancements 3.80 4.33 VERY GOOD
and modifications
3. Ease on using the controls 4.27 4.20 VERY GOOD
F. Portability

1. Transferring installed 4.13 3.87 VERY GOOD
program files to another
device of basically the same
2. Building executable 3.93 4.13 VERY GOOD
programs for different
platforms from source code
3. Usable on different kind of 4.27 4.40 VERY GOOD

As shown in Table 7, the indicator that got the highest mean in the IT

professional‘s perspective

Table 8

Summary of the Respondents’ Evaluation on the Performance of the Online

Interactive Examination Generator Based on the Given Indicators


A. Functionality 4.22 4.33 4.28 VERY GOOD
B. Content 3.98 4.13 4.05 VERY GOOD
C. Availability 4.36 4.47 4.42 EXCELLENT
D. Reliability 4.04 4.22 4.13 VERY GOOD
E. Maintainability 4.06 4.24 4.14 VERY GOOD
F. Portability 4.11 4.13 4.12 VERY GOOD

As shown in Table 8, the indicator that got the highest mean in the IT professional‘s

perspective is the ―Functionality‖ which is resulted as 4.22 with an interpretation of ―Very

Good‖ and in non-IT professionals the highest mean is 4.36 which is the ―Availability‖

indicator. In over-all computation of the mean for IT and non-IT professional, the indicator

that got the highest mean is the ―Portability‖ indicator which is interpreted as ―Very Good‖.

The over-all average on all the six (6) indicators in IT professional evaluator is 4.13 and in

non-IT professional evaluators, they evaluate the system with an average of 4.25 which is

higher than the evaluation of IT professionals. The over-all interpretation of this resulted

as ―Very Good‖. Based on the evaluation, the Online Interactive Examination Generator

resulted as portable and can be installed in other devices with the same architectures and

Performs according to specifications.


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusion, and

recommendation based from the results of the evaluation, comments and


Summary of Findings

On the basis of tests and evaluation conducted on the performance

capability of the system, the following were the findings of the study:

The Online Interactive Examination Generator that has been evaluated

by the respondents as ―Very Good‖ was developed according to the planned

design and specifications. The system has been found to be functional, efficient,

reliable, available, maintainable, and portable.

The software testing was conducted, the operation ran smoothly and the

respondents comfortably learned and gradually get adapted with the system.

Moreover, the mobile application was successfully installed and ran on three

different mobile devices namely: Samsung Galaxy Tab, Sony Xperia Go

and Samsung Note 2 and in three different computers namely: Del Desktop

Computer, iMac and Toshiba Netbook. Afterwards, software evaluation of the

Online Interactive Examination Generator was conducted, using the survey form

provided by the researcher. The respondents‘ casual comments about their

rating in some of the indicators on the efficiency of the system were also noted.

Based on the data gathered during the evaluation, the project got an overall

mean rating of 4.19, which means that the system is described as ―Very Good.‖

The impressive evaluation can only attest that the project can be accepted and

embraced exceptionally.


The following conclusions were derived based on the concerns stated in the objectives

of the study and results of the evaluation conducted:

1. That the Online Interactive Examination Generator was designed with the following


1.1.  Displays faster and accurate examination results that will help the professor

determine the students‘ knowledge and capacity in a specific topic/course

1.2.  Provides item analysis in each examination to show in which items that the

students understand well or having a hard time with

1.3.  1.3 Reports that will show the student results, top ten student rankings, over-all

rankings, passed/failed students and each created exam to help the professors

in analyzing the results

1.4.  Capable of randomizing questions that provides different set of questions. This

will also be a twist for the students in answering examinations and prevents

them from copying other student‘s answers.

1.5.  Provides time limit and number of attempts in each examination that will be an

added security and for the students to focus more on the questions than doing

unnecessary things when answering exams.

1.6.  A reusable exam that lets the professor in using previous created exams for the

new semester and set of students.

2. That the application was successfully created as designed, utilizing the technologies


a. Eclipse IDE provided development environment for Java and Android applications;

b. PHP a scripting language that is used to create the web application of the project;

c. Android SDK (Software Development Kit) provided the API (Application

Programming Interface) libraries and developer tools necessary to build, test,

and debug apps for Android;

d. ADT (Android Developer Tool) Plugin for the Eclipse IDE gave powerful integrated

environment in which to build Android application.

e. MySQL for the storage of the questions, exam settings, answers and results of

the students and professors; and

f. Adobe Photoshop for the design of the buttons and pictures.

3. That the mobile application was successfully installed and tested to be functional

on three (3) different mobile devices namely Samsung Galaxy Tab (tablet), Sony

Xperia Go (smartphone) and Samsung Note II (smartphone) and to three (3) different

browsers namely, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari.

4. That the performance of the system was successfully evaluated in terms of functionality,

content, reliability, availability, maintainability and portability. The performance of

Online Interactive Examination Generator was rated Very Good based from the

evaluation made by the two kinds of respondents that yielded an overall mean rating

of 4.19


Based on the result of the study, the following are recommended:

1. Provide one item at a time when answering examinations.

2. Include images and sounds in creating questions.

3. Add additional graph for the student‘s result.





1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Creation of
Research Topic
Title Defense
Data Gathering
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
(BSU Library)
Chapter 3
Finalization of
Consultation to
Thesis Adviser
Showcase Day
Final Defense
Submission of




Research Project Title:

EVELOPMENT OF Online Interactive Examination Generator


Name (Optional):___________________________ Date:_________________
Area of Specialization: ______________________Company:______________

Direction: Please evaluate the software material by using the given scale and placing a
check (✔ ) inside the box

Rating Equivalent
5 Excellent
4 Very Good
3 Good
2 Fair
1 Poor

INDICATORS 5 4 3 2 1
A. Functionality
1. Ease of Operation
2. Provision for Comfort and Convenience
3. User-friendliness
B. Content
1. The Data in the system is accurate
2. The Data presented is clear and concise
3. The Data presented to the user is accurate
C. Availability
1. Performs according to specifications
2 .Provide information that can be useful in
3. Provision to security requirements
D. Reliability
1. Conformance to the desired result
2. Absence of Failures
3. Accuracy of Performance
E. Maintainability

1. Ease of Maintenance
2. Provision for enhancements and
3. Ease on using the controls
F. Portability
1. Transferring installed program files
to another device of basically the same
2. Building executable programs for different
platforms from source code
3. Usable on different kind of browsers

Comments and Suggestions:


Evaluators Signature: _____________________________________________



The tables below show the economic feasibility which is necessary for the implementation
of the proposed system. These include expenses for the development cost and onetime
cost benefit.

Particulars Quantity Amounts

Transportation Allowance 5 Php 2,500.00
Food expenses 5 Php 2,000.00
Mobile Device 1 Php 15,000.00
Printing of Documents 5 Php 3,000.00
Tarpaulin 1 Php 1,500.00
Evaluation Token 10 Php 3,000.00
School Supplies (folders, envelope, 15 sets Php 2,000.00
clips, bondpaper)
Total Budget 29,500.00



Requirements in using the Online Interactive Examination Generator

1. Internet Connection

2. Computer / Laptop
3. Mobile Phones or tablet

4. Web Browser

Using Online Interactive Examination Generator as a Professor

1. Open your computer or tablet

2. Turn on your Wi-fi or internet connection

3. Open any of your browsers (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera & Internet

4. Type in the web browser‘ s address bar

5. Enter your login credentials using your username and password given by the


Creating Exam in Online Interactive Examination Generator

1. To create exam, Click the create link located above the page

2. First step in creating exam is filling up data needed in exam settings. Click

after inputting the data for the exam setting

3. Next is reviewing the settings before saving it and make it fin

4. Third step, adding question type (multiple choice, true or false & identification) a. Select

question type b. select points per question c. write instructions for each question type

Save the ff. by clicking this button

5. If multiple choice is chosen, a) Write question b) Enter value for four choices c) choose

correct answer d) enter explanation for correct answer

6. If Multiple choice type is chosen : a) add question b) Write 4 value for each choices c)

Enter the correct answer and explanation.

If identification is chosen, a) add question b) enter the correct answer and the explanation

If true or false is chosen, value for true and false must be set. If not, click the
green button located at the bottom. After configuring the values for true and false,
a) Add question b) Choose correct answer and c.) explanation After entering
values needed for answering questions, there are three choices to choose from.

“Save changes and add another question‖ button will save the details entered and return
to the same page with blank form for adding questions. “Add another question‖ button will
redirect the user to the adding of question type page.

12. ―Finish Exam‖ redirects the user to the last page of exam.

Viewing Created Exam in Online Interactive Examination Generator

1. Click the ―exam‖ link located in the header of the page.

2. Exams are categorized into two namely:

―Inactive Exams‖ and ―Active Exams.

3. Four options are displayed that is available for the professor. The color

blue pane named ―Questions‖ shows the questions in the exam. ―Exam

Structure‖ (color green) displays the structure of the exam. ―Exam Settings‖

(color orange) shows the settings configured in the exam and ―Answer key

items‖ (color red) shows the answer for the exam.

Adding/Editing/Deleting Questions in Online Interactive Examination


1. on the pane (color blue) named ―Questions‖ the total number indicates the
number of questions in the exam. Click ―View details‖ located at the bottom
of the pane Click ―View details‖ located at the bottom of the pane.

2. upon creating the exam for the first time. The exam‘s status by default is ―
Inactive‖. When the exam status is ―activated‖, the professor cannot be
edited. She/he can only view the questions. To edit/add/delete the question,
click the red button above.

To know if the questions can be modified, see the ―inactive‖ text located above.

Click under the ―Actions‖ tab to add questions. Note: The question type

depends on the category you have clicked. To edit the question click

aligned to the question you want to edit. Click question

Adding questions in multiple choice: Fill up the necessary fields such as

Questions, Choices, Correct answer and explanation.

Click to save the created question

Editing questions in multiple choice. Modify the field you want to edit. The fields

needed to be edited are Questions, Choices, Correct answer and explanation.

Click to save the modified question.

Deleting questions in multiple choice. The question you want to delete is

displayed for the professor to review before deleting the chosen question. Click
to delete the question.

Adding questions in identification. Fill up the necessary fields such as Questions,

Correct answer and explanation

Click to save the created modified question

Editing questions in identification. Modify the field you want to edit. The fields

needed to be edited are Questions, Correct answer and explanation.

Click to save the modified question

Deleting questions in identification. The question you want to delete is displayed

for the professor to review before deleting the chosen question. Click to

delete the question

Adding questions in true or false. Fill up the necessary fields such as Questions,

Correct answer and explanation

Click to save the created modified question

Editing questions in true or false. Modify the field you want to edit. The fields needed

to be edited are Questions, Correct answer and explanation.

Click to save the modified question

Deleting questions in identification. The question you want to delete is displayed for

the professor to review before deleting the chosen question.

Click to delete the question

Generating result / reports in Online Interactive Examination Generator

Click to print the report.In generating other reports, the procedures

are almost the same. In the results page, click the report you want to generate. The

following available reports are the following: Subject, Exam, Item Analysis Top ten

rankings, Over-all top ten rankings reports. Simply click that specific report you

want to generate.

After clicking the button, choose a subject and type of sorting in the data by clicking

the arrow beside them

Using Online Interactive Examination Generator as a student

1. Click the Online Interactive Examination Generator app located in your app list

or in the Home tab of your smart phones. This application is available only for

android mobile phone users. Also please check your internet connection before

using the application because the app requires internet to function properly.

After clicking the application, correct login credentials are needed in order to enter

inside the application. The username and password are given by the administrator.

Registering accounts are not allowed. Only the students of the University can use

the application.

2. Choosing subject – all the student‘s subject will be displayed to give the student

a glimpse of the examination that they will answer in the future. To choose a

subject simply click the arrow located the middle part of the pane.

3. Choosing subject, list of available examination under the chosen subject will

be displayed at the application. The name of the exam, name of professor and

the exam status are displayed to guide the students in choosing examinations.

4. Verifying Keycode - A key code is needed in order to answer an exam. A key

code is given by the professor to their students. This code will be the password

of the students to have access to the exam

5. Introduction – After verifying the key code, if the key code is correct an

introduction (Exam name, general instruction and time limit) will be displayed to

the student to give a glimpse of the exam that she/he will answer. Click decided

not to answer the exam. Click to answer the exam.

6. Answer exam – the details such as student name, exam name, section,

general instructions, time limit, semester and school year. Simply choose the

correct answer by clicking the circle beside the answer you wanted to choose.

In identification, enter the correct answer and click to

submit the answers

7. Results – the results are based on the settings of the professor. Results can

show students score (shows the score of the student), item analysis (shows if the

student answer is correct or wrong), adaptive mode (Shows the explanation to

the wrong answers of the student), correct answer (shows the correct answer),

percentage (percentage of the students score)

Search results – enter the exam name of the result you wanted to see. Click

to search results.


• Patna University (India) Computerized Examination System (Ganjapure, 2013)

• University of Sydney Examination Forms (, 2014)

• National Police Commission E-qualifying Examination (Aban, et Al, 2005)

• Bulacan State University Faculty Evaluation System (Damian, 2009)

• AutoDepEX: Automated Departmental Examination (Fermil, 2006)

• SpeedExam 2013

• ClassMarker, 2006-2014

• Mobile Application (Jansen, 2014)

• Orange and Bronze Web-based Employment Examination

• Philippine Christian University’s Network-based Examination Generator

• GraPExS: Grading plus Examination System (Dela Cruz, et Al, 1999)

• BSU Web-based Entrance Examination System with Career Assessment (Yoshitomi,



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