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2010 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government

Review on methods of new technology valuation

Lou Yan,Zhang Hong,Huang Lucheng

School of economic and management
Beijing University of Technology
Beijing, China

Abstract—Technology assessment is an important area in flexibility, and proposed that option-based approach could deal
technology management that has received great attention among with the uncertainties and risks in technology valuation [5][6].
researchers over the past decades. New technology valuation as a Boer F.Peter, Razgaitis, David Probert, Rob Phaal made great
part of technology assessment is to evaluate the economic value contribution to real option approach applied in new technology
of new technology with the consideration of uncertainties and valuation [7,8,9].LI Xuefeng and TONG Yunhuan firstly
risks. In this paper, methods of valuation of new technology are proposed the framework of new technology valuation, and
summarized, and finally the limitations in the current research suggested the limitation of using real option approach used in
and some avenues of further research are suggested. China [10].
Keywords-new technology valuation; real options; technology In this paper, based on the analysis of articles published in
assessment journals in the field of technology valuation, methods of
valuation of new technology are summarized, and finally the
I. INTRODUCTION limitations in the current research and some avenues of further
research are suggested.
The valuation of new technology is a major managerial
challenge, and it has attracted considerable interest of
researchers and practitioners for decades. II. TRADITIONAL METHODS FOR NEW TECHNOLOGY
Under the influence of ever increasing competitive
pressures and shorter product life cycles, many companies are Many different methods for technology valuation have
concerning to both diversify their technology portfolios and been used including cost approach, market approach and
accelerate the introduction of new technologies to the market. discounted cash flow (DCF). Particularly, DCF is the most
These pressures have lead to an increase of technology often applicable method.
development and trading between companies, with the Cost approach estimates the cost of recreating the future
associated need to value technology [1]. utility of the technology being valuated, and assumes this
According to the definition of technology valuation, value to be the future returns from the technology. However,
different researchers have different views. Yan-Ru Li (2006) market approach requires finding a similar or comparable
argued that technology valuation was existed under conditions technology to the one being evaluated. The inherent weakness
of risks and uncertainties, appraised by buyers or sellers for its of the two approaches is the difficulty of obtaining data for a
true worth. Uncertainty refers to the variability of decisions, truly novel technology.
and risk refers to the variability of outcomes [2]. On the other Discounted cash flow (DCF) is a method of evaluating an
hand, Ranaulo Angelo (2008) found that technology valuation investment by estimating future cash flows and taking into
was the method of valuing technology acquisitions which, in consideration the time value of money. It has the disadvantage
addition to the purchase price and startup costs, also included of being unable to accurately reflect the value of technology
current market value adjustments and the risk premium of the that does not create a direct profit but, nevertheless, bring
acquisition [3].Xing Xiaoqiang (2006) thought that technology value to the company, or technologies where future profits are
was useless until and unless it was used and assessed by its hard to estimate.
user. Only if it was commercialized, the value of technology
could be realized. Therefore, it is suggested that new In a word, we can see that traditional methods can not
technology valuation is to evaluate the economic value of new properly capture the economic value of managerial flexibility
technology with the consideration of uncertainties and risks in to continue or abandon a project at different stages of
this paper [4]. development. Therefore, option-based approaches have
emerged to deal with such issues.
There are many valuation techniques and methods applied
in new technology valuation. At the early stage, traditional
approach had been adopted widely, such as cost approach,
market approach and income approach. However, some The real options approach frames the valuation process
researchers argued that the traditional approach could not differently from the traditional methods. It views a project as a
assess the future value of technology and deal with managerial process that managers can continually reshape in light of

The paper was supported by Key projects of national natural science

foundation (70639002); Beijing innovative talents projects, Beijing science
and technology planning projects (Z07001000560709).

978-0-7695-3997-3/10 $26.00 © 2010 IEEE 1932

DOI 10.1109/ICEE.2010.488
technological or market changes. This perspective contrasts B. Practical Real Options Valuation of New Technology
with the traditional view of a project as set of decisions made Many researchers assess the value of new technology,
once at the beginning and unchanged during the life of the mostly in the form of new technology projects and patented
project [11]. technology.
In general, real options models can be classified into As valuing of new technology projects, most of the articles
discrete time model and continuous time model. Discrete time discussed were from the categories of biotechnology,
model includes binomial tree model and ternary tree model. information and communication technology. Robert
However, continuous time model contains Black-Scholes J.Kauffman (2005) believed that an important source of value
model, stochastic differential equation and Monte Carlo in information technologies from which had the potential to be
simulation. In this sense, different models may suit different leveraged in the development of future applications. They
cases. presented an analytical model based on real options that
showed the process by which this potential was converted into
A. Real Options Methods for New Technology Valuation business value and discussed middleware as an example
In resent years, new methodologies have been sought and technology [18]. Dai Chun Jing (2008) was on the analysis of
real option-based approaches have emerged. high-tech features of the project life cycle, combination of
different life-cycle stage to analyze the specific risk
Trigeorgis (1996) claimed that traditional capital budgeting characteristics of various periods, establishing a
methods or discounted cash flow approaches could not cope comprehensive evaluation method about high-tech project
with the operation flexibility options and other strategic [19].
aspects of various projects but that the application of option
techniques resulted in the correct solution [12]. Also, Dixit and New technology is always protected by patent, thus patent
Pindyck (1995) stated that the net present value rule was easy, valuation also receives great attention in the field of
but it made the false assumption that the investment was either technology management. Nicolas P.B.Bollen (1999), Schwartz
reversible or that it could not be delayed. In fact, even if a (2002), Ma Zhongming (2004), Wang Xuedong (2007) applied
project has a positive net present value, this does not real options methods to assess the value of patent, making
necessarily mean that the project should be taken on some improvement on the basis of the former models
immediately [5]. [20,21,22,23]. Recently, Iwan von and Thorsten Teichert
(2008) extended current valuation considerations of patented
More recently, researchers have emphasized that technology from a static perspective to include a dynamic view
compound options and hybrid real options should be used for using nanotechnology as an example. Furthermore, in addition
the valuation of new technology. to single value chain stages as a level of analysis (level A) they
Compound options are options whose value depends on also took into account the complex technology landscapes in
other options. Geske obtained a close form solution to a entire value chains (level B) as well as patented technologies’
compound option problem by replacing the standard normal potential value in different current or future value chains (level
distribution in a simple option model with a bivariate normal C). Finally, they derived conclusions with respect to valuation
distribution [13]. Geske's compound option is a simultaneous approaches for the discussed levels of analysis from a static
option because the options are alive at the same time. and dynamic perspective [24].
Copeland and Antikarov solved this simultaneous compound
option problem using a binomial lattice approach to evaluate a
multi-phased construction project. Particularly, R&D projects
could be viewed as multi-stage investment or sequential IV. COMBINATIONS REAL OPTIONS VALUATION WITH
compound options [14]. OTHER METHODS
In recent year, many researchers suggest real options
Hybrid real options proposed by James E. Neely and
valuation approach have so many assumptions which are not
Richard de Neufville(2001), and other researches used it for
close to reality, or it is too complex for users. Therefore,
new technology valuation and R&D project valuation. Hybrid
combination real options valuation with other methods
real options combined the best features of decision and options
received great attention.
analysis. They argued that decision analysis could deal with
project risks, and options methods could deal with the market
risks. Thus, it could be used for valuation of different types of A. Combination Real Options Valuation with Fuzzy Set
risks [11,15,16]. Theory
Fuzzy set theory is applied to model uncertain and flexible
Further, volatility and variable estimation is also important project information. Since traditional project valuation
for implementing real options models. Longstaff and Schwartz methods often underestimate or overestimate the risk of a
(2001) made great contribution for improving the traditional project, a fuzzy compound options model is used to evaluate
simulation methods by using least squares. They made this the value of each R&D project. F.T.S. Chan (2000) described
approach applicable in path-dependent and multifactor an application of the theory of fuzzy sets to hierarchical
situations where traditional finite difference techniques cannot structural analysis and economic evaluations. To deal
be used [17]. quantitatively with imprecision or uncertainty, cash flows are
modeled as triangular fuzzy numbers, then the ambiguities

involved in the assessment data can be effectively represented competitive or strategic decisions under uncertainty [32]. Dai
and processed to assure a more convincing and effective Jun (2008) researched duopoly model of the technology
decision-making [25]. Cheng-Few Lee (2005) believed that project valuation taking into account technological progress
when an investor faced an option-pricing problem, the [33].
outcomes of the primary variables depended on the investor’s
estimation. The traditional probabilistic B-S model does not V. THE LIMITATIONS OF EXISTING METHODS AND
consider fuzziness to deal with aforementioned problems,and CONSIDERATION FOR FUTURE RESEARCH
then proposed a fuzzy B-S option pricing model [26].
A. Limitations
B. Combination Real Options Valuation with Scenario
The valuation methods that have been presented above tend
Planning to still have some limitations.
Another group of technology valuation research combined
scenario planning. Scenario planning and real option analysis To our knowledge, prior research has neglected to apply
have complementary strengths and weaknesses as tools for the real options model and Monte Carlo simulations to
managers making strategic investment decisions under estimate the overall value of new technology projects or R&D
uncertainty. Miller and Waller (2003) combined these two projects rather than the value of a technology itself. However,
approaches in an integrated risk management process which the value of an R&D project is in most cases not equal to the
involved scenario development, exposure identification, value of a technology. When the entrepreneurial capacity is
formulating risk management responses, and implementation limited to purchase the key technology, the model can not
steps. In contrast with the predominant emphasis on meet the actual application.
quantitative analysis in the real option literature, this study On the other hand, real options pricing models are either
illustrated qualitative assessment of real options [27]. Chen Jun overly simplistic by making unrealistic assumptions or too
(2007) analyzed the characteristics of the process of new complex to be applied in many managerial settings, and the
technology project investment under complicated variables have to be estimated beyond personal bias which
circumstance, then proposed a simplified framework based on may be not accurately.
scenario planning and real options [28].
In addition, from the perspective of a corporate strategy, it
C. Combination Real Options Valuation with Analytic is important to take into account the dynamic interaction
Hierarchy Process between the current strategy for managing new technology and
future business strategy. Thus, technologies’ values vary
Analytic hierarchy process methods were also applied in regardless of how valuable they are in the current value chain.
this research. Yu-Jing Chiu, Yuh-Wen Chen (2007) Even if a new technology is not essential in a current value
established a patent valuation system from the perspective of a chain, it may be proved valued to its holder in the future.
licensor using AHP in order to determine the importance of
patent valuation indicators. The criteria of AHP methods Also from this review we can see that researchers are
included qualitative and quantitative factors. For the quantitive equipped with a diverse pool of theory-based tools and
factors, it is used real option approach as their valuation methods that are still growing in number and form. However,
methods [29]. Georgios Angelou, Anastasios Economides there are no universal tools or methods that can be applied in
(2009) combined the real option models and analytic hierarchy all technology valuation studies. And it is lack of empirical
process (AHP) into a common decision analysis framework study to ensure the effective adoption of new technology.
providing an integrated multicriteria model, called ROAHP,
for prioritizing ICT business alternatives. It was argued that B. Consideration for Future Research
real option models were strictly quantitative and very often As much remains to be explored, there is still major scope
ICT investments might also contain qualitative factors, which for research in this area.
could not be quantified in monetary terms [30].
In light of increasing theoretical, managerial, financial, and
D. Combination Real Options Valuation with Game Theory political interest in the valuation of new technologies or
patents, further research is required to simplify the model used
The literature that focuses on the intersection of real in assessment and offer a better understanding for managers
options with game theory shows that competitive forces may making decisions. It is required that how to choose suitable
provide an incentive to invest early[5,31]. The timing and models on different cases.
value of many investments depend critically on competitive
interaction. Kulatilaka and Perotti (1998) showed that in a Furthermore, existing methods mostly focusing on
cournot duopoly setting the first firm to invest could gain a quantitative method, but it is not always precisely. Future work
strategic advantage since market share and the value of early can be directed to develop and test qualitative techniques such
investment increased more with higher demand uncertainty as the above mentioned approaches AHP and Game Theory,
than did the value of waiting [31]. Smit and Trigeorgis (2007) which integrated with the quantitative method to retain
used a combination of real options and games to develop flexibility.
corporate investment strategies, and illustrated the use of real
Other approaches which are rarely used can also applied in
options valuation and game theory principles to analyze
our research. Technometric is used to evaluate the intensity of
prototypical investment opportunities involving important
technological change which is measured by an indicator,

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