Coherence Change Analysis For Multipass Insar Images Based On The

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Thu Trang L Ê
Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans Raphael PARIS
Université Clermont Auvergne,
CNRS, IRD, OPGC Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans
F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France; Université Clermont Auvergne,
Hanoi University of Mining and Geology F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France
18 Vien Street, 11910 Hanoi, Vietnam

ABSTRACT lava flow [2], [3], the use of InSAR coherence for environ-
mental change detection remains poorly exploited. In this
This paper presents an approach for Interferometric Syn-
paper, we present an approach based on the Change Detec-
thetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) coherence change analysis.
tion Matrix (CDM) [4] applied to a coherence image time
This approach is based on the Change Detection Matrix
series (ITS), produced from 11 Sentinel-1 interferograms,
(CDM) which allows the identification of the presence of
for fast detection of areas affected by the tsunami induced
changes on the ground. Coherence images are first com-
by the eruption of Krakatoa volcano, Sunda Strait, Indone-
puted from InSAR image time series (ITS) between each
sia on December 22, 2018.
two adjacent dates. The CDM approach is then applied to
study the obtained coherence time series with patch-wise
analysis. The preliminary results on damage mapping re- 2. METHODOLOGY
lated to the tsunami induced by the eruption of Krakatoa
volcano, Sunda Strait, Indonesia on December 22, 2018 us- 2.1. Coherence images
ing Sentinel-1 InSAR ITS have shown the relevancy of the The proposed workflow is described in figure 1 for the fast
proposed approach. change analysis of InSAR coherence ITS. Indeed, from ac-
Index terms— Coherence Change Analysis, Multipass quired multipass InSAR images, several preprocessing steps
InSAR images, Change Detection Matrix, Tsunami, Vol- are required, i. e., image coregistration, orbit correction,
canic eruption. topographic phase compensation, and phase calibration to
build an InSAR image stack.
1. INTRODUCTION Coherence between each two adjacent images are then
calculated as follows:
Since the beginning of the 90’s, Synthetic Aperture Radar
hI1 I2∗ i
(SAR) imagery has been proved to be useful for the moni- γ=p , (1)
toring of environmental changes due to natural or anthropic h|I1 |2 ih|I2 |2 i
processes. Both the amplitude and the phase of SAR im-
where I1 , I2 are complex images used for the calculation
ages can be exploited depending on the nature of the studied
of the interferometric phase. In practice, the coherence is
processes. Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (In-
computed by a spatial averaging on L samples as:
SAR), for instance, estimates ground surface displacement
from the difference in phase (i.e. an interferogram) between PL ∗
n=1 I1,n I2,n
two SAR acquisitions [1]. Interferometric coherence, a by- γ̂ = qP qP ;L ≥ 2 (2)
L ∗ L ∗
product of InSAR processing, provides an estimation of the n=1 I1,n I1,n n=1 I2,n I2,n
reliability of differential phase measurement [1]. It can be
used by itself to map the phase temporal stability (or lack This coherence is the mesurement of the correlation be-
of temporal stability) between two SAR acquisitions. Al- tween data used to calculate interferometric phase [5]. It
thought the detection of low InSAR coherence area has been has the value in [0, 1], the higher values indicate the better
exploited in the last years for mapping of recently emplaced quality of the calculated interferometric phase.

978-1-5386-9154-0/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 1518 IGARSS 2019

unchanged and changed patches in each patch stack, respec-
M(t,k) (i, j) = S(t,k) (i, j) ≶ T (5)

• P-CDM 2: All unchanged patches identified from P-

CDM1 are aggregated to build temporal neighborhoods cor-
responding to each date t as:

Ψ (Pt (i, j)) = Pk (i, j) | M(t,k) (i, j) = 0 16k6N . (6)

Similarity cross-test and a threshold value are then applied

to these temporal neighborhoods to derive the second step
patch-based change detection matrix (P-CDM2) M̂ contain-
ing more accurate change detection results.
Figure 1: Coherence change analysis workflow.
Ŝ(t,k) (i, j) = D(Ψ(Pt (i, j)) , Ψ(Pk (i, j)))16t,k6N . (7)
2.2. CDM for coherence change analysis M̂(t,k) (i, j) = Ŝ(t,k) (i, j) ≶ T . (8)

In low coherence areas, e. g., images over water body or

vegetation zones, it is not easy to interpret the coherence 2.2.2. Analysis of Change Dynamics
images. In this approach, a series of coherence images com- The change dynamics of the study area can be analyzed
puted between each two adjacent dates of an InSAR ITS by an index obtained for each patch stack. This index of
is analyzed using CDM method with patch-wise process- change dynamics δ is calculated by the proportion of “1”
ing [6]. representing the probability of “changed” responses of sim-
At this stage, each image of the coherence ITS is divided ilarity tests in P-CDM2.
into patches, therefore, the whole ITS is also devided into
patch stacks. Indeed, we consider an N -length coherence 2 XN N
ITS C = {Ct }16t6N , where Ct denotes the coherence image δ(i, j) = M̂(t,k) (i, j). (9)
N (N − 1) t=1
computed from the tth image pair of the initial InSAR ITS k=t+1
(sorted by acquisition date). Each image Ct with size m × n
is divided into patches: This index has values in [0, 1] presenting level of change dy-
namics from absolutely stable (δ = 0) to extremely unstable
{Pt (i, j)}16i6 m ={Ct }([(i − 1)u + 1; (i − 1)u + u], (δ = 1).
16j6 n
v The map of change dynamics presents all kinds of
[(j − 1)v + 1; (j − 1)v + v]), changes occurred over the whole ITS, i. e., regular changes
(3) (with index δ of high values), as well as changes associated
with a specific event. P-CDMs show the behavior of these
with u × v size of each patch, u | m and v | n . Each patch changes, and indentify the times when they occur. After the
stack of the ITS is denoted by {Pt (i, j)}16t6N . analysis of changes, one can combine the change informa-
tion to generate the final change detection results.
2.2.1. P-CDM
P-CDMs are constructed by two following steps: AREAS AFFECTED BY TSUNAMI
• P-CDM 1: for each patch stack (i, j), a similarity ma-
trix is generated by caculating similarity cross-tests between 3.1. Description of Study Area and Data Used
patches of each two different dates (t; k).
The proposed processing chain is applied to the coherence
S(t,k) (i, j) = D (Pt (i, j), Pk (i, j))16t,k6N (4) change analysis of a time series produced from 12 single
look complex desending Sentinel-1 images in order to de-
with D the similarity measure. A thresholding method is tect the damaged areas at West coast of Java, Indonesia re-
then applied to this similarity matrix to obtain the first step lated to the tsunami induced by the eruption of Krakatoa
patch-based change detection matrix (P-CDM1) M . This is volcano on December 22, 2018 (figure 2). The images were
a symmetric matrix containing 0 and 1 values representing acquired from September 05, 2018 to January 03, 2019 (10

Table 1: Sentinel-1 dataset description.
Specifications Sentinel-1 dataset
Satellite Sentinel-1A
Launched date April 03, 2014
Satellite orbit Descending
Repeat cycle 12 days
Imaging frequency C-band at 5.4 GHz
Imaging mode IW
Data product SLC Level-1
Resolution 3.5 m×22 m (range×azimuth)
Polarization VV
Used swath IW3
Number of images 12 images
Acquisition dates 18/09/05; 18/09/17; 18/09/29;
(YY/MM/DD) 18/10/11; 18/10/23; 18/11/04;
18/11/16; 18/11/28; 17/12/28;
18/12/10; 18/12/22; 19/01/03

can observe that it is difficult to identify changes on the low

Figure 2: Location of the study area.
coherence image as in figure 3 (a), but on the map of change
dynamics, all types of changes occurred in the coherence
ITS are shown, including changes due to the tsunami and
images before the event and 2 images after the event). Ta- volcanic eruption. By analyzing the P-CDMs (figure 4), we
ble 1 shows the principal parameters of the dataset. We also can reveal the behavior of changes, then we obtain the final
collected tide gauge data observed on SAR image acquisi- result by combining different coherence images. Figure 5
tion dates at the Djakarta (Tanjung Priok) station. show the similarity degree after taking the Log-normal KLD
between coherence images 8 and 9 (related to dates before
3.2. Similarity measure and threshold selection and after the tsunami). The P-CDM at the volcano (figure 4
In this paper, we adopt the Kullback Leibler distance (KLD) (a)) reveals that the 2 last coherence images are those after
between two Log-normal distributions as the similarity mea- the eruption. On the map of change dynamics (figure 3 (b)),
sure (D in Eq. (4), (7)). It can be computed [7] as: regions 2 and 3 (cultivated areas) appear with δ of high val-
  ues, but disappear on the final result (figure 5). This can be
2 1 1
KLDLogn (X, Y ) = (µX − µY ) 2 + σ2 explained by the black blocks on the P-CDMs (figure 4 (b),
2 σX Y
 2 (10) (c)) that indicate no change at these regions on the dates

1 σY σX before, and after the tsunami. Along the coast where the
2 σX 2 + σ 2 −1
Y tsunami hit, the P-CDMs always appear the change between
coherence images 8 and 9 (figure 4 (d)).
where α and β are the log-scale and shape parameters, re- The collected tide gauge data show that the differences
spectively, of probability distributions of random variables of water levels measured on the 3 dates: December 10, 2018
X and Y . (before the tsunami), December 22, 2018 (8 heures after the
To separate changes area from unchanged area, the min- tsunami) and January 03, 2019 (after the tsunami) are not
imum error thresholding method [8] is applied to select the large (+ 11 cm and + 12 cm), therefore the detected changes
threshold in P-CDM construction step (Eq. (5), (8)). along the coast are not affected by the tide and could be
related to the disaster.
3.3. Results and discussions
In this paper, from 12 single look complex Sentinel-1 im- 4. CONCLUSIONS
ages, 11 interferograms were calculated by the Sentinel Ap-
plication Platform (SNAP). Then each coherence image was In this paper, an approach for the change analysis of coher-
divided into 315 × 195 patches before the calculation of P- ence images derived from an InSAR ITS is presented. The
CDMs. The obtained map of change dynamics (figure 3 (b)) preliminary results have shown the potential of patch-based
shows the levels of changes occurred at the study area. We CDM for rapid analysis and detection of changes on low

2018. To determine damaged areas in detail, high resolu-
tion SAR images should be used with the pixel-based CDM


This research was financed by the French government IDEX-

ISITE initiative 16-IDEX-0001 (CAP 20-25).


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