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SEMESTER Fall 2019

Introduction to Psychology (PSY101)

Assignment No. 01
Marks: 20
Due Date: 18th Nov, 2019

You have read about different areas/branches of Psychology in lecture 01 of your course. Below given are
few scenarios related to them. You are supposed to read them in detail and identify the areas/branches of
psychology discussed in each scenario. After that justify your selection giving at least four points:

Example Identification Justification

Ahmed is trained to diagnose Clinical Psychology
Clinical psychology is a branch
and treat different mental which deals with assessment and
disorders. He uses different treatment of mental illness,
tools e.g. observation, abnormal behavior, and psychiatric
interviews and tests, to issues. Clinical psychologists focus
diagnose any existing or on detailed psychological
potential disorders. He is also assessment of clients to diagnose
trained to conduct research and prevent further psychological
regarding different mental problems. Research is also an
health issues and family essential part of this area and
problems. clinical psychologists get engaged
in it actively. As in the given
scenario, Ahmed is shown to be
diagnosing and treating mental
issues, and conducting research, it
proves the area is clinical
Sara is teaching a psychology Industrial/organizational Industrial/organizational
course which focuses upon Psychology is a branch of
increasing workplace psychology concerned with
productivity and related issues application of psychological
for example physical and knowledge/skill in different
mental well-being of organizations. IO psychologists are
employees. working towards making the
organization successful by
enhancing the work performance of
the workers present in a specific
team as the work performance of the
workers get better if they are
satisfied with their jobs. Therefore,
IO psychologists are researching
and working towards a better and
healthy work-force environment.
As, in the given scenario, the course
Sara is teaching focuses upon all the
mentioned above, it is
Adnan, works with sportsmen Sport Psychology Sport psychology applies the
and studies all the variables psychological principles in sports. It
which affect athlete’s is concerned with the psychological
performance. He also works impacts on the performance of an
on making athletes’ morale athlete. Sports psychologists work
better and to enhance their towards the enhancement of the
performance in the field. performance and wellbeing of the
players. They also are concerned
with the injuries that a player suffers
and their rehabilitation. Sport
Psychology also studies how
participation in sport and exercise
affect psychological and physical
factors. As in the given scenario,
Adnan is concerned with athlete’s
performance and their well-being,
the branch/area is Sports
Farah works to understand the Health Psychology Health psychology is concerned
relationship between physical with the relation of psychological
problems/diseases and health and physical health. Health
psychological factors. She psychologists consider biology and
also focuses on recognizing psychology together and they study
the ways which encourage behaviors in healthcare. Health
good health related behaviors. psychologists target the
She also focuses upon psychological factors that are
eliminating/discouraging directly linked with health and in
unhealthy behaviors. turn, work towards the betterment
of health of an individual. As in the
given scenario, Farah is focusing on
all the above-mentioned aspects, it
clearly reflects that the branch/area
is Health psychology.

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