Visi Misi Corporate Rad Research

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Visi o n , M i ss ion and

C o r po r a t e V al u e
Vision Vision
Become top 5 admired market-
ing research company with
technology based

Corporate Value From our same historical back-
round and experienced, we
carry a mission if our company
is not only a place of work, but a
second home for us and a con-
Standing by Our Beliefs
venient place to our client. Our
noble missions are :

Be a great working place

Stan din g by Our Beliefs where people will be
Ou r co r e val u e s ar e t h e c orn er - inspired to be the best they
stone of who we a re, wh a t we can, and create welfare of all
stand for and w h a t we do employees, families, share-
Togetherness - Teamwork - Tough holders and company stake-

Create the best relationship

Fairness with all employees, share-
We trust each other, holders, corporate stake-
open, clear and trust- holders and clients.
Maximize long-term profits
Objectives to all company stakeholders.
Act and Speak accord-
ing to what we supposed Become a high effective
organization, lean,
Customer Focus fast-moving organization,
We treat every client
well knowledge in technolo-
with the utmost propri-
gy and always hungry for
etly and dignity. We are
new knowledge.
focus and listen.

Update Knowledge International standard

Always seek knowledge results and solutions
update in both work and
personal lives

Service Exellence
Achieve excellent cus-
tomer service, strive to
C o rp o ra te Va l u e
T h e M ea n in g

Philosophy: The blue color
describe honesty. Honesty is
the most important basic
factor to be applied by all
stakeholders. Honesty
should be applied by all for
internal interacton with (fel-
low employees) or external

Philosophy: The Green color
describe the balance and
quietness. Balance and qui-
etness should be applied in
every word & act. It must be
complied, without addition
nor deduction.

Customer Focus
Philosophy: The Gray color
describe sincerity. Sincerity
to serving the customer
either internal or external
(client) with sincere heart.
We treat every client with
the utmost proprietly and
dignity. We are focus and

Update Knowledge
Philosophy: The yellow color
describe full energy and
brains. We are the ones who
seek knowledge update in
both work and personal lives.

Service Excellence
Philosophy: The Orange
color describe enthusiasm
fast moving. As a service
company certainly we imple-
ment service excellence as a
pillar in cooperation with the
client. Achieve excellent
customer service, strive to
Co rp o ra te Ta g l i ne

"Smart St r a t e gy
f o r t h e B es t Sol u ti on"
Th e P ro ud of Asi a

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