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Super P Force for you premature ejaculation problem

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is one of the most common sexual problems, as it can
significantly worsen the life of a man, especially a young one. Viagra and similar drugs
effectively fight this disease and are suitable for many men.
Premature ejaculation is the second most common sexual problem. ContraContrary to popular
opinion, it concerns not only young men but sometimes accompanies a person in a
mature and even old age.

What could be more offensive than ED and PE?

The cases when these two problems exist simultaneously. Generic Super P Force 160
mg willl relieve you immediately from ED and PE,
PE make an erection stronger, and sex –

Benefits of super p force 160 mg

Super P Force consists of two active components.
 Sildenafil (100mg)
 Dapoxetine(60mg)
Together they provide a double effect – improve erection and prolong sexual
intercourse. All men from 18 to 65 years old who have problems with potency and
duration of sex can use these pills.
pills It is worth noting that dapoxetine
poxetine can be used if
there is premature ejaculation, which is considered premature if sex lasts less than two
minutes. If this is not your case,
case then it is better to use other methods, for example,
masturbation before sex.
How Super P Force Work?
Erection Super P Force is a drug of various uses, so it is worth considering the
mechanism of each component. Sildenafil is developed as a cure for angina pectoris, but
it showed an interesting side effect – suppression of PDE5 enzymes which lead to
increased blood circulation in the groin area.

Everyone knows the benefit of enhanced blood circulation for a man with ED, but what
are the PDE5 enzymes?
These are substances that are produced after sex and stop an erection. In men with ED,
enzymes can start their action during sex, and even before it. Sildenafil inhibits their
work, so the construction remains stable throughout intercourse.
Dapoxetine acts differently. It was also created for other purposes and should be an
antidepressant, but at the moment it is used for its side effect. Dapoxetine is a serotonin
reuptake inhibitor. What does it mean? During arousal, the body begins to produce
large amounts of serotonin, which causes euphoria and leads to orgasm. Studies have
shown that this substance can prolong sex several times.
Dapoxetine is well-combined with Sildenafil and is well-tolerated in general.
If you have used both these components and they suit you – order 100 tablets at once.
Super P Force is very comfortable and profitable.

How to take this medicine safely?

Tablets can take at any time of the day an hour before the planned sex. The time of food
intake makes no difference. The exception is only very fatty food – it slows down the
absorption, so the effect comes later, but the effectiveness will not decrease. You can
use no more than one pill per day; the daily intake contraindicated.

The man takes Super P Force

To make this medication not harmful to health, as well as effective as possible, it should
be used correctly and only in the absence of contraindications. The main
contraindications include:
 Depression
 Hypotension
 Arrhythmia
 Anemia
 Mood surges
 Severe renal, hepatic and heart failure
 Recent stroke or heart attack.

Side effects of super p force

Super P Force tablets are quite a powerful drug, so that they can cause side effects.
Fortunately, they are rare. Usually, users report such unpleasant effects:
 Hot flashes
 Nasal congestion
 Decreased arterial pressure
 Suicidal thoughts
 Inability to orgasm
 Urticaria
 Headache, dizziness
 Diarrhea
 Myalgia
Generally, side effects occur when you take a pill for the first time, so during this period,
try to stay at home, avoid driving a car, or working with any equipment. If adverse
events occur, then stop using the drug.

All interactions
Interactions with drugs and alcohol since Super P Force pills consists of two
components, the list of drugs prohibited for the combination is a little longer than usual.
These include:
 Antidepressants;
 MAO inhibitors;
 Alpha- and beta-adrenoceptor blocking agents;
 All medicines containing nitrates;
 Some antibiotics and antifungal agents;
 Other PDE5 inhibitors;
Some sedatives.
If you are continually taking any medication, then inform a doctor about your plans
concerning buying of our drug.

Super P Force is impossible to combine the drug with alcohol.

The drug is extremely undesirable to use simultaneously with grapefruit, as this fruit
weakens the effect of the drug and leads to side effects.

Reviews of our users

Super P Force pills have a lot of positive reviews, and almost every analysis suggests that
this drug excellently copes with two huge problems at once. It is convenient in use and
cares not only about health but also about the financial condition of its purchaser.
This generic is an excellent alternative to the simultaneous use of two brand-name
drugs at once – it is not only beneficial but also very convenient. Check out the dozens
of reviews about this medicine if you have any doubts. Almost all users tell that the drug
met all their expectations, have helped get rid of ED and PE, and also returned self-
confidence. It will undoubtedly help you, too, if you have similar problems in your sexual

How to order super p-force 160 mg 100 pills online?

Online who have both ED and PE are forced to take various drugs, but Super P-Force
can save from both of them. At HimsEDpill, you can buy this medicine at an affordable
price and in a short time. Simple ordering, convenient and fast delivery, anonymous
packages – all this will make your purchase not only profitable but also comfortable. If
you have already appreciated the positive aspects of this generic, then it makes sense to
order 100 tabs of Super P Force at once.
Other drugs are also worth ordering. At HimsEDPills, drugstore presented drugs for sale
used to treat ED –Tadarise 20, Tadarise, Super P Force Oral Jelly and many others. All of
them are available without the prescription.

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