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We live in a time of troubles.

Around the world European birthrates are declining. Our people have achieved ‘the
end of history’ and no longer need to put effort into securing our genetic legacy, we
have taken a laiz ai fairee approach to our lines of descent. –Palm up

Yet across the sea and the Mexican gulf our historic enemies are misinformed. They
act and react as if geopolitics and tribal struggle still actually existed, the fools. They
clearly haven’t gotten the memo, all that is in the past, the world is globalized, so
they should adjust their national interests to prioritize the global good, as we have
and not put their own race first, an antiquated idea as we all surely know.

The non-European races have no petty notions of ‘environmental emissions’ or a

‘carbon footprint’ we can look to china, India, south America, Africa and see the
same thing. Their populations multiply at the mathematical ‘R, the maximum their
rate of reproduction allows.

While we Europeans have taken the ‘civilized’ approach. It is said that Romulus, the
founder of Rome, was raised by wolves, and we behaved as wolves, reproducing per
the mathematical K, as the carrying capacity of our environment allowed. This
approach worked well for our people for some time, but that was when everyone
was playing by the rules. This is no longer the case.

The European race has operated by a code of honor in every sphere of the globe we
have occupied and interacted with. But the days of our occupation are over, we no
longer uplift savages and we no longer bear the white man’s burden. We have set
free our colonial subjects and we have washed our hands of them. It is the
Europeans of today that must dust off the dignity of old, to be total masters of
ourselves, to embody Senshado. This elegance of action born of noble toil and anime
tank battles is what will guide the virtue of our people going forward. –Heart clasp

Julius Evola said best that modern man must become ‘Aristocrats of the soul’ to push
his state forward, we among XX have taken great steps towards that aim. I stand
here today among some of the most educated and virtuous men I know.

There is a new sun rising, a different sun, that shall wake our people up as it apexes
in the sky. A great awakening, just as spiritual as the previous one shall spread in a
great conflagration, but we must help fan the flames. – hand flair

As the paragons of our new society we must be as the lighthouse, bright beacons for
our wayward brothers on the tumultuous oceans of depraved modernity to navigate
towards, away from the sharp cliffs of diversity and into the safe harbor of
As the aristocrats of the soul the impetus is on us to push the advance and never

When they slander us in the press, never retreat.

When they vilify our history, never retreat.

When they assault the laws of our nation, never retreat.

Once again shall we bestride the world as a colossus as our elan carries us forwards
towards the rising of the sun.

In the face of diversity and strife, always forward.

In the face of condemnation and subterfuge, always forward.

In the face of cowardice and capitulation, always forward.

Until we take our rightful place among the ascendant nations of the west, ALWAYS
FORWARDS! – Circle flair

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