CityU E-Brochure

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Being one of the Top 100
Universities in the World, CityU
aspires to nurture innovators,
explorers and pioneers.


• English as the medium of instruction
According to the latest University •5
 4% of our professors come from all
Rankings published by Quacquarelli around the globe
Symonds, we ranked: •H
 ome to 3,000 international and
 th among the world’s top universities exchange students (15% of the student
founded in the last 50 years population) from over 30 countries
• 1 2th in Asia •5
 0% of CityU students will gain
overseas study experience to sharpen
 5th in the world their global competence
 ver 350 academic collaborative
PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION agreements and over 280 student
We are home to: exchange programmes with 300 higher
 academicians in Science, Engineering institutions in 40 countries around the
and the Humanities world
• 1 2 Fellows of the Institute of Electrical • L inks with world-renowned institutions
and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) including Oxford University, Columbia
University and UC-Berkeley
• 6 Fulbright Scholars
 Croucher Senior Research Fellows
Facts & Figures Hong Kong @ a Glance
WE ARE According to Quacquarelli Symonds
• F ounded in 1984 World University Rankings (2012),
four of Hong Kong’s higher education
• 1 of the 8 government-funded tertiary institutions – including City University
institutions in Hong Kong of Hong Kong (CityU) – are among
• A six-time winner of the overall the top 100 in the world. Our excellent
championship title organised by the academic and research achievements are
Hong Kong Post-Secondary Colleges internationally recognised!
Athletic Association WE SPEAK THE WORLD
WE HAVE Hong Kong has two official languages:
English and Chinese. For most universities
• 15.6 hectares campus area
including CityU, the medium of
 Colleges/Schools housing 23 academic instruction is English.
 0,000 students enrolled in more than Hong Kong has the world’s freest
130 programmes economy and is seen as the world’s 3rd
 ore than 700 academic staff leading financial centre, after London and
New York.
• 1 10,000 graduates
• 1 0 residences providing around 3,700
hall places
A United Nations survey shows that of
 ore than 60 student associations and 33 countries and main cities worldwide,
societies Hong Kong had the lowest victimisation
rate for common crimes and the highest
HONG KONG level of satisfaction with police efforts to
control crime.
Asia’s World City “NI HAO!” WELCOME TO THE
Hong Kong is one of the most vibrant DOORSTEP OF CHINA
cosmopolitan cities in the world. The Hong Kong maintains close ties with the
cultural diversity, safe and convenience rest of China. It takes just one hour to
living environment, as well as affordable travel to the closest mainland city by
cost of living, all make Hong Kong a train. As the gateway to China, Hong
great place for education and career Kong is also one of the world’s largest
seeking. recipients of foreign direct investment.
Hong Kong was a British colony until
1997 when it returned to China. Explore
our food, festivals and architecture,
which integrate the East and West in
perfect harmony... and experience how
history has blended to create the vibrant,
multicultural city of today.
Some 580,000 expatriates work and live
in Hong Kong, enjoying the freedoms of
speech, religion, human rights and the
protection of law... just like the rest of
the city’s residents.
All non-local students can enjoy one
year of visa-free stay after graduation
from degree studies in Hong Kong. Many
choose to embark on a career with one
of the 3,700 regional headquarters and
offices of multinational corporations, or THE HONG KONG STANDARD
to pursue further studies here in CHARTERED MARATHON
Hong Kong.

Offering over 50
programmes across 6
colleges and schools,

CityU provides our
student the flexibility
and choice to choose
from majors and minors
in different disciplines.

Colleges and Schools Kong for published research papers.

The establishment of the State Key
Hong Kong is one of the world Laboratory of Millimeter Waves and
cosmopolitans in the Asia-Pacific State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollutions
region. The College of Business has is further proof of the research strengths
longstanding relationships with partner of the University.
on the mainland and in Hong Kong’s
Hong Kong has long been regarded
business circles, which ensure the city
as one of the most influential and
maintains its competitive edge. The
productive creative media environments
college is one of the few premier business
in the world. CityU’s School of Creative
schools in the Greater China region to be
Media plays a central role in providing
triple accredited, having been recognized
the talent that forges this well-earned
by AMBA, AACSB international and
reputation. The jewel in the crown of
creative media education at CityU is the
The University is committed to state-of-the-art Run Run Show Creative
conducting social science research that Media Centre designed by renowned
addresses critical social issues. The architect Daniel Libeskind. This striking
research projects conducted by the landmark is a focal point for the
College of Liberal Arts and Social development of creative media in Asia.
Sciences cover a wide range of topics
The recently established School of
including school bullying, idol worship
Energy and Environment is the first in
among young people and positive
Hong Kong and one of the few in the
ageing. The humanities expand our
region to lead teaching and research
understanding of human conditions and
tackling two of the most pressing issues
the development of human values.
of our time. The school is committed
CityU has won international acclaim in to improving environmental quality
many areas of science and engineering. and support sustainable development
The University’s largest college - the in Greater China and the Asia-Pacific
College of Science and Engineering region. Its Biofuel Research Centre,
- is ranked number one in Hong also the first of its kind in Hong Kong,
addresses the rising global demand for law scholarship, with an emphasis on
sustainable fuels. Chinese law. The ground-breaking
Hong Kong Centre for Maritime and
The School of Law aspires to be an
Transportation Law aims to nurture
internationally renowned centre for
maritime and transportation legal
research and the teaching of law. The
professionals in support of Hong Kong’s
school distinguishes itself with its strong
continued development as a maritime
commitment to common law scholarship
service centre.
and to comparative and international

The Four-Year Curriculum

The new curriculum allows students to gain in-depth knowledge through major
studies, and diversify their learning with Gateway Education (GE) courses, electives
and optional minors. The curriculum structure is as follows:

Component First-Year Entrants Advanced Standing I

Gateway English 6 credits 6 credits
Education Chinese Civilisation – History 3 credits 3 credits
and Philosophy
Arts and Humanities; Study of 21 credits 12 credits
Societies, Social and Business
Organisations; Science and
Major + College Requirement (see notes) ≤72 credits ≤72 credits
Minor (optional) 15-18 credits 15-18 credits
Free Electives Remainder to Remainder to
fulfill the credit fulfill the credit
requirement for requirement for
graduation, if graduation, if
necessary necessary
Minimum credit units for graduation 120 credits, 90 credits,
depending on major depending on major
Maximum credit units for graduation 144 credits 114 credits
Notes: 1. Students may be required to take additional language courses depending on the entry qualification in English / Chinese.
2. Major and college requirements should not exceed 72 credits. However, the college and school may set a higher limit to meet
professional accreditation requirements. 3. Students admitted with Advanced Standing will not be entitled to additional credit
transfer on the basis of their entry qualifications. Instead, students may apply for course exemption based on prior study. Credit
units are not earned for an exempted course.
Entrance Requirements ENGLISH REQUIREMENTS
Applicants whose entrance qualifications
GENERAL ENTRANCE are obtained in a language other than
REQUIREMENTS English will need an acceptable result
Applicants are required to meet the in an approved English language test
minimum General Entrance Requirements such as TOEFL (550 on the paper-based
for admission to bachelor’s degree study. test / 79 on the Internet-based test) or
The International Baccalaureate Diploma IELTS (overall band score of 6). Other
(IB Diploma) and General Certificate qualifications may also be accepted as
of Education (GCE) are accepted for proof of English language proficiency. For
direction admission. Other qualifications details, please visit
and school-leaving qualifications admo
acceptable for university entry in your
home country are usually recognised.
For more information, please visit www.

Financial Matters
Rough estimate of the yearly cost of studying @ CityU

Expenses Amount per academic year

Tuition fee* US$15,420
Living costs (meals, transport, US$3,850-6,400
laundry, and education expenses
for books, stationery, etc.)

On-campus accommodation US$1,240

(double occupancy for 10 months)*

Total cost per academic year US$20,570-23,070

* Subject to annual review
3 categories of Entrance Scholarships •T
 op scholarship of HKD160,000
are available for undergraduate (~USD20,560) covering annual tuition
international students. There is no fee, on-campus accommodation and
need to apply for these scholarships as daily expenses
the appropriate category is awarded
• F ull Tuition Scholarship covering
based on merit.
annual tuition fee (~USD15,420); and
• Half Tuition Scholarship covering half
annual tuition fee (~USD7,710)
Student Development Services provides Self-Access Centre with language
campus-wide programmes that learning advisors, student helpers and
strengthen the University’s pursuit of a wide variety of language learning
whole-person education. Scholarships are materials and equipment.
awarded to students with outstanding
performance in their academic pursuits
and personal development. Experienced
counsellors provide personal counselling The Run Run Shaw Library provides easy
to students on adjustment to university access to and delivery of information
life, interpersonal relationships, personal resources to all students. The Library’s
growth, and emotional and mental collection includes more than 955,500
health. volumes of print books, over 2 million
Website: volumes of electronic books, around
202,900 volumes of bound periodicals
and around 2,690 print serials titles. The
The City-Youth Empowerment Project Library also maintains an expanding
provides opportunities for students to number of electronic databases,
engage in the local community through e-journals and media resources.
voluntary service and community
immersion activities.

To give students a head start in their

career development, the Career and
Internship Office provides comprehensive
services related to local and overseas
internship opportunities, as well as
regular workshops, seminars and advice
on employability enhancement, career
planning and job search.

The English Language Centre offers

activities and resources for students who
want to develop their language skills
and improve their English. Facilities and
resources include a Language Lounge,
To make a good way for student to
develop networks and enrich university
experience, CityU offers a wide range
of activities organised by societies and

associations under CityU’s Students

Our Students financial centers worldwide. (Xenia Vives

Cano from Spain)”
“I decided to come to CityU all the way
from New Delhi, India and it was a big
change for me. The place, culture, people
everything surprised me when I first “I could hardly forget the experience that
landed in Hong Kong. Studying at CityU we had our hot-pot dinner together with
and living alone all by myself has given local friends and two exchange students
me a lot of self confidence and made me from America and the Netherlands.
very independent. Living in this megacity They felt amazed of Chinese hot-pot and
has been phenomenal as I have been fell for it immediately. (Chuah Zhi Xue
able to network with people from all from Malaysia)”
over the world which would have not
happened if I were studying in India.
Hong Kong has made me a very global
citizen and I am proud that I chose to
come to CityU. (Arnav Ghosh from • Close to the campus, accessible within
India)” walking distance
• 24-hour security and supervision

“I decided I would pursue my bachelor’s • Single or double furnished room with

degree abroad, and it didn’t take me a electricity, shared bathroom and toilet
long time to choose Hong Kong as my • Self-help laundry facilities
destination. I felt that this experience
• Computer room, music room and
would certainly help me evolve as a
common room
person as well as in my future career.
Hong Kong felt like the perfect city •A
 dvice will be given to student who is
to me, as it would allow me to be in looking for private housing
a Chinese environment (completely
different from Europe and the US!) while
being in one of the most important
Resources buildings and the ground area of the
Student Residence. Express Terminals
GET INVOLVED are available for free student use in
CityU has more than 60 student the Academic Building and Computer
associations and societies under the Services Centre. Free internet access is
umbrella of the City University of Hong also provided in every student’s room at
Kong Students’ Union for students the Student Residence.
to meet and mingle, and share their
Website: Providing a safe, green and healthy
learning environment for students
WORK HARD, PLAY HARD is paramount at CityU. To promote
The Hu Fa Kuang Sports Centre offers health and work-life balance, on-
excellent indoor and outdoor facilities. campus clinic services, mental health
An off-campus Joint Sports Centre at workshops, medical talks, health and
Renfrew Road also provides a variety of fitness assessments, and fitness classes
quality outdoor sports facilities. are offered throughout the year. Seven
main catering facilities offer a variety of
Website: meal options for students on campus.
service/pes An abundance of restaurants are also
available in the nearby Festival Walk
GET CONNECTED shopping mall.
Wi-Fi is available in most campus
Mainland and External Affairs Office
(General Enquiries)
Phone: (852) 3442 7373
Fax: (852) 3442 0299

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