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Scalable, Distributed Cycle-Breaking

Algorithms for Gigabit Ethernet


Francesco De Pellegrini
Create-Net Research Center, Trento, Italy
Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova

David Starobinski, Mark G. Karpovsky, and Lev B. Levitin

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Boston University

Ethernet networks rely on the so-called spanning tree protocol (IEEE

802.1d) in order to break cycles, thereby avoiding the possibility of
infinitely circulating packets and deadlocks. This protocol imposes a
severe penalty on the performance and scalability of large Gigabit
Ethernet backbones, since it makes inefficient use of fibers and may lead
to bottlenecks. In this paper, we propose a significantly more scalable
cycle-breaking approach, based on the novel theory of turn-prohibition.
Specifically, we introduce, analyze and evaluate a new algorithm, called
Tree-Based Turn-Prohibition (TBTP). We show that this polynomial-
time algorithm maintains backward-compatibility with the IEEE 802.1d
standard and never prohibits more than 1/2 of the turns in the network,
for any given graph and any given spanning tree. We further introduce
a distributed version of the algorithm that nodes in the network can run
asynchronously. Through extensive simulations on a variety of graph
topologies, we show that the TBTP algorithm can lead to an order of
magnitude improvement over the spanning tree protocol with respect
to throughput and end-of-end delay metrics. In addition, we propose
and evaluate heuristics to determine the replacement order of legacy
switches that results in the fastest performance improvement. ° c 2005
Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: 060.4250, 060.4510.

1. Introduction
For many years, Ethernet has been the prevalent local area network (LAN) technol-
ogy, offering a wide-range of services in a simple and cost-effective manner. With the
standardization of Gigabit Ethernet protocols, the scope of Ethernet has widened
further [1]. A large number of corporations and service providers are now adopt-
ing Gigabit Ethernet as their backbone technology. Gigabit Ethernet backbones
cope with the increasing traffic demand resulting from the deployment of high-
speed LANs, home networks, Voice over IP, and high-bandwidth applications. The
key advantage of Gigabit Ethernet over alternate technologies, such as ATM, is
to maintain backward-compatibility with the over one hundred millions Ethernet
nodes deployed world-wide and the large number of applications running on these
nodes [2, 3].

Gigabit Ethernet has the same plug-and-play functionalities as its Ethernet (10
Mb/s) and Fast Ethernet (100 Mb/s) precursors, requiring minimal manual inter-
vention for connecting hosts to the network. In addition, Gigabit Ethernet relies
on full-duplex technologies and on a flow control (backpressure) mechanism that
significantly reduce the amount of congestion and packet loss in the network [1, 4].
More specifically, the flow control mechanism (IEEE 802.3x) prevents switches from
loosing packets due to buffer overflow. This protocol makes use of Pause messages,
whereby a congested receiver can ask the transmitter to suspend (pause) its trans-
missions. Each Pause message includes a timer value that specifies how long the
transmitter needs to remain quiet.
Currently, the network topology for Gigabit Ethernet follows the traditional
rules of Ethernet. The spanning tree protocol (IEEE 802.1d) is used to avoid the
occurrence of any cycle in the networks, thus pruning the network into a tree topol-
ogy [5].
The reasons for breaking cycles are two-fold. The first is to avoid broadcast pack-
ets (or packets with unknown destination) from circulating forever in the network.
Unlike IP, Ethernet packets do not have a Time-to-Live (TTL) field. Moreover,
Ethernet switches must be transparent, which means that they are not allowed to
modify headers of Ethernet packets.
The second reason is to prevent the occurrence of deadlocks as a result of the
IEEE 802.3x flow control mechanism [6]. Such deadlocks may occur when Pause
messages are sent from one switch to another along a circular path, leading to
a situation where no switch is allowed to transmit. The use of a spanning tree
precludes this problem, since deadlocks cannot arise in an acyclic network [7].
The spanning tree protocol works well in LAN networks, which are often or-
ganized hierarchically and under-utilized [8]. However, it imposes a severe penalty
on the performance and scalability of large Gigabit Ethernet backbones, since a
spanning tree allows the use of only one cycle-free path in the entire network. As
pointed out by the Metro Ethernet Forum, an industry-wide initiative promoting
the use of optical Ethernet in metropolitan area networks, this leads to inefficient
utilization of expensive fiber links and may result in uneven load distribution and
bottlenecks, especially close to the root [9, 10].
One of the current approaches to address this issue is to overlay the physical
network with logical networks, referred to as virtual LANs [5]. A spanning tree
instance is then run separately for each virtual LAN (or group of virtual LANs).
This approach of maintaining multiple spanning trees can add significant complexity
to network management and be very CPU-intensive [9]. Other approaches based on
multiple spanning trees are described in [11, 12].
In this paper, we propose a significantly more scalable approach, based on the
novel theory of turn-prohibition [13, 14], in order to solve the cycle-breaking problem
in Gigabit Ethernet backbones. Turn-prohibition is much less restrictive than link-
prohibition, the approach employed to construct a spanning tree. The main idea is
to consider pairs of links around nodes, referred to as turns [15], and show that all
the cycles in a network can be broken through the prohibition of carefully selected
turns in the network (a turn (a, b, c) around node b is prohibited if no packet can
be forwarded from link (a, b) to link (b, c)).
One of the main challenges in making use of the turn-prohibition approach is to
maintain backward-compatibility with the IEEE 802.1d standard. Our main contri-
bution in this paper is to propose and analyze a novel algorithm, called Tree-Based
Turn-Prohibition (TBTP), that addresses this issue. This algorithm receives a graph
along with a spanning tree, as its input, and generates a set of prohibited turns, as

its output.
The TBTP algorithm possesses several key theoretical properties. First, it breaks
all the cycles in the networks and preserves connectivity. Second, it never prohibits
turns along the given spanning tree. In particular, if the tree is generated by the
IEEE 802.1d protocol, then legacy switches can gradually be replaced by switches
capable of running turn-prohibition. Third, the algorithm prohibits at most 1/2 of
the turns in the network. Thus, the total number of permitted turns in the network
always exceeds the total number of prohibited turns. This result is valid for any given
graph and spanning tree on it. Furthermore, it is generalizable to weighted graph
topologies. In this latter case, the algorithm guarantees that the total weight of
permitted turns always exceeds the total weight of prohibited turns in the network.
We note that the constraint of permitting all the turns along a given spanning tree
is critical for backward-compatibility. Without this constraint, a tighter bound on
the fraction of prohibited turns can been achieved, namely 1/3 [13, 14]. Finally, we
show that the TBTP algorithm can be implemented in a distributed fashion and
the number of messages exchanged on each link is independent of the network size
(assuming that the maximum degree of the graph is fixed).
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we give a brief
overview of the IEEE 802.1d protocol and discuss related work. In Section 3, we
introduce the TBTP algorithm, prove its main properties, and analyze its worst-
case time complexity. In Section 4, we present a distributed version of the TBTP
algorithm. In Section 5, we provide a general framework for maintaining backward-
compatibility in an heterogeneous network composed of both “intelligent” switches,
capable of running turn-prohibition, and legacy switches. We also propose heuristics
to determine the order in which legacy switches should be replaced in order to
achieve the fastest performance improvement. In Section 6, we present numerical
results, comparing the TBTP algorithm with the standard spanning tree algorithm
and an earlier turn-prohibition approach called Up/Down [16]. Through extensive
simulations on a variety of graph topologies, we show that the TBTP algorithm
significantly outperforms the two other schemes with respect to throughput and
end-to-end delay metrics. The last section is devoted to concluding remarks.

2. Background and Related Work

2.A. The Spanning Tree Algorithm (IEEE 802.1d)
The spanning tree algorithm, first proposed in the seminal paper of [17], is the
standard for interconnecting LANs, according to the IEEE 802.1d protocol.
This algorithm requires a unique identifier (ID) for every switch and every port
within a switch. Using a distributed procedure, it elects the switch with the smallest
ID as the root. A spanning tree is then constructed, based on the shortest path from
each switch to the root (switch and port IDs are used to break ties).
Every switch brings the ports connected to its parent and children into a forward-
ing state. All remaining ports are placed in a blocking state. Ports in the forwarding
state are used to forward data frames, while ports in the blocking state can only be
used for forwarding signaling messages between switches.
Packet forwarding is based on a backward–learning process. When a switch re-
ceives a packet from a certain host S, via one of its active ports P , it assumes that
the same port can be used in the reverse direction to forward packets to host S. This
way, each switch progressively constructs a table, maintained in a local cache, that
maps each destination with its corresponding port in the switch. Note that cache
entries are valid only for a limited amount of time, determined by an associated

timer. If the destination of a packet is unknown, then the packet is forwarded over
all active ports except the incoming one. This action is commonly referred to as
flooding or broadcast.
Newer versions of the spanning tree protocol include the rapid spanning tree
protocol (RSTP) (IEEE 802.1w) that increases the speed of convergence of the
original algorithm. RSTP takes advantage of the presence of point-to-point links
and is tailored for optical backbones. Doing so, the convergence speed scales down
from the order of tens of seconds to the order of hundreds of milliseconds. Re-
cent work, however, indicate that RSTP may exhibit undesirable count-to-infinity
behavior [18].

2.B. Improvements
Several enhancements have been proposed in the literature in order to mitigate
congestion near the root of the tree.
The Distributed Load Sharing (DLS) technique enables use of some of the links
not belonging to the tree [19, 20]. Under specific topological constraints, this tech-
nique can provide alternate paths to the spanning tree, thus helping to relieve local
congestion. In general, however, no guarantee is provided on the overall performance
improvement of the network.
A recent improvement over the DLS idea is proposed in [21]. This work devises
a backward-compatible scheme, called STAR (Spanning Tree Alternate Routing),
that finds alternate paths shorter than paths on the spanning tree, for any addi-
tive metric. It also introduces optimization techniques to determine which legacy
switches should be candidates for replacement by new switches. As with previous
DLS solutions, the STAR scheme does not provide bounds on the amount of pro-
hibited resources in the network and does not address the problem of deadlocks
caused by the IEEE 802.3x protocol. Readers are referred to [21] for other previous
work related to the STAR protocol.
In [22], a solution, based on the technique of diffusing computation, is pro-
posed in order to avoid infinite packet loops. Unfortunately, this solution is not
backward-compatible with the IEEE 802.1d protocol and does not address the issue
of deadlocks.
A scheduling approach, suitable for a lossless Gigabit Ethernet LAN, is proposed
in [6] in order to avoid deadlocks. Although this solution avoids changes in the
headers of Ethernet frames, it requires the replacement of all the switches in the
network and is inherently incompatible with the spanning tree approach.
Our contribution substantially differs from previous work by providing a provable
bound on the amount of prohibited resources (turns) in the network. Moreover, the
TBTP algorithm that we propose is a general graph-theoretic approach for breaking
cycles in networks. This algorithm is, thus, application-independent and can be used
to avoid both infinite packet loops and deadlocks. Finally, our proposed algorithm
is purposefully designed to be backward-compatible, as it relies on the spanning
tree generated by the IEEE 802.1d protocol.
A preliminary version of this paper appeared in [23]. The main addition of the
current paper is in the introduction, analysis, and performance evaluation of the
distributed version of the TBTP algorithm. This algorithm differs from previous
distributed turn-prohibition algorithms [16, 24] by providing bounds on the fraction
of prohibited turns and guaranteeing backward-compatibility.

2 1 3 2 1 3

5 4 5 4
(a) (b)
Fig. 1. (a) Example of a graph G. (b) Solution of the Up/Down algorithm for
graph G. Tree-links are represented by solid lines and cross-links by dashed lines.
Arcs represent prohibited turns (six turns are prohibited in total).

3. Scalable Cycle-Breaking Algorithms

In this section, we present the Tree-Based Turn-Prohibition (TBTP) algorithm for
breaking cycles in a scalable manner in Gigabit Ethernet Networks. We also briefly
review an earlier turn-prohibition algorithm called Up/Down [16] and discuss the
theoretical advantages of TBTP over that algorithm. Beforehand, we introduce our
network model and notations, and provide a formal statement of the problem.

3.A. Model
We model a Gigabit Ethernet network by a directed graph G(V, E) where V is a
set of nodes (vertices) representing switches and E is a set of links (edges). We do
not consider end-hosts, since they would just be leaves on the graph. We restrict
our attention to bi-directional network topologies, that is, networks where nodes
are connected by full-duplex links. It is worth noting that essentially all modern
Gigabit Ethernet networks make use of full-duplex links (in contrast to the original
Ethernet where nodes were communicating over a shared medium link).
We define a cycle to be a path whose first and last links are the same, for
instance, (n1 , n2 , n3 , . . . , n`−1 , n` , n1 , n2 ). Our goal is to break all such cycles in the
underlying graph in order to avoid deadlocks and infinitely circulating packets.
Note that the literature in graph-theory typically defines a cycle as a path such
that the initial and final nodes in the path are the same [25]. We refer to this latter
definition as a cycle of nodes. A spanning tree breaks all cycles of nodes in a graph.
Breaking all cycles of nodes is, however, unnecessary in general. For instance,
referring to Figure 1(a), the path (5, 1, 4, 3, 1, 4) contains a cycle, while the path
(5, 1, 4, 3, 1, 2) does not (although it contains a cycle of nodes). A cycle is, thus,
created only when the same buffer or port is traversed twice, in the same direction.
In particular, a path may traverse several times the same node without creating a
A pair of input-output links around a node is called a turn. The three-tuple
(i, j, k) will be used to represent a turn from link (i, j) to link (j, k), with i 6= k. For
instance, in Fig. 1(a), the three-tuple (2, 1, 3) represent the turn from link (2, 1) to
link (1, 3) around node 1.
Due to the symmetrical nature of bi-directional graphs, we will consider the
turns (i, j, k) and (k, j, i) to be the same turn. As shown in the sequel, an efficient
approach for breaking cycles in a network is based on the prohibition of turns. For
example, in Fig. 1(a), prohibiting the turn (2, 1, 3) means that no packet can be
forwarded from link (2, 1) to link (1, 3) (and from link (3, 1) to link (1, 2)). Note
that turns involving leaves in the graph can always be permitted, since they do not
belong to any cycle. We will denote by R(G) the set of all turns in the network. If

P|V |
the degree of each node i is di , then |R(G)| = i=1 di (di − 1)/2.

3.B. Statement of the Problem

Suppose a spanning tree T (G) = (VT , ET ) providing connectivity for a graph G is
given a-priori. We refer to links belonging to this tree as tree-links. Other links are
referred to as cross-links.
Denote a set of prohibited turns by ST (G). Our goal is to determine a set ST (G),
such that
1. Every cycle in the network contains at least one turn from ST (G), i.e., all the
cycles in the network are broken.
2. ST (G) contains a minimum number of elements.

3. All the turns between tree-links in T (G) are permitted.

Our problem, therefore, is to determine a minimal cycle-breaking set ST (G)
that does not include turns from T (G). If the tree is generated by the IEEE 802.1d
protocol, then the solution to this problem would allow us to gradually replace legacy
switches by switches capable of running turn-prohibition. We present, now, two
algorithms to address this problem. For simplicity of exposition, we first assume that
all nodes in the network are intelligent nodes, that is, nodes capable of implementing
turn-prohibition. We address backward-compatibility issues with legacy nodes in
Section 5.

3.C. Up/Down
A possible approach for the construction of a cycle-breaking set ST (G), is the so-
called up/down routing algorithm [16]. In this approach, a spanning tree T (G) is
first constructed. Then, nodes are ordered according to the level at which they are
located on the tree. The level of a node is defined at its distance (in number of
hops) from the root. Nodes at the same level are ordered arbitrarily.
Once the nodes are ordered, a link (i, j) is considered to go “up” if i > j.
Otherwise, it is said to go “down”. A turn (i, j, k) is referred to as an up/down
turn if node if i > j and j < k. Respectively, a down/up turn is a turn such that
i < j and j > k. Clearly, any cycle must involve at least one up/down turn and
one down/up turn. Therefore, it is possible to break all the cycles in a graph by
prohibiting all the down/up turns. This means that packets can be transmitted over
cross-links as long as they are not forwarded over down/up turns. An illustration
of the Up/Down algorithm is provided in Fig. 1(b).
The Up/Down routing algorithm achieves much higher performance than the
simple spanning tree approach implemented by the IEEE 802.1d protocol, as shown
by our simulations in Section 6. However, the performance of this algorithm depends
critically on the selection of the spanning tree and its root node. In particular, it
has been shown that the fraction of turns prohibited by this scheme, that is, the
ratio |ST (G)|/|R(G)|, can be arbitrarily close to 1 in some networks [13].

3.D. The Tree-Based Turn-Prohibition (TBTP) Algorithm

We now introduce a novel cycle-breaking algorithm, called Tree-Based Turn-
Prohibition (TBTP). This algorithm prohibits at most 1/2 of the turns for any
given graph G and spanning tree T (G). This is in contrast with the Up/Down al-
gorithm that does not provide any guarantees on the fraction of prohibited turns
in the network.

2 1 3 2 1 3

5 4 5 4
Step 1 Step 2
2 1 3 2 1 3

5 4 5 4
Step 3 Final
Fig. 2. Successive steps of the TBTP algorithm and final result (five turns are
prohibited in total).

3.D.1. The Algorithm

The TBTP algorithm is a greedy procedure that receives a graph G and an associ-
ated spanning tree T (G) as its arguments. At each iteration, the algorithm breaks
all the cycles involving some selected node i∗ . Towards this end, the algorithm
prohibits all the turns around node i∗ (except for turns between tree-links) and
permits all turns of the type (i∗ , j, k), where (i∗ , j) are cross-links originating from
node i∗ . All the cross-links connected to node i∗ are then deleted and the procedure
is repeated until all the nodes have been selected and no more cross-links remain.
Following is a pseudo-code for the algorithm:
Algorithm TBTP(G, T (G)):
1. For each node i, that has adjacent cross-link(s), construct two sets of turns

A(i) = {(i, j, k)|(i, j) ∈ E\ET , (j, k) ∈ E}

P (i) = {(j, i, k)|(j, i) ∈ E\ET , (i, k) ∈ E}

2. Select node i∗ maximizing |A(i)| − |P (i)| (if there are multiple such nodes,
choose one at random).
3. Add all the turns from P (i∗ ) into ST (G).
4. Delete all cross-links (i∗ , j) ∈ E\ET , and repeat the procedure until all the
cross-links have been deleted.
The intuition behind the node selection is as follows. Each node i, is associ-
ated with a potential set of permitted turns A(i) and a potential set of prohibited
turns P (i). At each iteration, the selected node is the one that maximizes the dif-
ference between the cardinality of the sets, namely |A(i)| − |P (i)|. We will show
in the sequel that there always exists at least one node for which this difference is
greater or equal to zero. Thus, this selection strategy guarantees that the algorithm
prohibits at most 1/2 of the turns in the graph.
Figure 2 illustrates the algorithm. At the first step of the algorithm, the sets
A(i) and P (i) are computed for each node i. For instance, for node 1, these sets
are A(1) = {(1, 5, 2), (1, 5, 4)} and P (1) = {(2, 1, 5), (3, 1, 5), (4, 1, 5)}. The selected

node is node 3 for which |A(3)| − |P (3)| = 2 (either node 2 or 5 could have
been selected as well). As a result, turn (1, 3, 4) is prohibited. The procedure is
then repeated, but without cross-link (3, 4). As shown in the figure, the proce-
dure continues until no more cross-links remain. The final set of prohibited turns is
ST (G) = {(1, 3, 4), (1, 4, 2), (1, 5, 2), (1, 5, 4), (2, 5, 4)} (other solutions are also pos-
sible). Thus, the algorithm ends up in prohibiting five turns which is one fewer than

3.D.2. Analysis
We now prove the main properties of the TBTP algorithm.

Theorem 1 The TBTP algorithm preserves network connectivity.


The algorithm never prohibits turns between tree-links. Thus, network connectivity
is provided by the spanning tree T (G).

Theorem 2 The TBTP algorithm breaks all the cycles.


If any cycle exists, then it must involve at least one cross-link. Thus, in order to
prove the theorem, we need to show that a turn containing a cross-link cannot
belong to any cycle.
The proof is by induction. The induction hypothesis is that each iteration of
the algorithm, none of the turns around nodes previously selected, and containing
a cross-link, belong to any cycle. This hypothesis is clearly true for the first node
selected, say node i1 . This is because the TBTP algorithm prohibits all the turns
of the type (j, i1 , k) around node i1 , where (j, i1 ) are cross-links.
Now suppose that n − 1 nodes have already been selected and none of the turns,
containing a cross-link, around these nodes belong to any cycle. The next chosen
node is, say, node in . We distinguish between two types of turns around node in .
First, we consider turns which contain a cross-link adjacent to one of the previously
selected nodes. Some of these turns may have been permitted in one of the former
steps of the algorithm, but can not lead to a cycle, by the induction hypothesis.
Second, we consider the turns around node in , containing a cross-link, and that
do not involve a previously selected node. The TBTP algorithm prohibits all these
turns. As a consequence, the algorithm breaks all the remaining cycles that could
have involved node in with one of its adjacent cross-links. The induction hypothesis
is thus justified, and the proof of the theorem is complete.
We now show that the TBTP algorithm prohibits at most 1/2 of the turns in
the network. We first prove the following lemma:

Lemma 1 At each step of the algorithm, the following inequality holds

(|A(i)| − |P (i)|) ≥ 0


Each turn (i, j, k), {(i, j) ∈ E\ET , (j, k) ∈ E}, can appear only once as a prohibited
turn, namely in the set P (j). On the other hand, the same turn will appear as a
permitted turn in the set A(i), and possibly also in the set A(k) if (j, k) ∈ E\ET .
Thus, each turn is counted once in the set of prohibited turns and, at least, once in
the set of permitted turns, thereby proving the lemma.

Theorem 3 The TBTP algorithm prohibits at most 1/2 of the turns in the network.


From Lemma 1, there must exist at least one node i for which the difference |A(i)|−
|P (i)| is greater or equal to zero. Since, at each step, the algorithm selects the node
i∗ that maximizes this difference, it is guaranteed that the number of permitted
turns is greater or equal to the number of prohibited turns.
It is worth noting that the number of turns permitted by the TBTP algorithm is
actually strictly greater than the number of prohibited turns. This is because turns
between tree-links are all permitted as well.

3.D.3. Algorithm complexity

We next show that the TBTP algorithm has practical computational complexity.

Theorem 4 The computational complexity of the TBTP algorithm is O(|V |2 d2 ),

where d represents the degree of graph G (i.e., the maximum degree of any node in
the graph).


The analysis of the computational complexity can be broken down into the following

1. The construction of the spanning tree T (G). This component has complexity
O(|V |d).
2. Computations of the sets A(i) and P (i). Computing the number of permit-
ted/prohibited turns around any node i is of the order O(d2 ). At each iteration
of the algorithm, this computation is performed for all |V | nodes in the graph.
Since the number of iterations is at most |V |, we obtain that the overall com-
plexity of this component is O(|V |2 d2 ).

3. The selection of node i∗ . At each iteration, the node that maximizes the
difference |A(i)|−|P (i)| is selected, which requires O(|V |) computations. Since
there are at most |V | iterations, the complexity of this component is O(|V |2 ).
We therefore obtain that the algorithm complexity is O(|V |2 d2 ).
Note that the above analysis assumes a straight-forward implementation of the
algorithm. The computational complexity could be reduced by using advanced data
structures, such as priority queues. Likewise, at each step of the algorithm, we do
not have to repeat the computations of the set A(i) and P (i) for each node i, but
only for a subset of the nodes.

3.D.4. Extension for Weighted Graphs
So far, we have only considered the case of unweighted graphs. However, in switched
Ethernet networks, different links may have different capacity, e.g., 100 Mb/s versus
1 Gb/s. Consequently, the relative importance of different turns vary as well.
In order to address this issue, we can extend our results to weighted graphs.
Each turn (i, j, k) in the graph is associated with a weight w(i, j, k). This weight
can be set according to any metric of interest [14].
The TBTP algorithm for weighted graphs remains the same as for unweighted
graphs. We just have to replace |A(i)| and |P (i)| by the sum of the weight of turns
in the corresponding sets. Moreover, since the proof of Theorem 3 holds unchanged,
we obtain the following result for weighted graph topologies:

Corollary 1 The sum of the weights of prohibited turns by the TBTP algorithm is
at most 1/2 of the sum of the weights of all turns in G.
As an illustration, consider the example of Fig. 2, but with the following dis-
tribution of weights for the turns: w(1, 3, 4) = 10 and the weights of all other turns
set to 1. In such a case, the algorithm would prohibit the following set of turns
ST (G) = {(2, 4, 1), (2, 4, 3), (2, 4, 5), (3, 4, 1), (3, 4, 5), (2, 5, 1),
(2, 5, 4)}. The overall weight of the prohibited turns is 7 which represents 25% of
the total weight of the turns in the network.

4. Distributed TBTP
4.A. The Algorithm
A direct implementation of the TBTP algorithm, as described in the previous sec-
tion, requires each switch in the network to have global knowledge of the network
topology. Such global knowledge can be obtained in a distributed fashion, if every
switch broadcasts its list of neighbors (neighborhood list), to the entire network. In
essence, this is the approach implemented by link-state protocols, such as OSPF [5].
The problem with this approach is that it often does not scale well as the network
In the following, we describe a more scalable, distributed implementation of the
TBTP algorithm, referred to as dTBTP. This distributed version of the TBTP algo-
rithm requires only local topological knowledge at each node. The dTBTP algorithm
preserves all the important theoretical properties of the original TBTP algorithm.
In particular, it guarantees that at most 1/2 of the turns on the network are pro-
hibited. However, as shown in Section 6, its performance is slightly inferior to that
of TBTP because it follows a local optimization procedure instead of a global one.
The dTBTP algorithm works as follows. Each node i maintains two sets, A(i)
and P (i), that are defined as in the previous section. To build these sets, node i just
needs to receive the neighborhood list of each of its neighbors. Node i then computes
the cardinality of the sets A(i) and P (i). Now, we observe that one can break all
the cycles containing node i either by prohibiting all the turns in set P (i), i.e.,
turns around node i, or by prohibiting all the turns in set A(i), i.e., turns starting
from node i. In order to guarantee that at most 1/2 of the turns are prohibited, we
prohibit turns belonging to the set of smaller cardinality. Thus, if |A(i)| > |P (i)|,
then all the turns in A(i) are permitted and those in P (i) are prohibited. Otherwise,
the turns in P (i) are permitted and those in A(i) are prohibited. This procedure
guarantees that all the cycles containing node i are broken and that node i prohibits
at most 1/2 of the turns under its consideration.

When implementing the above approach, one needs to avoid conflicting decisions
by different nodes and make sure that only one node is allowed to permit or prohibit
any given turn. In order to enforce this constraint, we allow a node to permit or
prohibit turns only if it has the highest ID within its 2-hop neighborhood (note that
two nodes belonging to the same turn must be within a distance of at most two
hops). Once a node computes its sets of permitted turns and prohibited turns, it
deletes itself and its cross-links and sends a deletion message to all the nodes within
its 2-hop neighborhood. Upon receiving this message, another node with highest ID
within its 2-hop neighborhood will be able to perform the same procedure and so
on until all the nodes delete themselves.
A pseudo-code for the dTBTP algorithm is as follows:
Distributed Algorithm dTBTP(G, T (G)):
1. Each node i computes two sets of turns A(i) and P (i), defined the same way
as in the pseudo-code of the TBTP algorithm, and checks if it has the highest
ID in its 2-hop neighborhood.
2. If node i has no cross-links, then it removes itself and sends a deletion signal
to its 2-hop neighborhood.
3. If node i has adjacent cross-links but does not have the highest ID, it waits
until it receives a deletion signal from a node in its 2–hop neighborhood. Once
this happens, it repeats step 1.

4. If node i has adjacent cross-links and has the highest ID, it does the following
(a) If |A(i)| > |P (i)|, then all the turns in A(i) are permitted and those in
P (i) are prohibited. Otherwise, all the turns in A(i) are prohibited and
those in P (i) are permitted.
(b) Node i deletes itself and all of its cross-links and sends a deletion signal
to its 2-hops neighborhood. Node i informs its neighbors about its set of
prohibited/permitted turns.
A few comments are in order here. First, we note that the algorithm can be
run completely asynchronously by different nodes in the network. Second, a node
without cross-links can immediately remove itself, even if it does not have the highest
ID. This optimization is implemented by the algorithm in step 2). Third, if some
(non-deleted) node j receives a deletion signal from node i, then it must recompute
its sets A(j) and P (j). Specifically, node j must remove all the cross-links adjacent
to node i from graph G. However, node i and the tree-links adjacent to node i must
stay in the graph, except for a special case described in the next paragraph. Finally,
we note that at each point of time, there always exists at least one node in the graph
that can remove itself. This is the node with the highest ID in the graph. However,
in general, many nodes are able to remove themselves concurrently, as shown by
our simulations in Section 6.
The performance of dTBTP can be further optimized using a number of heuris-
tics. For instance, nodes having degree 1 after their cross-links are deleted (i.e.,
they are connected to a single tree-link) can be safely deleted from the graph since
they cannot belong to any cycle. This approach can prevent the unnecessary pro-
hibition of some turns. Furthermore, one can improve performance if nodes assign
IDs to themselves according to their distance to the root (the higher the distance,
the higher the ID). Note that when the tree T (G) is generated by the IEEE 802.1d

protocol, each node knows its distance to the root. To implement such a label as-
signment, we can break the ID of each node into two parts. The most significant
bits of the ID correspond to the distance to the root (which is known once a tree is
built), while the least significant bits correspond to the physical ID of the switch,
thereby breaking any possible tie. Note that the node IDs used by dTBTP are log-
ical quantities that do not have to be the same as the physical IDs of the switches.
This approach improves performance because it speed-ups the deletion of leaves,
which are nodes connected to a single tree link.

4.B. Message Complexity Analysis

A key performance metric for any distributed algorithm is the amount of messages
required for the algorithm to converge. For the sake of simplicity, we assume that
all the messages consist of a unit of information, but the analysis below can easily
be extended to the case where messages have non-uniform sizes. During the initial-
ization phase, independent of the topology, the number of messages needed is 2|E|
packets, since over every link (i, j) of graph G, node i and node j will exchange a
message containing the list of their neighbors, which means two messages per link.
During the running phase, node i, when deleting itself, sends
P a deletion message to
all the nodes within a ball of radius 2, i.e. |B(i, 2)| = j∈N (i) (dj − 1) messages,
where N (i) is the set of neighbors of node i. Thus, the overall amount of messages M
required both during the initialization and the running phase can be upper bounded
as follows:
M = 2|E| + (dj − 1)
i∈G j∈N (i)
= 2|E| + (dj − 1)
i∈G j∈N (i)
≤ 2|E| + d(d − 1)
= 2|E|d, (1)

where d is the degree of G. Finally, if we calculate M/|E|, we obtain the following

bound on the average number of messages exchanged over each link during a run
of dTBTP:

Theorem 5 The average number of messages exchanged over each link by dTBTP
never exceeds 2d, where d represents the degree of graph G.
The above theorem states that the message complexity per link of dTBTP is inde-
pendent of the size of the graph (assuming d is constant).

5. Backward–Compatibility
In the description of the Up/Down and TBTP algorithms in Section 3, we have
assumed that all switches in the network are capable to perform turn-prohibition.
In large networks, however, a massive replacement of all switches is a major issue
and very unlikely to happen. In this section, we suggest a strategy for a smooth
transition towards a complete replacement.

5.A. Approach
We consider an heterogeneous network consisting of both intelligent and legacy
nodes. In order to ensure backward-compatibility, we require intelligent switches

to be able of running both the spanning tree algorithm (IEEE 802.1d) and turn
At the very beginning, all the switches run the distributed spanning tree algo-
rithm. As a result, every node belongs to a spanning tree T (G) that is generated
by the IEEE 802.1d protocol.
Next, intelligent nodes send “neighbor discovery” messages to their directly con-
nected neighbors. As a result, an intelligent node knows if it is connected to another
intelligent node or to a legacy node.
Now suppose that two intelligent nodes are connected by a cross-link. Then
use of this link may be possible, depending on the turn-prohibition algorithm being
employed. However, if a cross-link connects between an intelligent node and a legacy
node, then use of this link is not possible. This is because the legacy node would
not accept to forward or receive packets over that link.
Therefore, a backward-compatible solution has to examine each turn (i, j, k),
where (i, j) is a cross-link and both nodes i and j are intelligent, and decide if this
turn can be permitted or not. We now distinguish between the cases of Up/Down,
TBTP, and dTBTP.

5.A.1. Up/Down
We remind that the Up/Down algorithm requires nodes to be ordered. This infor-
mation can readily be obtained from the IEEE 802.1d protocol, since each node n
knows its distance d(n) from the root. Thus, each turn (i, j, k) for which d(i) 6= d(j)
and d(j) 6= d(k) can be resolved. It will be prohibited only if node j is farther away
from the root than the two other nodes. Also, turns such that d(i) = d(j) can be
resolved using the IDs of the switches, that is, if ID(i) > ID(j) then i > j and
Note that this approach works as well when node k in the turn (i, j, k) is a legacy
node, because node j knows whether node k is its parent or one of its children
(remind that if node k is a legacy node, then link (j, k) must be a tree-link).

5.A.2. TBTP
As mentioned in Section 3, the TBTP algorithm requires each node to have global
knowledge of the network topology. This is of course not possible in an heterogeneous
network, since legacy nodes would not participate in the process of collecting the
topology (e.g., by generating or forwarding link-state packets).
Our solution is to implement the TBTP algorithm independently for each con-
nected group of intelligent nodes. We refer to such groups as components of connec-
tivity. Figure 3(a) gives an example of an heterogeneous network with two compo-
nents of connectivity, namely nodes 1,3,4 and nodes 6,7,8.
In each component connectivity, the intelligent nodes collect the internal topol-
ogy of that component and run the TBTP algorithm to decide which turns should
be permitted or prohibited.
In order to show why this approach breaks all the cycles, consider the following
modified topology G0 . This topology consists of the original topology G, but with-
out all the cross-links connected to legacy nodes (on one or both ends). We now
observe that our backward-compatible solution is equivalent to having run the cen-
tralized version of the TBTP algorithm, described in Section 3, on the topology G0 .
Therefore, it follows from Theorem 2 that all the cycles in the network are broken.
Figure 3 depicts an example of an heterogeneous graph G and its corresponding
modified topology G0 .

intelligent nodes
legacy nodes

1 2 5 6

4 3 8 7
1 2 5 6

4 3 8 7
Fig. 3. (a) An heterogeneous graph, G, composed of legacy and intelligent nodes.
(b) Corresponding modified topology G0 and prohibited turns.

5.A.3. dTBTP
The distributed TBTP algorithm of Section 4 requires nodes to exchange neigh-
borhood lists. Such neighborhood lists can only be generated by intelligent nodes.
The neighborhood list generated by some node i should contain the list of all the
neighbors of node i connected by a tree-link as well as all the intelligent neighbors
of node i connected by a cross-link. Legacy neighbors connected by a cross-link
should not be included in the list since they cannot forward packets. Except for this
provision, the algorithm can be implemented exactly the same way as described in
Section 4.

5.B. Packet Forwarding (Routing)

In a turn prohibition-based algorithm, such as Up/Down or TBTP, several paths
may exist between a source and a destination, as opposed to a spanning tree where
only a single path exists. Thus, there is a need to deploy a routing algorithm that
can determine the “best” path, according to some appropriate metric, from each
source to each destination.
In [13], we have described one such routing algorithm that is a generalization of
the Bellman-Ford routing algorithm (other routing algorithms can also be general-
ized using the Turnnet concept of [26]). In the case of TBTP, the implementation
of the generalized Bellman-Ford algorithm adds little overhead, since every node
knows the full topology. Similarly to the original Bellman-Ford algorithm, the gen-
eralized version can be implemented in a fully distributed fashion. Therefore, when
used with Up/Down or dTBTP, nodes do not need to have global knowledge of the
topology. Furthermore, since the network contains no cycles, the count-to-infinity
problem will not arise.
In the case of heterogeneous networks, the generalized Bellman-Ford algorithm
is implemented separately in each component connectivity. In order to maintain
backward-compatibility, intelligent nodes that are directly connected to legacy nodes
must also implement the backward-learning process of the IEEE 802.1d protocol. In

such a case, when an intelligent node learns about a certain destination outside its
component of connectivity, it must inform all the other nodes within its component.
Finally, each routing entry has an associated time-out, e.g. 15 minutes. If the
entry is not refreshed within this period of time, then it is removed from the routing
table. As with the IEEE 802.1d protocol, a switch that receives a packet for an
unknown destination will broadcast the packet along links of the spanning tree
T (G).

5.C. Heuristics for Node Replacement

By implementing turn-prohibition instead of link-prohibition, the TBTP and
Up/Down algorithms clearly outperform the simple spanning tree algorithm. There-
fore, the gradual replacement of legacy nodes by intelligent node will improve net-
work performance.
An interesting question within this context is as to which legacy nodes should
be replaced first in order to achieve maximum improvement. One simple strategy
is the random one in which a legacy node is picked at random and replaced by an
intelligent node.
We propose here another heuristic. This heuristic relies on the fact that a ran-
dom replacement could lead to sets of intelligent nodes completely isolated, i.e., no
cross-link can be enabled for forwarding. Instead, we propose a Top-Down approach
whereas the replacement starts from the root, i.e., replacing the level 1 node first,
then proceed with level 2 nodes and so on. This replacement strategy will guarantee
the existence of at most one component of connectivity in the network. Moreover,
it will relieve congestion from the root. Therefore, we expect that this heuristic will
lead to a faster performance improvement than the random one. Our numerical
results in the next section confirm this rationale.

5.D. Reconfiguration
In the case of node/link failures, the spanning tree T (G) is reconfigured according
to the specifications of the IEEE 802.1d standard or its recently improved version,
IEEE 802.1w, which supports faster spanning tree reconfiguration. Once the span-
ning tree is reconfigured, a new set of permitted/prohibited turns is determined
using the procedure described above.

6. Numerical Results
In this section, we compare the performance of the various cycle-breaking ap-
proaches described in the previous sections. In order to obtain comprehensive sets
of results, we make use of both flow level and packet level simulations.
Flow level simulations are based on fluid models. They provide fast, qualita-
tive results and can be run over large number of graphs with different topology
Packet level simulations, on the other hand, model network dynamics at the
granularity of single packets. They can provide more accurate estimates on quality
of service metrics, such as end-to-end delay and throughput. Unfortunately, they
are computationally intensive, especially for large graphs.

6.A. Flow Level Simulations

The goal of our flow level simulations is to compare the performance of the algo-
rithms as related to different network topology properties, such as the size of the

network or the degree of the nodes. Another important objective is to evaluate the
heuristics for node replacement discussed in Section 5.
Our simulations are based on random, connected graphs. Each node has fixed
degree d, and the network size (number of nodes in the network) is |V |. We assume
that all links in the network have the same capacity C and we set C = 1 Gb/s. All the
results presented correspond to average over 100 graphs with identical parameters.
Once a random graph is generated, each of the cycle-breaking algorithms (span-
ning tree, Up/Down and TBTP) is run on top of it in order to determine a set of
prohibited links/turns. Routing matrices over a turn-prohibited graph are computed
using the generalized Bellman-Ford algorithm of [13].
As a reference, we also simulate an ideal scheme when no turn in the graph is
prohibited. We refer to this scheme as shortest path, since each flow is established
along the shortest path from the source to the destination.
We consider two metrics. The first is the fraction of prohibited turns in the net-
work, that is, the ratio |ST (G)|/|R(G)|. A lower value for this quantity is considered
to be better since it implies less unutilized network resources.
The second metric is throughput. We compute this metric as follows. We assume
a fluid model where flows are transmitted at a fixed rate. Each node establishes a
session (flow) with k other nodes in the network, picked at random. In all of our
simulations, we set k = 4. Each flow is routed along the shortest-path over the turn-
prohibited graph (if multiple routes exist, then one is selected at random). Next, we
determine the bottleneck link, which is the link shared by the maximum number of
flows. The throughput is then defined as the capacity of the bottleneck link divided
by the number of flows sharing it. In other words, the throughput is the maximum
rate at which each flow can be transmitted without saturating the network.

6.A.1. Complete Replacement of the Switches

In our first set of simulations, we compare the performance of the algorithms assum-
ing that all switches in the network are intelligent, that is, capable of performing
We first evaluate the performance and scalability properties of each algorithm
as a function of the number of nodes in the network |V |. We assume the degree of
each node to be d = 8.
Table 1 shows that the TBTP algorithm prohibits about 10% fewer turns than
Up/Down. As expected, the simple spanning tree approach performs far worse,
prohibiting about 90% of the turns in the network (although the spanning tree
approach prohibits links, it is still possible to count the fraction of prohibited turns
in the network). These results are almost insensitive to the network size.
Figure 4 depicts the throughput performance with 99% confidence intervals.
The results presented are in agreement with those obtained for the fraction of pro-
hibited turns. We observe that, for 32 nodes, the TBTP achieves a throughput

|V | TBTP Up/Down Spanning Tree

32 0.29 0.31 0.91
56 0.28 0.30 0.91
88 0.28 0.30 0.91
120 0.28 0.30 0.91
152 0.27 0.30 0.91

Table 1. Fraction of prohibited turns for networks of varying size and fixed degree
d = 8.

Shortest Paths
Spanning Tree

Throughput 100

0 40 60 80 100 120 140

Number of nodes

Fig. 4. Throughput versus increasing number of nodes |V |. The degree of each

node is d = 8.

approximately 10% higher than that of Up/Down. Moreover, the relative difference
in the performance between these two algorithms increases with the network size.
Another important observation is that the throughput of TBTP is within a factor
of at most 1.5 from that of the “shortest-path” scheme. This means that the cost
of breaking all the cycles in the network may not be too significant in terms of net-
work performance. This is in clear contrast with the spanning tree approach which
achieves an order of magnitude lower throughput.
Next, we evaluate the effect of the graph density on the performance of the
algorithms. We vary the degree of the nodes d, but keep the number of nodes fixed
to |V | = 120. Table 2 provides evidence on the scalability of the turn-prohibition
techniques, as compared to the spanning tree. While the fraction of prohibited turns
prohibited by the TBTP and Up/Down algorithms increase slightly with the degree
d, the spanning tree approach experiences a much sharper increase.
Figure 5 shows the throughput performance of the various algorithms as a func-
tion of the node degree. We note that increasing the degree of nodes implies an
addition of links in the network. The spanning tree algorithm is the only algorithm
that does not benefit from this increase. The reason is that a spanning tree permits
the use of only |V | − 1 links in the network, independently of the topology.
Figure 5 also depicts the performance of the Turn-Prohibition (TP) algorithm
developed in [13]. This algorithm prohibits at most 1/3 of the turns in any network,

d TBTP Up–Down Spanning Tree

4 0.23 0.25 0.74
6 0.27 0.29 0.86
8 0.28 0.30 0.91
10 0.28 0.31 0.93
12 0.29 0.31 0.95

Table 2. Fraction of prohibited turns for networks of fixed size, |V | = 120, and
nodes of varying degree d.

Shortest Paths
Spanning Tree


Throughput 80


4 6 8 10 12
Node degree

Fig. 5. Throughput versus increasing degree d, for |V | = 120 nodes.

but is not backward-compatible with the IEEE 802.1d protocol. We observe that
the performance of the new TBTP algorithm lies in-between those of the TP and
Up/Down algorithms. Moreover, the performance of TBTP gets closer to TP as
graphs become denser. Thus, the TBTP algorithm shows a good trade–off between
the performance of the TP approach and the constraint imposed by permitting all
the turns along a given spanning tree.

6.A.2. Partial Replacement of the Switches

We now evaluate and compare the heuristics for node replacement described in
Section 5. Simulations are run for random graphs of |V | = 120 nodes and degree
d = 8. For each graph G, a spanning tree T (G) is first constructed. Then legacy
nodes are replaced according to one of the heuristics, that is, either the random or
the Top-Down approach.
Figure 6(a) plots the throughput as a function of the number of intelligent nodes
in the network, for each of the two heuristics. The results depicted in that figure are
for the case where intelligent nodes implement the TBTP algorithm. As expected,
the figures shows that the Top-Down heuristic leads to a faster improvement in per-
formance than the random heuristic. For instance, when 60 out of the 120 network
nodes are intelligent, Top-Down achieves a throughput roughly 50% higher than
that obtained by the random approach. For both heuristics, the marginal gain in
the throughput increases with the number of intelligent nodes.
Figure 6(b) shows similar results when intelligent nodes implement the Up/Down
algorithms, though the difference between the two heuristics is less significant in this

6.A.3. Performance of the Distributed Version

In this section, we evaluate the performance of the distributed TBTP algorithm.
Figure 7 depicts the throughput achieved by the dTBTP algorithm for the same
graph parameters used for Fig. 5. The performance of dTBTP with random ID
assignment (labelled as “dTBTP random”) is markedly worse than TBTP and only
slightly better than Up/Down.

In order to overcome such a behavior, the introduction of optimizations for node
IDs assignment is beneficial. As we mentioned in Section 4, one can label nodes
according to their distance from the root. In this case, the performance of dTBTP
(simply labelled as “dTBTP”) is much closer to the behavior of TBTP.
Next, we simulate the convergence time or number of rounds needed for dTBTP
to complete. We count a new round, each time the dTBTP algorithm performs steps
2) and/or 4) (i.e., a node generates a deletion signal). We note that, within a given
ball, several nodes may perform step 2) within the same round but at most one
node may perform step 4). Nodes belonging to different balls may perform step 4)
within the same round, if they each have the highest ID within their respective ball.
Fig. 8 shows the number of rounds taken by dTBTP for graphs of degree d = 4
and size increasing from |V | = 32 nodes to |V | = 1000 nodes. We observe from the
figure that, after an initial phase, the converges time of dTBTP grows slowly with
the network size. This result shows that dTBTP scales well as the network size gets

6.B. Packet Level Simulations

In this section, we present packet level simulation results obtained with the NS2
simulator [27]. These simulations allow us to estimate the average end-to-end delay
of packets as a function of the traffic load, for each of the cycle-breaking methods.
We consider two sample topologies. The first one, referred to as graph G1 , is
similar to that adopted for the flow level simulation and consists of a randomly
generated graph with 32 nodes of degree 8. The second graph, G2 , has also 32
nodes. It is generated using the BRITE topology generator [28], based on the so-
called Barabási–Albert model [29]. This model captures the power-law node degree
distribution that has been observed in a variety of networks.
Our traffic model is as follows. Each node establishes an UDP session (flow) with
four other nodes, picked at random in the network. Each UDP session generates
traffic according to an exponential ON–OFF source model. The average ON and
OFF periods are 460 ms and 540 ms, respectively. The average traffic rate (in bit/s)
is a simulation parameter and denoted by λ. The size of each packet is 600 bytes
long. Each link has a propagation delay of 0.5 ms and capacity of 1 Mb/s. Note that
due to memory and computation constraints, we could not simulate gigabit links.
We conjecture, however, that the simulation results would have been qualitatively
similar to those presented here.
The results for the end-to-end delay are presented in Figure 9. The results ob-
tained for the two sample graphs are similar. We observe that the average end-to-end
delay incurred with the spanning tree algorithm is always higher than with the two
turn-prohibition approaches. Moreover, the maximum sustainable throughput, i.e.,
the traffic rate value λ at which the end-to-end delay starts to diverge, is increased
by a factor of about five when the turn-prohibition techniques are employed. The
TBTP algorithm achieves a higher throughput than Up/Down, as the latter pro-
hibits a larger number of turns.
Finally, it interesting to compare Figures 4 and 9, for the case of |V | = 32 nodes.
We observe that flow level simulations predict well how each scheme performs one
with respect to the other (we remind that the flow-level simulations use 1 Gb/s
links). This result validates the use of flow level simulations as a fast and reliable
method to predict network performance.

7. Conclusion
In this paper, we have addressed the problem of breaking cycles in a scalable man-
ner in Gigabit Ethernet networks. This problem has gained particular importance
recently with the emergence of large metropolitan area networks (MANs), based
on the Gigabit Ethernet technology. Toward this goal, we have proposed, analyzed
and evaluated a novel cycle-breaking algorithm, called Tree-Based Turn-Prohibition
(TBTP). This polynomial-time algorithm guarantees the prohibition of at most 1/2
of the turns in the network, while permitting all the turns belonging to a pre-
determined spanning tree. We have shown that the algorithm can be generalized
to the case where turns are assigned non-uniform weights (these weights can be set
according to any metric of choice). In that case, the TBTP algorithm prohibits at
most 1/2 of the total weight of turns in the network. This generalization is especially
useful for networks with links of non-uniform capacity.
In addition, we have introduced a distributed implementation of the TBTP
algorithm, called dTBTP. With dTBTP, nodes need only to have local knowledge
of the network topology, i.e., they need only to know the nodes and links that are
within a radius two hops. We have shown that dTBTP satisfies the same theoretical
properties as the original TBTP algorithm. Moreover, the number of messages sent
on each link is bounded by 2d, where d is the maximum degree of the graph.
We have also presented a general framework for incrementally deploying TBTP-
capable switches in a way that is backward-compatible with the existing IEEE
802.1d standard. Since several paths may exist between any source-destination pair,
we have described a method to perform packet forwarding (routing) in an hetero-
geneous networks consisting of intelligent and legacy switches.
The performance of the proposed algorithm was thoroughly evaluated using
both flow-level and packet-level simulations. The simulation showed that the TBTP
algorithm achieves a throughput that is about an order magnitude higher than that
obtained with the spanning tree standard. Furthermore, for a wide range of topology
parameters, the performance of the TBTP-algorithm differs only by a small margin
from that of shortest path routing (which achieves the highest possible throughput
in theory, but does not break cycles). The performance of dTBTP is inferior to that
of TBTP (although its performance can be improved using various heuristics) but
still noticeably better than Up/Down.
Finally, we have proposed a heuristic, called Top/Down, to determine the order
in which legacy switches should be replaced. This scheme proceeds by first replacing
the root node, then nodes at level 1, and so forth. We have shown that Top/Down
replacement outperforms a scheme where legacy nodes are replaced at random,
achieving a throughput 50% higher in some cases. An interesting open research
area is to investigate whether this strategy might be further improved and devise
other possible replacement schemes.

This work was supported in part by DOE ECPI grant DE-FG02-04ER25605 and
NSF CAREER grant CNS-0132802.

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Top Down Replacement
Random Replacement






20 40 60 80 100 120
Number of intelligent nodes

Top Down Replacement
Random Replacement






20 40 60 80 100 120
Number of intelligent nodes

Fig. 6. Throughput versus number of intelligent nodes (total number of nodes is

fixed at |V | = 120): (a) TBTP (b) Up–Down.

180 TP
dTBTP Random




4 6 8 10 12
Node degree

Fig. 7. Performance of dTBTP with random ID assignment and distance-based

ID assignment.


Number of Rounds





0 200 400 600 800 1000
Number of Nodes

Fig. 8. Convergence time of dTBTP.

0.1 Up−Down
Spanning Tree
Average end–to–end delay


20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Offered load per session [Kb/s]

0.16 Up−Down
Spanning Tree
Average end–to–end delay




20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Offered load per session [Kb/s]

Fig. 9. Average end–to–end delay versus offered load λ, (a) Sample graph G1 (b)
Sample graph G2 .


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