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Modifiers rule part 2:

Non people :

1. Place
2. Animal
3. Things

Which (verb phrase)


• Which refers to one word only

• It can't refer to any words before the verbs
• That word must be in the sentence
• It refers to noun only
• It can refer to any word in the prepositional phrase after the verb
• To decide the word - look at the information after( which)
• Choose wisely
• Default rule- which refers to the word immediately before (which)

If logically( which) refers to more than one word apply default rule.

Ex : Crime in our neighbourhood has recently decreased, which has led to a rise in property

1. Describe more than one word in the sentence

2. Those words will not even there in the exact form.

Ex : The police found the murder weapon, which made the task easy.
Ans :

1. Are always of the verbing form
2. They always need a complete sentence before them.
3. They describe unsaid words in the sentence.
4. First cause in the sentence then effect.
5. To check cause use word by in between
6. If sentence starts with verbing form, then it should happen simultaneously.
Ex: Raja slapped rani, making her cry
Making rani cry, raja slapped rani.---------> Making cry and slapping is happening
simultaneously .

• All the rules that apply to which apply to that *

• Common nouns - that

• Proper noun - which

Many cases then selecting one - we have to use that

Only one case then select one - we have to use which

Ex : country- that
India - which

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