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The following are multiple-choice questions. More than one options may be correct.

Please tick in the boxes the correct response(s)

1) What do you understand by occupational health and safety?

Employees’ safety & welfare

Employers’ safety &welfare

Both employers and employees safety & welfare

Employees, employers and third party safety & welfare

Others, please state…..

2) What are some of the safety measures put in place in your department?

A Safety training as part of orientation on first employment

b Proper disposal of waste

c Regular monitoring on safety and health standards to ensure if they are complied with

d Using protective clothing

e Prompt reporting of accidents/injuries

f Re-training on safety and health practices

All of the above

H Others, please state….

3) Indicate how satisfy you are with the current occupational health and safety measures

put in place

Very satisfied



Very Dissatisfied

4) The person ultimately responsible for your safety and health in the performance of

your duties is:

The head of the factory


Your supervisor

Your manager

For each question, tick in the space provided whether the statement is True or False

5) Staff are required to put on protective clothing in the performance of their duties



6) Do you agree that both employers and employees have responsibilities and rights for

effective occupational health and environmental safety?



7) If yes what are some of the responsibilities and rights of employees?

a) Wearing protective clothing and equipment

Reporting any contravention of the law by management

C The right to refuse unsafe work

All of the above

Others, please state ….

8) If yes what are some of the responsibilities and rights of employers?

Filing government accident reports

Maintaining records on health and safety issues

Posting safety notices and legislative information

Providing education and training on health and safety

All of the above

F Others, please state …..

9) Have you suffered any accident or injury in the factory since you were engaged?


10) If yes what were the causes of the accident?

Lack of adequate training on health and safety

Non provision of adequate protective clothing and equipment

Ignorance on health and safety matters

11) If yes did you report the accident to the appropriate authorities?



12) If yes what actions were taken to forestall the occurrence of the same accident of

injury in the future?

The case was referred to a committee

Investigation was instituted and I was invited

Report issued, causes identified and report formed part of the factory’s subsequent

safety meeting

13) State some of the findings from the investigation.

Inadequate protective clothing and equipment

Lack of personal consciousness to occupational health and environmental safety


Lack of training on occupational health and environmental safety

D All of the above

Others, please state…

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