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11/01/2020 App Dynamics Experience

App Dynamics Experience

Name *


Round 1 *

2 questions, lasted ~15 minutes. First question :

I told this approach : Interviewer seemed
satisfied after asking clarification about the if conditions. Second question was about finding the sum
of difference of character frequencies between two strings of arbitrary lengths, example : "delhik"
"ddilhep" difference = 3. Told linear time constant space approach using hashmap/frequency array.
Interviewer wasn't satisfied, wanted the solution without any extra space or sorting the strings. Then I
told the O(n^2) approach. Can't say whether he was satisfied. Also, he didn't ask for the resume.

Round 2

Round 3

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11/01/2020 App Dynamics Experience

App Dynamics Experience

Name *

Indranil Pradhan

Round 1 *

I was the last interviewee of the day and was waiting for my turn from 9 am in the morning and my
interview started at 4:30 PM.
I entered and showed the interviewer my resume. After a look at my cv, he first told me to write code for
binary search.
After that the interviewer gave me one problem statement, like if 146449 is perfect square. The perfect
square means you can partition the given number in such partitions that every partition should be a
perfect square. 1|4|64|49, each of these partitions is perfect square. So 146449 is a perfect square.
While my interview was about to finish, one person came and told my interviewer if it was really
necessary to keep my cv with him, at that time I felt like their requirements were fulfilled already.

Round 2

Round 3

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11/01/2020 App Dynamics Experience

App Dynamics Experience

Name *

Arushi Agarwal 3/9
11/01/2020 App Dynamics Experience

Round 1 *

Q1> A special sorted 2d array given and had to find a element in it.

Array like:
9 10 13 14
11 12 15 16

Approach-> Had to divide the array into 4 equal squares and recursively use 1 of them depending on the
elements to be searched.
Had to reach the observation that:
If the above array is divided into 4 parts(Squares),
->All elements of the 1st square (top-left square) are less than all the elements of the 2nd square(top
right square)
-> All the elements of the 2nd square(top right square) are less than all the elements of 3rd
square(bottom-left square)
-> And all the elements of 3rd square(bottom-left square) are less than all the elements of 4th
square(bottom-right square).
So you can narrow down the search space by ¼ in each call.

I reached the solution, but couldn’t write the code for this properly. Interviewer was very helpful during
the process and gave hints, and gave time to think as well; he did not hurry.

Q2> Given an integer, you have to partition it such that all the partitions are perfect square. If multiple
different ways of partitioning present, can consider any one. Return true if possible, else return false;

Eg: Given integer.: 14964

It can be partitioned as: 1|49|64 such that each partition is a perfect square.

Approach> It’s a DP problem. Say you have to find if nos. At position l->r are perfect squares or not, you’ll
have to check for all l->j and j+1->r sub-partitions if they’re perfect squares or not, where j=l to r. If we get
true from both these subpartitions then return true.

Code:(Might need correction/modifications, but illustrates the basic idea of approach)

vector<vector<int> > dp(n, vector<int>(n,-1));

//-1: not computed
//0: represents false; if dp[l][r]==0, it means that dp[l][r] is not a perfect square
//1: represent true; if dp[l][r]==1, it means that dp[l][r] is a perfect square

int find(int l, int r){

if(dp[l][r]!=-1){//has been computed before; can simply return the result
return dp[l][r];
for(int j=l;j<=r;j++){
if(find(l,j) && find(j+1,r)){
return dp[l][r]=1;
else return dp[l][r]=0; 4/9
11/01/2020 App Dynamics Experience


Round 2

-> Area of interests?

I said ML/AI and Distributed Systems (coz had a project on it)
-> How to decide if ML should be applied to a problem?
-> Explain the failures/problems in a Distributed Cache System
-> Given a huge file with strings in it( say names of cities; 1 city name in 1 line). The city names might
get repeated. FInd all the cities and their no. of occurrences.
I first assumed that the files could fit into memory and suggested using Trie. Explained the procedure
and he asked the time complexity too.
He then said that file is so big that it couldn’t fit into memory all at once, but I/O was allowed.
I suggested External Merge Sort approach,and walked through the entire process.
-> Given a string with ( and ). Find if this is balanced or not.
Eg: ((())() is not balanced.
Approach: I first wrote code using stack; he then asked to do w/o extra space. Just maintain the count
of open and close brackets in the string. If at the end, the count of both aren’t same, it means that the
string is not balanced.

Round 3

Nothing technical was asked; He wanted me to ask him questions

Questions I had asked:
-> How ML used in APM (AppDynamics is a APM company)
-> How did Cisco acquisition affect AppD
-> What is PKO (AppDynamic has something called Product Kick Off)
He also started to tell about the internship procedure, what kind of work is done etc.

(Prepare some questions beforehand)

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11/01/2020 App Dynamics Experience

App Dynamics Experience

Name *

Divyani indurkhya

Round 1 *

1. In a search engine, the url accessed is given as input in our program. We have to write code for two
a. n recent url list
b. n hits list
I gave answer using doubly linked list and map and that was right, so he asked me code that on laptop.

Round 2

1. Given a array, each element of the array represents a number that can be used to skip that number of
elements in the array. Our aim is to reach from first element to last element in minimum jumps. Also if
any element is equal to 0 and we reach that position we cannot movw further. So need to find another
Ex. Array= 1,3,5,2,4,6,1,0,5
So we start from 1-3-4-5 so 3 jumps.
If we jump from 3 to 5 we will reach 0 dead end.

2. K Knight swap problem

Given a chess board and coordinates of k knights. Find total number of swaps possible.

3. Deletion in BST

ADVICE-Interact with the interviewer, ask questions and discuss ur approach, ask if u r heading in the
righr direction. And apart from just thinking thw logic u should be able to code also as i was asked to.
Code all 3 questions on laptop.

Round 3 6/9
11/01/2020 App Dynamics Experience
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11/01/2020 App Dynamics Experience

App Dynamics Experience

Name *

Jatin Khachane

Round 1 *

First round was online test on hackerrank consist of 15 Questions, out of which 3 were coding questions
and rest are MCQs. Some MCQs have more that one answer correct.
Coding questions:
1. Finding min no of questions student needs to solve given conditions like:
input: array of marks
-if student solves ith questions then he can skip/attempt (i+1)th question
-the difference between min marks question solved and max marks question solved should be >
-if no possible student should solve all ques.

2. Activate Fountain
Exact question from inter IIT doc asked in 2019

3.Given cities with (x,y) coordinates, given a city find other city which is at shortest distance and sharing
either x or y coordinate. 8/9
11/01/2020 App Dynamics Experience

Round 2

It was technical F2F round.

Interviewer asked to introduce myself asked about interests in beginning.
First question was Min jumps needed for a frog to reach destination(Leetcode: Jump Game)
As I never attempted/seen question before so I told brute force approach first then got stuck, then
interviewer said lets move on to next ques.

Second ques was given NXN chessboard, and some knights are placed on it, find number of knights
which can be swapped means (K1 can move to K2 and K2 can move to K1). I told one approach he said
me to code it.
I spent much time in that part later I told correct approach for first question well.
He said he was expecting that answer only but I took more time to reach that.


Round 3

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