Guava Leaves Extract

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Chapter 1


Now a days people having using different medicine for skin problem that are expensive and less

effective and less cheaper ointment medicine for skin infection, like guava leaves.Its contains antioxidant

pigments,Carotene and Polyphenols giving then high dietary antioxidant value among plant. In the

Philippines, Filipinos are using different herbal medicine to cure one’s illness. They commonly used fresh

leaves for illness, such as toothaches, diarrhea, skin problems and even cleaning the wounds. The process

called as decoction or infusion of fresh leaves to facilitate healing and to clean the wounds to prevent

infection. For some people warm decoction of leaves used for aromatic bath. People are using different

medicine for skin problem and other illness that are expensive and less effective. Why would spend more

in an expensive medicine but less effective?

The Process of extraction. Extraction as the term is used pharmaceutically, involves the separation of

medicinally active portion of plant or animal tissues from the inactive or inert components by using

selective solvents in standard extraction procedures. The products so obtained from plants are relatively

impure liquid, semi solids or powders intended only for oral or external use. These included classes of

preparation known as Infusion- fresh infusion are prepared by macerating the crude drug for a short

period of time with cold or boiling water. Digestion- is a form of maceration in which gentle heat is using

during the process of extraction. Its using during the process of extraction. Its used when moderately

elevated temperature is objectable. Decoction- the crude drug is boiled in a specified volume of water for

a defined time. It is then cooled and strained or filterethis procedure is suitable for extracting water-

soluble, heat – stable constitutents. Percolation- to extract active ingredients in the preparation of

tinctures and fluid extracts. Using a percolator ( a narrow, cone-shaped vessel open at both ends).
This research aim to develop a more effective but cheaper medicine ointment for skin problems using

guava leaves

Background Of the Study

Guava is common name in English, Bayabas in Tagalog, Psidium Guajava Linn is the Scientific

name. Guava is a somewhat hairy plants reaching a height of 8 meters. Young branches are 4 angled.

Leaves are opposite, oblong to elliptic, 5 to 1 centimeteres long, the apex being pointed and the base

usually rounded. Its widely destructed thoughtout the Philippines in all island and provinces, common

found in the backyards. Each leaf products have isolated more than 20 compounds including alkaloids,

carotenoids, essential oils, fatty acids, lectins, phenols, tannins, triterpenes and vitamin C. Guava leaves

contains antidiarrheal, antiseptic, antispasmodic,antioxidant, hepatoprotective, anti-allergy, antigenotoxic,

cardioactive, anticough, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory. The Process of extraction . Exraction involves

the separation of medicinally active portion of plant or animal tissues from the inactive or inert

components by using selective solvents in standard extraction procedures. The products sa obtained from

plants are relatively impure liquid, semi solids or powder intended only for oral or external use. These

included classes of preparations known as Infusion, digestion, decoction and percolati

Add the definition of herbal ointment.

Statement of the Problem

Generally,the research aims to study the effect of Guava Leaves Extract

Specifically,as herbal ointment in treating skin diseases the research aims to answer the following


1.Is guava ointment is more effective than any branded ointment medicine?

a. Healing property

b. cost efficiency

Significance of the Study

Based on this research Guava leaves is safe to anyone else, its is safe to used as a medicine

Ointment . Even pregnant or breast-feeding mothers are safe to used. Based on the study that guava juice

from leaves oil lessen friction on skin removes rashes as fast as two days, its has antiseptic properties for

healing wounds and skin complications.

This study will be beneficial to

Add the benefits to the following


Guava Ointment is more effective that any branded Ointment, it made from natural properties of

guava leaves extract. This product is more on natural properties that can cure skin infection like skin

allergies, rashes, skin itchiness and wounds; does not mix chemical that may damaged our skin.

Guava ointment is more effective than any branded ointment medicine, in tern of

a. Healing property

b. Cost efficiency
Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

Materials: Procedure:
Gather some young leaves
Young guava leaves then wash it with water, chop it
Candle wax-oil/ Paraffin wax into piece. Heat some oil in a metal
2 metal pan
pan then place the leaves and let it
A metal sift
A metal spoon boil for 5 minutes or more. Strain OINTMENT
Coconut oil the leaves residue with a metal
sift., Put aside the liquid Re-heat
the liquid you get in another metal
pan then mix in your chopped
candle wax. Let all the wax melt
stirring continuously. Then turn of
the heat and quickly transfer the
mixture cool and solidify

Scope and limitation

This research aims is to make an effective and less cheaper ointment medicine for skin diseases,

like guava leaves extract. Its contain antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterials, antiseptic, anti-cough,

anti-allergy, antidiabetic, antidiarrheal, antispasmodic and astringent properties for healing wounds and

skin complications. Study show that the following patient like my mother, while cooking our breakfast

accidently slip coffee in her hand. She may use Guava Herbal Ointment as a remedy, because it has anti-

inflammatory that helps calm the skin and reduce pain and itching associated with minor burns and its has

antiseptic to disinfect wounds that help to heal the skin. Maam Edith, has rashes in her lower knee she

may apply guava herbal ointment, it has anti-bacterial that helps extremely effective against bacteria and

anti-inflammatory that reduce redness and itchiness to the skin., and it has vitamin A,B,C and potassium

to keep skin glowing and free from wounds.

In this research Guava Herbal ointment have been thoroughly tested and clinically proven as a remedy to

skin diseases. These are some limitation in using this medicine. Some of them this ointment is for

application to intact skin only, for external use on the skin only, avoid contact with eyes, mouth and other
mucous membrane. If the ointment come contact with the eyes, rinse out promptly and thoroughly with

water. Do not apply to broken or irritated skin or over large areas of the body, Do not use large amount or

for longer than 7 days. Do not use tight bandages after using this medicine, keep container tightly closed,

keep the product out of sight and reach of children, store at room temperature and Do not freeze

Chapter 2:

Review of Related Literature

In accordance to mission of the DOH, the department endorsed a “ Traditional Health Program” in

which herbs have been thoughly tested and have been clinically proven to have medicinal values.Bayabas

(Psidium Guajava)- guava in English. Its is primarily used as an antiseptic, to disinfect wounds. Also, if

can be used as a mouth wash to treat tooth decay and gun infection. It also helps in reducing fever and in

alleviation of rheumatism. In folk medicine, guava leave are used as a remedy for diarrhea, wounds for

their supposed antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory properties that helps to heal skin problem easily.

Coconut oil – (virgin coconut oil) act as moisturizer on all type of skin, no side effect, preventing

dryness, flaking of skin, wrinkles, sagging of skin because of aging. Paraffin Wax, colour or white,

somewhat translucent hard wax consisting of mixture of solid. It is used in candies, wax paper, polishes,

cosmetics, and electrical insulators. Its assists in extracting perfume from flowers, forms a base for

medical ointment. Guava it has vitamin A,B,C and Potassium to keep skin glowing and free scent of

choice oil alcohol is a disinfectant makes you smell good BENZOCAINE Boric and ointment. Worried

about the wrinkles, acne,blemishes,allergies or dark spots on your face. You don’t need to get any

chemical treatment to get rid of them. An easy and natural remedy for this is guava leaves. 4 ways that

can help beat these skin problems. Helps beat wrinkles Guava has very potent antioxidant properties and

study found that the leaf has much more potent free radical scavenging properties than the fruit itself,

making it to keep wrinkles at bay , its help tone the skin and help reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Help

get rid of acne. Guava leaves have anti-bacterial properties that are extremely effective against bacteria
that cause acne, its also have anti-inflammatory that help calm the skin and reduce the appearance of

pimples. Helps treat atopic dermatitis. Guava leaves have anti allergies properties help prevent the

production of histamines ( a compound that is produced by the body to fight off foreign material, cause

inflammation and formation of allergies symptoms) by the body and its great to treat patients suffering

from atopic dermatitis. Helps lighten spots (black and red) Guava helps rid of blemishes. Red and black

spots from your face. Anti-hyperglycermic and anti-hyperlipedemic effects of guava leaf extract. The

common guava tree is a member of Myrtaceae family. Which is native to tropical and sub-tropical

countries. Its fruit is commonly used a food and processed as juice and jam. The other common used of

guava is a folk medicine, as from the users. Bark and roots these activities in vitro and or in animal

models. Interestingly. Guava leaves have also attracted attention as a folk remedy for diabetes not only in

Japan and East Asia. But also in Africa, little is expect for traditional users and the effect of a single

ingestion of guava juice in healthty volunteers and a few diabetic subjects. Guava leaf tea which contains

the aqueous guava leaves extract. Has been approved asFOSHU (food for specified health uses) and

recommended for subjects woth pre-diabeters, and diabetic patients with T2DM (Type2-diabeters

mellitus) This review describes the active component of the aqueous guava leaf extract and its inhibition

of alpha-dlucosidase enzymes in vitro,safety of the extract and guava leaf reduction of postprandial blood

glucose elevation and improvement of hyperglucemia,hyperinsulinemia and hypoadiponeetinemia.

Philippines medicinal Plants.

Paraffin wax chemical compound.


Anti-Hyprtglycemicandanti-hyperlipidemic effect of>NCBI>literaturePubmedcentral
Extraction techniques of medicinal plant. techniques-medicinal


Chapter 3



Young guava leaves

Candle wax-oil/Paraffin wax

2 metal pan

a metal sift

a metal spoon

Coconut oil

II. Procedure:

Gather some young guava leaves then wash it with water.. Chop it into piece., Heat some oil in a

metal pan then place the leaves and let it boil for 5 minutes or more. Strain the leaves residue with a metal

sift., Put aside the liquid. Re-heat the liquid you got in another metal pan., then mix in your chopped

wax., Let all the wax melt while stirring continuously., Then turn off the heat and quikly transfer the

mixture in a container you prefer. Let the mixture cool and solidify.

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