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Target : JEE (MAIN / ADVANCE) 2020

Exercise Sheet

Plot No. 46, In front of Skyline Apartments, Corner Building,
Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota, (Rajasthan) Pin code : 324005.
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India’s No.1 Online Coaching GRAVITATION
1. Three identical point masses, each of mass 1 kg lie in the x–y plane at points (0, 0) (0, 0.2m) and (0.2m,0).
The gravitational force on the mass at the origin is :–
(A)1.67 x 10–11 (iˆ  ˆj)N (B) 3.34 x 10–10 (iˆ  ˆj)N
(C) 1.67 x 10–9 (iˆ  ˆj)N (D) 3.34 x 10–10 (iˆ  ˆj)N
2. A spherical hollow cavity is made in a lead sphere of radius R, such that its surface touches the
outside surface of the lead sphere and passes through its centre. The mass of the sphere before
hollowing was M. With what gravitational force will the hollowed-out lead sphere attract a small

sphere of mass ‘ m ‘, which lies at a distance d from the centre of the lead sphere on the straight line
connecting the centres of the spheres and that of the hollow, if d = 2R :
7 GMm 7 GMm d
(A) 18 R 2 (B) 36 R 2

7 GMm 7 GMm R m
(C) 9 R 2 (D) 72 R 2

A straight rod of length  extends from x =  to x =  + . as shown in the figure. If the mass per
unit length is (a + bx2 ). The gravitational force it exerts on a point mass m placed at x = 0 is given
 1 1   G m (a  bx 2 )
(A) G m  a     b (B)
    2

 1 1 
(C) G m    1  1   b   (D) G m  a     b
 a a     

4. A uniform ring of mass M is lying at a distance 3 R from the centre


of a uniform sphere of mass m just below the sphere as shown in the

figure where R is the radius of the ring as well as that of the sphere.
Then gravitational force exerted by the ring on the sphere is :
(A) 2 (B)
8R 3R 2
(C) 3 (D) 3
R2 8R 2

5. A projectile is fired from the surface of earth of radius R with a speed ke in radially outward
direction (where e is the escape velocity and k < 1). Neglecting air resistance, the maximum hight
from centre of earth is
(A) 2 (B) k2 R (C) (D) kR
k 1 1 k2
6. A stone drop from height 'h' reaches to Earth surface in1 sec. If the same stone taken to Moon and drop
freely then it will reaches from the surface of the Moon in the time (The 'g' of Moon is 1/6 times of
(A) 6 second (B) 9 second (C) 3 second (D) 6 second
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2 Plo t No . 46 , In fro nt o f Skyline Apar tme nts, Cor ne r Building , Raje e v Gandhi ETOOSINDIA
Nagar, Kota, (Rajasthan) Pin co de : 324 00 5. India’s No.1 Online Coaching
Help Desk : 09214233303 | 09214233343 |
India’s No.1 Online Coaching GRAVITATION
7. A man of mass m starts falling towards a planet of mass M and radius R. As he reaches near to the
surface, he realizes that he will pass through a small hole in the planet. As he enters the hole, he seen that
the planet is really made of two pieces a spherical shell of negligible thickness of mass and a point
mass at the centre. Change in the force of gravity experienced by the man is :
2 GMm 1 GMm 4 GMm
(A) (B) 0 (C) (D)
3 R2 3 R2 3 R2
8. If the distance between the centres of Earth and Moon is D and mass of Earth is 81 times that of Moon.
At what distance from the centre of Earth gravitational field will be zero ?

D 2D 4D 9D
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 3 5 10
9. The intensity of gravitational field at a point situated at a distance 8000 km from the centre of Earth is 6.0
newton /kg. The gravitational potential at that point in newton – meter/kg will be :–

(A) 6 (B) 4.8 × 107 (C) 8 × 105 (D) 4.8 × 102
10. The gravitational potential of two homogeneous spherical shells A and B (separated by large distance) of
same surface mass density at their respective centres are in the ratio 3 : 4. If the two shells coalesce into

(A) 3 : 2 (B) 4 : 3
single one such that surface mass density remains same, then the ratio of potential at an internal point of
the new shell to shell A is equal to :
(C) 5 : 3 (D) 3 : 5
11. A hollow spherical shell is compressed to half its radius. the gravitational potential at the centre
(A) Increases
(B) Decreases

(C) Remains same

(D) During the compression increases then returns at the previous value

12. The rotation of the Earth having radius R about its axis speeds upto a value such that a man at latitude
angle 600 feels weightless. The duration of the day in such case will be

(A) 8  (B) 8  g (C)  (D) 4  g
g R g R

13. If the gravitational acceleration at surface of Earth is g, then increase in potential energy in lifting an object
of mass m to a height equal to the radius R of Earth will be :–
mgR mgR
(A) (B) 2mgR (C) mgR (D)
2 4
14. Find the distance between centre of gravity and centre of mass of a two particle system m

attached to the ends of a light rod. Each particle has same mass. Length of the rod is R,
where R is the radius of Earth m
(A) R (B) R/2 (C) zero (D) R/4

15. A body of mass m is situated at distance 4Re above the Earth's surface, where Re is the radius of Earth
how much minimum energy be given to the body so that it may escape :–
mgR e mgR e
(A) mgRe (B) 2mgRe (C) (D)
5 16

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ETOOSINDIA Plo t No . 46 , In fro nt o f Skyline Apar tme nts, Cor ne r Building , Raje e v Gandhi 3
India’s No.1 Online Coaching Nagar, Kota, (Rajasthan) Pin co de : 324 00 5.
Help Desk : 09214233303 | 09214233343 |
India’s No.1 Online Coaching GRAVITATION
16. The radius of Earth is about 6400 km and that of mars is 3200 km. The mass of the Earth is 10 times the
mass of mars. An object weight 200 N on the surface of Earth. Its weight on the surface of mars will be
(A) 80 N (B) 40 N (C) 20 N (D) 8 N
17. Weight of a body of mass m decreases by 1% when it is raised to height h above the Earth's surface. If
the body is taken to a depth h in a mine, then its weight will :–
(A) decrease by 0.5% (B) decrease by 2%
(C) increase by 0.5% (D) increase by 1%
18. Imagine a new planet having the same density as that of Earth but it is 3 times bigger than the Earth in size.
If the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of Earth is g and that on the surface of the new planet is
g', then

(A) g' = 3g (B) g' = (C) g' = 9g (D) g' = 27 g
19. A body attains a height equal to the radius of the Earth when projected from Earth' surface. The velocity
of the body with which it was projected is :–

GMe 2GMe 5 GMe 3GMe
(A) (B) (C) (D)
R R 4 R R

The gravitational field due to a mass distribution is E 
in the x–direction. (K is a constant). Taking
the gravitational potential to be zero at infinity, its value at the distance x is :–
(A) (B) (C) 2 (D)
x 2x x 2 x2

21. Potential energy and kinetic energy of a two particle system are shown by KE
and PE. respectively in figure. This system is bound at :

tic en


(A) Only point A (B) Only point D A B

al en

(C) Points A, B, and C (D) All points A, B, C and D

22. Two identical satellites are at the heights R and 7R from the Earth's surface. Then which of the following
statement is incorrect :– (r = radius of the Earth)
(A) Ratio of total energy of both is 5
(B) Ratio of kinetic energy of both is 4
(C) Ratio of potential energy of both 4
(D) Ratio of total energy of both is 4 and ratio of magnitude of potential to kinetic energy is 2
23. A satellite is seen after each 8 hours over equator at a place on the Earth when its sense of rotation is
opposite to the Earth. The time interval after which it can be seen at the same place when the sense of
rotation of Earth & satellite is same will be:
(A) 8 hours (B) 12 hours (C) 24 hours (D) 6 hours
24. If the gravitational force were to vary inversely as mth power of the distance, then the time period
of a planet in circular orbit of radius r around the Sun will be proportional to
(A) r–3m/2 (B) r3m/2 (C) rm + 1/2 (D) r(m+1)/2
25. An object weighs 10 N at the north pole of the Earth. In a geostationary satellite distance 7R from the
centre of the Earth (of radius R), the true weight and the apparent weight are–
(A) 0 N, 0 N (B) 0.2 N, 0 (C) 0.2 N, 9.8 N (D) 0.2 N, 0.2 N
www. e t o o s in d ia . c o m
4 Plo t No . 46 , In fro nt o f Skyline Apar tme nts, Cor ne r Building , Raje e v Gandhi ETOOSINDIA
Nagar, Kota, (Rajasthan) Pin co de : 324 00 5. India’s No.1 Online Coaching
Help Desk : 09214233303 | 09214233343 |
India’s No.1 Online Coaching GRAVITATION
26. A tunnel is dug along a chord of the Earth at a perpendicular distance R/2 from the Earth's centre. The
wall of the tunnel may be assumed to be frictionless. A particle is released from one end of the tunnel. The
pressing force by the particle on the wall, and the acceleration of the particle varies with x (distance of
the particle from the centre) according to :

Pressing Pressing Acceleration Acceleration

Force Force

(A) (B) (C) (D)

x x x
x x=R/ 2 x=R
x=R/ 2 x=R x=R/ 2 x=R x=R/ 2 x=R

27. Gravitational potential difference between surface of a planet and a point situated at a height of 20m
above its surface is 2 joule/kg. If gravitational field is uniform, then the work done in taking a 5kg body

of height 4 meter above surface will be :–
(A) 2J (B) 20J (C) 40J (D) 10J
Select the correct alternative :–
The gravitational field inside a spherical cavity, within a spherical planet must be non zero and uniform
When a body is projected horizontally at an appreciable large height above the Earth, with a velocity less
than for a circular orbit, it will fall to the Earth along a parabolic path
(C) A body of zero total mechanical energy placed in a gravitational field will escape the field
(D) Earth's satellite must be in equatorial plane

29. Three particles are projected vertically upward from a point on the surface of the Earth with velocities
2gR / 3 , gR , 4 gR / 3 respectively where R is the radius of the Earth and g is the acceleration due to
gravity on the surface of the Earth. The maximum heights attained are respectively h1, h2, h3.

(A) h1 : h2 = 2 : 3 (B) h2 : h3 = 3 : 4 (C) h1 : h3 = 1 : 4 (D) h2 = R

30. Mark the correct statement/s :–

(A) Gravitational potential at curvature centre of a thin hemispherical shell of radius R and mass M is equal
(B) Gravitational field strength at point lying on the axis of a thin, uniform circular ring of radius R and
mass M is equal to 3/ 2 where x is distance of that point from centre of the ring
R 2
 x2 
(C) Newton's law of gravitation for gravitational force between two bodies is applicable only when
bodies have spherically symmetric distribution of mass
(D) None of these
31. Gravitational potential at the centre of curvature of a hemispherical bowl of radius R and mass M is V :–
(A) Gravitational potential at the centre of curvature of a thin uniform wire of mass M, bent into a
semicircle of radius R, is also equal to V
(B) In part (A) if the same wire is bent into a quarter of a circle then also the gravitational potential at the
centre of curvature will be V
(C) In part (A) if the wire mass is non uniformly distributed along its length audit is bent into a semicircle
of radius R, gravitational potential at the centre is V
(D) None of these
www. e t o o s in d ia . c o m
ETOOSINDIA Plo t No . 46 , In fro nt o f Skyline Apar tme nts, Cor ne r Building , Raje e v Gandhi 5
India’s No.1 Online Coaching Nagar, Kota, (Rajasthan) Pin co de : 324 00 5.
Help Desk : 09214233303 | 09214233343 |
India’s No.1 Online Coaching GRAVITATION
32. Suppose a smooth tunnel is dug along a straight line joining two points on the surface of the Earth and a
particle is dropped from rest at its one end. Assume that mass of Earth is uniformly distributed over its
volume. Then
(A) The particle will emerge from the other end with velocity 2R where Me and Re are Earth's mass

and radius respectively

(B) The particle will come to rest at centre of the tunnel because at this position, particle is closest to Earth
(C) Potential energy of the particle will be equal to zero at centre of tunnel if it is along tunnel's diameter
(D) Acceleration of the particle will be proportional to its distance from midpoint of the tunnel

33. A small ball of mass 'm' is released at a height 'R' above the Earth
surface, as shown in the figure. If the maximum depth of the ball to
which it goes is R/2 inside the Earth through a narrow grove before
coming to rest momentarily. The grove, contain an ideal spring of spring

constant K and natural length R, the value of K is (R is radius of Earth R M
and M mass of Earth)

N (B)
7 G Mm
(C) (D)
R3 R3

34. Masses and radii of Earth and Moon are M1, M2 and R1, R2 respectively. The distance between their
centre is 'd'. The minimum velocity given to mass 'M' from the mid point of line joining their centre so that

it will escape :–

4G  M1  M2  4 G M1 M2 2G  M1  M2  2G

(A) (B) d  M1  M2  (C) d  M1 M2 

 M1  M2 

35. Inside an isolated uniform spherical shell :


(A) The gravitation potential is not zero

(B) The gravitational field is not zero
(C) The gravitational potential is same everywhere
(D) The gravitational field is same everywhere.
36. One projectile after deviating from its path starts moving round the Earth in a circular path of radius equal
to nine times the radius of Earth R. Its time period will be :–

(A) 2  (B) 27  2  (C)  (D) 0.8  3 
g g g g

37. Two concentric shells of masses M1 and M2 are having radii r1 and r2. Which of the
following is the correct expression for the gravitational field at a distance r :– r2
G(M1  M2 ) G(M1  M2 )
(A) , for r < r1 (B) , for r < r2 r1
r2 r2
(C) 2 , for r1 < r < r2 (D) , for r1 < r < r2
r r2

www. e t o o s in d ia . c o m
6 Plo t No . 46 , In fro nt o f Skyline Apar tme nts, Cor ne r Building , Raje e v Gandhi ETOOSINDIA
Nagar, Kota, (Rajasthan) Pin co de : 324 00 5. India’s No.1 Online Coaching
Help Desk : 09214233303 | 09214233343 |
India’s No.1 Online Coaching GRAVITATION
38. In a certain region of space, the gravitational field is given by  , where r is the distance and k is a
constant. If the gravitational potential at r = r0 be V0, then what is the expression for the gravitational
potential (V) :–
 r  r0   r  r0 
(A) k log  r  (B) k log  r  (C) V0 + k log  r  (D) V0 + k log  r 
0 0

39. There is a concentric hole of radius R in a solid sphere of radius 2R. Mass of
the remaining portion is M. What is the gravitational potential at centre ?
5 GM 7GM
(A)  (B) 
7R 14R

3GM 9 GM
(C)  (D) 
7R 14R

40. A particle of mass M is at a distance a from surface of a thin spherical shell of equal M

mass and having radius a
(A) Gravitational field and potential both are zero at centre of the shell M
(B) Gravitational field is zero not only inside the shell but at a point outside a a
the shell also N
(C) Inside the shell, gravitational field alone is zero
(D) Neither gravitational field nor gravitational potential is zero inside the shell
41. A cavity of radius R/2 is made inside a solid sphere of radius R. The centre of the cavity is located at a
distance R/2 from the centre of the sphere. The gravitational force on a particle of mass 'm' at a distance
R/2 from the centre of the sphere on the joining both the centres of sphere and cavity is (opposite to the

centre of cavity). [Here g = GM/R2, where M is the mass of the sphere]

mg 3mg mg
(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these
2 8 16

42. A solid sphere of uniform density and radius 4 units is located with its centre y
at the origin O of coordinates. Two spheres of equal radii 1 unit, with their

centres at A (–2, 0, 0) and B (2, 0, 0) respectively, are taken out of the

solid leaving behind spherical cavities as shown in figure. Then :– A
(A) The gravitational field due to this object at the origin is zero O

(B) The gravitational field at the point B (2, 0, 0) is zero

(C) The gravitational potential is the same at all points of circle y2 + z2 = 36
(D) The gravitational potential is the same at all points on the circle y2 + z2 = 4
43. A particle of mass m is transferred from the centre of the base of a uniform solid hemisphere of mass M
and radius R to infinity. The work performed in the process by the gravitational force exerted on the
particle by the hemisphere is
GMm 1 GMm 3 GMm 3 GMm
(A) (B)  (C)  (D) 
R 2 R 2 R 4 R

44. A planet is revolving around the Sun in an elliptical orbit. Its closest distance from the Sun is rmin. The
farthest distance from the Sun is rmax. If the orbital angular velocity of the planet when it is nearest to the
Sun is , then the orbital angular velocity at the point when it is at the farthest distance from the Sun is–
2 2
rmin rm ax r  r 
(A)  (B)  (C)  max   (D)  rmin  
rmax rmin  rmin  max

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ETOOSINDIA Plo t No . 46 , In fro nt o f Skyline Apar tme nts, Cor ne r Building , Raje e v Gandhi 7
India’s No.1 Online Coaching Nagar, Kota, (Rajasthan) Pin co de : 324 00 5.
Help Desk : 09214233303 | 09214233343 |
India’s No.1 Online Coaching GRAVITATION
45. For a satellite to appear stationary to an observer on earth
(A) It must be rotating about the earth’s axis.
(B) It must be rotating in the equatorial plane.
(C) Its angular velocity must be from west to east.
(D) Its time period must be 24 hours.
46. Which of the following statements are correct about a planet rotating around the sun in an elliptic
orbit :
(A) its mechanical energy is constant
(B) its angular momentum about the sun is constant
(C) its areal velocity about the sun is constant

(D) its time period is proportional to r3
47. A planet revolving around sun in an elliptical orbit has a constant
(A) kinetic energy (B) angular momentum about the sun
(C) potential energy (D) Total energy

48. A satellite close to the earth is in orbit above the equator with a period of revolution of 1.5 hours.
If it is above a point P on the equator at some time, it will be above P again after time
(A) 1.5 hours
(B) 1.6 hours if it is rotating from west to east
(C) 24/17 hours if it is rotating from east to west
(D) 24/17 hours if it is rotating from west to east

49. When a satellite in a circular orbit around the Earth enters the atmospheric region, it encounters small air
resistance to its motion. Then

(A) Its kinetic energy increases (B) Its kinetic energy decreases
(C) Its angular momentum about the Earth decreases

(D) Its period of revolution around the Earth increases

50. For a satellite to be geo–stationary, which of the following are essential conditions?
(A) It must always be stationed above the equator

(B) It must be rotated from west to east

(C) It must be about 36000 km above the Earth
(D) Its orbit must be circular, and not elliptical
51. A double star is a system of two stars of masses m and 2m, rotating about their centre of mass onlyunder
their mutual gravitational attraction. If r is the separation between these two stars then their time period
of rotation about their centre of mass will be proportional to :
(A) r3/2 (B) r (C) m1/2 (D) m–1/2
52. A satellite is in a circular orbit very close to the surface of a planet. At some point it is given an impulse
along its direction of motion, causing its velocity to increase n times. It now goes into an elliptical orbit.
The maximum possible value of n for this to occur is
(A) 2 (B) 2 (C) 2  1 (D)
2 1

www. e t o o s in d ia . c o m
8 Plo t No . 46 , In fro nt o f Skyline Apar tme nts, Cor ne r Building , Raje e v Gandhi ETOOSINDIA
Nagar, Kota, (Rajasthan) Pin co de : 324 00 5. India’s No.1 Online Coaching
Help Desk : 09214233303 | 09214233343 |
India’s No.1 Online Coaching GRAVITATION


1. In the given figure, L = 1 metre, if total gravitational force on 4 kg

  F1
mass is F1 and on 2 kg mass is F2 , then find out the ratio of  .

2. Two point–like objects, each with mass m, are connected by a massless rope of length . The
objects are suspended vertically near the surface of Earth, so that one object is hanging below the

GMm 
other. Then the objects are released. Show that the tension in the rope is T where M is the
mass of the Earth and R is its radius. [ <<R]
3. A solid sphere of uniform density and radius R applies a gravitational force of

attraction equal to F1 on a particle placed at P, distance 2R from the centre
of the sphere. A spherical cavity of radius R/2 is now made in the sphere as R R

shown in figure. The sphere with cavity now applies a gravitational force F2

on the same particle placed at P. Find the ratio of F2/F1 .

The gravitational field in a region is given by E  (3 ˆi  4 ˆj) N/kg. Find out the work done (in joule) in
displacing a particle by 1 m, along the line 4y = 3x + 9 :
5. The Earth may be regarded as a spherically shaped uniform core of density  and radius surrounded

R 1
by a uniform shell of thickness and density . Find the ratio of  if the value of acceleration due to
2 2

gravity is the same at surface as at depth from the surface.

6. A thin spherical shell of total mass M and radius R is held fixed. There is a small hole in the shell. A mass
m is released from rest a distance R from the hole along a line that passes through the hole and also

through the centre of the shell. This mass subsequently moves under the gravitational force of the shell.
How long does the mass take to travel from the hole to the point diametrically opposite.
7. A particle of mass 1 kg is placed at a distance of 4 m from the centre and on the axis of a uniform ring of mass
5 kg and radius 3 m. Calculate the work done to increase the distance of the particle from 4 m to 3 3 m.
8. Find the potential energy of a system of four particles placed at the vertices of a square of side . Also
obtain the potential at the centre of the square.
9. Find the potential energy of a system of eight particles placed at the vertices of a cube of side L. Neglect
the self energy of the particles.
10. Find the potential energy of the gravitational interaction of a point mass of mass m and a thin uniform rod
of mass M and length  , if they are located along a straight line such that the point mass is at a distance
'a' from one end. Also find the force of their interaction.
11. A body of mass m be projected vertically upward from the surface of the Earth so as to reach a height nR
above the Earth’s surface. Calculate :
(i) The increase in its potential energy (ii) The velocity with which the body must be projected

www. e t o o s in d ia . c o m
ETOOSINDIA Plo t No . 46 , In fro nt o f Skyline Apar tme nts, Cor ne r Building , Raje e v Gandhi 9
India’s No.1 Online Coaching Nagar, Kota, (Rajasthan) Pin co de : 324 00 5.
Help Desk : 09214233303 | 09214233343 |
India’s No.1 Online Coaching GRAVITATION
12. Two small dense stars rotate about their common centre of mass as a binary system with the period 1
year for each. One star is of double the mass of the other and the mass of the lighter one is of the
mass of the Sun. Find the distance between the stars if distance between the Earth & the Sun is R.
13. A comet orbits the Sun in a highly elliptical orbit. Does the comet have a constant
(i) linear speed, (ii) angular speed, (iii) angular momentum, (iv) kinetic energy, (v) potential energy, (vi)
total energy throughout its orbit ? Neglect any mass loss of the comet when it comes very close to the
14. An artificial satellite is moving in a circular orbit around the Earth with a speed equal to half the magnitude
of escape velocity from the Earth.

(i) Determine the height of the satellite above the Earth's surface.
(ii) If the satellite is stopped suddenly in its orbit and allowed to fall freely on the Earth, find the speed with
which it hits and surface of Earth. Given M = mass of Earth & R = Radius of Earth

15. The gravitational field in a region is given by E  (3 î  4 ĵ ) N/kg. Find out the work done (in joule) in
displacing a particle of mass 1 kg by 1 m along the line 4y = 3x + 9.
N y
16. A solid sphere of mass m and radius r is placed inside a hollow spherical
shell of mass 4 m and radius 4r find gravitational field intensity at :
(a) r < y < 2r
(b) 2r < y < 8r
(c) y > 8r x
here y coordinate is measured from the point of contact of the sphere and the shell.

17. A sphere of density  and radius a has a concentric cavity of radius b, as shown in the figure.


b r

(a) Sketch the gravitational force F exerted by the sphere on the particle of mass m, located at a
distance r from the centre of the sphere as a function of r in the range 0  r   .
(b) Sketch the corresponding curve for the potential energy u (r) of the system.
18. Two stars of mass M1 & M2 are in circular orbits around their centre of mass. The star of mass M1
has an orbit of radius R1, the star of mass M2 has an orbit of radius R2. (assume that their centre of
mass is not accelerating and distance between stars is fixed)
(a) Show that the ratio of the orbital radii of the two stars equals the reciprocal of the ratio of their
masses, that is R1/R2 = M2/M1.
(b) Explain why the two stars have the same orbital period and show that the period,
(R 1  R 2 )3 / 2
T=2 .
G(M 1  M 2 )

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(c) The two stars in a certain binary star system move in circular orbits. The first star,  moves in an
orbit of radius 1.00  109 km. The other star,  moves in an orbit of radius 5.00  108 km. The
orbital period is 44.5 year. What are the masses of each of the two stars ?
19. In a solid sphere of radius ‘R’ and density ‘’ there is a spherical cavity of radius R/4 as shown in figure.
A particle of mass ‘m’ is released from rest from point ‘B’ (inside the cavity). Find out -

(a) The position where this particle strikes the cavity.
(b) Velocity of the particle at this instant.

20. (a) What is the escape speed for an object in the same orbit as that of Earth around sun (Take
orbital radius R) but far from the earth ? (mass of the sun = Ms)

speed must it be given to escape as in (a) ? N
(b) If an object already has a speed equal to the earth’s orbital speed, what minimum additional

A cosmic body A moves towards the Sun with velocity v0 (when far from the Sun) and aiming parameter
, the direction of the vector v0 relative to the centre of the Sun as shown in the figure. Find the minimum
distance by which this body will get to the Sun. (Mass of Sun = MS)


1. A particle is taken to a distance r (> R) from centre of the earth. R is radius of the earth. It is given

velocity V which is perpendicular to r . With the given values of V in column I you have to match
the values of total energy of particle in column II and the resultant path of particle in column III.
Here 'G' is the universal gravitational constant and 'M' is the mass of the earth.
Column I (Velocity) Column II (Total energy) Column III (Path)
(A) V = GM / r (p) Negative (t) Elliptical
(B) V = 2GM / r (q) Positive (u) Parabolic
(C) V > 2GM / r (r) Zero (v) Hyperbolic
(D) GM / r < V < 2GM/ r (s) Infinite (w) Circular

2. Let V and E denote the gravitational potential and gravitational field respectively at a point due to
certain uniform mass distribution described in four different situations of column-I. Assume the
gravitational potential at infinity to be zero.The value of E and V are given in column-II. Match the
statement in column-I with results in column-II.
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Column-I Column-II
(A) At centre of thin spherical shell (p) E = 0
(B) At centre of solid sphere (q) E  0
(C)A solid sphere has a non-concentric spherical cavity.
At the centre of the spherical cavity (r) V  0
(D) At centre of line joining two point masses of equal magnitude (s) V = 0


Comprehension # 1
Many planets are revolving around the fixed sun, in circular orbits of different radius (R) and different

time period (T). To estimate the mass of the sun, the orbital radius (R) and time period (T) of planets
were noted. Then log10 T v/s log10 R curve was plotted.
The curve was found to be approximately straight line (as shown in figure) having y intercept = 6.0

(Neglect the gravitational interaction among the planets [Take G =  10 11 in MKS, 2 = 10]


1. The slope of the line should be :

3 2 19

(A) 1 (B) (C) (D)

2 3 4

2. Estimate the mass of the sun :


(A) 6 × 1029 kg (B) 5 × 1020 kg (C) 8 × 1025 kg (D) 3 × 1035 kg

3. Two planets A and B, having orbital radius R and 4R are initially at the
closest position and rotating in the same direction. If angular velocity of
planet B is 0, then after how much time will both the planets be again in
the closest position ? (Neglect the interaction between planets).
2 2
(A) 7  (B) 9 
0 0

2 2
(C)  (D) 5 
0 0

Comprehension # 2
An artificial satellite is moving in a circular orbit around the earth with a speed equal to half the magnitude
of escape velocity from the surface of earth. R is the radius of earth and g is acceleration due to gravity
at the surface of earth. (R = 6400 km)

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4. Then the distance of satellite from the surface of earth is
(A) 3200 km (B) 6400 km (C) 12800 km (D) 4800 km

5. The time period of revolution of satellite in the given orbit is

2R 4R 8R 6R
(A) 2 g (B) 2 g (C) 2 g (D) 2 g

6. If the satellite is stopped suddenly in its orbit and allowed to fall freely onto the earth, the speed with
which it hits the surface of the earth.

gR gR

(A) gR (B) 1.5 g R (C) (D)
2 2

Comprehension # 3

A pair of stars rotates about their center of mass. One of the stars has a mass M and the other has
mass m such that M = 2m. The distance between the centres of the stars is d (d being large compared
to the size of either star).
4 2 3 8 2 3
The period of rotation of the stars about their common centre of mass (in terms of d, m, G.) is
2 2 3 4 2 3
(A) d (B) d (C) d (D) d
Gm Gm 3Gm 3Gm

8. The ratio of the angular momentum of the two stars about their common centre of mass ( Lm/ LM) is

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 9

9. The ratio of kinetic energies of the two stars ( Km/KM) is
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 9

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2. Two bodies of masses m and 4m are placed at a distance r. The gravitational potential at a point on
the line joining them where the gravitational field is zero is :- [AIEEE - 2011]
6 Gm 9 Gm 4 Gm
(A) – (B) – (C) zero (D) –
r r r

2. Two particles of equal mass 'm' go around a circle of radius R under the action of their mutual gravitational
attraction. The speed of each particle with respect to their centre of mass is:- [AIEEE-2011]

Gm Gm Gm Gm
(A) (B) (C) (D)
R 4R 3R 2R

3. The mass of a spaceship is 1000 kg. It is to be launched from the earth's surface out into free space.

The value of 'g' and 'R' (radius of earth) are 10 m/s2 and 6400 km respectively. The required energy
for this work will be :- [AIEEE-2012]
(A) 6.4 × 10 Joules (B) 6.4 × 10 Joules (C) 6.4 × 10 Joules (D) 6.4 × 109 Joules
10 11 8

Four particles, each of mass M and equidistant from each other, move along a circle of radius R under
the action of their mutual gravitational attraction. The speed of each particle is : [JEE (Main) -2014]
Gm 1 Gm Gm Gm

1 2 2  (B)
2 R

1 2  2  (C)
(D) 2 2

5. From a solid sphere of mass M and radius R, a spherical portion of radius R/2 is removed, as shown in

the figure. Taking gravitational potential V = 0 at r = , the potential at the centre of the cavity thus
formed is : (G = gravitational constant) [JEE (Main) -2015]

2GM 2GM GM GM

(A) (B) (C) (D)
3R R 2R R

6. A satellite is revolving in a circular orbit at a height 'h' from the earth's surface (radius of earth R ; h<<R).
The minimum increase in its orbital velocity required, so that the satellite could escape from the earth's
gravitational field, is close to:(Neglect the effect of atmosphere.) [JEE (Main) -2016]
(A) gR (B) gR / 2 (C) gR( 2  1) (D) 2gR

7. The variation of acceleration due to gravity g with distance d from centre of the earth is best represented
by (R = Earth’s radius ) [JEE (Main) -2017]

g g g g

(A) (B) (C) (D)

d d d d

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8. The ratio of the weights of a body on the erath's surface, so that on the surface of a planet is 9 : 4.
The mass of the planet is th of that of the earth. If R is the radius of the earth, what is the radius of the
planet ? (Take, the planets to have the same mass density) [Main 2019, 12 April II]
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 4 9 2
The time dependence of the position of a particle of mass m = 2 is given by r(t) = 2tiˆ  3t ˆj . Its angular
momentum, with respect to the origin, at time t = 2 is [Main 2019, 10 April II]
(A) 36 k̂ (B) – 34 (kˆ  ˆi) (C) – 48 k̂ (D) 48 (iˆ  ˆj)

10. The value of acceleration due to gravity at earth's surface is 9.8 ms–2. The altitude above its surface at
which the acceleration due to gravity decreases to 4.9 ms–2, is close to [Main 2019, 10 April I]
(Take, radius of earth = 6.4 × 10 m)

(A) 9.0 × 106 m (B) 2.6 × 106 m (C) 6.4 × 106 m (D) 1.6 × 106 m
11. A spaceship orbits around a planet at a height of 20 km from its surface. Assuming that only gravitational
field of the planet acts on the spaceship, what will be the number of complete revolutions made by the
spaceship in 24 hours around the planet ? [Take, mass of planet = 8 × 1022 kg, radius of planet =
2 × 106 m, gravitational constant G = 6.67 × 10–11 N-m2/kg2] [Main 2019, 10 April II]
(A) 11 (B) 17 (C) 13 (D) 9
12. A solid sphere of mass M and radius a is surrounded by a uniform concentric spherical shell of thickness
2a and 2M. The gravitational field at distance 3a from the centre will be [Main 2019, 9 April I]

(A) 2 (B) 2 (C) 2 (D)
9a 9a 3a 3a 2

13. A rocket has to be launched from earth in such a way that it never returns. If E is the minimum energy
delivered by the rocket launcher, what should be the minimum energy that the launcher should have, if the
same rocket is to be launched from the surface of the moon ? Assume that the density of the earth and the

moon are equal and that the earth's volume is 64 times the volume of the moon.[Main 2019, 8 April II]
(A) (B) (C) (D)
64 16 32 4
14. A test particle is moving in a circular orbit in the gravitational field produced by mass density (r) = .
Identify the correct relation between the radius R of the particle's orbit and its period T
(A) T is a constant (B) is a constant [Main 2019, 9 April II]
R3 R2
(C) TR is a constant (D) is a constant
15. Two satellites A and B have masses m and 2m respectively. A is in a circular orbit of radius R and B is in
a circular orbit of radius 2R around the earth. The ratio of their kinetic energies TA / TB is
1 1
(A) (B) 2 (C) (D) 1 [Main 2019, 12 Jan II]
2 2
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16. A stellite is revolving in a circular orbit at a height h from the earth surface such that h << R, where R is
the radius of the earth. Assuming that the effect of earth's atmosphere can be neglected the minimum
increase in the speed required so that the satellite could escape from the gravitational field of earth is
(A) (B) gR (C) 2gR (D) gR ( 2  1)
[Main 2019, 11 Jan I]

17. A satellite is moving with a constant speed v in a circular orbit about the earth. An object of mass m is
ejected from the satellite such that it just escapes from the gravitational pull of the earth. At the time of its
ejection, the kinetic energy of the object is [Main 2019, 10 Jan I]

1 3
(A) mv2 (B) mv2 (C) mv2 (D) 2mv2
2 2

18. The energy required to take a satellite to a height 'h' above earth surface (where, radius of earth = 6.4 ×

103 km) is E1 and kinetic energy required for the satellite to be in a circular orbit at this height is E2. The
value of h for which E1 and E2 are equal is [Main 2019, 9 Jan I]
3 4 3
(A) 3.2 × 10 km (B) 1.28 × 10 km N
(C) 6.4 × 10 km (D) 1.6 × 103 km

19. If the angular momentum of a planet of mass m, moving around sun in a circular orbit is L about the centre
of the sun, its areal velocity is [Main 2019, 9 Jan I]
4L 2L L L
(A) (B) (C) (D)
m m 2m m

20. Four identical particles of mass M are located at the corners of a square of side a. What should be their
speed, if each of them revolves under the influence of other's gravitational field in a circular orbit circum-

scribing the square ? [Main 2019, 8 April I]

(A) 1.35 (B) 1.16

a a
(C) 1.21 (D) 1.41
a a

21. The mass and the diameter of a planet are three times the respective values for the earth. The period of
oscillation of a simple pendulum on the earth is 2s. The period of oscillation of the same pendulumon the
planet would be [Main 2019, 11 Jan II]
2 3 3
(A) s (B) s (C) 2 3 s (D) s
3 2 2

22. Two starts of masses 3 × 1031 kg each and at distance 2 × 1011 m rotate in a plane about their common
centre of mass O. A meteorite passes through O moving perpendicular to the star's rotation plane. In
order to escape from the gravitational field of this double star, the minimum speed that meteorite should
have at O is (Take, gravitational constant, G = 6.67 × 10–11 N-m2 kg–2) [Main 2019, 10 Jan I]
5 4 4
(A) 2.8 × 10 m/s (B) 3.8 × 10 m/s (C) 2.4 × 10 m/s (D) 1.4 × 105 m/s

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1. A double star system consists of two stars A and B which have time period TA and TB. Radius
RA and RB and mass MA and MB. Choose the correct option :– [IIT-JEE 2006]
(A) If TA > TB then RA > RB (B) If TA > TB then MA > MB

2 3
 TA   RA 
(C)  T    R  (D) TA = TB

2. Two bodies, each of mass M, are kept fixed with a separation 2L. A particle of mass m is projected

from the midpoint of the line joining their centres, perpendicular to the line. The gravitational constant
is G. The correct statement(s) is (are) :- [IIT-JEE 2013]
(A) The minimum initial velocity of the mass m to escape the gravitational field of the two bodies

is 4
(B) The minimum initial velocity of the mass m to escape the gravitational field of the two bodies

is 2
(C) The minimum initial velocity of the mass m to escape the gravitational field of the two bodies
(D) The energy of the mass m remains constant.

3. A planet of radius R  1  (radius of Earth) has the same mass density as Earth. Scientists dig a well of

depth 5 on it and lower a wire of the same length and of linear mass density 10–3 kgm–1 into it. If the

wire is not touching anywhere, the force applied at the top of the wire by a person holding it in place is
(take the radius of Earth = 6 × 106 m and the acceleration due to gravity of Earth is 10 ms–2)
[IIT-JEE 2014]
(A) 96 N (B) 108 N (C) 120 N (D) 150 N
4. A rocket is launched normal to the surface of the Earth, away from the Sun, along the line joining the Sun
and the Earth. The Sun is 3 × 105 times heavier than the Earth and is at a distance 2.5 × 104 times larger
than the radius of the Earth. The escape velocity from Earth's gravitational field is ve = 11.2 km s–1. The
minimum initial velocity (vs) required for the rocket to be able to leave the Sun - Earth system is closest
to (Ignore the rotation and revolution of the Earth and the presence of any other planet)
(A) vs = 62 km s–1 (B) vs = 22 km s–1
(C) vs = 72 km s (D) vs = 42 km s–1

Subjective Questions
1. There is a crater of depth on the surface of the Moon (radius R). A projectile is fired vertically
1 00
upward from the crater with velocity, which is equal to the escape velocity v from the surface of the
Moon. Find the maximum height attained by the projectile.

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2. A bullet is fired vertically upwards with velocity  from the surface of a spherical planet. When it reaches
its maximum height, its acceleration due to the planet’s gravity is 1/4th of its value at the surface of
the planet. If the escape velocity from the planet is vesc  v N , then the value of N is (ignore energy
loss due to atmosphere). [IIT-JEE 2015]
3. A large spherical mass M is fixed at one position and two identical point masses m are kept on a line
passing through the centre of M (see figure). The point masses are connected by a rigid massless rod of
length l and this assembly is free to move along the line connecting them. All three masses interact only
through their mutual gravitational interaction. When the point mass nearer to M is at a distance r = 3l
 M 
from M, the tension in the rod is zero for m = k  288  . The value of k is - [IIT-JEE 2015]

 

M m m

r l

Column matching type

A planet of mass M, has two natural satellites with masses m1 and m2. the radii of their circular orbits are
R1 and R2 respectively. Ignore the gravitational force between the satellites. Define v1, L1, K1 and T1 to
be, respectively, the orbital speed, angular momentum, kinetic energy and time period of revolution of
satellite 1; and v2, L2, K2 and T2 to be the corresponding quantities of satellite 2. Given m1/m2 = 2 and
R1/R2 = 1/4, match the ratios in List-I to the numbers in List-II. [IIT-JEE 2018]
List-I List-II

v1 1
P. v2
1. 8

Q. L2
2. 1


R. K2
3. 2

S. T2
4. 8
(A) P  4; Q  2; R  1; S  3 (B) P  3; Q  2; R  4; S  1
(C) P  2; Q  3; R  1; S  4 (D) P  2; Q  3; R  4; S  1

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1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. A
8. D 9. B 10. C 11. B 12. C 13. A 14. B
15. C 16. A 17. A 18. A 19. A 20. D 21. C
22. A 23. C 24. D 25. B 26. B,C 27. A 28. C
29. C,D 30. B,C 31. A,C 32. D 33. D 34. A 35. A,C,D
36. B 37. D 38. D 39. D 40. D 41. B 42. A,C,D

43. C 44. D 45. A,B,C,D 46. A,B,C 47. B,D 48. B,C
49. A,C 50. A,B,C,D 51. A,D 52. B


7 7 R3


1.11× 10–11 Joule


N 5.

5.41Gm 2

4 2Gm
6. 2

4 GM2 3  3  1 
 
  L  2 3

GMm    n   n 
10.  loge  1   11. (i)  n  1  mgR (ii)  n  1  2 gR 12. R
  a  

13. All quantities vary over an orbit except angular momentum and total energy
14. (i) 6400 km (ii) 7.9 km/s 15. zero

 Gm ( y  r )   Gm   4 Gm Gm 
16. (a)  3
(  ĵ )  (b)  ( y  r )2 (  ĵ )  (c)  ( y  4r )2  ( y  r )2  (  ĵ )
 r     

17. (a) (b)

42 [1.5  1012 ] 3

18. M = = 3.376  1029 kg M = 2M = 6.75  1029 kg
3G[ 44.5  365  86400 ] 2

19. (a) Since force is always acting towards centre of solid sphere. Hence it will strike at ‘A’.
2GR 2
(b) v =
20. (a)
2GM s
(b)  2  1 GMs

21. rmin = (GMS / v02) [ 1  (v 02 / GMS )2 – 1]

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A p w
B r u
C q v
D p t

2. (A) p, r (B) p, r (C) q, r (D) p, r


1. C 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. A
7. D 8. B 9. B



1. B 2. B 3. A 4.
N B 5. D 6. C 7. B
8. D 9. C 10. B 11. A 12. C 13. B 14. D
15. D 16. D 17. B 18. A 19. C 20. B 21. C
22. A



MCQ's with one or more than one correct answer 1. D 2. B, D 3. B 4. B

Assertion-Reasoning 1. A
Subjective Questions 1. 99.5 R 2. 2 3. 7

Column matching type 1. B

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