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The cervix is the lower portion of the uterus, an

organ of the female reproductive tract. It connects

the vagina with the main body of the uterus,
acting as a gateway between them.
Anatomically and histologically, the cervix
is distinct from the uterus, and hence we
consider it as a separate anatomical structure.
In this article, we shall look at the structure of the
cervix, its vasculature, innervation, functions, and
any clinical relevance.
Anatomical Structure Clinical Relevance: Disorders of the Cervix
The cervix is composed of two regions;
the ectocervix and the endocervical canal. Cervicitis
The ectocervix is the portion of the cervix
that projects into the vagina. It is lined by Cervicitis is chronic inflammation and infection
stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium. of the cervix, most commonly caused
The opening in the ectocervix, the external os, by Chlamydia
marks the transition from the ectocervix to the trachomatis or Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
endocervical canal.
The endocervical canal (or endocervix) is the
It is usually asymptomatic although pelvic pain,
more proximal, and ‘inner’ part of the cervix. It is vaginal discharge, postcoital bleeding and
lined by a mucus-secreting simple columnar
dyspareunia may be present. Complications of
epithelium. The endocervical canal ends, and the cervicitis include PID, whilst the potential
uterine cavity begins, at a narrowing called blockage of mucus ducts and cyst formation
the internal os. increases the risk of infertility by increasing the
Functions hostility of the environment for sperm.
The cervix performs two main functions:
 It facilitates the passage of sperm into the
uterine cavity. This is achieved via dilation of the Cervical Cancer
external and internal os.
 Maintains sterility of the upper female Cancer of the cervix is the most common cancer
reproductive tract. The cervix, and all structures affecting the female reproductive tract. There are
superior to it, are sterile. This ultimately protects two main classifications of cervical cancer:
the uterine cavity and the upper genital tract by
preventing bacterial invasion. This environment is  Squamous cell carcinoma – cancer of the
maintained by the frequent shedding of the epithelial lining of the ectocervix.
endometrium, thick cervical mucus and a narrow  Adenocarcinoma – cancer of the glands found
external os. within the lining of the cervix.
Vascular Supply and Lymphatics
The blood supply to the uterus is via the uterine Infection of the female genitalia with human
artery. Venous drainage is via a plexus in the papilloma virus (HPV), is widely known as the
broad ligament that drains into the uterine cause of the majority of cervical cancers. Latest
veins. vaccinations against cervical cancer are, in
Lymphatic drainage of the uterus is via the iliac, essence, a vaccination against HPV.
sacral, aortic and inguinal lymph nodes.
of your menstrual cycle. At the point of greatest
fertility, the cervix produces a good deal of clear
mucus which helps to promote pregnancy.
During pregnancy, the mucus produced by the
cervix thickens to create a cervical "plug." This
shields the growing embryo from infection. The
cervical plug thins and is expelled when birth is
The cervix is the lower third portion of the uterus.
It forms the neck of the uterus and opens into During menstruation, the cervix opens a small
the vagina (which is also called the endocervical amount to permit passage of menstrual flow.
canal). It is a little over an inch long, and just During pregnancy, the cervical os closes to help
about an inch wide. Made up largely of muscle keep the fetus in the uterus until birth. Another
tissue, it plays a minor role except during important function of the cervix occurs during
pregnancy or if a medical problem emerges. labor when the cervix dilates (widens), to allow
the passage of the fetus from the uterus to the
Because of its location between the uterus and vagina.2
the vagina, the cervix is rarely seen. To see
one's own cervix requires a mirror and bright Conditions and Problems
light. It is possible to feel the cervix with your
finger; if you do so you'll notice that it changes There are a number of issues that can affect the
texture over the course of your cycle. cervix. These include injury and infection
(especially during pregnancy and birth), cancer,
Anatomy genital warts, and various types of venereal
disease. The cervix can cause issues during
The narrow opening of the cervix is called pregnancy and birth, as well. For example,
the os. The cervical os allows menstrual blood to cervical insufficiency occurs when the cervix is
flow out from the vagina during menstruation. too weak to maintain a pregnancy.3

The cervix is covered by the epithelium which is Having regular Pap smears is imperative to
made of a thin layer of cells. Epithelial cells are detect early changes to the cervical cells which
either squamous or columnar (also called may lead to cervical cancer. You should know,
glandular cells). Squamous cells are flat and however, that the majority of abnormal Pap
scaly, while columnar cells appear, as indicated smears are due to inflammation or infection.
by their name, column-like.
--- (Web MD
There are three parts of the cervix:1
1. The lowest part, which can only be seen The cervix is a cylinder-shaped neck of tissue
from inside the vagina, is called the that connects the vagina and uterus. Located at
ectocervix. The center of the ectocervix the lowermost portion of the uterus, the cervix is
can open, creating a passage between composed primarily of fibromuscular tissue.
the uterus and vagina. There are two main portions of the cervix:
2. The endocervix, also called the
endocervical canal, is the passage
between ectocervix and the uterus.  The part of the cervix that can be seen
3. The point at which the endocervix and from inside the vagina during a
ectocervix meet is called the gynecologic examination is known as
transformation zone. the ectocervix. An opening in the center
of the ectocervix, known as the external
os, opens to allow passage between the
uterus and vagina.

The cervix produces cervical mucus. Cervical

mucus changes in consistency over the course
 The endocervix, or endocervical canal, the internal os. The endocervical canal
is a tunnel through the cervix, from the transports sperm into the uterine cavity, allows
external os into the uterus. the escape of blood from the uterus
during menstruation, and supplies mucus (a
The overlapping border between the endocervix thick lubricating protein) to the female
and ectocervix is called the transformation zone. reproductive tract. During childbirth the canal is
greatly stretched
The cervix produces cervical mucus that
changes in consistency during the menstrual The endocervical canal is lined with a
cycle to prevent or promote pregnancy. moist mucous membrane. Cells within this tissue
layer secrete fluids and project minute hairlike
During childbirth, the cervix dilates widely to
structures called cilia that help to move sperm
allow the baby to pass through. During
through the canal. The fluids given off consist
menstruation, the cervix opens a small amount
mainly of water, sugars, starches, and proteins.
to permit passage of menstrual flow.
During ovulation (when the ovaries release an
egg) the mucous secretions are plentiful and
watery; before and after ovulation the secretions
(health line) are thick and relatively scant. The mucus is
arranged in a meshlike pattern of filaments and
The cervix of the uterus, also known as the spaces. During ovulation the openings in the
cervix or uterine cervix, attaches the vagina to meshwork of filaments become larger so that
the uterus. sperm may freely pass through. Lysozyme, also
It is approximately four centimeters long, present in cervical mucus, is an enzyme that
approximately half of which extends into the helps to destroy certain types of bacteria and
vaginal canal; however, the length of the cervix acts as a defense against infections.
can be affected by age and childbirth, along with Covering the mucous membrane is a thick layer
individual (genetic) variations. of collagen and elastic fibres. There is also some
The uterine cervix produces a mucus that aids in muscle tissue, but the quantity is considerably
carrying sperm from the vagina to the uterus, less than in the rest of the uterus. The cervix is
where it can fertilize an egg if the woman is densely fibrous and, consequently, more rigid
ovulating. When the woman isn't ovulating, the than the other uterine tissue.
cervical mucus thickens and serves as a barrier During pregnancy the cervix is the only part of
to keep sperm out of the uterus. the uterus that does not expand to house the
During childbirth, the cervix thins out and developing child; the mucus inside the
eventually dilates (expands) to 10 centimeters to endocervical canal becomes very thick at this
allow the baby to pass through the birth canal. time and acts as a plug that helps to seal off the
Once the baby is born and the placenta is rest of the uterus from infection. Shortly before
expelled, the cervix begins to thicken and close. childbirth, the mucus thins, and the cervical walls
Cancer sometimes develops in the cervix of relax to permit delivery.
uterus. Dysplasia is a fully treatable pre-cancer
condition of the cervix diagnosed via a pap
smear. If dysplasia isn't diagnosed and treated,
cervical cancer, which is usually caused by the
human papilloma virus, begins to spread.
Cervix, lowest region of the uterus; it attaches
the uterus to the vagina and provides a passage
between the vaginal cavity and the uterine
cavity. The cervix, only about 4 centimetres (1.6
inches) long, projects about 2 centimetres into
the upper vaginal cavity. The cervical opening
into the vagina is called the external os; the
cavity running the length of the cervix is
the endocervical canal; the opening of the
endocervical canal into the uterine cavity,

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