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Pay Scale- 37400-67000, Grade Pay- 10000

Sl No Function Duties & Responsibilities

1.1 Insurance Commissioner 1. Overall In-charge of Insurance Division.
(Revenue) 2. Controlling and Monitoring of all Revenue, Benefit,
Actuarial, Central Analysis and Intelligence unit and
Planning and Development matters.
3. Implementation of scheme in new areas and ensuring
smooth operation in implemented area.
4. Monitoring and controlling of revenue collection,
recovery, fixing annual targets and taking initiative to
boost revenue.
5. Ensuring timely delivery of cash benefits to the
Insured persons and other beneficiary as per the
service time committed in Citizen Charter.
6. Close co-ordination with Medical Commissioner for
ensuring seamless medical benefit to the
7. Review of Regional Directors / Director-in-Charge of
Sub-Regional Offices for addressing their matters.
8. Ensuring annual actuarial valuation of assets and
liabilities of ESIC as per provisions of section 37 of
ESI Act’1948 ( as amended)
9. Monitoring and controlling of Central Analysis and
Intelligence Unit functioning, periodic review of
inspection reports and follow-up action.
10. Ensuring working of revenue division in ERP
environment in co-ordination with Insurance

Commissioner (ICT)
11. Submission of Agenda Item in Standing Committee/
Corporation meetings related to domain of the
12. Any other assignment awarded by Director General.

1.2 Insurance Commissioner 1. Overall In-charge of Administrative Division.

(Personnel & 2. Controlling and Monitoring of Promotion, Transfer &
Administration) Posting, Manpower planning, Service related legal
matters, Public Relation, Website Management, RTI
and Management Service Unit.
3. Ensure timely preparation of seniority list, promotion
calendar, holding DPC, pay fixation and other
employee’s career progression matter.
4. Adoption and implementation of DOPT orders/
instructions/ clarification, as applicable, in timely
5. Preparation and implementation of employees’
welfare schemes.
6. Monitoring service related legal matters.
7. Ensuring publicity of ESI Scheme and handling Public
Relation Matters and management of ESIC Website.
8. Ensuring timely information to the applicant and other
compliance of RTI Act.
9. Ensure compliance of labour and all other employees’
related laws.
10. Ensuring working of P & A division in ERP
environment in co-ordination with Insurance
Commissioner (ICT)
11. Submission of Agenda Item in Standing Committee/
Corporation meetings related to domain of the

12. Any other assignment awarded by Director General.

1.3 Insurance Commissioner 1. Recruitment Planning and Policy as per manpower
(Recruitment) planning done by Administrative and Medical Division.
2. Ensure timely recruitment by conducting open
competition and departmental examinations.
3. Ensure compliance of government reservation and
other policies for recruitment.
4. Ensuring functioning of recruitment cell in ERP
environment in co-ordination with Insurance
Commissioner (ICT)
5. Submission of Agenda Item in Standing Committee/
Corporation meetings related to domain of the
6. Any other assignment awarded by Director General.

1.4 Insurance Commissioner 1. Overall in-charge of I C T Division of ESIC.

(ICT) 2. IT enablement in all hospital, dispensaries, offices of
ESIC and ESI Hospital and State Directorate.
3. Proper maintenance and security of Hardware,
software and networking in co-ordination with
Administrative Division.
4. Planning and implementation of IT Policy for effective
5. Implementation of effective monitoring system of the
scheme and creating facilities for revenue and
financial management.
6. Developing in-house IT team by organizing proper
7. Monitoring zonal ICT units and ensure their effective
8. Ensure knowledge transfer of implemented projects.
9. Compliance of related act.
10. Co-ordination with external agencies for continuous
11. Submission of Agenda Item in Standing Committee/

Corporation meetings related to domain of the
12. Any other assignment awarded by Director General.
1.5 Insurance Commissioner 1. Overall in-charge of training to medical and non-
(NTA) medical cadre employees in ESIC.
2. Annual Planning for training to Medical and Non-
medical employees in technical and behavioral
3. Ensuring pre-promotion training to all cadre of
employees as per DOPT orders.
4. Co-ordination with national level training institute for
external training.
5. Co-ordination with external faculties for training.
6. Identification and development of internal resource
persons for imparting training.
7. Submission of Agenda Item in Standing Committee/
Corporation meetings related to domain of the
8. Any other assignment awarded by Director General.


Pay Scale- 37400-67000, Grade Pay- 8900

Sl No Function Duties & Responsibilities

2.1 Additional Commissioner 1. Coordination with all Regional and Sub-Regional
(Revenue) Offices w.r.t revenue and recovery matters.
2. Identifying new areas for Implementation of scheme
in coordination with Regional Director, Director /Joint
Director In-charge of Sub-Regional Office, Planning &
Development section, Hqrs and State Government.
3. Policy matter relating to contribution, interest,
damages and monitoring revenue collection and
remedial measures for improvement of the same.

4. Monitoring of BIFR/ AAIFR cases and persuasion for
recovery of revenue arrear, review of employers’ file
by RO/SRO’s, prosecution cases u/s 85, time barred
cases etc.
5. Review of EI Court / High Court/Supreme Court
cases on revenue matters.
6. Reply of queries rose in Standing Committee, ESI
Corporation meeting and reply of Parliamentary
Question related to revenue and recovery matters.
7. Coordinating with Parliamentary Committee,
preparation of reports/papers w.r.t. scheme, ISSA /
ILO meeting, Labour minister conference.
8. Ensuring annual actuarial valuation of assets and
liabilities of ESIC as per provisions of section 37 of
ESI Act’1948 ( as amended)
9. Monitoring and controlling of Central Analysis and
Intelligence Unit functioning, periodic review of
inspection reports and follow-up action.
10. Ensuring working of revenue division in ERP
environment in co-ordination with Additional
Commissioner (ICT)
11. Any other assignment awarded by Insurance
Commissioner (Revenue).
2.2 Additional Commissioner 1. Coordination with all Regional and Sub-Regional
(Benefit / Public Offices w.r.t benefit and Public Grievances matters.
Grievances) 2. Policy regarding cash benefits and enhancement in
PDB and DB rate.
3. Actuarial valuation of assets and liabilities of ESIC u/s
4. Recovery of ESIC share u/s 58 (2) and Recovery
from Principal Employer u/s 68.
5. Comprehensive review of benefits paid to scheme
beneficiary and planning to improve the benefits and
new initiatives in the area of benefits.
6. Development of effective Public Grievance Redressal

7. Ensuring dealing with public grievances in fair,
objective and just manner.
8. Analysis of public grievances to identify the problem
areas and placing proposal to Insurance
Commissioner (Revenue) for modification in policies,
procedures etc.
9. Developing IT enablement in PG redressal
mechanism and monitoring compliance of Citizen
10. Any other assignment awarded by Insurance
Commissioner (Revenue).

2.3 Additional Commissioner 1. Preparation of monthly and annual Accounts of the

(Finance) Corporation.
2. Preparation of annual budget of the Corporation.
3. Internal audit of Headquarter and field offices.
4. Banking arrangement of receipts and remittances of
5. Investment of the surplus funds of the Corporation as
per the decision of governing body.
6. Training of accounts officers and staff of all
accounting units in co-ordination with N.T.A , Zonal
Training Center and Regional Offices.
7. Maintenance of G.P.F. Accounts.
8. Recommending / Recording Financial Concurrence
on the proposals as per the delegation of power.
9. Monitoring “On Account Payment to State Govt”
accounting and adjustment thereof.
10. Proposal for improvement of financial management
and control in ESIC.
11. Ensuring full use of IT in Finance & Accounts division
in co-ordination with ICT Division and enabling IT
tools for financial control and monitoring.
12. Approval of tour of Astt. Dir. (Fin)/ Dy Director (Fin)

/Joint Director (Fin) of all accounting units.
13. Any other assignment awarded by Financial

2.4 Additional Commissioner 1. Ensure IT enablement in all hospital, dispensaries,

(ICT) offices of ESIC and ESI Hospital and State
2. Proper maintenance of record and ensuring security
of Hardware, software and networking in co-
ordination with Administrative Division at Headquarter
and field offices.
3. Implementation of IT Policy in consonance with latest
government orders.
4. Implementation of effective e-monitoring and e-
governance of the scheme.
5. Developing in-house IT team by organizing proper
6. Monitoring zonal ICT units and ensure their effective
7. Ensure knowledge transfer of implemented projects.
8. Compliance of related act.
9. Co-ordination with external agencies for continuous
need based improvement and implementation of
latest technology.
10. Preparing Agenda Item for Standing Committee/
Corporation meetings related to domain of the
11. Ensuring security and suitable back up of critical data.
12. Any other assignment awarded by Insurance
Commissioner (ICT).
2.5 Additional Commissioner 1. Initiate Disciplinary cases of Group A & B Officers,
(Vigilance) P.As, SSO’s
2. Ensures proper and quick processing of reports of
Enquiry Officers for the purpose of final orders of the
disciplinary authority.

3. Ensures timely appointment of the Enquiry Officers,
Presenting Officers and the assisting officers and also
ensures that no dilatory tactics are adopted by the
accused officers or the presenting officer.
4. Ensures strict and prompt observation of conduct
Rules by the officers of the corporation relating to
5. Keeps watch over the sensitive posts in the
Corporation and makes arrangement for regular
inspection of such posts for the purpose of
investigation/scrutiny of personnel posted at sensitive
6. Examines procedures with a view to minimize or
eliminate the factors which provide opportunities for
corruption and malpractices.
7. Responsible for the successful discharge of vigilance
functions both preventive and punitive.
8. Appeal, Revision and Review cases.
9. Liaison with Central Vigilance Commission, Central
Bureau of Investigation/Special Police Establishment,
Vigilance Division of the Ministries, Associations,
Federation, Union etc. for co-ordination in enquiry
10. Takes full responsibility for independent decisions
except in cases where the powers are to be exercised
by the C.V.O / D.G. and decision is to be taken in
consultation with other Principal Officers in r/o
matters pertaining to their division.
11. Streamlining the procedures etc. and devise methods
for prevention of corruption in the offices of the
Corporation under the general supervision of Chief
Vigilance Officer.
12. Ensures prompt submission of provisional returns to
the Central Vigilance Commission etc.
13. Ensures due consultation with the Central Vigilance

Commission, wherever required, and takes stops in
observing time limits prescribed in the vigilance
Manual for various stages.
14. Ensures proper and adequate action with regard to
writ petitions filed by the accused officers.
15. Dealing with CBI, Criminal and Court cases.
16. Issue of Vigilance Clearance and NOCs.
17. Preparation of Agreed List and list of doubtful Integrity
and maintenance of Property Returns.
2.6 Additional Commissioner 1. Head of the Regional Office for all purpose.
-as 2. Transfer and posting of Group C and D employees
REGIONAL DIRECTOR within the Regional Office ,Sub-Regional office and
(States having more than Administrative Staff in ESI Hospital within the
6 Lakhs IP population territorial jurisdiction on the State.
including SRO’s shall be 3. The Appellate Authority under Section 45-AA of the
headed by Additional Act
Commissioner rank 4. Act as Member Secretary of the Regional Board.
officer) Convening meeting as per the regulations in force
and implementing the decision.
5. Ensuring proper medical services to beneficiaries of
the act in close co-ordination of Senior/ State Medical
6. Inspection and survey of factories/establishments as
per existing provisions.
7. Close co-ordination with the State Govt for notification
of new areas for implementation
8. Repair & Maintenance of office Building as per the
delegated power.
9. Monitoring the action on defaulter and recovery of
10. Sanction of Dependent benefit and Permanent
Disablement benefit.
11. Monitoring sanctions and payment of cash benefits,
other than DB and PDB, within the prescribed time as
per Citizen Charter.

12. Ensuring submission of periodical returns to Hqrs.
13. Ensuring On-Account Payment to State Government
where separate Senior/ State Medical Commissioner
office does not exist.
Maintenance of land & Building records in co-
ordination with PMD Division of Hqrs.

3. Director

Pay Scale - 37400-67000, Grade Pay- 8700

3.1 Director (In-charge) 1. Head of the Sub-Regional Office for all purpose.
SUB-REGIONAL OFFICE 2. Inspection and survey of factories/establishments as
(Sub-Regional Office per existing provisions.
having more than 3 Lakhs 3. Co-ordination with Regional office and Hqrs for
IP populations shall be proper running of the scheme.
headed by Director level 4. Repair & Maintenance of office Building as per the
officer) delegated power.
5. Monitoring the action on defaulter and recovery of
6. Sanction of Dependent benefit and Permanent
Disablement benefit.
7. Monitoring sanctions and payment of cash benefits,
other than DB and PDB, within the prescribed time as
per Citizen Charter.
8. Ensuring submission of periodical returns to Hqrs.

3.2 Director (Vigilance) , Hqrs 1. Assisting Additional Commissioner (Vigilance) in

discharging the vigilance functions.
2. Refer the matter to Zonal Vigilance on receipt of
complaint for initiating enquiry against employees
working in territorial jurisdiction of the zone.
3. Monitoring the progress of cases in zonal vigilance
through periodical reports.
4. Ensures timely appointment of the Enquiry Officers,
Presenting Officers and the assisting officers and also
ensures that no dilatory tactics are adopted by the
accused officers or the presenting officer.
5. Ensures strict and prompt observation of conduct
Rules by the officers of the corporation as per CCS
(Conduct) Rules.
6. Ensure timely submission of details of (i) statement of
assets & acquisition, (ii) gifts, (iii) relatives employed

in private firms or doing private business and (iv)
benami transactions by employees.
7. Spreading vigilance awareness among the
employees through print / audio-visual media etc.
8. Arrange training to vigilance officers in Hqrs and field
offices through NTA / ZTC.
9. Develop mechanism to Keeps watch over the
sensitive posts in the Corporation and makes
arrangement for regular inspection of such posts for
the purpose of investigation/scrutiny of personnel
posted at sensitive spots and reduce opportunities for
corruption and malpractices.
10. Prompt and effective discharge of vigilance functions
both preventive and punitive.
11. Monitoring Appeal, Revision and Review cases.
12. Liaison with Central Vigilance Commission, Central
Bureau of Investigation/Special Police Establishment,
Vigilance Division of the Ministries, Associations,
Federation, Union etc. for co-ordination in enquiry
13. Streamlining the procedures etc. and devise methods
for prevention of corruption in the offices of the
Corporation under the general supervision of
Additional Commissioner (Vigilance).
14. Ensures prompt submission of returns to the Central
Vigilance Commission etc.
15. Ensures proper and adequate action with regard to
writ petitions filed by the accused officers, dealing
with CBI, Criminal and Court cases, Issue of
Vigilance Clearance and NOCs.
16. Preparation of Agreed List and list of doubtful Integrity
and maintenance of Property Returns.
14. Any other work entrusted by Additional
Commissioner (Vigilance)

3.3 Director (P & D) , Hqrs 1. Functions as head of the Planning & Development
Wing in the Corporation under direct supervision and
guidance of Insurance Commissioner(Revenue)
2. Keeps charge of the projects of extension and
development of scheme to the new sectors of
employment within the framework of the
recommendations of Perspective Planning Committee
as agreed to by the Govt.
3. Processes and finalizes plans and phased
programmes for extension and development of
scheme to new sectors keeping in view the
requirements on medical side, such as bed-strength
in hospitals, setting up of dispensaries, appointment
of IMPs, diagnostic centres etc. in consultation with
State Govt. and the needs on cash benefit side for
disbursement purpose.
4. Frames working procedures for the execution of plans
and programmes of extension.
5. Initiates amendments to the
Act/Regulations/procedures arising out of the
extension of scheme to new sectors.
6. Preparation of phased programme and implementation of

ESI Scheme in new areas as per the said programme.

7. Amendments in ESI Act. ESI (Central) Rules and ESI

(General) Regulgations.

8. Liaison with ISSA, ILO and other international social

security organizations – supply of data to Ministry of

Labour for ratification of ILO conventions - preparation of

Country Papers etc for various ISSA conferences

deputation of officers for attending ISSA/ILO


9. Coordinates in respect of various Parliamentary

Committees such as Standing Committee of Parliament on

labour, consultative Committee etc., ILC, SLC and other

such Committees in the Ministry of Labour, coordination of

reports of area officers of Ministry of Labour.

10. Preparation of notes/background papers on various

aspects of the scheme.

11. Coordination work regarding Parliament


12. Suggestions / representations regarding various provisions

of ESI Act. Formulation of new Schemes etc.

13. Prepares plans and programs for preliminaries to be

completed at different corners and keeps close watch
over their execution to keep pace with the schedules
set out for extension projects.
14. Prepares estimates for additional administrative and
financial liabilities to cater to the need of expected
increase of insurable population arising out of the
projects of extension and development of scheme in
the form of additional offices/man-power medical
arrangements/hospitals/dispensaries/cash benefits
15. Keeps watch over the progress of projects and
undertakes periodical review and takes steps to
ensure successful and timely execution of projects.
16. Makes day to day appraisal of the projects in hand
and takes steps for projects in hand and takes steps
for proposing/finalizing/planning etc. in the matter of
further expansion/extension of scheme to new
sectors and class of employees.
17. Undertakes surveys of unorganized and semi-

organised sectors of employment to assess possibility
of their coverage under the Scheme.
18. Formulates and suggests changes/improvements in
the scheme keeping in view the phenomenon of
multiplicity of sectors and classes of employees by
way of further extension/expansion.
19. Ensures proper and timely clarification/guidance to
the field offices in the course of execution of projects.
20. Formulates proposals for enhancement/augmentation
of benefits and initiates amendments to the
Act/Regulations in this regard.
21. Functions as reporting and reviewing officer in r/o
confidential reports of officers and staff under his
22. Performs such other duties as may be entrusted to
him from time to time.
3.4 Director (Finance) , Hqrs 1. Preparation of monthly and annual accounts of ESIC
under the timeline given in the act. Preparation of
Annual Budget and material related to Annual Report
/ Standard Note.
2. Preparing and updating accounts manual for change
in policy and procedure.
3. Banking arrangements for collection of ESIC
Revenue and disbursement of fund to field offices.
4. Monitoring of ESIC banking system to ensure risk
free movement of fund in most cost effective manner.
5. Ensuring full use of ERP in F&A function in all offices
in India.
6. Investment of ESIC fund as per decision of the
Governing Body.
7. Finalisation of Pension/ Gratuity of Group “A” and “B”
officers. Issue of PPO.
8. Vetting of proposal relating to medical arrangements
relating to scheme and other proposal.
9. Vetting of proposals relating to supplies and services;

Hiring of accommodation etc. Initiated by the General
Branch in Headquarters Office; Staff proposals of
Headquarters Office;
10. Financial concurrence relating to construction projects;
11. Maintenance of GPF accounts of all employees and
preparation of annual receipt and payment account of
12. Internal audit of all offices.
13. Developing Internal Control Mechanism in ESIC.
14. Developing strong internal audit and control system
in the organization.
15. Preparing and updating audit manual and ensuring
training to audit staff in co-ordination with ZTI/ NTA.
16. Approval of audit program, maydays for internal audit
of field office and Hqrs.
17. Sanctioning tour program of Dy Director (Finance) of
all offices.
3.5 Director (Recruitment) , 1. Recruitment planning for the post of SSO’s,

Stenographers, LDC, P.A., Junior Hindi Translators, Junior

Engineers, IMOs Grade-II, Ayurvedic Physicians and Dental


2. Departmental Test for promotion to the post of P.As,

Assistants, Stenographer, UDC/LDC.

3. Open Recruitment to the posts of IMO Gr. II/Ayurvedic

Physician, Specialist Gr. II/Dental Surgeon, Recruitment of

Para medical Staff in the cadre of group 'C' & 'D' posts or

any other post as per policy decision.

4. Special qualifying examination for regularization of adhoc


5. Conducting of quarterly and half-yearly Typing Test; and

other Special type tests and qualifying examinations.

6. Liaisioning with SSC, UPSC and DOPT regarding policy

matters relating to examinations and for getting sponsored

candidates in respect of LDCs/Stenos and their postings in

various regions.

7. Test for grant of advance increment to the existing


8. Special recruitment drive for filling up the backlog

vacancies of SC/ST.

8 Payment of honorarium in respect of examination work

performed by the officers/officials.

9. Information technology enablement of Examination Cell for

conducting limited departmental competitive examinations

(LDCEs) online and all other process of recruitment cell.

3.6 Director (MSU) , Hqrs 1. Functions as Internal Management Consultant.

2. To identify problem areas and carry out work/method

studies for the improvements.

3. To prescribe Norms and Standards for the provision of

manpower in the ESIC offices.

4. Calculation of P.L.B. for the staff of ESI Corporation.

5. Processing of Monthly DO Letters addressed by All

RDs/Jt. Director I/C. /Director in r/o all

ROs/SROs/Div.offices to Director General and sent to the

concerned branches at Hqrs.

6. Revision of Delegation of Powers of all categories.

7. Revision / Rationalisation / simplification of Regulation and

other Forms.

8. Preparation of Job description cards in respect of

employees of the Corporation.

9. Action on matters relating to Suggestion Award and

Meritorious Award Scheme.

10. Compilation of Action Plan of various branches at Hqrs.


11. Revision/ review of Rules of Business.

12. Revision of various manuals i.e. Record Retention

Schedule, General Office Procedure, File Indexing etc

connected with general functioning.

13. Policy matters regarding Recording/Indexing/Weeding out

of files.

14. Reward Schemes for devoted workers of corporation.

15. Preparation of norms for engagement of contractual staff

of Group 'C' & 'D' from other sources.

16. Norms for opening of Divisional Offices/Br. Offices in

various Regions.

17. Preparation of Job Cards in r/o Group 'C' & 'D' Cadres of

ESI Corporation.

18. Review of Organogram from time to time

19. Work Study of ROs'/BOs'/HQ's office from time to time.

20. Other Miscellaneous matters received from time to time.

21. Implementation of ISO 9001-2000 (QMS) Certification for

Offices of ESI Corporation as per order of DG.

3.7 Director (Medical) , Hqrs 1. Creation/sanction of all posts of Medical, Para-medical

and Nursing Staff up to SAG level.

2. Framing/Amendment to RRs of Medical and Paramedical

Staff/Nursing Staff (Approximately 80 different posts.

3. Recruitment of Medical posts (Group A)/Nursing Staff

(Group A & B).

4. Maintenance of personal files of General Duty Medical

Officers, which includes IMO Gr-II, IMO Gr-I, CMO, NFSG,

SAG, Specialists which includes Specialist Gr.II,

Specialists(Sr. Scale), NFSG, SAG, Ayurvedic

Physician/Dental Surgeons similar hierarchy exist in both

these cadre except SAG post etc. issuing of appointment

orders, their police verification, caste verification,

completion of probation, confirmation, fixation of pay,

conducting of DPCs for giving Medical Officers time bound

promotion, processing of resignation /VR cases etc.

Maintenance of Establishment Register-Roaster, Vacancy

register etc.

5. To deal with other service matters like acceptance of in

intimation under CCS conduct Rules, Processing and

sanctioning of leaves including study leave, Grant of PG

Allowance, Processing of NOC cases, which includes

NOC for passport/ renewal of passport, NOC for applying

to other organisation, NOC for higher studies.

6. Policy matter regarding sanction of various allowances like

HPCA/PCA, Annual Allowance, Conveyance allowance


7. Framing of terms and conditions of deputation/absorption.

8. Deputation allowance to deputationist of ESI Hospitals/ESI

Model Hospitals.

9. Engagement of part time Specialists/SRs/JRs in ESI

Hospitals/ESI Model Hospitals, issuing of appointment

orders, renewal of tenure, resignation and leave and leave

encashment matters of Senior Residents.

10. Court cases related to medical /para-medical personals.

11. Transfer /Posting of Medical Officers/Para Medical Staff of

ESI Hospitals/ESI Model Hospitals.

12. Representation/Grievances of para-medical staff of ESI

Hospitals/ESI Model Hospitals.

13. Preparation of Inter Region Transfer policy for paramedical

Staff Group C&D.

14. Processing of matters pertaining to Medical Administration

to be considered by Standing Committee. ESI Corporation.

15. Correspondence with registered Associations/unions of

medial/Paramedical staff Viz. JAC, Medical Officers

Association, Nurses Union, Pharmacists Union etc.

16. Tour Programmes of Medical Superintendents, LTC of

Medical Superintendent/Director/Director (Medical) Delhi,


17. Dispute pertaining to telephone Bills in respect to doctors,

eligibility of telephone

18. O & M work of the branch which contain various

monthly/quarterly/yearly returns

19. Review of delegation of powers of

M.S./D(M)D/DM(HQ)/SSMC/SMC etc. {DM(HQ)}.

20. Tour Programmes of Medical Superintendents, LTC of

medical Superintendent/ Director/ Director (Medical) Delhi,

Noida (work recently transferred to this branch).

21. Legal matters relating to Medical Division.

3.8 Director (Medical 1. Co-ordination in framing Medical Education Policy

Education) , Hqrs 2. Liaison with Medical Council of India or other
statutory authorities for recognition of ESIC Medical
3. Liaison with Recruitment Division for appointment of
teaching faculties.
4. Framing of recruitment rule for teaching faculties.
5. Overall administrative matter with all medical
education institution in ESIC.

3.9 Director (Vigilance) , Zone 1. Head of the zonal vigilance wing.

– East, West, North, 2. To find out spots on which delay occurs which breeds

South and Central corruption and the causes for the same and propose
suitable steps to eliminate or minimize delays at difference
levels in order to minimize chances of corruption and
3. To conduct regular and surprise inspections of sensitive
spots in a section/ office where there is a likelihood of
corruption with a view to locate the corrupt practices
adopted, if any, as per directions issued by the Hqrs. office
from time to time.
4. To prepare a list of officers and staff of doubtful integrity in
consultation with the Regional Director. In case of
difference of opinion the reference should be made to the
Director (Vig.) with full facts.
5. To investigate the complaints relating to the corruption and
malpractice and questionable activities affecting integrity

of a person in his zone.
6. To see that Vigilance cases are processed at all stages
promptly and there is no delay at any stage.
7. To help the Regional Director etc. in framing the charge
sheet, statement of imputations, preparation of list of
witnesses and documents etc.
8. To give procedural guidance to Inquiry Officer/Presenting
officer/ disciplinary authority in conduct of
Vigilance/disciplinary cases.
9. To assist in processing the Inquiry Officers report in
vigilance cases for final orders of the disciplinary authority.
10. To give proper assistance to the CBI in the investigation of
cases entrusted to them or started by them on their own
source information.
11. To maintain up-to-date and proper record of Vigilance
cases and other correspondence in connection with
vigilance work.
12. To submit monthly report to Director (Vig.),Hqrs regarding
the work done during the month by 5th of the following
13. To perform such other duties as may be laid down by the
Hqrs. Office from time to time.
14. Holding enquiry and investigation of matters referred
by Hqrs vigilance or Regional Offices within the
territorial jurisdiction of the zone.
15. Prompt and effective discharge of vigilance functions
both preventive and punitive.
16. Prompt and adequate action with regard to writ
petitions filed by the accused officers, Dealing with
CBI, Criminal and Court cases
17. Timely submission of report / return to Hqrs vigilance.
18. Regular inspections and surprise visits within the zone to
detect failures observing rules & regulations to prevent
and detect corruption and malpractices.
19. Spreading vigilance awareness among the
employees through training/ seminars etc.
20. Any other work entrusted by Additional
Commissioner (Vigilance)

3.10 Director (Zonal Training 1. Head of the zonal training wing.
Academy) East, West, 2. Imparting induction training to newly recruited Group
North, South ,Central “C” and “D” employees.
Zone and National 3. Preparing Training Calendar.
Training Academy 4. Training to existing employees as per training
5. Arranging pre-promotion training to Group A & B
officers (NTA only)
6. Development of in house trainer.
3.11 Director (Administration), 1. Head of Administration wing of D(M)D or ESIC
D(M)D, & ESIC Hospitals Hospital.
2. Transfer and posting of all cadres of group C & D
employees within dispensaries, departments,
3. Recruitment of employees of local cadre in co-
ordination of Director (Medical) or Medical
3.12 Director (Official
3.13 Director (CIAU)

4. Joint Director

Pay Scale 15600-39100, Grade Pay- 7600

4.1 Joint-Director (In-charge) 1. Head of the Sub-Regional Office for all purpose.
SUB-REGIONAL OFFICE / 2. Inspection and survey of factories/establishments as
DIVISIONAL OFFICES per existing provisions.
(Sub-Regional Office 3. Co-ordination with Regional office and Hqrs for proper
having less than 3 Lakhs running of the scheme.
IP populations shall be 4. Repair & Maintenance of office Building as per the
headed by Director level delegated power.
officer) 5. Monitoring the action on defaulter and recovery of
6. Sanction of Dependent benefit and Permanent
Disablement benefit.
7. Monitoring sanctions and payment of cash benefits,
other than DB and PDB, within the prescribed time as
per Citizen Charter.
8. Preparing and submitting budget for the entire sub-
region and allocation of the same to branch offices.
9. Inspection of branch offices at least once in year.
10. Ensuring submission of periodical returns to Hqrs.

4.2 Joint-Director (Finance) 1. Functions as head of finance & Accounts wing under
(Regional offices headed the control and guidance of Financial Commissioner.
by Additional 2. Enjoys full control over the internal Audit Party
Commissioner) 3. Renders financial advice to the Regional Director on
all matters of the region involving financial
4. Exercises overall control over proper
allocation/distribution of work amongst and ensures
smooth functioning Finance & Accounts wing.
5. Liaison between the Regional Director and Financial
Commissioner on financial matters.
6. Keeps effective watch over the expenditure of the
region including Local officers vis-a-vis budget

allotment including exercise of delegated powers by
the officers of the region.
7. Ensures proper record of revenue receipts and
expenditure of the region/Directorate including
maintenance of cash book, Account NO. 1&2,
contribution stamps account and other allied records
and keeps Hqrs. Posted with the weekly balance
position of Account no. 1.
8. Ensuring all work in ERP.
9. Operates banking accounts within the prescribed
financial limits.
10. Peruses all in-coming papers/files, indicates action
and keeps note of important/urgent cases to watch
their disposal.
11. Scrutinizes cases/files etc. submitted by branch and
takes decision for their interim/final disposal or refers
to Regional Director Hqrs. With his
advice/recommendations for decision.
12. Gives written or verbal directions/guidance/advice to
the staff and audit parties in their day-to-day activities,
wherever wanting.
13. Keeps close watch over the schedule of out-going
periodical reports/returns and their timely submission.
14. Pays periodical visits to the L.Os/Dispensaries to
survey the work of local Audit parties and to banks in
connection with banking accounts & other allied
15. Gets bills audited and issues cheques under his
16. Scrutinizes Audit Reports and exercises final authority
in referring objections of administrative and financial
laps to the officers concerned and drop objections
after their compliance.
17. Makes assessment of staff made by immediate
supervisors under him and records appropriate

grading in confidential reports.
18. Reviews trends of income and expenditure with
reference to monthly accounts and reports unusual
features to the Financial Commissioner.
19. Associates with opening and scrutiny of
20. Frames proposals for pay fixation of gazetted officers
and issues pay slips; approves fixation of pay of the
non-gazetted staff.
21. Accords financial concurrence to proposals relating to
matter involving finance and releases necessary
22. Conducts half yearly inspection of branch under his
23. Scrutinize external audit reports and frames replies to
the paras concerning Accounts & submits to Financial
24. Scrutinizes pension cases and refund claims of
contributions and/or adjustment relating thereto;
scrutinizes quarterly statements of waiver of excess
payments to insured persons.
25. Exercise check against accumulation of unnecessary
funds in the local officers and crossing of limits of
daily/monthly withdrawals. Accounts officer Regional
26. Preparation of monthly account of the region and
submission thereof within time to Hqrs. Monthly
accounts must be scrutinized thoroughly before
sending. Close monitoring of advances and
adjustment thereof.
27. Assessing training need of employees of F&A branch
and recommending for training.
28. Performs such other duties as may be entrusted to
him from time to time.

4.3 Joint-Director 1. Functions as Branch officer of one or more branches
(Administration) and assist Regional Director / Medical Superintendent
(Regional offices headed on all administrative matters.
by Additional 2. Exercises control over proper allocation/distribution of
Commissioner and work amongst branches under his charge.
Hospitals with more than 3. Keeps general supervision and control over the staff
150 beds) in the branch; their smooth functioning and successful
execution of business and ensures discipline and
regularity in attendance.
4. Peruses cases, indicates action and keeps vigilance
on disposal of important cases.
5. Gives directions/guidance/advice to the staff and
officers under him in their day-to-day activities
wherever wanting.
6. Conducts periodical of branches under his charge to
review their performance and liquidating arrears
wherever found.
7. Keeps close watch over the schedule of in-
coming/out-going periodical reports and returns and
ensures their timely submission and proper
8. Scrutinizes cases submitted by branches and takes
decision for their interim/final disposal or submits to
Regional Director / Medical Superintendent with his
recommendation for decisions.
9. Handles cases of recognition of recreation club and
grant-in-aid etc.
10. Takes responsibility for the preparation of
administrative Budget and revised estimates for
Regional Office / Hospital and allotment of
enhancement of funds etc. and keeps watch over the
11. Exercises control over library and records at Regional
Office /Hospital including purchase of publication.
12. Takes responsibility for annual review of the staff in

the Regional Office /Hospital and ensures timely
action and communication of sanctions.
13. Scrutinizes requests for all employees’ advance in
respect of staff at Regional Office /Hospital, gives his
recommendations and ensures communication of
sanctions in time.
14. Holds charge of the convening of meeting of the
regional board and looks after the allied work and
keeps watch of the day-to-day progress and prepares
15. Takes responsibility of replies of the VIP references
and Assembly / Parliamentary questions.
16. Acts as reporting and reviewing officer for the staff in
respect of their confidential reports.
17. Performs such other duties as may be entrusted to
him from time to time by the Regional Director/
Medical Superintendent.
18. Assess training need and arrange training of
employees posted in Regional Office /Hospital and
branch offices in co-ordination with ZTI /NTA.
19. Implementation of ERP in administrative wing for e-
20. Handle RTI and Public Grievances.
4.4 Joint Director (National 1. Formulation and proper execution of training
Training Academy) policy for officers and staff of the corporation.
Publishing training calendar
2. Application of the techniques of training by
3. Preparation of training material for use by and
guidance of instructors.
4. Imparting training to the trainers.
5. Liaison with reputed training institutes in India for
providing advance training not available in-
6. Drawing out of syllabus for training programs

keeping view the job contents of various
categories of posts.
7. Organizing training programs for all categories of
corporation employees.
8. Conducting training courses for supervisors and
managers/inspectors etc. and exercising control
over Regional training courses of other
9. Running the training magazines.
10. Setting up of a Library for training material and
ensuring maximum use of the material.
11. Review and evaluation of training reports and
appraisal of training courses.
12. Arranging pre-promotion training and
departmental examinations of the trainees.
13. Performs such other duties as may be assigned
to him from time to time by Insurance
Commissioner (Training).
14. Receipt of monthly and quarterly progress
reports from the ZTI and NTA.
15. Keep record of training held in the training
16. To maintain record of officers attending training.
17. To sanction course training calendar for the ZTIs.
18. To prepare annual course calendar for NTA.
19. To monitor performance of ZTIs.
20. To compile and prepare quarterly report on
foreign training for Ministry.
4.5 Joint-Director (Zonal 1. Function under direct supervision of Director (Zonal

Vigilance) Vigilance)
2. Assist Director (Zonal Vigilance) in discharging the
assigned function.
3. Keep vigilance on entire functions of ESIC offices under
territorial jurisdiction of the zone.
4. To conduct surprise inspections of sensitive branch /
section to prevent corruption.

5. To understand the entire system of tendering, bill
processing and payment, accounting and reporting for test
check on random basis or on receipt of any informal
6. To prepare a list of officers and staff of doubtful integrity in
consultation with the Regional Director. In case of
difference of opinion the reference should be made to the
Director (Vig.) with full facts.
7. To investigate the complaints relating to the corruption and
malpractice and questionable activities affecting integrity of
a person in his zone.
8. To see that Vigilance cases are processed at all stages
promptly and there is no delay at any stage.
9. To help the Regional Director etc. in framing the charge
sheet, statement of imputations, preparation of list of
witnesses and documents etc.
10. To give procedural guidance to Inquiry Officer/Presenting
officer/ disciplinary authority in conduct of
Vigilance/disciplinary cases.
11. To assist in processing the Inquiry Officers report in
vigilance cases for final orders of the disciplinary authority.
12. To give proper assistance to the CBI in the investigation of
cases entrusted to them or started by them on their own
source information.
13. To maintain up-to-date and proper record of Vigilance
cases and other correspondence in connection with
vigilance work.
14. To submit monthly report to Director (Vig.),Hqrs regarding
the work done during the month by 5th of the following
15. To perform such other duties as may be laid down by the
Hqrs. Office from time to time.
16. Holding enquiry and investigation of matters referred
by Hqrs vigilance or Regional Offices within the
territorial jurisdiction of the zone.
17. Prompt and effective discharge of vigilance functions
both preventive and punitive.
18. Prompt and adequate action with regard to writ

petitions filed by the accused officers, Dealing with
CBI, Criminal and Court cases
19. Timely submission of report / return to Hqrs vigilance.
20. Regular inspections and surprise visits within the zone to
detect failures observing rules & regulations to prevent and
detect corruption and malpractices.
21. Spreading vigilance awareness among the employees
through training/ seminars etc.
Any other work entrusted by Additional
Commissioner (Vigilance)
4.6 Joint Director 1. Appointment /
(Establishment),Hqrs posting/transfer/promotion/confirmation/deputation in

Establishment-I respect of Group A & B Officers and SSO’s.

2. Review of cases under CCS (Pension) Rules and

retirement on superannuation/Voluntary/ Compulsory in
respect of Officers Group A & B and Insurance Inspectors.

3. All work relating to CCS (Conduct)

Rules/CRs/Probation/Seniority list/DPCs of above officers

4. Framing/Amendment of Recruitment Regulations for all

officers including staff except Medical and Para Medical

5. All personal matters relating to Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ officers like
Appointments, Postings , Probation, Confirmation,
Seniority ,Transfers, Promotion, Assured Career
Progression, Retirement ,Maintenance of ACRs of
Officers in the cadre of SSO and above, Acceptance of
intimations regarding movable / immovable property,
Sanction of leave to officers

6. Preparing annual DPC calendar

Establishment-II 1. To constitute Central/Zonal & Regional Sports Boards
and subcommittees thereof/Holding of Central/Zonal
Sports Meets to monitor appointment of meritorious
sports-men in Sports quota.
2. To formulate and implement the policies relating to
GSLIS for all categories of Corporation employee.
3. To sanction grants, monitor, consolidate and checking
the accounts in relation of Central / Zonal & Regional
4. Preparation/consolidation of various statements/returns
regarding reservations in appointment/promotion and
submission thereof to Labour Ministry for publication in
annual report.
5. Submission of material regarding representation of SCs
and STs to the P.R. Cell for publication in the Annual
6. Setting up of Women Cell in ESI Corporation for the
Welfare of Women employees. Returns regarding
disposal of complaints of sexual harassment at
7. Implementation of instructions and verifications of
rosters regarding reservation of SC/ST/PH/Ex-
Servicemen in appointment and promotion.
8. To attend various queries/complaints regarding
reservation in service received from Ministry of
Labour/National commission for SC/ST.
9. To formulate policies/rules/regulations relating to
recognition of unions / Federations / Officers
10. To watch code of conduct of the recognized
11. To monitor, attend and coordinate the
demands/complaints received from various
unions/federations/service associations.
12. Grant of Special Casual Leave due to Bandh & Natural
Calamities etc.
13. Matters in relation to unions/federation/officers
14. To attend the returns received from different regions

and watch disposal of complaints received under
grievance procedure.
15. To attend to the grievance not settled under grievance
procedure in the Regional Offices etc.
16. Matters relating to functioning of
departmental/contractor’s canteen in the offices of the
corporation and to examine the feasibility for adoption
of Govt. of India instructions in relation to functioning of
Departmental Canteen.
17. Amenities admissible to corporation employees such as
functioning of Recreation clubs, Benevolent funds,
compassionate funds.
18. Matters related to Residents Welfare Association.
19. Appointment of dependents of deceased corporation
employees and to sanction grants from compassionate
20. Matters concerning to
appointment/promotion/probation/ACP in the cadre of
PA/SR. P.A./Jr. H.T./ Sr.H.T./JE.
21. All India Seniority list in the cadre of
22. Appeals/representation relating to service matters in
respect of Group C up to HC/Asst. and Group D
23. Matters relating to Inter Regional Transfer in case of
Group C ( up to Assistant/Head Clerk level) and all
Group D employees.
24. Industrial disputes and Court cases referred by
Regional Director etc. in relation to Group C (up to
Assistant/Head Clerk level) and all Group ‘D’
Employees and referred CAT Cases relating to service
matters etc.
25. Issue of No Objection Certificate for passport and visit
to foreign countries from the cadre of Insurance
inspectors onwards in respect of Administrative staff
26. Policy regarding advance increments to LDCs in typing.
27. Approval for engaging contractual staff.

1. Review of posts for R.Os/SROs/Branch Offices and Creation

Establishment- III of posts in different grades.

2. Counting of past service.

3. Stepping up of pay.

4. Grant of Special Pay to Cashiers of Branch Offices/Regional


5. Policy on retirement benefits Pension, Gratuity /Family

Pension/ Provident Fund etc.. Adoption of report of Pay

Commission/ Pay Committees.

6. Sanction of G.P.F. advance/ withdrawal in respect of

employees and Officers of Hqrs. Office.

7. Setting up of R.Os/SROs/Divisional Offices/ Branch Offices/

Pay Offices.

8. Instructions on PLB and clarification thereon All India Policy


9. Policy matters and clarification regarding grant of ACP

10. Issues regarding revision/grant of pay scales and issues


11. Policy matters relating to anomaly regarding pay scales

12. Compilation of annual statement on verification of service

book, information for annual report/ Statistical Data.

13. Adoption/ circulation of orders of Dearness Allowance

relating to pensioners.

14. Court cases relating to counting of past service, pension

matters, revision of pay scale

15. Dealing with representation / grievances of pensioners and

pensioners association.

16. Updating and Compilation of monthly/quarterly returns

regarding sanctioned strength and In-position of officers/


Establishment- IV 1. Sanction of medical claims requiring relaxation of CS(MA)

Rules (emergent cases) in respect of serving employees of
2. Adoption of various orders of Ministry of Health in connection
with recognitition of private hospitals in various states.
3. Policy matters in respect of Medical Reimbursement Claims
and issue clarification etc.
4. Constitution/Re-constitution of Standing Committee/ ESI
Corporation, Medical Benefit Council through Labour Ministry
and General Purposes Medical Care Sub-Committee,
Construction Sub-Committee, Budget & A/Cs. Sub Committee,
Regional Boards by seeking approval of Chairman, ESI
5. Preparation of Standard Notes on the functioning of ESI
Scheme as on 1st January every year.
6. Furnishing Material for Annual Report in connection with
meetings of Regional Boards/Local Committees.
7. Pursuing Regional Directors to conduct regular Meetings of
Local Committees, and constitution of Local Committees
wherever not in existence.
8. Furnishing Quarterly Report of ISO certification, Hindi Pragati
Report and maintenance of CL/RH/EL records of staff etc.
9. Arranging meetings of Standing Committee/ ESI Corporation.
Preparation and compilation of Agenda and Memorandum
Notes and circulating approved Minutes of these meetings.
10. Compilation of important decisions of Standing Committee /
ESI Corporation.
11. Policy matters on HBA and clarification and sanction of HBA in
respect of all employees of the Corporation including Hqrs.,
D.M.D., ESIC hospitals & Model Hospitals.
12. Replies to objections raised by Internal/External Audit on

matters related to H.B.A.

1. Creation, Continuation, Surrender of all posts.

Establishment- V
2. Preparation of Seniority List.
3. Disciplinary Action.
4. Acceptance of Resignation.
5. Deputation of various Training Courses.
6. Regularization/Confirmation/Promotion/Reversion and
holding of DPCs. for review of cases.
7. Recruitment; Completion of probation.
8. Draw of annual increment and processing of ACRs.
9. Fixation of Pay.
10. Sanction of Regular Leave/Special Leave.
11. Grant of T.A./D.A./LTC advance.
12. Sanction of Grant on transfer/retirement.
13. Grant of Family Planning Allowance.
14. Determination of Pension/Family Pension/DCRG,
Maintenance of Service Books.
15. Encashment of leave of staff at Hqrs.
16. Issue of Income Certificates.
17. Grant of Festival/Fans/Cycle advance.
18. Payment of GIS at the time of retirement/resignation.
19. Permission for acquiring/disposal of property under CCS
(Conduct) Rules, 1964.
20. Vigilance Cases.
21. Holding of Departmental Tests to the post of
Stenographers, P.A./Assistant/UDC/ LDC (including half
yearly special typing test for grant of advance increment
and quarterly typing test in English & Hindi).
22. Recruitment to the post of Staff Car Driver, Mali, Farash,
Sweeper and Chowkidars, Peon.
23. Maintenance of registers for reservation of
STs/SCs/OBCs/PH etc.
24. Maintenance of Casual Leave records of personal staff of
the officers at Hqrs. Office.
25. Transfer/Posting of staff (Grade C & D) within various
branches etc. at Hqrs. And ministry.
26. Holding of Screening Committee Meetings for grant of

financial upgradation under ACP Scheme.
27. Processing cases of inter regional transfer and
compassionate appointment.
28. ESI Hqrs. Employees Union Matters.
29. OTA Claims/Honorarium of Ministry Staff.
30. PIC in respect of Hqrs. Staff.
31. Issue of NOC for visiting foreign countries.
32. Election Matter.
33. Police Verification/Caste Verification in respect of Group 'C'
& 'D'.
34. Appointment of Contractual Staff.

1. Delegation of Administrative & Financial Powers of Director

Establishment- VI
General/ Standing Committee to the officers of E.S.I.


2. General Instructions on T.A./D.A./ LTC/HRA/CCA.

3. Amendments to the ESI (Central) Rules, and interpretation

of Rules & Regulations.

4. Security of Cash, Duplicate Keys of safes and Cash Boxes


5. Insurance of money in transit and insurance against theft,

burglary, fire of cash, personal injury to Cashiers.

6. Preparation of statements i.e. expenditure exceeding

Rupees one Lakh under contingencies of Administrative


7. Scrutiny & consolidation of R.Es and B.Es regarding

Administrative Expenditure of all Regions and Advances

only in respect of Dir.(Med.)Delhi and ESIC Hospitals.

8. Allotment of Budget/ Revised/ Final grants and additional

budget to all Regions.

9. Scrutiny of Quarterly & Monthly statements of expenditure

under para 437 of the Manual of Audit and Accounts.

10. Grant of advance of T.A., Pay and leave salary etc. to

officers & staff at Hqrs. Office.

11. Change of declaration of Home Town.

12. Issue of instructions on Fixed Conveyance Allowances and

Reimbursement of actual taxi/scooter charges to officers of

Hqrs. Office.

13. Grant of scooter/ car advance in respect of employees in

the Hqrs. Office.

14. Sanction of the investigation of time barred claim.

15. Loss of cash/ theft of cash all over India.

16. Grant of Dearness Allowance.

17. Grant of Children Education Allowance.

18. Issues of circulation of Holidays.

19. Framing of instructions regarding extension of medical

facilities under the ESI Scheme to ESI Pensioners.

20. Payment of subsidy for the purchase of Books and Hostel

subsidy to the Central Government employees who on

their transfer are obliged to keep their children in the


21. General Instructions & cases regarding grant of OTA.

22. Grant of advance to the employees of the Corporation

affected by natural calamities.

23. General Instructions and cases regarding compensatory

Remote Locality (Bad Climate) Allowance to the

Corporation’s employees.

24. Grant of special increment in the form of special pay under

small family norms.

25. Opening of Holiday Home.

26. Observance of Quami Ekta Week, Sadbhawana Divas,

Atankwad Virodhi Divas.

27. Children Education Allowance/ Tuition fee etc.

28. Grant of Permanent Imprest and instruction regarding.

29. Appointment of AMA under CS(MA) Rules.

30. LTC Bills in respect of Regional Director to visit Home

Town and any place in India.

4.7 Joint Director (Medical 1. Assisting Director (Medical Education) in discharging
Education),Hqrs assigned role.
2. Preparing MIS relating to medical education.
3. Co-Ordination with MCI and other statutory authorities.
4. Co-ordination with Recruitment branch w.r.t. recruitment of
teaching faculties.
5. Preparing term of reference for contractual teaching
faculties and fee from student.
6. Assistance in policy decision w.r.t. medical education.

4.8 Joint Director 1. Open recruitment to the post of I.Is, Stenographers, LDC,
P.A., Junior Hindi Translators, Junior Engineers, IMOs

Grade-II, Ayurvedic Physicians and Dental Surgeons

2. Departmental Test for promotion to the post of P.As,

Assistants, Stenographer, UDC/LDC.

3. Special qualifying examination for regularization of adhoc


4. Conducting of quarterly and half-yearly Typing Test; and

other Special type tests and qualifying examinations.

5. Liaisioning with SSC, UPSC and DOPT regarding policy

matters relating to examinations and for getting sponsored

candidates in respect of LDCs/Stenos and their postings in

various regions.

6. Test for grant of advance increment to the existing


7. Special recruitment drive for filling up the backlog

vacancies of SC/ST.

8. Payment of honorarium in respect of exam. work

performed by the officers/officials.

9. Introduction of online examination: Examination Cell is in

the process of conducting limited departmental competitive

examinations (LDCEs) online

10. Open Recruitment to the posts of IMO Gr. II/Ayurvedic


11. Recruitment to the posts of Specialist Gr. II/Dental


12. Recruitment of Para medical Staff in the cadre of group 'C'

& 'D' posts.

4.9 Joint Director 1. Investigation of Vigilance complaints through four zonal

units and recommending action

2. Disciplinary cases of Group A&B Officers, P.As/I.Is and

retired officials. (Group A officers includes doctors).

3. Processing of appeal, revision and review cases and

condonation of delay in all cases pertaining to Group A,

B,C, & D employees.

4. Periodical Returns to CVC/MOL/ Liaison with CBI &

Circulation of CVC instructions to all RDs etc.

5. Dealing with CBI and Criminal court cases.

6. Issue of Vigilance Clearance/concurrence for the purpose


i) Completion probation
ii) Confirmation
iii) Promotion
iv) Release of retirement benefits of all
officials/officers above the rank of I.I and above
v) Applying/renewal of passport
vi) Movable/ immovable properties acquired by

Group A & B officers.

7. Review of suspension cases.

8. Scrutiny of Agreed List and list of doubtful integrity of

Group A,B,C &D.

9. Scrutiny and maintenance of Property Returns of officers of

the rank of I.I and above.

10. Assessment of performance of Jt. Directors of Vigilance

Units and Jt. Directors(DE).

11. Periodical monitoring of disciplinary and complaint cases

pending with field units.

12. Preparation/vetting of para-wise comments and other

correspondences in respect of court cases.

13. clarifications to all RDs on matters relating to disciplinary

and vigilance cases in respect of all categories of

employees of the Corporation.

14. Matters relating to Rotational Transfer.

15. Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week.

16. Coordinating with Training Institutions for training in

vigilance matters of Staff and Officers.

17. Amendments to ESIC (Staff & Conditions of Service)

Regulations, 1959.

18. Appointment of Retired ESIC Officers as Inquiry Officers.

19. Approval of Tour Programmes of all Jt. Directors

(Departmental Enquiries) and Jt. Directors (Vigilance)

20. Matters relating to Part Time consultancy by ESIC


21. seeking first/second stage advice of CVC in respect of all

Group ‘A’ officers drawing basic pay of Rs. 8725/- and


22. Review of position by RDs in respect of missing of

employers files.

4.10 Joint Director (Medical 1. Creation/sanction of all posts of Medical, Para-medical and
Nursing Staff up to SAG level.

2. Framing/Amendment to RRs of Medical and Paramedical

Staff/Nursing Staff (Approximately 80 different posts.

3. Recruitment of Medical posts (Group A)/Nursing Staff

(Group A & B).

4. Maintenance of personal files of General Duty Medical

Officers, which includes IMO Gr-II, IMO Gr-I, CMO, NFSG,

SAG, Specialists which includes Specialist Gr.II,

Specialists(Sr. Scale), NFSG, SAG, Ayurvedic

Physician/Dental Surgeons similar hierarchy exist in both

these cadre except SAG post etc. issuing of appointment

orders, their police verification, caste verification,

completion of probation, confirmation, fixation of pay,

conducting of DPCs for giving Medical Officers time bound

promotion, processing of resignation /VR cases etc.

Maintenance of Establishment Register-Roaster, Vacancy

register etc.

5. To deal with other service matters like acceptance of in

intimation under CCS conduct Rules, Processing and

sanctioning of leaves including study leave, Grant of PG

Allowance, Processing of NOC cases, which includes NOC

for passport/ renewal of passport, NOC for applying to

other organisation, NOC for higher studies.

6. Policy matter regarding sanction of various allowances like

HPCA/PCA, Annual Allowance, Conveyance allowance


7. Framing of terms and conditions of deputation/absorption.

8. Deputation allowance to deputationist of ESI Hospitals/ESI

Model Hospitals.

9. Engagement of part time Specialists/SRs/JRs in ESI

Hospitals/ESI Model Hospitals, issuing of appointment

orders, renewal of tenure, resignation and leave and leave

encashment matters of Senior Residents.

10. Court cases related to medical /para-medical personals.

11. Transfer /Posting of Medical Officers/Para Medical Staff of

ESI Hospitals/ESI Model Hospitals.

12. Representation/Grievances of para-medical staff of ESI

Hospitals/ESI Model Hospitals.

13. Processing of matters pertaining to Medical Administration

to be considered by Standing Committee. ESI Corporation.

14. Correspondence with registered Associations/unions of

medial/Parameical staff Viz. JAC, Medical Officers

Association, Nurses Union, Pharmacists Union etc.

15. Tour Programmes of Medical Superintendents, LTC of

Medical Superintendent/Director/Director (Medical) Delhi,


16. Dispute pertaining to telephone Bills in respect to doctors,

eligibility of telephone

17. O & M work of the branch which contain various

monthly/quarterly/yearly returns

18. Review of delegation of powers of

M.S./D(M)D/DM(HQ)/SSMC/SMC etc. {DM(HQ)}.

19. Tour Programmes of Medical Superintendents, LTC of

medical Superintendent/ Director/ Director (Medical) Delhi,

Noida (work recently transferred to this branch).

20. Legal matters

4.11 Joint Director (RTI) 1) To collect information from various Branches of Hqrs. and the

field formations including Medical Division and to place it for

the general masses in the form of manual and on website of

ESI Corporation.

2) Designation of CPIOs, CAPIOS, and appellate authorities in

ESI Corporation as required under the Act.

3) To disseminate rules, regulations, instructions etc., about the

procedure under the RTI Act as received from the Ministry of

other higher formations including Central Information

Commissioner to the officers at Hqrs. and in the field

formations for proper implementation of the RTI Act.

4) To assist CPIOs, Hqrs. Office in the furnishing of information to

the applicants.

5) To receive applications under the RTI Act., making records in

the relevant registers and passing the same to concerned

CPIO in Hqrs. To provide information from the respective files

under the signatures of CPIO and dispatch the same to the

applicants endorsing a copy to RTI branch.

6) To receive periodical reports and returns under the RTI Act

from all field formations i.e., the CPIOs and the appellate

authorities in respect of the work done by them under the Act.,

processing and scrutinizing the same, making entries in

records, compiling and furnishing periodical reports and

returns about the applications received, informations supplied,

fees and cost received and appeals etc., to the Ministry of

Labour or to the CIC.

7) To deal with various correspondence from field formations and

officers at Hqrs. about the clarifications as sought by them

from time to time.

8) To deal with applications under the RTI Act. in respect of

divisions under the charge of Addl. Commissioner(PR), the


9) Any other work assigned by the senior officers about the RTI


10) Work relating to miscellaneous administrative activities of the

staff in the RTI Cell.

4.12 Joint Director (PG /PR),Hqrs

Public Grievances
1. Processing of grievances (other than the staff

grievances of the ESIC officials) received from Insured

Persons, their family members, Employers/Ministry of

Labour & Employment/ Prime Minister's Office/Cabinet

Secretariat/President Secretariat/State

Governments/MPs/ MLAs/MLCs/Members of the ESI

Standing Committee/Corporation.

2. Co-ordination of grievances received from Ministry of

Labour & Employment/Prime Minister's Office/Cabinet

Secretariat & Department of AR & PG for its effective


3. To entertain and hear the aggrieved

I.Ps/beneficiaries/employers who visit Hqrs. Office in

connection with their grievances.

4. To entertain the representations of

IPs/beneficiaries/employers received through E-mail.

5. To forward the complaints/grievances to the concerned

authorities under the grievance procedure such as

Regional Directors/Joint Directors/Director

(Medical)/Medical Superintendents of ESI Hospitals

administered and run directly by the

Corporation/Medical Superintendents, Model Hospitals

& respective Divisional Heads in Hqrs. office and

monitor them for final disposal.

6. To acknowledge the complaints and issue interim reply,

wherever required.

7. To attend the Public Grievance meetings held in the

Cabinet Secretariat and Ministry of Labour for redressal

of Public Grievances and take suitable follow up action.

8. Processing of grievances by quarterly returns and their

submission to the Ministry of Labour & Employment.

9. Review of the decision at the Hqrs. Office on the

Compliance Report received from Regional Directors

and other Grievance Officers.

10. Compilation and submission of the monthly return to

the Ministry of Labour & Employment in respect of the

P.G. cases appeared in the newspapers.

11. To issue final reply/intimation to the complainant

regarding the disposal of the grievances.

12. To issue periodical reminders to the concerned

authorities including the Grievance Officers for early

disposal of cases.

13. To attend the Public Grievance meetings held in the

Cabinet Secretariat and Ministry of Labour for redressal

of Public Grievances and take suitable follow up action.

14. Compilation and submission of weekly & monthly report

to the Ministry of Labour & Employment in respect of

PG cases received through Prime Minister's Office &

Cabinet Secretariat.

15. Reviewing the online PG portal for proper tracking of

complaints and reply.

1. General liaison with print and electronic media.

Public Relation
2. Monitoring of press reports concerning ESI Scheme,

developments in the field of social security &

submission of clippings to DG/IC/MC.

3. Monitoring of public grievances reported in

newspapers/news journals and further follow up


4. Liasioning with different advt. agencies and other

agencies deals in Publicity and Advertising.

5. Issuing press releases to the print and electronic

media concerning developments in ESI Scheme or on

others important occasions.

6. Arrangement of special events like Foundations Stone

Laying Ceremonies, Inaugurations, Conferences,

Corporate meetings and other important events.

7. Organizing periodical press conferences for Chairman,

ESIC, DG & coordination for organizing TV panel

discussions and talks etc. in the regions.

8. Production of short tele-films/documentary films and

arranging their dubbing in regional languages and

distribution to TV channels and cable TV etc.

9. Coordination in Developing, designing, printing and

production of publicity material like posters,

pamphlets, brochures etc. and their country wide

distribution to ESIC establishments.

10. Preparation and distribution of ESIC Corporate


11. Preparation and printing of D.G. mailers.

12. Issuing advertisements on ESI Scheme and their

release to newspapers through Advertising Agencies.

13. Compilation, Production and distribution of ESI


14. Preparation of speeches and talking points for

Chairman, Vice Chairman & DG etc, for all important

corporate events.

15. Compilation of material and its graphic presentation on

the activities of ESIC for the Annual Report of the

Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India.

16. Compilation, editing, designing and production of the

Annual Report of the ESIC and its circulation to the

members of the Corporation, ESIC establishments and

other offices.

17. Processing of tenders and bills of printers, advertising

agencies, Employment News and other agencies.

18. Release of advertisements of administrative nature,

recruitment processes, results etc. to national/regional


19. Updating of guide books on ESI Scheme for

employers and employees for their periodical printing

and distribution.

20. Designing and printing of annual corporate

publications such as statistical brochures, statistical

abstract, budget estimates and annual accounts etc.

21. Printing and production of corporate procedural

manuals form time to time and their distribution to the

field units.

22. Preparation, up-dating, designing and printing of

telephone directories of the Corporation for Delhi

Area/all India.

23. Participation in health melas, health check up camps,

inauguration of new offices, establishment and

medical units under ESI Scheme.

24. Preparation of brief notes, presentations for visiting

dignitaries and delegation etc.

25. Preparation and designing works on ESIC Logo and

Common Signage for all offices of ESI Corporation.

26. Providing logistic support to the Ministry of Labour for

organizing special events and distribution of invitation

cards etc, on such occasions.

27. Providing all essential information to NGOs, State

Govts., Central Govt. Offices, Employers and


28. Organizations and individuals on demand and


29. General printing works as and when assigned by other

branches of Hqrs. Offices.

30. Proof reading of an average of 5000 pages per


31. Distribution of publicity materials on ESI Scheme to all

ESIC/ESIS Establishments, employers, IPs etc.

32. Up-dates of mailing list of distribution from time to


4.13 Joint Director (Benefit) 1. Grant of exemptions and issue of notifications (references
received from Ministry of Labour and State Governments)

2. ESB for relaxation of eligibility conditions

3. ESB for rare disease – relaxation thereof

4. Relaxation of regulation 73

5. Relaxation of regulation 74

6. Re-examination of the PDB,DB,OD cases rejected by RD

7. Sanction of time barred claims of IPs/and other references

received from field offices

8. Processing of complaints regarding non payment of


9. Court cases regarding PDB/DB/OD cases

10. Quarterly statement of PDB/DB/OD cases showing cases

pending for more than 12 months. Statement is placed
before Standing Committee/Corporation.

11. Relaxation of Super speciality treatment cases

12. Review/existing reports and returns for simplification

Policy and procedure on incentive Scheme to the

employers’ for providing employment to disabled persons.

13. Policy and procedure regarding Entitlement/disentitlement

of I.Ps under Reggulation-103(A).

14. Policy and control over the functioning of Branch Offices

and inspection thereof

15.Policy and procedure regarding Alternative Evidence of

Sickness & Temporary Disablement Benefit under Regulation 53.

16.Policy & Procedure on Registration.

17. To conduct meeting of Regional Directors and follow up

action on Minutes.

18. Approval of Tour Programmes of RDs and tour notes of

RDs & POs (Hqrs. Office). Action on tour notes of RDs/JDs(I/c).

19. Waiver of recovery of cash benefit paid in excess to the


20. Sharing of cost on excess of SB with the State govt.

where the incidence of sickness in the State exceeds the all India

average Recovery under Section 58(2).

21. Policy on loss of wages/conveyance allowance

22. Policy and Procedure regarding abstention verification

from employers.

23. Constitution of E.I. Courts/MATs/Medical Board/Special

Medical Boards/Peripatetic Medical Boards/Zonal Medical Boards.

24. Examination and approval of replies to External Audit

reports connected with cash benefits.

25. Enhancement in the rates of PDB/DB

26. Statement of payment made on ESIC-71 and waiver


27. Setting up new Branch/Divisional Offices, abolition of

existing offices and review of such offices etc. through Estt.


28. Examinatio0n of Inspection Reports of branch of ROs,

Examination of Inspection Reports of Branch Offices.

29. Policy & Procedure regarding prosecution of IPs for wrong


30. Policy and procedure regarding incapacity references.

31. Policy & Procedure regarding suspension of benefit under

Regulation 99.

32. Policy & Procedure under Sec.68

33. Abstention verification from employers.

34. Policy & Procedure regarding working of Branch Offices.

35. Policy on time barred claim of IPs.

36. Standard note for supplementary and parliament questions

on benefit matters.

37. Preparation of material for annual report of ESIC.

38. Revision and updating of Branch Office Manual.

39. Policy & Procedure regarding payment by cheque/Money


40. Policy & Procedure regarding family photo identity cards.

41. Policy and Procedure on registration of employees/IPs.

42. Examination and action of minutes/proposals on benefit

matters proposed in the meeting of RDs/Local

Committees/Regional Boards.

43. Policy & Procedure regarding payment of PDB/DB through

post office/Bank

44. Review of ESIC series Forms and Regulation forms.

45. Policy & Procedure regarding payment of benefits to legal

heirs of the deceased IPS.

4.14 Joint Director (Finance), Hqrs

Banking Arrangements and

Investment 1. Banking Arrangement.

2. Investment of funds.

3. Maintenance of reserve fund accounts and investment


4. Collection and transfer of funds.

5. Watching of Bank Reconciliation Statement of Account No.

1 & 2 of Regional Offices.

6. Revision of Daily/Monthly withdrawal limits of branch


7. Watching of interest on Corporation’s investment in

Banks/Special Deposit Accounts.

8. Correspondence of Banking Arrangement with Banks/Units

9. Remittance of NACO funds as advised by the Medical

Division and its correspondence with bank.

10. Opening and closing of Account No. 1 & 2 of

R.Os/SROs/BOs/Project accounts.

11. Internal and External Audit replies.

12. Watching of delayed credit and Missing credit of funds.

13. Reconciliation of cash, remittances from Central A/c No. 1

to A/c No. 2 of the units.

14. Writing of Cash Book of Account No. 1 (Central) and

Account No. 2

15. Review of daily/weekly cash balance.

16. Allocation of interest on investments among various

Reserve Funds.

17. Physical verification of FDRs of Nationalised bank/Govt.


18. Preparation of R.Es/B.Es- Special Deposit Accounts.

1. Matters connected with the Budget of the ESI Corporation.

BUDGET 1. Convening of Budget and Accounts Sub-Committee


2. Preparation of Budget estimates of Corporation and

Performance Budget of the Corporation.

3. Preparation of Material of ESIC Component of the

outcome Budget of the Ministry of Labour.

4. Scrutiny of quarterly statements of Income & Expenditure

sent by Jt. Director(Fin)/Dy. Director(Fin).

5. Control of expenditure on Cash Benefits, administration

and watch over of receipts of contributions.

6. Compilation of material of Standard Note on the ESI

Scheme in respect of Accounts Division.

7. Work relating to re-appropriation of funds and

appropriation of Accounts and Actuarial evaluation.

8. Financial concurrence relating to construction

projects/works and their estimates.

9. Finance concurrence relating to the estimates in respect of

special repairs beyond the sanctioning powers of R.D.,

J.D., M.S., D(M)D etc.

10.Calculation of depreciation in respect of fixed assets of the

Corporation/staff cars for budgetary and actual


11.Scrutiny of calculation of the rent statements of the

buildings of the Corporation for Budgetary purpose as well

as appropriation to Medical Benefit and Administrative

expenses of the Corporation including sharing thereof with

the State Govts.

12. Preparation of material for Annual Report and critical

review of Income & Expenditure.

13.Passing of suspense slip of payment and receipts on

account of Construction works raised by field units.

14.Adjustment of advances of Capital Construction Fund and

creation of Assets.

15.Review of Balances showing assets and advances and

reconciliation with the Balance Sheet.

16.Preparation & supply of data to National Statistical

Organisation in respect of Admn. Exp. in ESI Scheme

FINANCIAL 1. Medical arrangements connected with the scheme,

including release of quarterly instalments of ‘On Account

Payments’ payments to State Governments and their full

and final settlement. Opening of new Hospitals,

Dispensaries agenda items for discussion in the meeting

of S.C/ESIC/MBC etc.

2. Stores, supplies, services and office equipments in

respect of Hqrs. office, Regional office, SRO etc.

3. Hiring of accommodation etc. for Regional Offices,

Divisional Offices, SROs, Branch Offices Dispensaries etc.

initiated by the General Branch in Hqrs. Office.

4. Creation/deletion/continuation and review of post of

officers and staff proposals of Hqrs. Office, Regional

Offices, Branch Offices, D(M)D & Hospitals.

5. Delegation of Powers of Officers of the Corporation

including Medical side.

6. Printing and supply of Receipt books and Service Cards to

all offices of Corporation and the maintenance of their

receipt in Hqrs. Office.

7. Revolving funds for super-specialty treatment to IPs,

Drugs and Dressings, purchase of equipment etc.

8. Rate Contract of Drugs & Dressings and review thereof.

9. Proposals relating to sanction permanent Imprest to all


10. Review, up-gradation, printing and supply of Manual of

Audit and Accounts- Part –I and II.

11. Preparation of Budget of all direct run Hospitals including

Medical Hospitals & on accounts payment & Model

Hospitals also i.e. equipments and staff proposals.

12. Reference from ROs regarding dispute between R.D. and

Dir. (F)/M.S./ & JD(F)/DY. DIRECTOR (F).

13. Grant of permanent advances to the offices of


14. Proposal relating to purchase of medical and other

equipments for all the offices of ESIC including Hospitals

and Dispensaries outside the delegated powers of the

Head of Office.

15. Proposal for purchase and supply of computers to all the

offices of ESIC.

16. Medical reimbursement cases of I.Ps. beyond the

delegated powers.

17. Regularisation of Theft/Loss of property cases relating to

all the offices.

18. Purchase, condemnation and Repair & Maintenance of

staff cars for Hqrs. office and beyond the delegated

powers in respect of all other offices including exceeding

the monthly limit of ceiling of run by s/cars.

19. A.M.C. and Special Repair of Hqrs. Building and Noida

Residential Colony including Horticulture and all other

matters not covered under plinth area rates.

20. Control over expenditure as per allocated Budget in

respect of all the directly run Hospitals including Noida


4.15 Joint Director (Revenue), 1. Policy matters connected with the contribution, interest, levy
of damages.

Policy & Implementation 2. Scrutiny/Monitoring of the performance of Revenue Branch

Officers of the Regions/Sub-Regions.

3. Policy of Delegation of Powers relating to waiver of

irrecoverable dues and waiver/reduction of damages in

respect of BIFR cases.

4. Policy/instruction on BIFR/AAIFR cases.

5. Collection/processing and compilation of data on arrears of

ESIC dues and Periodical review of arrears.

6. Attending to the representations regarding levy of damages

& charging of interest etc..

7. Refund of Contribution/Interest/Damages.

8. History Sheets with reference to arrears of Rs.10 lakh and


9. Monitoring the performance of ROs/SROs on the review of

employers’ files.

10. Allotment of Regional Code Number to the newly set up

Regions/Sub - Regions.

11. Deals with queries raised in the SC/ESIC meetings and

Parliament Questions relating to the Branch.

12. Examination and approval of replies to external and internal

audit report related to Revenue Branch-I.

13. Replies to the queries raised by Standing Committee/ESI

Corporation meeting and Parliament Question related to

above matters.

14. Examination of Tour notes of Officers related to Revenue


15. Policy in respect of Monthly performance report of Revenue

Branch Officers.

16. Examination of Inspection report related to this Branch.

Legal Matters 1. Examination of High Court judgments against the

,Enforcement & Corporation relating to revenue matters for filling S.L.P. in

Miscellaneous the Supreme Court.

2. Circulation of important Supreme Court judgments and

issue of instructions in respect of revenue matters based

on judgments.

3. Examination and circulation of important High Court


4. Examination of E.I. Court judgments in respect of revenue

matters where Regional Director is deciding not to file


5. Issues related to appointment and payment of fees to the

advocate of E.I. Court/High Court.

6. Monitoring of progress in prosecution under Section 85 of

ESI Act and under Section 406/409 of IPC.

7. Policy matters relating to test inspection, inspection and

survey of factories/establishments.

8. Interpretation of Section 1(5), 1(6), 2(9), 2(12), 2(13),

2(17), 2(19-A), 2(22) and 93-A of ESI Act; Attending to the

complaints received from the Employers’, Association,

Trade Unions and references received from Regional

Offices/Sub-Regional Offices and VI Ps on coverage,

demand of contributions/recovery of contributions.

9. Periodical review of Prosecution cases, E.I. Court Cases,

High Court Cases, Inspection, Survey, Test Inspection,


10. Issues related to coverage of factories/establishments.

11. Examination and compliance report on revenue matters

submitted by Regional Directors in response to the report

of the Hqrs. Inspection Team/Senior officers.

12. Supply of Information to external audit in r/o of matters

dealt in Revenue Branch-II.

13. Examination of tour notes of Regional Directors relating to

revenue matters.

4.16 Joint Director (PMD) 1. Planning and capital construction of Hospital/ Dispensary,

Office buildings and Staff quarters buildings through

Construction Agencies.

2. Purchase of land for these purposes where required.

3. Sanction of plans and estimates and release of funds.

4. Assets management.

5. Allocation of budget for ARM/special repairs and its control.

6. Assessment and recovery of rents of buildings and related

policy matters etc.

7. Watching progress of Construction.

8. Adjustment of advances.

9. Technical advice on construction of dispensaries & hospital


10. Utilization or and Disposal of vacant / unutilized land and


11. Replies to audit report, RTI, Parliamentary Question dealing

with construction and maintenance matters.

12. Maintenance of complete land record of all India ESIC Offices.

4.17 Joint Director (General 1. Hiring and Enhancement of rent in r/o Rented Buildings.
2. Work relating to purchase, maintenance & condemnation of

Staff Cars.

3. Allotment of Staff Quarter at Noida/ESI Dispensary, Sarojini

Nagar, Hqrs.

4. Purchase / Maintenance / AMC of Photocopier / Fax

Machines / Duplo Printers / Calculators and other Genl.

Articles related policy matters.

5. Purchase of Furniture & repairs.

6. Maintenance of Library & Purchase of Books, Periodicals &


7. Purchase of Stationery items.

8. Purchase of Livery items & Policies thereof.

9. Purchase of General articles.

10. All matters relating to telephones.

11. Matters relating to Gazette Notification.

12. Arrangement of all the meetings at Hqrs. Office / Ministries /


13. Booking of TOR / Holiday Home & policy thereof.

14. Day to Day maintenance of Hqrs. Building and timely

payment of electrical / water bills etc.

15. Control of CRI of Hqrs. building.

4.18 Joint Director (Integration 1. Scrutiny relation to service condition of taken over hospitals
from State Government.

2. Legal matter in relation to taking over and related matter.

3. Calculation of pensioniary liabilities and pension

contribution from State Govt.

4. Pay fixation of taken over employees and other pay related


4.19 Joint Director (Planning & 1. Preparation of phased programme and implementation of
ESI Scheme in new areas as per the said programme.

2. Amendments in ESI Act. ESI (Central) Rules and ESI

(General) Regulations.

3. Liaison with ISSA, ILO and other international social

security organizations – supply of data to Ministry of

Labour for ratification of ILO conventions - preparation of

Country Papers etc for various ISSA conferences

deputation of officers for attending ISSA/ILO


4. Coordinates in respect of various Parliamentary

Committees such as Standing Committee of Parliament on

labour, consultative Committee etc., ILC, SLC and other

such Committees in the Ministry of Labour, coordination of

reports of area officers of Ministry of Labour.

5. Preparation of notes/background papers on various

aspects of the scheme.

6. Coordination work regarding Parliament


7. Suggestions / representations regarding various provisions

of ESI Act. Formulation of new Schemes etc.

5. Deputy Director (Pay Scale 5600-39100, Grade Pay- 5400)

Deputy Director (STS)Pay Scale 15600-39100, Grade Pay- 6600)

Assistant Director -Pay Scale 9300- 34800 , Grade Pay- 4800

5.1 Dy Director The role of Dy Director (DD) will be Branch Officer and Asstt
(Actuary) / Asstt Director (AD) will function as section officer of the branch. All
Director the task holders will put up files to Asstt Director and after
(Actuary) scrutiny of file and facts of the matter AD will submit proposal
Hqrs. to DD.
The role of DD will be to examine thoroughly the facts
presented in the file with respect to latest decision of
Standing Committee/ ESI Corporation, change in law will
submit file to Director (Actuarial). The following function shall
be performed by DD/AD :-

1. Estimation of Financial Implications in the contingency of-

 Implementation of ESI Scheme to new areas
 Raising wages ceiling for coverage of Employees under
Rule 50.
 Revision of rates of Employees & Employers Contribution
 Raising the ceiling for exemption from payments of
Employees Contribution under Rule 52.
 Any other change or revision or modification in quantum or
eligibility condition in benefits.
2. Annual valuation of Assets & Liabilities of ESIC under Section 37
and Employees Benefit Reserve Fund (EBRF), Appointment of
valuer issue instructions for data compilation, data processing,
examination of report & subsequent action.
3. Collection, compilation and analysis of data received from Actuarial
4. Quantification of Recovery of Excessive sickness benefit under
section 58(2) from the State Govts.
5. Basic data required for Budget & Revised Budged Estimates to Fin.
& A/cs Branch.
6. Pre3paration of statistical information relating to ESIC for Labour
Bureau, Shimla.
7. Processing of Misro Act. 03 and Misro Actl.-4 Returns.

8. Data entry in computer, updating and analysis of data in PDB card,
Annual processing of PDB fresh claims.
9. Collection of Information in respect of fresh cases of DB through
MISRO act-4, Scrutiny of information received through card.
Processing for computation of Capitalized Value in respect of each
fresh cases received.
10. Advise capitalized values of PDB and DB for budget Estimates,
Revised Estimates, closing A/cs.
11. Calculation of No. of IPs /IWs exposed to risk for various benefits.
12. Sample survey & advice on actuarial matters.
13. Clarification of queries asked by field offices.

Actuarial Branch-II
1. Maintenance of coverage statistics.
2. Assessment of No. of employees, employers’ and IPs. As on 31
March each year in implemented as well as non-implemented
areas-issue of instructions, scrutiny of data.
3. Compilation, printing and distribution of Statistical Brochure as on
31st March.
4. Processing of data received through MISRO Actl.02 in respect of
DB / TDB Half-yearly review of incidence of SB/TDB.
5. Processing of monthly returns ESIC Med.6, 6A, 9 from State

6. Compilation of material from ESIC IB, III-B, III-D, IV-A, IV-B, IV-C
for Annual reports of ESIC.
5.2 Dy Director
(Benefit) / Asstt The role of Dy Director (DD) will be Branch Officer and Asstt
Director Director (AD) will function as section officer of the branch. All
(Benefit) the task holders will put up files to Asstt Director and after
Hqrs. scrutiny of file and facts of the matter AD will submit proposal
to DD.
The role of DD will be to examine thoroughly the facts
presented in the file with respect to latest decision of
Standing Committee/ ESI Corporation, change in law will
submit file to Joint Director (Benefit). The following function
shall be performed by DD/AD :-

Benefit Branch- I

1. Grant of exemptions and issue of notifications (references received

from Ministry of Labour and State Governments)

2. ESB for relaxation of eligibility conditions

3. ESB for rare disease – relaxation thereof

4. Relaxation of regulation 73

5. Relaxation of regulation 74

6. Re-examination of the PDB,DB,OD cases rejected by RD

7. Sanction of time barred claims of IPs/and other references

received from field offices

8. Processing of complaints regarding non payment of benefits

9. Court cases regarding PDB/DB/OD cases

10. Quarterly statement of PDB/DB/OD cases showing cases pending

for more than 12 months. Statement is placed before Standing

11. Relaxation of Super speciality treatment cases

12. Review/existing reports and returns for simplification

Benefit Branch-II

Policy & Procedure for controlling lax certification (High incidence of SB &


2. Policy, Law & Procedure on following benefits:-

(a) Sickness Benefit,

(b) Extended Sickness Benefit.

(c) Enhanced Sickness Benefit.

(d) Maternity Benefit

(e) Temporary Disablement Benefit.

(f) Permanent Disablement Benefit.

(g) Dependant Benefit.

(h) Funeral Expenses.

(i) RGSKY (Unemployment Allowance)

3. Policy and procedure on incentive Scheme to the employers’ for

providing employment to disabled persons.
4. Policy and procedure regarding Entitlement/disentitlement of I.Ps
under Reggulation-103(A).
5. Policy and control over the functioning of Branch Offices and
inspection thereof
6. Policy and procedure regarding Alternative Evidence of Sickness &

Temporary Disablement Benefit under Regulation 53.

7. Policy & Procedure on Registration.

8. To conduct meeting of Regional Directors and follow up action on

9. Approval of Tour Programmes of RDs and tour notes of RDs &

POs (Hqrs. Office). Action on tour notes of RDs/JDs(I/c)

10. Waiver of recovery of cash benefit paid in excess to the

11. Sharing of cost on excess of SB with the State govt. where the

incidence of sickness in the State exceeds the all India average

Recovery under Section 58(2).

12. Policy on loss of wages/conveyance allowance

13. Policy and Procedure regarding abstention verification from

14. Constitution of E.I. Courts/MATs/Medical Board/Special Medical
Boards/Peripatetic Medical Boards/Zonal Medical Boards.

15. Examination and approval of replies to External Audit reports

connected with cash benefits.
16. Enhancement in the rates of PDB/DB

17. Statement of payment made on ESIC-71 and waiver thereof.

18. Setting up new Branch/Divisional Offices, abolition of existing

offices and review of such offices etc. through Estt. Br.III

19. Examinatio0n of Inspection Reports of branch of ROs, Examination

of Inspection Reports of Branch Offices.

20. Policy & Procedure regarding prosecution of IPs for wrong

21. Policy and procedure regarding incapacity references.

22. Policy & Procedure regarding suspension of benefit under
Regulation 99.
23. Policy & Procedure under Sec.68

24. Abstention verification from employers.

25. Policy & Procedure regarding working of Branch Offices.
26. Policy on time barred claim of IPs.

27. Standard note for supplementary and parliament questions on

benefit matters.
28. Preparation of material for annual report of ESIC.

29. Revision and updating of Branch Office Manual.

30. Policy & Procedure regarding payment by cheque/Money Order.

31. Policy & Procedure regarding family photo identity cards.

32. Policy and Procedure on registration of employees/IPs.

33. Examination and action of minutes/proposals on benefit matters
proposed in the meeting of RDs/Local Committees/Regional

34. Policy & Procedure regarding payment of PDB/DB through post

35. Review of ESIC series Forms and Regulation forms.

36. Policy & Procedure regarding payment of benefits to legal heirs of

the deceased IPS.

5.3 Dy Director DD (Cash) will be under control of Joint Director (E-V) of Hqrs. The
following functions shall be performed by DD (Cash) -
1. Pay bill in r/o all officers/officials of Hqrs. Office

2. Processing and payment of LTC /TA/DA /GPF/Tuition

Fees/medical Reimbursement / Newspaper bills and other

advances w.r.t employees of Hqrs.

3. OTA bills in r/o staff / drivers of Hqrs. Office.

4. Calculation interest onf HBA/ car/scooter/computer advances

5. Compilation/calculation of income tax and issue of TDS to

employees and 3rd party.

6. Filling of E-Return of Form 24Q and 26Q

7. Dealing with all types of cash including payment to non-officials

members of ESIC/ members of Standing Committee

8. All airlines and railway ticket booking for all official tours of all

the officers/officials of Hqrs. Office

9. Adjustment bills in respect of above tickets

10. Liaisioning with official agency and other related


11. Maintenance of Registers and records related with Air/Rail


12. Any other work related to Cash Branch.

5.4 Dy Director The Dy Director will function as branch officer. The responsibility of Dy
Director will be to scrutinise the fact in the file and proposal of Asstt
Director. After scrutiny Dy director will record her/his view in the file and

Hqrs. put up to Joint Director for approval or consideration for approval of higher

authority as per delegation of power. Important files requiring policy

decision, financial matters and other urgent matters etc. may be forwarded

by the Joint Director to his higher authorities for approval.

The Assistant Director will check the files put up to him/her by the DAs and

if in order, forward the file to Dy Director with his views/suggestion for

approval. Otherwise, return the file to the DA with proper directives.

1. Appointment/posting/transfer/promotion/confirmation/deputation in
respect of Group A & B Officers and Insurance Inspectors.

2. Review of cases under FR-56(j) and Rule 48(i)(b) of CCS

(Pension) Rules and retirement on superannuation/Voluntary/
Compulsory in respect of Officers Group A & B and Insurance

3. All work relating to CCS (Conduct) Rules/CRs/Probation/Seniority

list/DPCs of above officers

4. Framing/Amendment of Recruitment Regulations for all officers

including staff except Medical and Para Medical Staff

5. All personal matters relating to Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ officers

6. Service matters viz. appointment / posting / transfer / promotion /

confirmation / deputation in respect of Group A&B Officers and
Insurance Inspectors in Group ‘C’.

7. DPCs under Assured Career Progression Scheme in respect of

officers in the cadre of Insurance Inspectors.

8. Sanction of all kinds of leave except special Casual Leave to all

officers including Medical Commissioner (But excluding other

Medical Officers).

9. Review of cases under FR-56(j) and Rule 48(i)(b) of CCS

(Pension) Rules and retirement on superannuation/Voluntary/
Compulsory in respect of Officers in the cadre of Insurance
Inspectors and above except Medical Officers.

10. All work relating to CCS (Conduct) Rules/CRs/Probation/Seniority

list/DPCs of above officers and framing/Amendment of Recruitment
Regulations for all officers including staff except Medical and Para
Medical Staff.

11. Work relating to consolidation and updation of ESIC (Staff &

Conditions of Service) Regulations, 1959 on the administrative

12. Permission for further studies and for commercial employment after
retirement in respect of officers of Group ‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’ (Insurance

13. For release of final payment of GPF to Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ officers of
Hqrs. Office.

1. To constitute Central/Zonal & Regional Sports Boards and

subcommittees thereof/Holding of Central/Zonal Sports Meets to

monitor appointment of meritorious sports-men in Sports quota.

2. To formulate and implement the policies relating to GSLIS for all

categories of Corporation employee.

3. To sanction grants, monitor, consolidate and checking the

accounts in relation of Central / Zonal & Regional Sports.

4. Preparation/consolidation of various statements/returns regarding

reservations in appointment/promotion and submission thereof to

Labour Ministry for publication in annual report.

5. Submission of material regarding representation of SCs and STs

to the P.R. Cell for publication in the Annual Report.

6. Setting up of Women Cell in ESI Corporation for the Welfare of

Women employees. Returns regarding disposal of complaints of

sexual harassment at workplace.

7. Implementation of instructions and verifications of rosters

regarding reservation of SC/ST/PH/Ex- Servicemen in

appointment and promotion.

8. To attend various queries/complaints regarding reservation in

service received from Ministry of Labour/National commission for


9. To formulate policies/rules/regulations relating to recognition of

unions / Federations / Officers Association.

10. To watch code of conduct of the recognized


11. To monitor, attend and coordinate the demands/complaints

received from various unions/federations/service associations.

12. Grant of Special Casual Leave due to Bandh & Natural Calamities


13. Matters in relation to unions/federation/officers association.

14. To attend the returns received from different regions and watch

disposal of complaints received under grievance procedure.

15. To attend to the grievance not settled under grievance procedure

in the Regional Offices etc.

16. Matters relating to functioning of departmental/contractor’s

canteen in the offices of the corporation and to examine the

feasibility for adoption of Govt. of India instructions in relation to

functioning of Departmental Canteen.

17. Amenities admissible to corporation employees such as

functioning of Recreation clubs, Benevolent funds, compassionate


18. Matters related to Residents Welfare Association.

19. Appointment of dependents of deceased corporation employees

and to sanction grants from compassionate funds.

20. Matters concerning to appointment/promotion/probation/ACP in

the cadre of PA/SR. P.A./Jr. H.T./ Sr.H.T./JE.

21. All India Seniority list in the cadre of


22. Appeals/representation relating to service matters in respect of

Group C up to HC/Asst. and Group D employees.

23. Matters relating to Inter Regional Transfer in case of Group C ( up

to Assistant/Head Clerk level) and all Group D employees.

24. Industrial disputes and Court cases referred by Regional Director

etc. in relation to Group C (up to Assistant/Head Clerk level) and

all Group ‘D’ Employees and referred CAT Cases relating to

service matters etc.

25. Issue of No Objection Certificate for passport and visit to foreign

countries from the cadre of Insurance inspectors onwards in

respect of Administrative staff only.

26. Policy regarding advance increments to LDCs in typing.

27. Approval for engaging contractual staff.


17. Review of posts for R.Os/SROs/Branch Offices.

18. Creation of posts in different grades.

19. Counting of past service.

20. Stepping up of pay.

21. Grant of Special Pay to Cashiers of Branch Offices/Regional Office.

22. Policy on retirement benefits. Adoption of report of Pay Commission/

Pay Committees.

23. Sanction of G.P.F. advance/ withdrawal in respect of employees and

Officers of Hqrs. Office/SSNCs/MRs.

24. Setting up of R.Os/SROs/Divisional Offices/ Branch Offices/ Pay


25. Instructions on PLB and clarification thereon All India Policy matters.

26. Policy on Pension, Gratuity /Family Pension/ Provident Fund etc.

27. Policy matters and clarification regarding grant of ACP

28. Court cases concerning revision of pay scales etc

29. Issues regarding revision/grant of pay scales and issues thereon.

30. Policy matters relating to anomaly regarding pay scales

Establishment- 31. Compilation of annual statement on verification of service book.

32. Adoption/ circulation of orders of Dearness Allowance relating to


33. Policy on New Pension Scheme

34. Court cases relating to counting of past service

35. Court cases relating to pension matters

36. Dealing with representation / grievances of pensioners and

pensioners association.

37. Updating and Compilation of monthly/quarterly returns regarding

sanctioned strength and In-position of officers/ staff

38. Compilation of information for annual report/ Statistical Data.

1. Sanction of medical claims requiring relaxation of CS(MA) Rules

(emergent cases) in respect of serving employees of ESIC.
2. Adoption of various orders of Ministry of Health in connection with
recognitition of private hospitals in various states.

Establishment- 3. Policy matters in respect of Medical Reimbursement Claims and

V issue clarification etc.

4. Constitution/Re-constitution of Regional Boards by seeking
approval of Chairman, ESI Corporation.
5. Preparation of Standard Notes on the functioning of ESI Scheme
as on 1st January
6. Furnishing Material for Annual Report in connection with
meetings of Regional Boards/Local Committees.
7. Pursuing Regional Directors to conduct regular Meetings of Local
Committees, and constitution of Local Committees wherever not
in existence.
8. All other misc. work of the Branch viz. Furnishing Quarterly
Report of ISO certification, Hindi Pragati Report and maintenance
of CL/RH/EL records of staff etc.
9. Pursuing re-constitution of Standing Committee/ ESI Corporation
through Labour Ministry.
10. Arranging meetings of Standing Committee/ ESI Corporation.
Preparation and compilation of Agenda and Memorandum Notes
and circulating approved Minutes of these meetings.
11. Compilation of important decisions of Standing Committee / ESI
12. Constitution of Medical Benefit Council through Ministry of
13. Constitution/Reconstitution of General Purposes Medical Care
Sub-Committee, Construction Sub-Committee, Budget & A/Cs.
Sub Committee etc.

14. Sanction of HBA in respect of all employees of the Corporation
including Hqrs., D.M.D., ESIC hospitals & Model Hospitals.
15. Replies to objections raised by Internal/External Audit on matters
related to H.B.A.
16. To examine cases requiring rebate in interest on HBA
consequent upon satisfactory compliance of Terms & Conditions.
17. Policy matters on HBA and clarification etc.

1. Creation, Continuation, Surrender of all posts.

2. Preparation of Seniority List.

3. Disciplinary Action.

4. Acceptance of Resignation.

5. Deputation of various Training Courses.

VI 6. All administrative matters of Group C & D employees, other than

SSO, of Hqrs

7. Regularization/Confirmation/Promotion/Reversion and holding of

DPCs. for review of cases.

8. Recruitment; Completion of probation.

9. Draw of annual increment and processing of ACRs.

10. Fixation of Pay.

11. Sanction of Regular Leave/Special Leave.

12. Grant of T.A./D.A./LTC advance.

13. Sanction of Grant on transfer/retirement.

14. Grant of Family Planning Allowance.

15. Determination of Pension/Family Pension/DCRG, Maintenance of

Service Books.

16. Encashment of leave of staff at Hqrs.

17. Issue of Income Certificates.

18. Grant of Festival/Fans/Cycle advance.

19. Payment of GIS at the time of retirement/resignation.

20. Permission for acquiring/disposal of property under CCS (Conduct)

Rules, 1964.

21. Vigilance Cases.

22. Holding of Departmental Tests to the post of Stenographers,

P.A./Assistant/UDC/ LDC (including half yearly special typing test

for grant of advance increment and quarterly typing test in English

& Hindi).

23. Recruitment to the post of Staff Car Driver, Mali, Farash, Sweeper

and Chowkidars, Peon.

24. Maintenance of registers for reservation of STs/SCs/OBCs/PH etc.

25. Maintenance of Casual Leave records of personal staff of the

officers at Hqrs. Office.

26. Transfer/Posting of staff (Grade C & D) within various branches

etc. at Hqrs. and Ministry etc.

27. Holding of Screening Committee Meetings for grant of financial

upgradation under ACP Scheme.

28. Processing cases of inter regional transfer and compassionate


29. ESI Hqrs. Employees Union Matters.

30. OTA Claims/Honorarium of Ministry Staff.

31. PIC in respect of Hqrs. Staff.

32. Issue of NOC for visiting foreign countries.

33. Election Matter.

34. Police Verification/Caste Verification in respect of Group 'C' & 'D'.

35. Appointment of Contractual Staff.

1. Delegation of Administrative & Financial Powers of Director General/

Standing Committee to the officers of E.S.I. Corporation.

2. General Instructions on T.A./D.A./ LTC/HRA/CCA.

3. Amendments to the ESI (Central) Rules, and interpretation of Rules

& Regulations.

4. Security of Cash, Duplicate Keys of safes and Cash Boxes etc.

5. Insurance of money in transit and insurance against theft, burglary,

fire of cash, personal injury to Cashiers.

6. Preparation of statements i.e. expenditure exceeding Rupees one

Lakh under contingencies of Administrative Expenditure.

7. Scrutiny & consolidation of R.Es and B.Es regarding Administrative

Expenditure of all Regions and Advances only in respect of

Dir.(Med.)Delhi and ESIC Hospitals.

8. Allotment of Budget/ Revised/ Final grants and additional budget to

all Regions.

9. Scrutiny of Quarterly & Monthly statements of expenditure under

para 437 of the Manual of Audit and Accounts.

10. Grant of advance of T.A., Pay and leave salary etc. to officers &

staff at Hqrs. Office.

11. Change of declaration of Home Town.

12. Issue of instructions on Fixed Conveyance Allowances and

Reimbursement of actual taxi/scooter charges to officers of Hqrs.


13. Grant of scooter/ car advance in respect of employees in the Hqrs.


14. Sanction of the investigation of time barred claim.

15. Loss of cash/ theft of cash all over India.

16. Grant of Dearness Allowance.

17. Grant of Children Education Allowance.

18. Issues of circulation of Holidays.

19. Framing of instructions regarding extension of medical facilities

under the ESI Scheme to ESI Pensioners.

20. Payment of subsidy for the purchase of Books and Hostel subsidy

to the Central Government employees who on their transfer are

obliged to keep their children in the hostel.

21. General Instructions & cases regarding grant of OTA.

22. Grant of advance to the employees of the Corporation affected by

natural calamities.

23. General Instructions and cases regarding compensatory Remote

Locality (Bad Climate) Allowance to the Corporation’s employees.

24. Grant of special increment in the form of special pay under small

family norms.

25. Opening of Holiday Home.

26. Observance of Quami Ekta Week, Sadbhawana Divas, Atankwad

Virodhi Divas.

27. Children Education Allowance/ Tuition fee etc.

28. Grant of Permanent Imprest and instruction regarding.

29. Appointment of AMA under CS(MA) Rules.

30. LTC Bills in respect of Regional Director to visit Home Town and

any place in India.

5.5 Dy Director 13. Open recruitment to the post of I.Is, Stenographers, LDC, P.A.,

Junior Hindi Translators, Junior Engineers, IMOs Grade-II,
Asstt Director
Ayurvedic Physicians and Dental Surgeons
Hqrs 14. Departmental Test for promotion to the post of P.As, Assistants,

Stenographer, UDC/LDC.

15. Special qualifying examination for regularization of adhoc


16. Conducting of quarterly and half-yearly Typing Test; and other

Special type tests and qualifying examinations.

17. Liaisioning with SSC, UPSC and DOPT regarding policy matters

relating to examinations and for getting sponsored candidates in

respect of LDCs/Stenos and their postings in various regions.

18. Test for grant of advance increment to the existing stenographers.

19. Special recruitment drive for filling up the backlog vacancies of


20. Payment of honorarium in respect of exam. work performed by the


21. Introduction of online examination: Examination Cell is in the

process of conducting limited departmental competitive

examinations (LDCEs) online.

5.6 Dy Director Dy Director (General Branch) will function as branch officer and will

report to Joint Director (E-V),Hqrs.

1. Hiring and Enhancement of rent in r/o Rented Buildings.

2. Work relating to purchase, maintenance & condemnation of Staff


3. Allotment of Staff Quarter at Noida/ESI Dispensary, Sarojini Nagar,


4. Purchase / Maintenance / AMC of Photocopier / Fax Machines /

Duplo Printers / Calculators and other Genl. Articles related policy


5. Purchase of Furniture & repairs.

6. Maintenance of Library & Purchase of Books, Periodicals &


7. Purchase of Stationery items.

8. Purchase of Livery items & Policies thereof.

9. Purchase of General articles.

10. All matters relating to telephones.

11. Matters relating to Gazette Notification.

12. Arrangement of all the meetings at Hqrs. Office / Ministries / outside.

13. Booking of TOR / Holiday Home & policy thereof.

14. Day to Day maintenance of Hqrs. Building and timely payment of

electrical / water bills etc.

15. Control of CRI of Hqrs. building.

5.7 Dy Director 1) To conduct inspection in respect of Regional Offices /Sub-Regional

Offices/ Divisional Offices /Branch Offices all over India on behalf of

the Director General and to see whether all the prescribed registers

are being maintained properly and instruction issued from Hqrs.

Offices are followed.

2) To conduct inspection of Hqrs .Office Branches.

3) To analysis the complaints received from field offices

5.8 Dy Director 1. Assessing Hardware and Software needs of the

(ICT)/ Asstt organisation and procuring Hardware for Hqrs. Office and

Director (ICT), sanction for regions and hospitals.

2. Associating in Software Development with N.I.C. Identifying
further areas for introduction of computerisation.

3. IT enablement of various activities of ESIC as per IT Plan of

ESIC in coordination with and through NIC.

4. Administration of Unix Server, Mail server, Proxy Server

and Fire wall Server for network.

5. Maintenance and updation Official Website.

6. Maintenance of all the hardware/software and LAN set up in

Hqrs. Office.

7. Logistic support through applications, presentation and

equipment etc. to various Committees, Conference,
Seminar etc.

8. Correspondence with Ministry, ROs etc.

9. Advertisement (Web) on web, updation thereof and Web-


10. Hqrs.(All Branches) Complaints in connection AMC.

11. Processing of Bills - LIPT, Vinitec, VSNL, Maintenance

through Agencies computer clinics of India Pvt. Ltd.

12. Sanction of computers/purchase/distribution of computers

to all Directorate Offices/SSMC/Regions.

13. Audit observation handling.

14. Coordination with NIC for IT enablement on meetings.

15. Preparation of Budget Estimates.

16. Preparation/Compilation of periodical reports.

17. Leave/Absentee/Cross Statement.

18. Hardware/Software-procurement for Hqrs. Office.

19. Annual Report/Report of PR/MOL.

20. Reviewing MPR from Regions.

21. Support to Public Grievances.

22. Action Taken Report/SC/ESIC/MOL on various systems.

Matters related issues.

23. ISSA related matters.

24. SRS - Analysis, discussion and finalization.

25. Regional Offices/SRO/Hospital - logistics support.

26. Training on computerization.

27. Business Process Re-engineering and related work.

28. Activities to be computerized.

29. Identity Cards for IPs and related issues.

30. Staff matters.

31. IIPA Study.

32. Development of Application systems.

33. Supply of Software.

34. Maintenance of stocks of hardware/software installed in

Hqrs. office.

35. To prescribes norms, standards & specification of

Computer hardware and other Computer related items for
use in ESI Corporation.

5.9 Dy Director 1. To examine court cases relating to service matters pertaining to

(Law)/ Asstt
Delhi viz. receipt of Notices/summons, Original application, Writ
Director (Law),
Petition Misc. Application and SLPs filed in CAT, New Delhi, Delhi
High Court or Supreme Court.

2. Indexing the brief details of court case.

3. Opening of file of court case.

4. Making full facts of the case in Hqrs Court cases register.

5. To get Photostat copies of new court case.

6. To send the court cases papers to respective Branches of Hqrs.

Office soliciting PWCs thereon duly vetted/approved.

7. To entrust the court cases to Advocates with approval of AC(Law).

8. To handover the PWCs of the each court case to respective

Advocate for preparation of Draft reply

9. To coordinate with the respective Branch/Officer for materializing

conference with Advocate as and when required.

10. To pursue the Advocate for preparation of counter reply/affidavit.

11. To get draft reply of each court case from Advocate.

12. To get the draft reply vetted/approved from respective branch.

13. To get fair counter reply/affidavit prepared from the Advocate from

draft reply or amended draft reply, as the case may be.

14. To get fair affidavits/counter reply signed from officer of the

respective branch.

15. To send fair counter reply duly signed to respective Advocate.

16. To pursue Advocate for filing counter reply/affidavit and get

confirmation thereof.

17. To pursue Advocate for ensuring his attendance in respective

courts on date fixed for hearing of each court case.

18. To attend different courts in Delhi viz. Supreme Courts, High Court,

CAT, CGIT, Tiz Hazari, Lower Court for having facts/developments

of proceedings and performance of our Advocate.

19. To record court proceedings of each hearing of each case.

20. To send court proceedings to respective branch in each case.

21. To get copy of Rejoinder filed by the applicant/petitioner from our

Advocate and thereafter to get comments of concerned branch on

that rejoinder and to send those comments to our Advocate for

filing Sur-rejoinder/for effectively arguing the case.

22. To get certified copy of orders/judgement from the Advocate or

court in each and every case. Therefore to call for and obtain legal

opinion of our Advocate about the judgement and to examine the

same and then to send it to respective branch along with the legal

opinion of counsel for further course of action/necessary decision

as the case may be, for compliance of court orders or filing appeal.

23. To initiate cases for appeal by having facts of the decided court

cases and by engaging Advocate for the purpose.

24. To get draft review petition/civil writ petition, SLP prepared from


25. To get draft review petition/CWP/SLP vetted from respective

branch after getting from the Advocate.

26. To send the fair RP/CWP/SLP to respective Advocate for filing by

monitoring follow up action.

27. To examine contempt petitions/Caveat Petition, if any received in

court cases.

28. To get PWCs for filing reply/defending contempt petitions/Miscl.

Applications etc.

29. To get draft reply vetted after getting it from Advocates.

30. To examine VIP references and follow up action with respective

branches/RDs and sending reply thereto.

31. To receive Court Notices from other High Courts/CAT etc. outside


32. To prepare History Sheets of court case.

33. To open new files of each case and to send necessary

directive/advice to RD for effectively defending service matter


34. To get such case paper photocopied and to send them to

respective branch at hqrs with the request to send necessary

guidelines/PWCs etc. to respective RDs for effectively defending


35. To get PWCs of the cases received from regions, vetted from

respective branch of hqrs for sending to respective RD for getting

prepared draft reply in the process of filing counter reply/affidavit.

36. To review progress of pending service matter court cases in

different HCs and benches of CAT all over India.

37. To examine cases for legal opinion received from different

branches of hqrs and wherever required obtaining legal opinion

from Advocate after materialization of meeting of officers of the

Corporation with the Advocate.

38. To pursue respective branch/officer for follow up actions relating to

court cases.

39. To examine High Court judgements of all over India ESIC court

cases for filing SLPs before the Supreme Court of India.

40. To coordinate with hqrs office branches/Regional Offices/ESI

Hospitals regarding court cases.

41. To receive quarterly progress report of court cases from all

Regions/Hospitals of ESIC, making of entries in Register and

review of pending cases in different court and issue of necessary

guidelines to RDs.

42. To liaison with the Advocate in connection with pending court


43. To process the bills of Advocates by scrutiny of each

hearing/proceedings and attendance of court by the Advocate.

44. To refer certain required cases to Ministry of Labour/Ministry of

Finance/DOPT/UPSC etc. for getting vetted PWCs and GOI

advise/direction and follow up action thereof.

45. To prepare MPR of court cases of hqrs office and other regions of


46. To maintain Branch diary register/dispatch register/movement

register of court cases files etc.

47. To prepare all statements, monthly, quarterly and annual relating to

court cases.

48. To prepare monthly list of pending court cases in Supreme

Court/Delhi High Court/CAT New Delhi with their next date of

hearing for taking follow up action.

49. To depute staff for specific duty for attending courts/Advocates etc.

50. To examine all important cases where high stakes are involved

apart from service matters and to assist concerned branch thereto.

51. Correspondence with Advocate/Regional Directors/Hospitals /

Branches/Officers of hqrs.

52. To receive and examine resume of Advocates for empanelment

and processing the same.

53. To receive and deal with references from RDs etc. about payment

of fee to advocates and empanelment of Advocates by them.

54. To examine and decide fees structure of different Advocates in

consultation / with the concurrence of Finance & Accounts.

5.10 Dy Director The Dy Director will function as branch officer. The responsibility of Dy
(Fin.)/ Asstt
Director will be to scrutinise the fact in the file and proposal of Asstt
Director (Fin),
Director. After scrutiny Dy director will record her/his view in the file and
put up to Joint Director/Director (Fin) for approval or consideration for

approval of higher authority as per delegation of power. Important files

requiring policy decision, financial matters and other urgent matters etc.

may be forwarded by the Joint Director to his higher authorities for


F&A Branch- I 1. Consolidation of monthly accounts of the Corporation.

2. Preparation of Annual Accounts of the Corporation.

3. Financial concurrence of Insurance matters connected with ESI


4. O& M Meeting of A/Cs wing.

5. Co-ordination work between branches of Accounts Division in the

Headquarters Office.

6. Checking of recoveries falling due from State Governments Under

Section 58(2).

7. Printing of Annual Accounts and Balance Sheets of the Corporation.

8. Maintenance of broad-sheet of several “Debt, Deposit and Advances”.

9. Statement of Medical benefit/GPF/Cash Benefit/contribution of

Actuarial Branch and Budget Cell.

10. Preparation of Table – IV (Income & Expenditure) for Statistical


11. Monthly Statement of Contribution and damages to Insurance Branch.

12. Supply of Monthly Accounts forms to all accounting Units/Hospitals.

13. Attending to Audit Party from C&AG for Audit of Annual Accounts.

F&A Branch- II
1. Banking Arrangement.

2. Investment of funds.

3. Maintenance of reserve fund accounts and investment accounts.

4. Collection and transfer of funds.

5. Watching of Bank Reconciliation Statement of Account No. 1 & 2 of

Regional Offices.

6. Revision of Daily/Monthly withdrawal limits of branch offices.

7. Watching of interest on Corporation’s investment in Banks/Special

Deposit Accounts.

8. Correspondence of Banking Arrangement with Banks/Units

9. Remittance of NACO funds as advised by the Medical Division and

its correspondence with bank.

10. Opening and closing of Account No. 1 & 2 of

R.Os/SROs/BOs/Project accounts.

11. Internal and External Audit replies.

12. Watching of delayed credit and Missing credit of funds.

13. Reconciliation of cash, remittances from Central A/c No. 1 to A/c

No. 2 of the units.

14. Writing of Cash Book of Account No. 1 (Central) and Account No. 2

15. Review of daily/weekly cash balance.

16. Allocation of interest on investments among various Reserve


17. Physical verification of FDRs of Nationalised bank/Govt. Securities.

18. Preparation of R.Es/B.Es- Special Deposit Accounts.

1. Processing pension papers of Offices of Hqrs.

F&A Branch- III
2. Pre-audit of pay bills, LTC and TA bills, and issue of cheques.

3. Issue of PICs of officers.

4. Maintenance of Cash Book Account No. I and II and its reconciliation

with Bank Statements.

5. Maintenance of Service cards of Officers.

6. Concurrence on grant of various advances.

7. Pay fixation in respect of Group A & B Officers for all India.

8. Preparation of monthly accounts for Hqrs. Office.

9. Debt, Deposit & Advances for Hqrs. Office

10. Clarification on service matters referred by Establishment branches.

11. Scrutiny of income Tax statement.

12. Reconciliation of outstanding advances.

13. Preparation of GPF Schedule in respect of all officials of Hqrs. Office.

14. Issue of receipt of amount deposited by the employees of Hqrs. as

well as third parties in Account No. 1 of Hqrs, Preparation of challan,

transfer entry, Issue of suspense slip.

15. Maintenance of Pension Register.

16. Reconciliation of payment of pension in respect of Hqrs. with Bank


17. Clarification of TA/DA.

18. Concurrence of Pension papers received from E-VI upto the post of

Insurance Inspector.

19. Preparation of Data for payment of salary and other dues of

employees' of Hqrs. office through ECS - In Floppy and Hard copy to

be sent to State Bank of India.

20. Clarification/Instruction relating to operation of E.C.S.

1. Pre-audit and sanctioning of Pension/Family Pension on Retirement

or Death.

2. Revision of Pension Cases.

F&A Branch- IV 1. Concurrence for transfer of pensioners benefits for the purpose of

past service.

2. Transfer of Pension from one region to other on change of residence

of the Pensioner/Family Pensioner.

3. Grievances of Pensioners/Family Pensioners.

4. All matters relating to National Pension System (NPS) other than

uploading the NPS data.

5. Assistance to Principal PAO w.r.t. NPS.

6. Maintenance of Pensioners Data base of all pensioners across ESIC.

Scrutiny of all the proposals for concurrence relating to

F&A Branch- V
1. Medical arrangements connected with the scheme, including

release of quarterly instalments of ‘On Account Payments’

payments to State Governments and their full and final settlement.

Opening of new Hospitals, Dispensaries agenda items for

discussion in the meeting of S.C/ESIC/MBC etc.

2. Stores, supplies, services and office equipments in respect of

Hqrs. office, Regional office, SRO etc.

3. Hiring of accommodation etc. for Regional Offices, Divisional

Offices, SROs, Branch Offices Dispensaries etc. initiated by the

General Branch in Hqrs. Office.

4. Creation/deletion/continuation and review of post of officers and

staff proposals of Hqrs. Office, Regional Offices, Branch

Offices, D(M)D & Hospitals.

5. Delegation of Powers of Officers of the Corporation including

Medical side.

6. Printing and supply of Receipt books and Service Cards to all

offices of Corporation and the maintenance of their receipt in

Hqrs. Office.

7. Revolving funds for super-specialty treatment to IPs, Drugs and

Dressings, purchase of equipment etc.

8. Rate Contract of Drugs & Dressings and review thereof.

9. Proposals relating to sanction permanent imprest to all offices.

10. Review, up-gradation, printing and supply of Manual of Audit

and Accounts- Part –I and II.

11. Preparation of Budget of all direct run Hospitals including

Medical Hospitals & on account payment & Model Hospitals

also i.e. equipments and staff proposals.

12. Reference from ROs regarding dispute between R.D. and Dir.

(F)/M.S./ & JD(F)/DY. DIRECTOR (F).

13. Grant of permanent advances to the offices of Corporation.

14. Proposal relating to purchase of medical and other equipments

for all the offices of ESIC including Hospitals and Dispensaries

outside the delegated powers of the Head of Office.

15. Proposal for purchase and supply of computers to all the offices

of ESIC.

16. Medical reimbursement cases of I.Ps. beyond the delegated


17. Regularisation of Theft/Loss of property cases relating to all the


18. Purchase, condemnation and Repair & Maintenance of staff

cars for Hqrs. office and beyond the delegated powers in

respect of all other offices including exceeding the monthly limit

of ceiling of run by s/cars.

19. A.M.C. and Special Repair of Hqrs. Building and Noida

Residential Colony including Horticulture and all other matters

not covered under plinth area rates.

20. Control over expenditure as per allocated Budget in respect of

all the directly run Hospitals including Noida Hospital.

F&A Branch- VI 1. Consolidated Annual Audit Reports of Internal Audit on the accounts of
the Corporation

2. External Audit / Inspection Reports of Regional Office.

3. Internal Audit Procedures.

4. All cases of serious irregularities , embezzlements, frauds, defalcation


5. Action on Inspection Reports of Financial Commissioner / Director (

Fin.) / Jt. Director ( Fin.) .

6. Action on Inspection Reports of Director General’s Inspection Cell.

7. Half –Yearly inspection reports of Regional Accounts Branches.

8. Consolidated Annual Internal Audit Parties.

9. Staff proposal of Regional Accounts Branches and Internal Audit


10. Tour Programmes of Internal and Audit Parties.

11. Inspection Report of DGACR in r/o Hqrs. & the Co- ordination work
during audit .

12. External Audit arrangement , payment of Audit fee , submission of
consolidated Audit Report to the Ministry of Labour & other contented

13. Special Audit approval & arranging thereof.

14. M.P.R. of local audit & indication of month for audit of Admn.

15. Material for Standing Committee / Corporation meeting.

16. Quarterly statement of outstanding Objection Book items.

17. Co-ordination work relating to Inspection reports received from all the
state Accountant General.

18. Monthly D.O reports of the Jt. Director / Dy.Director ( Fin.) at Regional
Offices , SROs & ESI Hospitals .

19. Miscellaneous work of General nature.

F&A Branch- VII

1. Matters connected with the Budget of the ESI Corporation.

2. Convening of Budget and Accounts Sub-Committee


3. Preparation of Budget estimates of Corporation and

Performance Budget of the Corporation.

4. Preparation of Material of ESIC Component of the outcome

Budget of the Ministry of Labour.

5. Scrutiny of quarterly statements of Income & Expenditure

sent by Jt. Director(Fin)/Dy. Director(Fin).

6. Control of expenditure on Cash Benefits, administration and

watch over of receipts of contributions.

7. Compilation of material of Standard Note on the ESI

Scheme in respect of Accounts Division.

8. Work relating to re-appropriation of funds and appropriation

of Accounts and Actuarial evaluation.

9. Financial concurrence relating to construction

projects/works and their estimates.

10. Finance concurrence relating to the estimates in respect of

special repairs beyond the sanctioning powers of R.D., J.D.,

M.S., D(M)D etc.

11. Calculation of depreciation in respect of fixed assets of the

Corporation/staff cars for budgetary and actual


12. Scrutiny of calculation of the rent statements of the

buildings of the Corporation for Budgetary purpose as well

as appropriation to Medical Benefit and Administrative

expenses of the Corporation including sharing thereof with

the State Govts.

13. Preparation of material for Annual Report and critical review

of Income & Expenditure.

14. Passing of suspense slip of payment and receipts on

account of Construction works raised by field units.

15. Adjustment of advances of Capital Construction Fund and

creation of Assets.

16. Review of Balances showing assets and advances and

reconciliation with the Balance Sheet.

17. Preparation & supply of data to National Statistical

Organisation in respect of Admn. Exp. in ESI Scheme

F&A Branch- 1. Allocation of GPF Account Nos.

VIII 2. Posting of GPF Accounts in ledger to Board Sheets and reconcile

the same with ledgers.

3. Reconciliation Statement of GPF. Accounts in all India basis with

Accounts figures and to get it reconciled from the concerned

Accounts Officer.

4. Final Payment of GPF.

5. Preparation of Annual GPF statements.

6. Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme cases.

7. Matter relating to GPF.

8. To point out discrepancies between Accounts Officer schedules

figures and accounts figures and to get it reconciled from the

concerned Accounts Officer.

9. To accept nomination forms submitted by the subscribers.

10. To finalise cases of retired / resignation / died /dismissed /voluntary


11. To finalise the Accounts at the end of each financial year.

12 To deal with the statement of expenditure and disposal of final

payment cases being received from the Regional Directors.

13 To deal with the Temporary Advances /Non Refundable


14 To examine proposal regarding adoption, amendments of the

provident fund rules, procedures and instructions etc.

15 To prepare the Agenda items for standing Committee / Corporation

/ Medical Benefit Council meeting work regarding PF matters.

16 External Audit work and justify the difference between the

Accounts /GPF.

17 Printing of Ledgers / GPF statements/ reconciliation broadsheets


18 To prepare GPF Budget estimates and revised estimates i.e.

Receipt & Payment of D.L.I. Scheme.

5.11 Dy Director /
Asstt Director

1. Policy matters relating to Medical facilities
Branch –I
2. Augmenting existing medical arrangements and setting up of new

facilities and commissioning of hospitals and dispensaries

3. Monitoring of Family Welfare Activities.

4. HIV/AIDS Project; Policy matter on ODC, Waste Management etc.

5. Agreement with State Governments regarding Medical


6. Provision of medical care in new implemented areas

7. Updating of manuals, norms and other documents.

8. Induction, orientation and hospital management trainings.

9. Permission for Training Schools for Nurses and Medical Colleges

for utilisation of clinical facilities.

10. Permission for honorarium to MRs/Specialist Doctors and

Capitation fee to IMPs.

11. Correspondence on Penal System, ODCs and directly

administered hospitals.

12. Policy on the artificial limbs, appliances & aids to the beneficiaries.

13. ‘On Account’ payments of all States including to run the ESI

Scheme in all States in India except Delhi and all

work/correspondence connected herewith including preparation of

performance budget and other relevant Data compilation.

14. Processing of reports of meetings of Regional Boards.

15. Preparation of material for annual report and standard note,

quarterly report to the P&D Branch.

16. Training/CME programmes of Medical Officers etc.

17. Medical Benefit Council, GPMSC, SSMC/SMC meeting.

18. Tie-up arrangement in all States

1. Complaint cases and other matters relating to Medical reimbursement

Branch –II & bills of IPs and their eligibility conditions.

III 2. Complaint cases regarding working of ESI Scheme from IPs.

Employees, Trade Unions and others forums.

3. Complaint cases against staff, Medical Officers of ESI Schemes from

IPs/VIPs and General Public.

4. Implementation of all policies and programs framed by the ESIC

regarding Medical benefits.

5. Budget allocation/revised budgets and related issues in respect of

Model State Hospitals and ODCs.

6. Sanction of equipment under Action Plans or otherwise to various

States and Model Hospital.

7. Monthly DO letter from Medical superintendents and quarters/monthly

datas from various Hospitals.

8. Monthly DO letter from Medical Superintendent and quarterly/monthly

datas from various Hospitals.

9. Legal notice and court cases against Medical Scheme from various


10. Tour notes/Inspection Reports of Senior Officers and VIPs w.r.t. their

visit to States and ESI Hospitals etc.

11. Issues of “In Principle” approval for construction of ESI

Dispensaries/Hospitals and staff quarters.

12. Action taken on D.G. Meeting with Director ESI Scheme and other


13. Capitation fee, payment of waste management charges.

14. VIP reference on item No. 1 to 3 above.

1. Creation/sanction of all posts of Medical, Para-medical and Nursing

Staff up to SAG level.
Branch –IV
2. Framing/Amendment to RRs of Medical and Paramedical

Staff/Nursing Staff (Approximately 80 different posts.

3. Recruitment of Medical posts (Group A)/Nursing Staff (Group A &


4. Maintenance of personal files of General Duty Medical Officers,

which includes IMO Gr-II, IMO Gr-I, CMO, NFSG, SAG, Specialists

which includes Specialist Gr.II, Specialists(Sr. Scale), NFSG, SAG,

Ayurvedic Physician/Dental Surgeons similar hierarchy exist in

both these cadre except SAG post etc. issuing of appointment

orders, their police verification, caste verification, completion of

probation, confirmation, fixation of pay, conducting of DPCs for

giving Medical Officers time bound promotion, processing of

resignation /VR cases etc. Maintenance of Establishment Register-

Roaster, Vacancy register etc.

5. To deal with other service matters like acceptance of in intimation

under CCS conduct Rules, Processing and sanctioning of leaves

including study leave, Grant of PG Allowance, Processing of NOC

cases, which includes NOC for passport/ renewal of passport, NOC

for applying to other organisation, NOC for higher studies.

6. Policy matter regarding sanction of various allowances like

HPCA/PCA, Annual Allowance, Conveyance allowance etc.

7. Framing of terms and conditions of deputation/absorption.

8. Deputation allowance to deputationist of ESI Hospitals/ESI Model


9. Engagement of part time Specialists/SRs/JRs in ESI Hospitals/ESI

Model Hospitals, issuing of appointment orders, renewal of tenure,

resignation and leave and leave encashment matters of Senior


10. Court cases related to medical /para-medical personals.

11. Transfer /Posting of Medical Officers/Para Medical Staff of ESI

Hospitals/ESI Model Hospitals.

12. Representation/Grievances of para-medical staff of ESI

Hospitals/ESI Model Hospitals.

13. Processing of matters pertaining to Medical Administration to be

considered by Standing Committee. ESI Corporation.

14. Correspondence with registered Associations/unions of

medial/Parameical staff Viz. JAC, Medical Officers Association,

Nurses Union, Pharmacists Union etc.

15. Tour Programmes of Medical Superintendents, LTC of Medical

Superintendent/Director/Director (Medical) Delhi, Noida.

16. Dispute pertaining to telephone Bills in respect to doctors, eligibility

of telephone

17. O & M work of the branch which contain various

monthly/quarterly/yearly returns

18. Review of delegation of powers of

M.S./D(M)D/DM(HQ)/SSMC/SMC etc. {DM(HQ)}.

19. Tour Programmes of Medical Superintendents, LTC of medical

Superintendent/ Director/ Director (Medical) Delhi, Noida (work

recently transferred to this branch).

20. Legal matters

Medical 1. Preparation of various Rate Contracts for drugs & dressings

Branch –V (CPSU & General)

i) Preparation & publication in News Papers of Tender Notice,

ii) Formation of Tender Enquiry for a Rate Contract,

iii) Sale of Tender Enquiry Forms

2. Forwarding of DDs/Bankers’ cheque (received on account of

sale of Tender Enquiry and EMD) to A/Cs Br. III for depositing

in the ESIC Accounts,

3. Opening of Tenders - (a) Tech. Bids - (b) Price Bids.

4. Technical Evaluation of Tenders.

5. Arranging meetings of-

1. Rate Contract Committee

2. Drug Selection Committee

3. Tech. Evaluation Committee

6. Printing & supply of Rate Contract-to various DDOs.

7. Issue of amendment etc. in Rate Contract, if any.

8. Action against contract holders, for drugs declared “Not of

Standard Quality” by drug Authority.

9. Action against firms on breach of contract by the Rate Contract

holders( i.e Non-supply of medicines. etc…)

10. Release of EMD.

11. Preparation of Purchase procedure guidelines –

Amendment/Revision, etc.

12. Court Cases – related to Rate Contract.

13. Arbitration Cases related to Rate Contract.

14. VIP references

15. Agenda items for Meeting of GPMC Sub-Committee, E.S.I.

Corporation, Standing Committee, etc.- Related to Rate


16. Work related to ISO certification of ESIC Hospitals.

17. Work related to ‘Quality Assurance and Medical Audit cell

“including rating of ESIC Hospitals

Medical Branch
1 All work related to R.R and service matter of group C & D of ESI
Hospital DMD.
Absorption of State Govt. Staff in ESIC.
2. Parliament Questions/Court Cases.
3. All works related to creation of posts for all India hospitals / DMD.
4. Study leave matters of Group C&D.
5. Policy matters for the sanction of posts which are not covered
under ESIC Norms.
6. Tour programs / sanction of CL / RH for all M.S / DMD. CL / RH
for SSMC / SMC
7. All complaints and miscellaneous works for all India.
8. Inter-Region transfer.
9. All work related to ESIC committees / sub-committees.
10. Expo facto approval for receiving honorarium by Medical and
11. General Circular, Hindi report, Dak-Despatch, absentee & Cross
statement, record of CL / RH, File movement.
5.12 Dy Director 1. Functions as Internal Management Consultant.

(MSU) / Asstt
2. To identify problem areas and carry out work/method studies for
Director (MSU),
the improvements.
3. To prescribe Norms and Standards for the provision of manpower

in the ESIC offices.

4. Calculation of P.L.B. for the staff of ESI Corporation.

5. Processing of Monthly DO Letters addressed by All RDs/Jt.

Director I/c./Director in r/o all ROs/SROs/Div.offices to Director

General and sent to the concerned branches at Hqrs.

6. Revision of Delegation of Powers of all categories.

7. Revision / Rationalisation / simplification of Regulation and other


8. Preparation of Job description cards in respect of employees of the


9. Action on matters relating to Suggestion Award and Meritorious

Award Scheme.

10. Compilation of Action Plan of various branches at Hqrs. Office.

11. Revision/ review of Rules of Business.

12. Revision of various manuals i.e. Record Retention Schedule,

General Office Procedure, File Indexing etc connected with general


13. Policy matters regarding Recording/Indexing/Weeding out of files.

14. Reward Schemes for devoted workers of corporation.

15. Preparation of norms for engagement of contractual staff of Group

'C' & 'D' from other sources.

16. Norms for opening of Divisional Offices/Br. Offices in various


17. Preparation of Job Cards in r/o Group 'C' & 'D' Cadres of ESI


18. Review of Organogram from time to time

19. Work Study of ROs'/BOs'/HQ's office from time to time.

20. Other Miscellaneous matters received from time to time.

21. Implementation of ISO 9001-2000 (QMS) Certification for Offices of

ESI Corporation as per order of DG.

5.13 Dy Director 1. Preparation of phased programme and implementation of ESI

(P&D)/ Asstt
Scheme in new areas as per the said programme.

Director (P&D), 2. Amendments in ESI Act. ESI (Central) Rules and ESI (General)


3. Liaison with ISSA, ILO and other international social security

organizations – supply of data to Ministry of Labour for ratification

of ILO conventions - preparation of Country Papers etc for various

ISSA conferences deputation of officers for attending ISSA/ILO


4. Coordinates in respect of various Parliamentary Committees such

as Standing Committee of Parliament on labour, consultative

Committee etc., ILC, SLC and other such Committees in the

Ministry of Labour, coordination of reports of area officers of

Ministry of Labour.

5. Preparation of notes/background papers on various aspects of the


6. Coordination work regarding Parliament Quations/Assurances.

7. Suggestions / representations regarding various provisions of ESI

Act. Formulation of new Schemes etc.

5.14 Dy Director 1. Processing of grievances (other than the staff grievances of the

ESIC officials) received from Insured Persons, their family
members, Employers/Ministry of Labour & Employment/ Prime
Asstt Director
(Public Minister's Office/Cabinet Secretariat/President Secretariat/State
Governments/MPs/ MLAs/MLCs/Members of the ESI Standing

2. Co-ordination of grievances received from Ministry of Labour &

Employment/Prime Minister's Office/Cabinet Secretariat &

Department of AR & PG for its effective redressal.

3. To entertain and hear the aggrieved

I.Ps/beneficiaries/employers who visit Hqrs. Office in

connection with their grievances.

4. To entertain the representations of IPs/beneficiaries/employers

received through E-mail.

5. To forward the complaints/grievances to the concerned

authorities under the grievance procedure such as Regional

Directors/Joint Directors/Director (Medical)/Medical

Superintendents of ESI Hospitals administered and run directly

by the Corporation/Medical Superintendents, Model Hospitals &

respective Divisional Heads in Hqrs. office and monitor them for

final disposal.

6. To acknowledge the complaints and issue interim reply,

wherever required.

7. To attend the Public Grievance meetings held in the Cabinet

Secretariat and Ministry of Labour for redressal of Public

Grievances and take suitable follow up action.

8. Processing of grievances by quarterly returns and their

submission to the Ministry of Labour & Employment.

9. Review of the decision at the Hqrs. Office on the Compliance

Report received from Regional Directors and other Grievance


10. Compilation and submission of the monthly return to the

Ministry of Labour & Employment in respect of the P.G. cases

appeared in the newspapers.

11. To issue final reply/intimation to the complainant regarding the

disposal of the grievances.

12. To issue periodical reminders to the concerned authorities

including the Grievance Officers for early disposal of cases.

13. To attend the Public Grievance meetings held in the Cabinet

Secretariat and Ministry of Labour for redressal of Public

Grievances and take suitable follow up action.

14. Compilation and submission of weekly & monthly report to the

Ministry of Labour & Employment in respect of PG cases

received through Prime Minister's Office & Cabinet Secretariat.

5.15 Dy Director 1 General liaison with print and electronic media.

2 Monitoring of press reports concerning ESI Scheme,
developments in the field of social security & submission of
Asstt Director
(Public clippings to DG/IC/MC.
Relations), Hqrs
3 Monitoring of public grievances reported in newspapers/news

journals and further follow up action.

4 Liasioning with different advt. agencies and other agencies

deals in Publicity and Advertising.

5 Issuing press releases to the print and electronic media

concerning developments in ESI Scheme or on others

important occasions.

6 Arrangement of special events like Foundations Stone Laying

Ceremonies, Inaugurations, Conferences, Corporate meetings

and other important events.

7 Organizing periodical press conferences for Chairman, ESIC,

DG & coordination for organizing TV panel discussions and

talks etc. in the regions.

8 Production of short tele-films/documentary films and arranging

their dubbing in regional languages and distribution to TV

channels and cable TV etc.

9 Coordination in Developing, designing, printing and production

of publicity material like posters, pamphlets, brochures etc.

and their country wide distribution to ESIC establishments.

10 Preparation and distribution of ESIC Corporate Calendars.

11 Preparation and printing of D.G. mailers.

12 Issuing advertisements on ESI Scheme and their release to

newspapers through Advertising Agencies.

13 Compilation, Production and distribution of ESI Samachar.

14 Preparation of speeches and talking points for Chairman, Vice

Chairman & DG etc, for all important corporate events.

15 Compilation of material and its graphic presentation on the

activities of ESIC for the Annual Report of the Ministry of

Labour & Employment, Govt. of India.

16 Compilation, editing, designing and production of the Annual

Report of the ESIC and its circulation to the members of the

Corporation, ESIC establishments and other offices.

17 Processing of tenders and bills of printers, advertising

agencies, Employment News and other agencies.

18 Release of advertisements of administrative nature,

recruitment processes, results etc. to national/regional


19 Updating of guide books on ESI Scheme for employers and

employees for their periodical printing and distribution.

20 Designing and printing of annual corporate publications such

as statistical brochures, statistical abstract, budget estimates

and annual accounts etc.

21 Printing and production of corporate procedural manuals form

time to time and their distribution to the field units.

22 Preparation, up-dating, designing and printing of telephone

directories of the Corporation for Delhi Area/all India.

23 Participation in health melas, health check up camps,

inauguration of new offices, establishment and medical units

under ESI Scheme.

24 Preparation of brief notes, presentations for visiting dignitaries

and delegation etc.

25 Preparation and designing works on ESIC Logo and Common

Signage for all offices of ESI Corporation.

26 Providing logistic support to the Ministry of Labour for

organizing special events and distribution of invitation cards

etc, on such occasions.

27 Providing all essential information to NGOs, State Govts.,

Central Govt. Offices, Employers and Employees

28 Organizations and individuals on demand and otherwise.

29 General printing works as and when assigned by other

branches of Hqrs. Offices.

30 Proof reading of an average of 5000 pages per annum.

31 Distribution of publicity materials on ESI Scheme to all

ESIC/ESIS Establishments, employers, IPs etc.

32 Up-dates of mailing list of distribution from time to time.

5.16 Dy Director Dy Director (RTI) will act as Branch In-charge and AD (RTI) acts as
(RTI)/ Asstt
Section in-charge and processes fresh requests for information and
Director (RTI),
appeals, supervision of the Assistant and other functionaries of the branch.
AD will examine the information sought by the applicant and will submit file

with proposal with reply of the query. If the query is related to other

Division, the DD will co-ordinate with other division and will ensure that

proper reply is sent to the applicant in time and cost, if any, is collected

and deposited in ESIC Fund.

The following role will be performed by DD/AD :-

1. To collect information from various Branches of Hqrs. and the field

formations including Medical Division and to place it for the general

masses in the form of manual and on website of ESI Corporation.

2. Designation of CPIOs, CAPIOS, and appellate authorities in ESI

Corporation as required under the Act.

3. To disseminate rules, regulations, instructions etc., about the procedure

under the RTI Act as received from the Ministry of other higher formations

including Central Information Commissioner to the officers at Hqrs. and in

the field formations for proper implementation of the RTI Act.

4. To assist CPIOs, Hqrs. Office in the furnishing of information to the


5. To receive applications under the RTI Act., making records in the

relevant registers and passing the same to concerned CPIO in Hqrs. To

provide information from the respective files under the signatures of CPIO

and dispatch the same to the applicants endorsing a copy to RTI branch.

6. To receive periodical reports and returns under the RTI Act from all field

formations i.e., the CPIOs and the appellate authorities in respect of the

work done by them under the Act., processing and scrutinizing the same,

making entries in records, compiling and furnishing periodical reports and

returns about the applications received, informations supplied, fees and

cost received and appeals etc., to the Ministry of Labour or to the CIC.

7. To deal with various correspondence from field formations and officers

at Hqrs. about the clarifications as sought by them from time to time.

8. To deal with applications under the RTI Act. in respect of divisions

under the charge of Addl. Commissioner(PR), the CPIO.

9. Any other work assigned by the senior officers about the RTI Act.

10. Work relating to miscellaneous administrative activities of the staff in

the RTI Cell.

5.17 Dy Director The Dy Director on receipt of the file accepts the proposal of the file and
(SC/ST Cell)/
submit for approval of Joint Director / Director or return the file back to
Asstt Director
Assistant Director along with views/order for resubmission. Important files
(SC/ST Cell),
Hqrs requiring policy decision, financial matters etc. Asstt Director will act as

section officer of the branch.

1. Issue of Instructions/ clarifications regarding reservations matters in

respect of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Other Backward

Classes, Ex- Servicemen, Physically Handicapped, Appointment of

meritorious sports persons, Minorities etc.

2. Monitoring of strict and proper compliance of instructions on

reservation in E.S.I. Corporation.

3. Redressal of complaints of SC/ST Officers/Employees etc.

4. Monitoring of redressal of complaints of SC/ST Officers/ employees at

the Regional Level.

5. Various periodical returns relating to SC/ST/OBC, Ex- Serviceman,

Physically Handicapped, Appointment of meritorious sports persons,


6. Verification of Reservation Rosters in r/o centralised cadres

maintained in various branches at Hqrs. Office.

7. Monitoring of verification of Reservation Rosters at regional level in r/o

decentralised cadres maintained in various offices of E.S.I.


8. Approval of De-reservation in E.S.I. Corporation.

9. Submission of on demand information to Min. of Labour/ National

Commission for Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Minorities, Safai

Karamcharis, other backward classes, women and chief commissioner

for persons with disabilities etc.

10. Special Rectt. Drive in r/o SCs, STs, OBCs, Physically handicapped.

11. Action taken for formation of Cell and its composition in the Region .

12. Work related with empowerment of women and protection from sexual

harassment of women at work place.

5.18 Dy Director Dy Director will function as branch in-charge and Asstt Director will
function as Section Officer of the branch. The AD will examine substance
Asstt Director
of the complaints received in vigilance branch and will propose action to
Hqrs Dy Director. Dy Director will further scrutiny the proposal and suggest

course of action and time line for completing the investigation. The DD will

submit file to JD (Vig.).The following functions will be performed by DD/AD

1. Investigation of Vigilance complaints through four zonal units and

recommending action

2. Disciplinary cases of Group A&B Officers, P.As/I.Is and retired

officials. (Group A officers includes doctors).

3. Processing of appeal, revision and review cases and condonation

of delay in all cases pertaining to Group A, B,C, & D employees.

4. Periodical Returns to CVC/MOL/ Liaison with CBI & Circulation of

CVC instructions to all RDs etc.

5. Dealing with CBI and Criminal court cases.

6. Issue of Vigilance Clearance/concurrence for the purpose of

i) Completion probation
ii) Confirmation
iii) Promotion
iv) Release of retirement benefits of all officials/officers
above the rank of I.I and above
v) Applying/renewal of passport
vi) Movable/ immovable properties acquired by Group A &

B officers.

7. Review of suspension cases.

8. Scrutiny of Agreed List and list of doubtful integrity of Group A,B,C


9. Scrutiny and maintenance of Property Returns of officers of the

rank of I.I and above.

10. Assessment of performance of Jt. Directors of Vigilance Units and

Jt. Directors(DE).

11. Periodical monitoring of disciplinary and complaint cases pending

with field units.

12. Preparation/vetting of para-wise comments and other

correspondences in respect of court cases.

13. clarifications to all RDs on matters relating to disciplinary and

vigilance cases in respect of all categories of employees of the


14. Matters relating to Rotational Transfer.

15. Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week.

16. Coordinating with Training Institutions for training in vigilance

matters of Staff and Officers.

17. Amendments to ESIC (Staff & Conditions of Service) Regulations,


18. Appointment of Retired ESIC Officers as Inquiry Officers.

19. Approval of Tour Programmes of all Jt. Directors (Departmental

Enquiries) and Jt. Directors (Vigilance)

20. Matters relating to Part Time consultancy by ESIC


21. seeking first/second stage advice of CVC in respect of all Group ‘A’

officers drawing basic pay of Rs. 8725/- and above.

22. Review of position by RDs in respect of missing of employers files.

5.19 Dy Director
1. Policy matters connected with the contribution, interest, levy of
Asstt Director
Hqrs 2. Scrutiny/Monitoring of the performance of Revenue Branch Officers

of the Regions/Sub-Regions.
3. Policy of Delegation of Powers relating to waiver of irrecoverable
dues and waiver/reduction of damages in respect of BIFR cases.

4. Policy/instruction on BIFR/AAIFR cases.

5. Collection/processing and compilation of data on arrears of ESIC

dues and Periodical review of arrears.

6. Attending to the representations regarding levy of damages &

charging of interest etc..

7. Refund of Contribution/Interest/Damages.

8. History Sheets with reference to arrears of Rs.10 lakh and above.

9. Monitoring the performance of ROs/SROs on the review of

employers’ files.

10. Allotment of Regional Code Number to the newly set up Regions/Sub

- Regions.

11. Deals with queries raised in the SC/ESIC meetings and Parliament

Questions relating to the Branch.

12. Examination and approval of replies to external and internal audit

report related to Revenue Branch-I.

13. Replies to the queries raised by Standing Committee/ESI

Corporation meeting and Parliament Question related to above


14. Examination of Tour notes of Officers related to Revenue Branch-I.

15. Policy in respect of Monthly performance report of Revenue Branch


16. Examination of Inspection report related to this Branch.

Revenue 1. Examination of High Court judgments against the Corporation

Branch-II relating to revenue matters for filling S.L.P. in the Supreme Court.

2. Circulation of important Supreme Court judgments and issue of

instructions in respect of revenue matters based on judgments.

3. Examination and circulation of important High Court judgments.

4. Examination of E.I. Court judgments in respect of revenue matters

where Regional Director is deciding not to file appeal.

5. Issues related to appointment and payment of fees to the advocate

of E.I. Court/High Court.

6. Monitoring of progress in prosecution under Section 85 of ESI Act

and under Section 406/409 of IPC.

7. Policy matters relating to test inspection, inspection and survey of


8. Interpretation of Section 1(5), 1(6), 2(9), 2(12), 2(13), 2(17), 2(19-

A), 2(22) and 93-A of ESI Act; Attending to the complaints received

from the Employers’, Association, Trade Unions and references

received from Regional Offices/Sub-Regional Offices and VI Ps on

coverage, demand of contributions/recovery of contributions.

9. Periodical review of Prosecution cases, E.I. Court Cases, High

Court Cases, Inspection, Survey, Test Inspection, F.D.C.

10. Issues related to coverage of factories/establishments.

11. Examination and compliance report on revenue matters submitted

by Regional Directors in response to the report of the Hqrs.

Inspection Team/Senior officers.

12. Supply of Information to external audit in r/o of matters dealt in

Revenue Branch-II.

13. Examination of tour notes of Regional Directors relating to revenue


5.20 Dy Director 1. Functions as Branch Officer of one or more branches of the

(Regional/Sub- Regional Office and assists the Regional Director in discharge of

Regional duties of Administration or disbursement of claims through Local
Offices) / ESI Offices or collection of revenue through contributions and work
Hospitals incidental to those aspects.
/Director 2. If posted in ESI Hospital/ D(M)D, functions as Branch Officer of

one or more branches of the Hospital and assists the Medical
Suptd. /Director (Medical) in discharge of duties of Administration.
3. Exercises overall control over proper allocation of work amongst

the staff under his charge.

4. Gives verbal directions/guidance/ advice to the staff under
territorial jurisdiction of RO/SRO/ESIH/D(M)D in their day to day

activities wherever required.

5. Identify the training need of staff and arrange training in co-

ordination with ZTI.

6. Ensure 100 % work through ERP or other IT application.

7. Ensure internal control in functioning of the branch.

8. Conducts periodical inspections of Local offices/Inspection Offices.
9. Scrutinizes cases submitted by branch staff through the Head

Clerk and takes decision for their interim/final disposal in

accordance with the delegation of powers or submits to the
Regional Director with his recommendations for decisions.
10. Acts as Secretary to Local Committees when nominated.

11. Depending on the nature of the work of the Branch, guides Local
Offices/Inspection offices in the Region, issues clarifications to
employers/insured persons and Associations/Trade Unions in the

changed business and governance environment.

6. Social Security Officers (SSO)/ Manager Grade- III

Pay Scale- 9300-34800 Grade Pay- 4600

6.1 SSO 1. Functions as a field/peripatetic officer of the Corporation having

(Inspection) charge of a particulars inspection zone with defined statutory powers

of examining coverage of factories and to verify compliance under

the Act & Regulations.

2. Functions as liaison officer between the Corporation and the


3. Conducts inspections/surveys of factories in accordance with

planned programmes and the procedure laid down for the purpose

and verifies compliance.

4. Attends to enquiries requiring spot verification or investigation.

5. Gives guidance to the employers on points of law and procedure

relating to coverage and payment of contributions, maintenance of

records etc. And brings their difficulties to the notice of Regional


6. Does all clerical work in the course of the inspection or otherwise

such as writing of Reports, inspections of Pay Bills and T.A. Bills,

advance intimation to employers, fortnightly and monthly diary and

correspondence with the Regional office at his level.

7. Keeps Regional Office posted with his day to day activities by

way of fortnightly and monthly diary of his work.

8. Spots/detects new factories/establishments for purpose of


9. Appears in court in connection with legal cases and Keeps

contact with Counsels and pursues legal cases. . Appears in

Medical Appeal Tribunal to represent the Corporation.

10. Peruses recovery cases with the Certificate Officers and

Maintains the records/registers at the Inspection Office such as

Employers files, General and Instructions files, Inspection Register,

Monthly Account of each Inspection, Imprst Cash Book,

contingent/dead stock/consumable articles/printed forms/ stationery


11. . Attends to spot verification of refund cases.

12. Assesses contributions payable by the defaulting employers.

13. . In simple cases, where counsels are not engaged, pleads on

behalf of the Corporation and does allied work such as scrutiny of

written statement preparation of replies and effective arrangements

for evidence/witnesses; verifies bills of additional charges of the E.I.


15. When posted in Medical Cell visits clinics of I.M.P's. In

connection with verification of utilization of certificate books and

reports to Resident Deputy Medical Commission.

16. Perform all the duties as per new inspection policy and submit

report online within the timeframe prescribed.

17. When posted in Inspection Cell at Hqrs assists Deputy Asstt

Director/ Dy Director in the conduct of inspection the office of the

Corporation, preparation of inspection reports and in watching


18. conducting inspections in order of priority laid down in the

Inspection Policy and as made available to them by random

generation through the Shram Suvidha portal or otherwise

19. ensuring that all employees working in Employers’ premises

have obtained Pehchaan cards while conducting inspections,

including taking active measures for completion of biometric

enrolment in respect of those who might be left out

20. Conducting surveys in accordance with instructions, carrying out

spot verifications wherever necessary, submitting required tour

programmes and records in time in accordance with instructions,

uploading inspection and survey reports in web portals within the

stipulated time.

6.2 SSO (Office 1. Supervision and proper allocation of work among subordinate
Superintend)- staff and ensuring completion of work and submission of required
when posted at
information/ statements/ returns in time including Parliament
Questions, VIP references, grievances of insured persons as well as
other stake holders within the stipulated time.
Regional Offices
2. Keeping overall watch and ensuring discipline and punctuality,

scrutinizing inspection reports and ensuring revenue recovery

action, scrutinizing C18/ D18 registers for ensuring recovery action

within stipulated time, managing web portal related requests from

Employers and Employees on real time.

3. Managing the process of biometric enrolment and distribution of

Pehchaan cards, ensuring delivery of benefits in time, ensuring

procurement and distribution of stores by following prescribed

procedures including uploading in websites, CPP and guidelines

given in GFR.

4. Ensuring proper cleanliness and upkeep of office premises in

accordance with established standards, conducting work study by

using established tools and techniques and also by devising

appropriate methodologies and performs such duties as may be

assigned to him by the Branch Officer/ JD/ RD or as authorized by

the ESI Corporation or as specified in the ESI (General) Regulations


5. Competition of all work within the stipulated time and statements

and returns prepared for onward transmission within the stipulated

time and that necessary records and registers are maintained
faithfully and correctly and furthermore, the highest standards of
probity in public service maintained at all times. It should also be
ensured that computers, printers and networking equipment are
maintained properly and they are in complete working order.

6.3 SSO (Audit) 1. Functions as immediate supervisor of the Internal Audit Party.

2. Prepares audit programmes in accordance with the yardstick for

approval by higher authorities and allocates and coordinate with

work of the Audit Party/s. Maintains coordination with the officers

and the staff of the office under audit for production of

records/documents for the completion of audit.

3. . Guides and advises staff in their day to day activities and

ensures completion of audit in accordance with the program and

timely submission of audit reports.

4. Checks the dockets, claims and benefit payments duly audited by

the auditors.
5. Checking of ESC/CBS report of payment made to beneficiaries.

Random checking of payments with claim for selected period is


6. Checking of Cash book both online and offline to ensure proper

entry in cash book.

7. Checks Account No. 1 & 2 and imprest cash book for one month

selected by the Dy Director (Finance).

8. Issues daily objection slips to the head of office under audit.

9. Consolidates and prepares draft audit report, discusses with the

head of the office and submits final report to the Dy director (Fin).

10. Reviews previous audit reports for objections pending with the


11. Checks 100% fresh cases of PDB & DB.

12. Reviews registers maintained by Local Office and Regional

Office including M.R's office.

13.Reviews employers' files audited by his party.

14. Review 100 % cases decided u/s 45 A and 45 AA and report

separately about the amount determined by the assessing officer

and final amount decided by the appellate authority.

15. Such other duties as per specific instruction by Dy Director (Fin)

or Director (Fin) Hqrs.

6.4 SSO (Branch 1. Functions as head of office having direct contact with the

Manager Grade- beneficiaries.

I, II, III) 2. Acts as drawing and disbursing officer, operates banking account

and ensures safe custody of cash and renders account.

3. . Exercises control over proper allocation and coordination of

work amongst the staff and Gives suitable directions and guidance

to the staff from time to time. Keeps over all watch and ensures

discipline and punctuality in attendance and general supervision and

control to ensure smooth running of the office.

4. Passes claims for payment of benefit to Insured Persons and

does all incidental work relating to claims.

5. Passes claims for payment of benefit to Insured Persons and

does all incidental work relating to claims.

6. Investigation fatal cases of Employment Injury.

7. Verifies the schedule sheets in ERP with online payment dockets

and signs daily the Cash Books maintained at the Local Office.

8. Conducts periodical review of all the registers maintained at the

Local Office.

9. Ensures timely preparation and dispatch of out going periodical

reports and returns.

10. Attends court and represents cases on behalf of the Corporation

as & when so directed and Conducts inspection of factories as and

when so directed.

11. Controls pay Offices wherever attached.

12. Functions as Secretary to the Local Committee where so


13. Ensure periodical meeting with employer and IPs/ Employees

under Suvidha Samagam program.

14. . Makes appraisal of the staff of the Local Office. Ensures

proper maintenance of service books of the staff and attests all

entries; attests entries in ledger sheets, index and identity cards.

15. Imparts training to the newly posted staff and guides employers'


16. Conducts periodical physical verification of cash, duplicate

Identity cards , postage stamps and records certificate. Takes

responsibility of safe custody of records/property of the local office.

17. Ensures adequacy of fund in Account No. 2 of the Local Office

and sends indents for additional funds as & when required.

18. Ensure timely preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement and

sending DCR to Regional /Sub-regional Office.

19. Any other work assigned by senior officers.

20. Ensures biometric enrolments in the Branch Office and proper

maintenance of Service Books, extends all necessary help and

guidance to the insured population as well as other stakeholders

21. Arranges for proper seating, drinking water and toilet facilities to

both male and female beneficiaries, ensures all necessary signage

including office timings and holiday list on display, causes to

maintain charts and graphs, takes responsibility for safekeeping of

records and performs such other duties as may be assigned to him

from time to time.

6.5 1. Functions as work-study practitioner directly under the leader of

the team (Deputy Director).

2. Under the guidance and leadership of the team, conducts work

study by using the techniques and tools of work-study in accordance

with the time schedule of the projects assigned to him. For this

purpose he devises subject to approval of the leader the

methodology to be followed in the study.

3. Records facts, examines them critically and develops alternative

plans and frames draft report as and when required for acceptance.

4. Conducts work-study as individual cum team in accordance with

the nature of the assignment and directions in the different aspects

of work-study method study, work measurement, organization

analysis, forms analysis, standardization of reports and returns,

records management, office lay out etc.

5. Examines references on O&M aspects received from Hqrs. and

regions and puts up recommendations for consideration.

6. Keep track with the external environment, Govt. orders and new

initiatives in the field related to ESIC and suggest for reengineering

in processes and functions.

7. Any other work assigned by senior officers.

7. Assistant/ Head Clerk
Pay Scale- 9300-34800 Grade Pay- 4200
7.1 Branch Offices 1. Functions of claims clerk, cashier and Manager in
Branch Offices, should there be such a situation.
2 Investigations of accident cases.
3. Ensuring timely preparation and onward submission of
important documents, returns and statements, disposing
off of papers at his own level, ensuring no pendency in
various areas especially accident reports.
4. Compliance with audit paras.
5. 100% online processing of claims and ECS payments.
6. Arranging Local Committee meetings and Suvidha
7. Initiating APAR and any other work as assigned to him
by the Branch Office Manager depending on exigencies
and situations.
8. Submitting the file to Branch Manager narrating the
facts as per record or other evidence as available. Can
suggest the course of action.

7.2 Hqrs/ RO/SRO/ESI 1. Submission of files to nest level after scrutiny of

Hospital/ DMD proposal and documents available in file or from other

related sources.
2. Function independently by assuming the entire range of
responsibilities of the UDC and in addition,
3. Ensuring that work pertaining to important areas does
not suffer, that there are no delays, that issuance/
approval of code numbers are cleared on everyday
basis, that inspection reports are processed for
revenue recovery action within the stipulated time so as
to avoid being time barred, that the requirements of
various statutory provisions, Rules and administrative
instructions are followed to the letter and spirit

especially the provisions of GFR, to ensure process
flow in respective modules such as Insurance,
Dhanwantari and ERP and working under the overall
supervision of the Office Superintendent.
4. All investment proposal, fund transfers are done as per
budget ceiling.
5. Monitoring the expenditure pattern of field offices to
highlight and divergent trend.

1. Supervises the work of farashes, sweepers,

7.3 Caretaker security guards, housekeeping personals,
chowkidars etc Posted at Hqrs. Office/Regional
office. Engages the farashes and sweepers and
other labour on daily wages as per instructions.
2. Ensures cleanliness of the building, bathrooms and
W.Cs, proper maintenance of the office gardens
and lawns-arranges the shifting of the branches
and lawns arranges the shifting of the branches and
cells; attends to seating arrangements in
conference hall for various meeting, engages the
labour and arranges their payment etc.
3. Attends/all correspondence, preparation of bills of
the daily wages staff and arranges payment to
4. Arranges the local purchase of daily consumable
articles like liquid soap, phenyl, cleanzo, vim etc.
Maintains the allied registers and attends to
correspondence etc.
5. Attends to work in connection with the repairs,
maintenance of the office building, water cooler, air
conditioners etc. and ensures regular supply of
electricity and water. Attends to correspondence
with the C.P.W.D. & OTIS etc. and maintains the
allied registers etc.

6. Keeps watch over outgoing and incoming stores
equipment etc.
7. Performs such other duties as may be entrusted to
him from time to time.

8. Upper Division Clerk
Pay Scale- 5200-20200 Grade Pay- 2800

8.1 Branch Offices 1. Checking rates and preparation of payment

vouchers online in the Branch Office.
2. Processing Employment Injury cases and
conducting spot investigations as directed by
supervisory officers,
3. Submitting investigation reports as well as
processing online, processing cases for Medical
Board immediately after termination of TDB,
4. Processing commutation and alternative evidence
cases, processing maternity benefit cases,
5. Attending to audit reports and Office inspection
reports for ensuring compliance with such reports,
6. Processing excess payment cases for recovery,
processing conveyance and reimbursement claims
of insured persons,
7. Processing incapacity references and abstention
verification, reviewing DB cases and allied matters.
8. Appearing in Courts as necessary, attending to
miscellaneous correspondence and queries of
insured persons,
9. Maintaining prescribed registers and Service
Books, preparing regular payment lists for ECS
transfer to beneficiaries,
10. Preparing regular bank reconciliation statements
and keeping the cash book tallied,
11. Conducting online enrolment for biometric
Pehchaan cards,
12. Arranging periodic Suvidha Samagam meetings
and dealing with such matters as may be assigned
to him depending on exigencies and spot
requirements under the supervision of the Branch
Office Manager.

8.2 HQ/RO/SRO/ESIH/D 13. Thorough checking of ECS / CBS statement to
ensure payment to genuine beneficiaries.
14. Deals with such other matters as may be assigned to
DESPENSARIES him by way of adjustment of functions a rank
above/below depending upon the exigencies and spot
15. Submission of PUC/References /RTI information in
file with full detail in noting and flagging of relevant
16. It will be ensured that all claims are processed
within the stipulated time and all manner of help and
guidance is extended to the insured persons.
Grievance cases must be addressed on the spot
and all payments processed online and through the
ECS and other mechanisms for direct transfer to the
bank account of insured persons. In such work in
the Branch Office, the highest standards of
transparency and probity shall be maintained for
effective and timely delivery of services. It should
also be ensured that computers, printers and
networking equipment are maintained properly and
they are in complete working order. Service
requests should be raised in time wherever

17. Any other assignment given by superior


1. Initiation of files related to the section/

branch. The file should contain the PUC,
other associated documents. The UDC will
put up facts related to the matter for
verification by the Assistant/Head Clerk.
While submitting the file UDC/Head Clerk will
ensure that the file is properly numbered and

documents are serially kept in file.
15. Examination/initiates cases in administrative
matters relating to recruitment, promotion,
transfer and postings, superannuation,
creation of posts, review of staff, up-
gradation, down-gradation, of Local Offices,
complaints, vigilance, Internal/External Audit
Reports, Inspection Reports. Deals with
other administrative matters such as
seniority, grant of various advances, claims
of employees of the Corporation, preparation
and checking of bills, departmental test and
training programmes, Union/Association
matters, delegation of powers, work
pertaining to all housekeeping activities, all
Corporation building construction, hiring,
allotment (special work relating to cash
delivery service where it is in vogue);
assists cashier on pay day; attends to work
pertaining to Regional Boards/Local
Committees if done in administration Branch.
In General Branch initiates after due
assessment of requirements, proposal for
procurement of stationery, forms and other
16. Prepares Budget Estimates and Revised
17. In Insurance deals with employees and
employers contributions, their accounting,
Inspection/survey reports of Insurance
Inspectors, defaulter’s statements, Legal
action for recovery and attends as witness in
legal cases where necessary.
18. Attends to the work of coverage of
employers/employees' exemptions, review of

employers files, recovery, refund, franking
machines, annual assessment of the number
of employees/ employers cards, setting up a
E.I. Courts, Medical Appeal Tribunals and
Medical Boards, Legal action for recovery
and prosecution, inspection zones;
inspection programmes, SSO’s meetings.
19. Deals with procedures pertaining to medical
and cash benefits, incapacity references,
program of medical referees, appointments
of part-time Medical Referees, various
statements and returns indicating the
position of benefits, publicity, false
declaration cases, constitution and working
of Medical Boards, action on default in
sending declaration forms, cases of artificial
limbs and appliances, Medical Appeal
Tribunals, complaints regarding cash
benefits from employers, employees and
their unions contribution cards, checks
20. Deals with all matters from the local office
such as Medical Boards Cases,
commutation cases, Employment Injury
cases, Audit Paras etc.
21. In accounts, audits all kinds of bills and
conducts local audit of Regional/Local
offices. Deals with the cases of financial
concurrence, banking arrangement
reconciliation statements, transfer of funds,
pre-audit of PDB/DB/Commutation cases,
compilation of monthly accounts; audits
Budget and revised Budget Estimates, work
relating to external and internal audit
programmes and action on audit reports;

pension statements; L.P.C. And pay fixation
(Gazetted Officers); income tax statements,
maintenance of leave accounts of Gazetted
22. Maintains prescribed registers and prepares
23. Performs such other duties as may be
entrusted to him from time to time.

8.3 UDC (Cashier)

1. Receives cheques, enters in cheque receipt
Branch Office
register, visits bank for encashment,
disburses cash and writes cash book and
contingent register.
2. Disburses benefit payments to Insured
persons through ECS/NEFT/ Bank transfer
(BT) and does all incidental work.
3. Deposits all cash receipt in Bank and
encashes cheques from Bank.
4. Disburses pay and allowances etc. to the
staff of the local office and pension to retired
employees, payment to third parties through
direct transfer in bank account of the payee.
5. Maintains 3 different cash Books.
6. Pursues bank reconciliation statement and
prepare reports.
7. Functions as claim clerk when assigned with
duties to disburse benefit payments to
Insured persons at pay offices.
8. Ensures safe handling and custody of cash,
Cheque Books, Receipt Books, Schedule
sheets and dockets and arranges deposit of
duplicate keys.
9. Maintains prescribed registers.

10. Prepares cheques for encashment and
counts cash in hand every day.
11. Withdraw cash for Local Office.
12. Prepares daily/Monthly statement of Account
No. I and II.
13. Deals with such other matters as may be
assigned by way of adjustment of functions a
rank above/below depending upon the
exigencies and spot requirements.

8.4 RO/SRO/Hospital/
D(M)D/Headquarter 1. All types of payment to employees, third
parties and other beneficiaries. All payment
should be done by direct transfer to payees
bank account through ECS/NEFT/RGS or
Bank Transfer.
2. Thorough checking of ECS/RTGS/NEFT/BT
statement proposed to be sent for payments.
Marked as checked and verified on the
ECS/RTGS/NEFT/BT statement and keep a
copy of the same in safe custody after getting
the same countersigned by Section In-
charge. One copy of the same should be sent
to DDO also.
3. Receives cash for earnest money, refund of
Provident fund, TA and other advances,
prepares challans and deposits cash in
Account No. I
4. Writes down with proper classifications
interest cash book for all receipts and
disbursed vouchers pay bills, TA bills etc.
5. Maintains contingent charges register.
6. Prepares TA and leave Travel concession
Bills of employees and also all contingent bills
ensuring appropriation thereof with budget.

7. Checks medical Reimbursement claims/bills
received & conveyance bills some Local
offices and self-drawing officers.
8. Prepares Budget Estimates and revised
estimates with reference to service Books,
personal files and information received from
local offices and Branches.
9. Prepares pension and leave salary bills in
respect of officials on Foreign Service/and
10. Prepares debt deposits statements quarterly.
11. Ensures arrangement of transfer of funds
through Hqrs. For Regional office every
month & applies control over expenditure as
per budget allotments.
12. Maintains files and makes correspondence
relating to cash seat.
13. Submits statements to Hqrs. In respect of
14. Maintenance of advance adjustment register
and keep a watch of proper and timely
adjustment of advances.
15. Initiates proposal for requirement of funds
and raise fund request in ERP system.
16. Makes payment of statutory and other dues
for which services have been utilized.
17. Attends to audit objections pertaining to cash
seat and proposes replies.
18. Recovers debts of thrift society, deeps
account and passes on amount to treasurer
of society.
19. Performs such other duties as may be
entrusted to hem from time to time.

9. Lower Division Clerk / Multi Tasking Staff
Pay Scale- 5200-20200 Grade Pay- 1800

9.1 Lower Division Clerk 1. Receives & diaries certificates.

2. Prepares rates & posts them in ledger.
Branch Office
3. Attends the insured persons on counter,
helps/fills up Claim forms , examines eligibility
of claims, prepares the benefit dockets &
makes entries in the ledger.
4. Initiates incapacity references, abstention
verification (form 8) and ESIC – 47, (ESB
rate) and ESIC – 71 (Contributory record)
where necessary & takes action on receipt of
5. Prepares Money Order Forms for M.O.
6. Maintains relevant registers, supplies
statistical data.
7. Reviews pending claims.
8. Maintains ledgers & other documents
9. Opens ledger sheets where De-centralized
registration is in vogue.
10. Takes delivery of printed documents supplied
by Regional office & keeps account.
11. Deals with confinement charges for Insured
12. Issues pay slips t Insured persons on
13. Prepares charts for the Local Office.
14. Handles correspondence with IMPs. On
defective certification.
15. Attends to miscellaneous correspondence
relating to claims.
16. Deals with such other matters as may e

assigned to him by way of adjustment of
functions a rank above/below depending upon
the exigencies and spot requirements.
17. Performs such other duties as may be
entrusted to him from time to time.
18. Diarises & dispatches dak & other documents
& does typing work of Local Office.
19. Attends enquiries of IP's/Employers on
Reception counters; help IP's in filling u claim
forms etc. and guides the employers.
20. Attends to registration work where
21. Prepares indents for forms and stationery
and issues them. Maintains relevant registers.
22. Attends to inter- Regional Transfer cases of
Insured Persons.
23. Attneds to the issue of duplicate identiity
cards/maintains relevant registers.
24. Makes petty local purchases of stationery
and perishable articles. Maintains relevant
25. Attends to the routine administrative matters
such as Casual Leave/Restricted Holiday etc.
of staff.
26. Works as Claim Clerk/Cashier in exigencies.
27. Opens ledger sheets where decentralized
registration is in vogue.
28. Takes delivery of printed documents supplied
by Regional office and keeps account.
29. Deals with confinement charges for IP's.
30. Issues pay slips to IP's on demand.
31. Prepares charts for the Local Office.
32. Handles correspondence with IMP's on
defective certification.
33. Attends to misc correspondence relating to

34. Deals with such other matters as may be
assigned to him by way of adjustment of
functions a rank above/below depending upon
the exigencies and spot requirements.
35. Performs such other duties as may be
entrusted to him from time to time.

While posted in Kitchen:

I. Receives/checks diet sheets prepared by
different wards and prepares distribution chart daily;
ii. Attends to all matters pertaining to
purchase/procurement of dietary articles and then
issues to the kitchen staff and maintains proper
account thereof.
Iii. Supervises work of the kitchen staff.
iv. Ensures strict application if menu prepared by
the dietitian.
v. Assists in supervision distribution of food to
vi. Makes visits to outside offices/places in
connection with procurement of supplies.
Vii. Performs such other duties as may be assigned
to him from time to time.

While posted in Store:

i. Assists Store-Keeper in working out requirements

of stores in terms of yardstick, issue of tendors and
procurement thereof.
ii. Assists Store-Keeper in day to day issue of
stores and their custody.
iii. Assists in local purchase of stores.

iv. Makes arrangement for repair etc. of various
articles and assistance in their maintenance.
v. Pays visits to railway stations and other places in
connection with the procurement of stores.
vi. Performs such other duties as may be assigned to
him from time to time.

When posted in X-Ray/Laboratory:-

I. Attends to the work of registration of patients

coming for diagnosis.
ii. Obtains reports from doctors and transmits to the
concerned department for tests.
Iii. Maintains records on various aspects of the
functioning of departments.
iv. Performs such other duties as may be assigned to
him from time to time.

9.2 ESI Dispensary When posted in Registration Counter:-

I. Attends to and checks particulars of the patients

coming for OPD treatment and prepares reference
slips online.
ii. Makes entries in Dhanwantri Module and
generates OPD slips.
iii. Maintains records of attendance, admissions and
treatment etc. of patients and compiles monthly
iv. Maintains case sheet daily in respect of
discharged patients and produces them
subsequently when necessary.
v. Compiles information in accordance with the
international classification of diseases for supply to
various agencies.
vi. Deals with the correspondence in respect of
discharged patients.

Vii. Prepares bed occupancy position, cost per bed
and other monthly returns relating thereto.
Viii. Performs such other duties as may be assigned to
him from time to time.

9.3 Headquarter 1. Maintains Medical Record Envelopes.

/Regional 2. Prepares Registration slip.

3. Make Entries in the Register and computer
4. Issue of registration slip generated by computer
5. Takes out all M.R.E. For Medical Officers use
and again xx places the same at its proper place.
6. Transfer of MRE to Dispensaries and Regions.
7. Prepares effective and ineffective register and
makes day to day entries.
8. Prepares the monthly returns.
9. Maintains Record of Patients referred for
hospitalization etc.
10. Makes independent correspondence pertaining
to Registration Room.
11. Maintains postage stamp register.
12. Dispatches certificates to different Local Offices
under Certificate to posting.

1. Does diary and dispatch work, movement

9.4 Multi Tasking Staff
of files, typing and other routine work of
the branch.
2. Initiates the file after keeping the PUC and
other documents in the file and submit the
same in next level for marking note in the
3. Maintaining files and registers related to

branch/ section.
4. Performance of task assigned by the
Section In charge/ Office Superintendent.
5. Timely preparation of reports & returns.
6. Deals with such other matters as may be
assigned to him by way of adjustment of
functions a rank above/below depending
upon the exigencies and spot
7. Performs such other duties as may be
entrusted to him from time to time.
8. Physical Maintenance of records of the Section.
9. General cleanliness & upkeep of the Section Unit.
10. Carrying of files & other papers within the
11. Photocopying, sending of FAX etc. Other
non-clerical work in the Section Unit.
12. Assisting in routine office work like diary,
despatch etc., including on computer Delivering
of dak (outside the building).
13. Watch & ward duties. Opening & closing
of rooms. Cleaning of rooms. Dusting of furniture
etc. Cleaning of building, fixtures etc .
14. Driving of vehicles, if in possession of
valid driving licence.
15. Upkeep of parks, lawns, potted plants etc.
16. Any other work assigned by the superior

Telephone Operator 1. Operates the PBX Board for Hqrs. & Regional
office/ SRO.
2. Notes down the message & conveys it to the
person concerned.
3. Notes the complaints about defective
telephones and conveys them to the
Telephone Department.

4. Co-ordinate with telephone service providers
viz BSNL/MTNL etc.
5. Performs such other duties as may be
entrusted to him from time to time.

10. Principal Private Secretary Pay Scale- 15600-39100, Grade Pay- 6600
Private Secretary (Gr. A) Pay Scale- 15600-39100, Grade Pay- 5400
Private Secretary (Gr. B) Pay Scale- 9300-34800, Grade Pay- 4800
Personal Assistant Pay Scale- 9300-34800, Grade Pay- 4600

10.1 Principal Private Secretary To keep the officer free from routine nature of
work by checking official emails, mailing
correspondence, filing papers, making
Private Secretary (Gr. A) appointments, arranging meeting and
collecting information so as to give the officer
more time to devote the work in which he has
Private Secretary (Gr. B) specialized.
1. Assists the Director General in secretarial
2. Takes down dictation and transcribes them.
3. Performs important and confidential work
assigned to him.
4. Maintains engagement diary of the Director
General and reminds Director General about
5. Submits files received and papers for
meetings etc.
6. Sorts out important and urgent files for
decision and obtains orders.
7. Arranges for interview of
outsiders/officials/insured persons etc.
8. Issues tour programme and does
correspondence with Regional
Direcotrs/State Govt/Ministry etc. where
9. Ensures that all relevant books/instructions
are available for references by Director
10. Attends to telephone calls, answers queries
and passes on the same to Director General
where necessary.

11. Maintains confidential reports of principal
officers and confidential files.
12. Maintains Director General personal accounts
and correspondence.
13. Maintains account of non-duty use of staff car
by Director General and also of cash Imprest
14. Disposes of routine files and matters at his
own level.
15. Examines monthly D.Os. Of Regional
Directors, reports on construction work and of
Deputy Resident Medical commissioner.
16. Sets question papers for shorthand &
Typewriting takes tests and values the
answer papers.
17. Arranges meeting of principal officers etc.
and refreshment etc.
18. Sanctions Casual Leave to Lower Division
Clerks and Class IV staff of the personal
section and recommends Earned Leave to
them i9n consultation with Director General.
19. Allocates work to L.D.C and Class IV staff
and supervises them.
20. Performs such other duties as may be
entrusted to him from time to time.

10.2 Personal Assistant The Personal Assistant will maintain the

confidentiality and secrecy of confidential and
secret papers entrusted to him. He will
exercise his skill in human relations and be
cordial with the persons who come in contact
with his boss officially or who are helpful to
his boss or who have dealings with the boss

as professional persons. Some of the more
specific functions are enumerated below:—
1. Serves as secretarial assistant to officers and
takes dictations and transcribes them. Taking
dictation in shorthand and its transcription in
the best possible manner.
2. Receives Dak and passes on the same to
officer concerned.
3. Sorts out Dak and passes on the same to
officer concerned.
4. Diarises important Dak and ensures their
delivery to the branches concerned.
5. Serves as an intermediary for passing on the
files to the officers received from various
branches, sorts out urgent/immediate files
and ensures quick disposal.
6. Maintains confidential files and also
confidential files and also confidential reports
wherever necessary.
7. Ensures up to date maintenance of
engagement diary of officer and reminds him
for the appointment.
8. Accompanies officer on tour when required.
9. Indents stationery etc. for himself and for the
10. Attends to telephonic calls.
11. Maintains register for important
12. Takes verbatim in the meetings and other
proceedings, as and when deputed.
13. Assists / directs visitors who come to
Regional Director.
14. Performs such other duties as may be
entrusted to him from time to time.
Works under the direct supervision of the officer.

15. Automation of work with the help of ICT
Division for smooth and faster disposal of
16. Fixing up appointments and if necessary
cancelling them;
17. Screening the telephone calls and the
visitors in a tactful manner;
18. Keeping an accurate list of engagements,
meetings, etc. and reminding the officer
sufficiently in advance for keeping them up;
19. Maintaining, in proper order, the papers
required to be retained by the officer;
20. Keeping a note of the movement of all
incoming & outgoing papers, files, etc.
21. Destroying by burning the stenographic
record of the confidential and secret letters
after they have been typed and issued;
22. Carrying out corrections to the Officer’s
reference books and making fair copies of
draft Demi-official letters to be signed by the
officer. During the office hours they can take
the assistance of the source where the draft
has been typed.
23. Generally assisting the officer in such a
manner as he may direct.

11. Staff Car Driver (Special Grade) Pay Scale- 9300-34800, Grade Pay- 4200

Staff Car Driver (Grade I) Pay Scale- 9300-34800, Grade Pay- 2800

Staff Car Driver (Grade II) Pay Scale- 9300-34800, Grade Pay- 2400

Staff Car Driver (Ordinary Grade) Pay Scale- 9300-34800, Grade Pay- 1900

11 Staff Car Driver Staff Car Driver may be exclusively attached to the
Senior Officers for driving the official vehicles provided to
(Special Grade)
them or he/she may be required to drive official vehicles
Staff Car Driver
for conveyance of the officers, other guests/visitors and
(Grade I)
Staff Car Driver 1. Proper cleanliness and maintenance of Car,
(Grade II) 2. Maintenance of Log book, records of petrol
Staff Car Driver consumed/taken and other prescribed records are also
part of his/her duties.
(Ordinary Grade)
3. He is also responsible to get servicing/repair of cars
done under his/her direct supervision, wherever required.
In addition,
4. Perform such other duties and responsibilities as may
be assigned to him/her from time to time.


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